Magic Dance Song

Chapter 6 Difficult little Lori!

In the following days, Meng conducted special training with the assistance of Lyce. She became more and more proficient in tactics, which even surprised Leis. Of course, Leis didn't know that there was a Frey who had been pointing her in the dark.

And among the nobles, there began to be a depressing atmosphere. There are rumors that the dark prince Parn's illegal formation of troops on Pingxia Island is near the end, and it is possible to attack several counties along the coast at any time. Of course, Longenburg is located in the Kingdom of Fair, and it is close to the royal city, and the pressure is not great. But the church can't suppress the news that the dark prince has a shadow blood dragon, a monster that can easily fly anywhere in the Fair Kingdom, and a flying dragon that can't fight against no matter how excellent the purple star knight is. Although not many people have really seen it, its existence has become every nobleman in the kingdom. The nightmare.

In the past few days, Meng often took time to visit some famous squires nearby, and even Alina didn't know what she was doing. One afternoon, after practicing for a while accompanied by Lyce, she asked him to talk to herself for a while.

At first, Leis didn't know what she wanted to say to herself, but after listening to her request and receiving a document she handed to him, he finally couldn't hide his surprise and then fell silent.

As if thinking about how to speak, he hesitated for a long time before looking at the lemon and slowly said, "This is unnecessary. We are all protecting you. You will be safe."

"No one will be safe," Meng looked up at him. "My father died, and I almost died, and next time, I may not have the luck to survive. I'm not afraid of death, but if I die, Longenburg will be taken back by the royal family. At that time, what will Alice do? Where can she go?

"But according to the law, your document is invalid..."

"I know," Meng whispered, "I asked some old people who are proficient in the law of the kingdom. I don't have the right to list anyone other than Mickey's family as my heirs, unless..."

"Unless, with the permission of a member of the royal family." Lyce smiled bitterly, "I'm not from the royal family. Do you think I can help you?"

"I can't find anyone else."

"Well, put this document with me first," Leis stared at her. "But you have to promise me not to do anything dangerous and don't let Alina worry about you."

"I know." The shade lemon showed a smile.

Her smile gave Leice a strange feeling in his heart and forced him to turn his head.


That night, everything was quiet.

Yin Meng sat up quietly from **. She looked at Anna Su beside her and couldn't help kissing her face.

She dressed by candlelight, jumped out of bed, went to the door and carefully opened her head. There was nothing outside. When she was about to go out like this, she heard a slight sound behind her. She turned around and saw Anna sit up and get out of bed while dressing.

"Where are you going?" She looked at Anna with wide eyes.

"I, I'll go with you."

"Do you know where I'm going?"

"I, I don't know," Anna Sue said, "but, but I'm not sure."

Inmon calmed down and couldn't help asking, "Have you been pretending to sleep just now?"

Anna blushed: "Obviously, it's lemon, you've been pretending to sleep."

"How do you know I'm pretending to sleep?" The shade lemon wrinkled its nose.

"Because, after you fall asleep, you always have to put your hand into my pajamas and put the scaffold on me." Anna's little face turned redder. "You haven't done this tonight. I can't sleep."

"..." The lemon was speechless. Do you still want to eat tofu when you fall asleep?

She closed the door again and walked to the head of the bed and looked at Anna seriously: "I'm going out for a while. Wait for me here."

"I'll go with you," Anna said worriedly. "Alina said that someone wanted to hurt you, and I can't let you go out alone."

"Okay, okay!" Meng directly pushed Anna down and began to take off her clothes. "Let's play the game before we go out."

"Wait, wait."

I ignored the little girl's struggle, took off her clothes, didn't even leave her underwear, and then left with these clothes in her arms.

"Lemon..." Anna Sue wanted to catch her, but she didn't.

