Magic Dance Song

Chapter 7 Little Lori was arrested!

What caught up with was a group of dogs with only skeletons. Their movements were fierce and agile, chasing the two girls closely. Yin Meng stopped and turned around, and threw a fireball with her hand. The fireball burst into the tunnel, and the heat wave rolled in, making Yin Meng feel suffocated. She didn't have time to care how much damage the fireball caused to them. She led Anna to continue to run.

But when they entered the hall, someone stopped them.

Emma Burleyd!

Emma held a bone whip in her hand and sneered on her face.

"It turned out to be the young lady of Mickey's family," Emma stared at the lemon. "I wanted to let you go, but I didn't expect you to die by yourself."

Yin Meng glanced back and saw that the bone dogs that had not been hurt by the fireball were still chasing her. She hurriedly shouted to Anna, "Let's attack her together."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ying Meng quickly cast a spell, suddenly opened a shadow door and jumped in, and quickly jumped out from behind Emma. She continued to draw with her hands, and five magic missiles struck Emma like lightning. Emma just waved the bone whip and immediately broke all these magic missiles. Yin Meng threw a fireball again, but before the fireball burst, Emma's bone whip had hit it, but with a "wave", the fireball suddenly dissipated like a bubble. Meng was shocked. Although her fireball was slightly controlled by the intensity because she was worried about affecting Anna at the other end, it was still unbelievable that Emma took it with a bone whip so easily.

At this time, Anna also completed a range magic art centered on herself. A light wave flashed, and the bone dogs close to her were all shattered, and Emma was also a little worried about Anna's spell. The bone whip danced quickly and created a black boundary around her body to block the light waves that swept her.

The light wave quickly dissipated, and Anna wanted to continue casting spells, but Emma had whipped at her, forcing her to take a few steps back, and the remaining bone dogs had rushed straight.

"Anna." The lemon rushed to Anna almost desperately.

Anna looked pale at the bone dog that pounced on her, her feet softened and fell to the ground. At this moment, Emma whistled, and then the bone dogs stopped.

The lemon rushed to Anna to help her and looked up at Emma. However, Emma ignored her. She just looked at Anna Sue and frowned slightly, as if she felt a little difficult.

"Lemon, go quickly." Anna shouted.

"Let's go together." Meng quickly drew her hands, but Emma whipped her hand, forcing her casting to be interrupted.

"Stay here for me," Emma sneered. "I don't want you to die. Stay here for a few days first."

"Dream." The lemon said. At the same time, the voice of the little fairy came to her mind.

"Beware of gravel." The little fairy said.

The whole tunnel suddenly shook, and countless stones fell down, burying the bone dogs in the soil. The shade lemon jumped on Anna and endured the flying earth and rocks. When the surroundings finally calmed down, she looked up and found that a huge mouth leading to the ground was torn above her, and the tunnels on both sides had been completely blocked.

That woman was also buried? The shade lemon asked.

"She doesn't die so easily," the little fairy replied in her mind, "Come out quickly."

Theemon helped Anna to climb up, but Anna took two steps and fell down in pain. When she looked at it, she saw that Anna's foot was full of blood, and she was obviously accidentally injured by the large-scale stone collapse of the little fairy.

"Anna is injured." The lemon told the little fairy through consciousness.

"I'll let Zia go down." The little fairy replied.

A black bear jumped down from the ground, stopped her waist and picked up Anna, scaring Anna to scream.

"This is my friend." Meng quickly comforted her.

Qiya, who turned into a black bear, kicked her legs and wanted to jump to the ground. However, a hole burst next to it, and a dark shadow pulled on the bear's back, which made Ziya hum, and Anna was also thrown to the ground.

That's Emma's bone whip.

Inmon was anxious, drew with both hands, and also put a stone collapse. Her stone collapse is much less powerful than that of the little fairy, but it just sealed Emma, who was eager to come out, into the earth again. However, the surrounding soil also fell one after another under the involvement of this stone collapse, burying half of her own body and Qi Ya. Anna was completely buried.

Seeing that the soil was still collapsing, Meng Meng quickly shouted to Qi Ya, "Save Anna."

However, the black bear did not go to find the buried Anna, but put two bear paws under the shade lemon and pulled her out of the soil. With another force, he also got out and jumped to the ground with the lemon in his arms.