"I have to go. If you want to follow me, then follow me like this." Yin Meng smiled secretly. She opened the door with her clothes in her arms and walked out, tiptoe and began to sneak to the first floor. Find a place to hide Anna's clothes for the time being and send them to her when she comes back. Even if she is delayed, anyway, a maid will go to that room early tomorrow morning to clean up.

She walked to the stairs on the first floor and began to think about ways to avoid the night watch soldiers. However, there seemed to be something behind her. She suddenly turned around and saw Anna Sue again. Anna was holding the wall, and her body, which was wearing nothing, trembled with tension. Seeing that the lemon looked at herself, she stood there shyly, covering her chest with one hand and covering the shy place with the other hand.

"Go back quickly." Meng frowned. She didn't expect that Anna would really dare to run out bare in order to follow her.

"You, you go back too." Anna said timidly.

"If you don't go back to your room, I'll call someone and let everyone run to see your bare buttocks." The lemon scared her.

But this time Anna was not scared, but she took a deep breath nervously and opened her mouth...

"Wait a minute, what are you going to do?" The lemon was shocked.

"Call people." Anna replied, "So you can't leave. Alina will lock you up."

The lemon is speechless. When did this silly girl become so pestering?

"Okay, okay," she sighed, "then you can go with me."

"Then my clothes..."

"I'm going to throw away your clothes now. You have to follow me barefoot."

"Lemon..." Anna stamped her feet.

"All right, I'm afraid of you." Meng returned the girl's clothes to her.

It shouldn't matter if you take Anna, right? After all, I just went to the mine to scout. The little fairy and Qi Ya have been wandering there for so many days and haven't made anything. I can't be so good... Or is it so bad?

After Anna got dressed, Meng began to take her out. In fact, there was not much trouble. Those soldiers were mainly on the guard against someone slipping in. How could they think of her slipping out? Moreover, in recent days, she has a certain understanding of the habits and abilities of these soldiers.

After putting an invisibility operation for herself and Anna, she used an illusion to make some light and shadow in the distance, distracted the attention of the soldiers, and then sneaked out. Out of the fort, there are some knights patrolling back and forth around the outer wall. Fortunately, Meng has already figured out the rules of their shift change and the scope of their respective patrols these days. As long as they follow a certain route, they can choose to pass by those knights who are at a lower level and do not have the ability to see through the invisible.

She took Anna to a small town outside the castle, where there was already a carriage waiting for her.

"Miss Meng?" An old man asked them by the carriage. This old man was secretly hired by Meng from nearby during the day. After all, the place to go is a little far away. If you walk with your feet, you will definitely have time to come back at dawn.

They got into the carriage, and the old man sat in the driver's seat, raised his whip, and drove them out of the forest at night...


Even with the carriage, it still took them nearly a long time to reach the foot of the mine. Meng got out of the carriage and looked at the sky. Although the moon is not round, it is still bright and has not moved through the sky. The breeze blows, but it doesn't bring much coldness. Such a night is indeed a good time for blind lovers to meet secretly.

When you eat Anna Su in the future, you must choose such a night. Be gentle and romantic, but you can't wrong little Anna. The shaded lemon thought.

Yin Lemon asked the old man to wait at the foot of the mountain and led Anna to the mountain. The mountain is not high, and the mountain road is still gentle. In order to make it easier to walk, the lemon also used a little magic, such as flattening the boulder in front of her, or making a vine and rolling herself and Anna up.

"I've arrived. Where are you?" She notified the little fairy with consciousness.

"I saw you." The little fairy replied.

Yinemon looked around, but did not find the little fairy and Ziya. She thought they were looking at themselves in a higher place. It's just that there is no need for Anna to see them now.

"There must be something hidden on this mountain," the little fairy said to her. "Ziya and I have searched most places, but we haven't found anything yet. There is a place where you have to search. You can't count on Zia.

"Then why don't you go yourself?" The shade lemon asked.

"Don't expect me to go to that place." The little fairy snorted.