"Anna." Meng Meng wanted to come down, but was tightly grasped by Qi Ya. She looked down and saw Anna struggling to get out of the soil, but Emma's bone whip flew out again and rolled Anna up.

Zi Ya jumped out of the ground with a yin lemon, did not stop, and immediately rushed to the place where the little fairy was. After running to the little fairy who was still using Meji's body, she turned back to the girlish appearance and put down the yin lemon.

"I'm going back to find Anna." The lemon wants to turn back.

"It's too late," said the little fairy. "We are surrounded."

Around them, many skeleton warriors came out of the ground, holding bone blades and surrounded them densely.

"What should I do?" Ziya asked. She can easily escape as a female eagle, but the lemon and the little fairy who use the human body can't fly.

"You leave first," Meng said to Qi Ya. "Go to the foot of the mountain to find the old man who came in the carriage and asked him to rush back to the castle to inform Lyase and Alina that Anna and I are in danger."

"What about you?" Ziya asked.

"Don't worry," said the little fairy, "these skeletons alone can't catch us."

Ziya nodded, jumped, and turned into an eagle and flew down the mountain.


Although she was still worried about Anna, Meng had to face the skeleton warrior in front of her first. Under the moonlight, she leaned her back with the little fairy and stared at the approaching enemy.

"Listen," the little fairy said to her, "Skull warriors are inferior undead spirits. They have no facial features and flesh and blood, so illusions are ineffective for them, and auxiliary magic such as debilitization is the same. Similarly, they are not smart enough to make good use of the terrain to avoid being surrounded by them, so that they can persist until dawn.

The lemon nodded. She also knows that this danger is much greater than before. If she makes another mistake, she is afraid that she will really be a little bug.

"Also," the little fairy said, "the bone blade of the skeleton warrior is also cursed, so avoid being cut down. If you are injured, don't miss your current body. Let me know immediately and I will pull your soul out.

"Wait a minute," cried Meng, "Didn't it say that I signed a dying agreement with the original owner of this body and couldn't leave this body before avenging her?"

"Well, ah, by the way, the end-of-life agreement... I almost forgot..." The little fairy was a little vague, "Anyway, just pretend that it doesn't exist."

Hey, you lied to me about the end-of-life agreement, did you?

" Stand up." The little fairy began to cast spells. Stone pillars came out from the ground and surrounded them. Those skeletons cut the stone pillars with their bone blades and could no longer approach them for a while.

Yinemon also began to act. She first added a stone skin technique to herself, and then threw a few fireballs into the skeleton pile. Those moving bones were burned and scattered on the ground. The little fairy also threw a fireball, but it was more powerful than the number of yin lemons combined.

"Why do you use the same spell so much more effective than me?" The shade lemon is puzzled. The stone collapse in front of the little fairy can also be described as "amazing".

"This is a spell superposition. I wanted to teach you in a few days." The little fairy replied.

Anyway, it's you who hid your privacy, and the lemon snorted.

"Just learned to walk, don't always think about running." The little fairy knows what she is thinking. "The strength of magic is important, but what's more important is how you use what you have learned."

Some skeletons have broken through the stone pillar. The little fairy first blew up an open space in the skeleton pile with fireball, moved over with the shadow door with the shade lemon, and reconstructed a stone pillar circle.

"It's not very difficult to deal with." The lemon said.

"It's not that simple." The little fairy said.

It's really not that simple.

Dozens of skeleton warriors with bone bows drilled out and shot arrows at them diagonally. There are also many kinds of beasts with white bones left, and they also jump over the stone pillars along the ladders made by the skeleton soldiers. The little fairy performed a wide range of storm magic and swept away the arrows and the skeleton beasts. However, there are too many enemies, coming one after another...


A fireball hit the skeleton warrior and also reflected the faces of the teenager and Yin Meng. This teenager has an amazing amount of magic and is extremely skillful. At this moment, he first summoned countless vines to drill out from the feet of the skeleton army, and then used a very powerful fireball technique to kill the enemy while igniting the whole vine. Then, he protected himself and the shade lemon with a boundary of water attribute, and then released a compressed wind mass, which interacted with the surrounding flames to The largest range exploded, destroying an unknown number of skeleton warriors.

"Who is that man?" Emma stood in the distance and looked at the teenager who used a wide range of magic from time to time. Naturally, she didn't know that there was a little forest fairy hidden in the teenager's body, but she was surprised by his control of magic.