Under the secret guidance of the little fairy, Yin Meng took Anna around the mountain and finally came to the place mentioned by the little fairy. After arriving there, Meng understood why the little fairy refused to come here.

This is a cemetery.

Dozens of tombstones are arranged there and look quite gloomy in the moonlight. This seemed to be a place of a certain family, but later it was abandoned for some reason.

Fly is a little forest fairy who is extremely ** of death, just as they can't tolerate people dying on their territory, and they also hate cemeteries, which are places where the dead are buried. At that time, the old dark magician wanted to lure the little fairy to appear by slowly killing Meiji.

The little fairy refused to come to the cemetery and could only let Qi Ya come and have a look. However, Qi Ya was too lazy to scatter. She turned into a female eagle and flew around the cemetery, so she went back to tell the little fairy that she had nothing to say, which made the little fairy half-death angry. In desperation, the little fairy had to let the little fairy run here to search.

The lemon circled around the cemetery, and there didn't seem to be anything wrong. She turned her head and saw Anna trembling with fear as she followed her. Her heart softened and she turned around and hugged her.

"It's so scary here," Anna's face is pale. "Why did you come here?"

"It will be ready soon." The yin lemon comforted her. She let go of Anna, carefully led her to the center of the cemetery.

Now, she also feels that the little fairy suspects that this land is reasonable. Although these tombstones look old, they are too clean to be covered with almost no dust. The closer to the center, the softer the ground becomes, and almost no large stones can be found except soil and gravel.

She walked to the center of the cemetery, jumped, and felt that the ground was surprisingly soft. She let go of Anna's hand, squatted down and dug it into the soil with her hand. After digging out a small hole, she couldn't dig it down, and a layer of stone slab was buried in the soil.

She asked Anna to retreat with herself, and then waved her hands for a while. A wind mass flew in front of her, rolling open the soft soil on the ground, revealing the slate. After the wind dispersed, she approached and looked again. There was a square gap in the slate. Obviously, it was an upward door. She tried to open the slate door through the gap with her fingers, but the gap was too small to use force at all.

There must be some mechanism.

She looked around and touched the surrounding tombstones, but couldn't find them.

"Try this." The little fairy said in her consciousness. Then, a magic appeared in the mind of the lemon. It is a door opening technique that can directly open some doors that are not closed with magic.

Theemon began to cast spells on the slate. Soon, the slate door opened silently, and a ladder leading to the bottom appeared.

"You wait for me outside." The lemon said to Anna. She wants to go in and have a look.

Anna grabbed her tightly, shook her head desperately, and refused to stay here alone. Meng hesitated for a moment. She is not sure that there will be anything in it. Leave Anna outside, at least there are little fairies and Ziya to protect her. If they go in together, in case of encountering the enemy, it will be troublesome.

But Anna's timid look of being afraid of staying alone in the cemetery really made her a little soft.

Forget it, let's go in together, Meng thought. Therefore, she added a stealth to herself and Anna. Because stone skin and mirror surgery could not protect others, she simply didn't even add herself.

"Childish." The little fairy satirized her.

"It's none of your business!" She replied in her mind.

"Let Anna add the sage to both of you, and she will." The little fairy said.

"How did you know she would?"

"I said that she is a voter of Luna, the goddess of light," the little fairy complained. "Have you never figured out what she can do?"

I only care about her physical development! The shade lemon blushed.

"Lemon, what's wrong?" Anna asked with concern when she saw her standing there silent.

The lemon coughed and asked her, "Can you speak holy words?"

Anna nodded.

I really do. Meng said, "Use it for us."

Anna seemed to think that she could also do something. She immediately took out the fragments of the blue planet happily. After a moment of silence, a light flashed on both of them at the same time.

With the protection of the Holy Word, Meng feels much more powerful, her vision is farther away, and even her mind becomes clearer. She led Anna and began to walk into the tunnel. Although there is no light in the tunnel, the effect of the holy words still makes her see the surrounding environment clearly.

The tunnel is relatively simple, and the stone steps on the road are also high and low, which is not easy to walk. They walked for a while and then stopped. There was a corner in front, and there was a click sound from time to time. Meng looked carefully, and then saw four skeleton warriors holding bone blades there.

She thought about what magic to use to solve them silently, and was a little uncertain for a moment.

"Let me try." Anna whispered. After Yin Meng agreed, Anna held the blue planetary fragments in her hand and began to approach them. After the skeleton warriors found her, they came to her. However, Anna just closed her eyes and sang a few words, and a beam of light spread around her. After the beam of light disappeared, the four skeleton warriors had scattered into white bones and fell to the ground and could not move.

"It's awesome." The shade lemon muttered.

"Luna and Shastine are the makers of the law of life," the little fairy told her in her mind, "and any necromancer is against the law of life. Therefore, the goddess of light and the pastor of the dark god are, in a sense, the natural enemies of the dead."

"That is to say, can she help me deal with Emma Burid?" Lemon's eyes lit up.

"Don't forget," the little fairy reminded her, "Anna's combat experience is not better than you, or even worse."

said the same thing, and the lemon sighed. If I had known, I should have grabbed Anna and trained with myself during this period.

After passing through this hall, they continued to walk forward and met two strongholds guarded by skeleton warriors on the way, which were successfully solved by Anna.

The underground passage became wider and wider. When they passed a hall, their ears suddenly became very noisy. All kinds of knocks and the noise of carrying things were endless, and when I returned to the hall, these sounds suddenly disappeared. Obviously, this is a large-scale shielding boundary. In order not to let these sounds be detected by people outside, I'm afraid the whole mine is in this silence boundary.

They carefully continued to walk forward for a while, and then they were stunned.

At this time, they stood on a wooden plank road, and there was a huge space in front of them, as if the whole mountain was empty. Intertwined stairs, torches lit everywhere, furnaces that rushed out of Mars from time to time, and how many skeleton warriors. Many people are busy inside, melting the mined black crystals and pouring them on the white bones collected from nowhere. Some people put these white bones together to form human shapes, and then they don't know what they have done, and these human-shaped white bones will live.

"What the hell are they doing?" The lemon will tell the little fairy what she saw with consciousness.

"I know what they are doing," the little fairy seemed surprised. "They are forming a skeleton army."

"Skull Legion?" The shade lemon was shocked.

"This method has been used in a hundred years of darkness," the little fairy replied. "Even the best necromancer is not immune to the limitations of magic and cannot independently create a large number of skeleton warriors. But if you use black crystals with dark attributes, it will be different. First, you can collect white bones, whether they are new or buried for hundreds of years, then pour them with the moltenth of black crystals, and then use the magic array created by the necromancer, you can make a large number of skeleton soldiers. The advantage of this is that the death will not be wasted. The spiritual mage has too much magic, which can be done as long as there is a large amount of manpower and financial resources.

"Ema is making a skeleton army?" The shade lemon is still hard to believe. Even if you know that Emma must be carrying out some unscure plan, it is too exaggerated to hollow out the mine to create an army. Obviously, this plan has never been implemented in a year or two. Looking at the current frame, it has been going on for at least several years. Even several black crystal mines around are probably like this.

Now she is finally sure why the Burid family used a conspiracy to seize Longenburg. Most of them have almost mined their own black crystal, so they plan to annex the territory of Mich's family and use Longenberg's black crystal mine to make more skeleton warriors. And it is obvious that Longburg is just their stepping stone, and the Burid family must have greater ambitions.

"Yinmon, come out quickly with Anna," the little fairy's voice sounded anxious. "If they are doing such a thing, they will never let you break in so easily."

When Meng was reminded by the little fairy, she immediately realized that she and Anna were in a bad situation. Some shadows are coming towards them, occasionally flashing a few cold lights.

She grabbed Anna's hand and turned around and ran away.