"I don't know either." Anna Su, who was tied with a bone whip by Emma, also opened her eyes wide. She naturally guessed that the person standing next to Meng was the "Meggie" that Meng had told her. In fact, since the attack on the forest, the lemon has instilled to her more than once how good and capable this Meiji is, and now when she sees him fighting against the skeletons with the shade lemon, Anna feels that the lemon has not lied to herself.

Meng said that this brother Meiji liked him very much, and that time he must have seen himself without clothes in the forest...

Anna's little face is hot.

Emma didn't pay attention to little Anna's shyness. She just watched the battle in the distance and was in a very bad mood. Since the secrets in the black crystal mine have been discovered by these people, they must not be let go. However, Anna Sue is the person she has told from her superiors that she must not kill. Fortunately, the magician teenager beside her may be difficult to keep.

Emma Buride experienced his terrible stone collapse at the beginning. At that time, the whole tunnel suddenly collapsed in a situation she had not predicted at all. And the large-scale magic and precise tactics he used continuously against the skeleton army also made Emma unable to underestimate him. In fact, Emma believes that if the teenager just wanted to escape with the lemon, they would have gone down the mountain long ago. A magician at his level will definitely use some magic that can be transmitted from a long distance, but he has never used it.

He would rather stay and consume so much magic to fight against his skeleton army. There must be no other purpose.

Emma noticed that the teenager explained something to the lemon from time to time during the battle.

There is no doubt that this teenager must be the one who secretly taught Yin Meng Miqi's magic. The purpose of not to bring Yin Meng down the mountain as soon as possible is to regard this battle as training and teach Yin Meng more magic combat skills in the process of fighting against the enemy?

Emma shook her head and felt that the idea was a little ridiculous.

But anyway, they must have hidden something, a purpose they can't guess.

However, they are too underestimated themselves.

Emma sneered.


In fact, Emma guessed correctly.

The little fairy did hide a magic array in the distance, which can teleport herself and the shade lemon at any time. And the reason why she didn't do this is to give Meng more practical experience.

Every Frey hopes that his contractor can become a powerful magician, and so does the little fairy. Although Meng has been very attentive to learning magic these days, who is sure that this will not be a gust of wind? After a while, her enthusiasm was gone, and God knew whether she would still be so energetic.

Therefore, the little fairy hopes to make Meng (or Meiji) really understand the power of magic. It also allows it to master the timing and tactical characteristics of magic as soon as possible. Although there are many skeleton soldiers in front of them, due to the lack of command, let alone the cooperation of arms, they only know that a swarm of bees rushes up and can be used to practice.

However, after a long time, the continuous use of magic consumes a lot of mental and physical strength. Finally, even the little fairy can't stand it.

It is not yet dawn, and it has entered the most depressing darkness before dawn. Even for Free, the magic is limited. Under the consumption of herself and the shade lemon, the magic is gradually difficult to replenish. Fortunately, the little fairy and the shade lemon moved while fighting and came to a place close to the mountain wall to avoid enemies in all directions. However, because these skeletons do not rely on vision to judge the enemy's position, they are unable to escape the siege through illusion and invisibility and have to fight all the time.

"What should I do?" Meng didn't realize that the little fairy could actually take her out of the battlefield at any time, and she was a little anxious.

Just when the little fairy felt that it was time to leave, there was a sudden disturbance at the foot of the mountain.

"Leix must have arrived with someone." The shade lemon shouted in surprise.

"Then stick to it until they kill it." The little fairy said.

Obviously, the number of people who came to rescue them was not large, and they could even see the light of the magic and hear the horseshoe sound of the knights charging into battle. The pressure of the little fairy and the shade lemon has been greatly weakened, and those skeleton warriors are gradually being divided and eliminated under the organized attack of the army at the foot of the mountain.

How many people are there in Leis? Meng also had some doubts in her heart.

The morning light began to appear, making the shade more reassuring. Although skeleton warriors will not directly turn into ashes in the sun, the sun can indeed greatly weaken the combat effectiveness of these low-level dead spirits.

At this moment, Meng saw Emma and Anna.

Emma Burid stood on a huge stone and tied little Anna with a bone whip. Anna was hung by her and her injured feet were still dripping blood.

"Anna." Yingmeng was anxious. First, she threw a fireball. After the fireball exploded out of a clearing, she immediately jumped over with the shadow door and approached Anna little by little.

The little fairy tried to stop her, but failed to stop her.

"Let go of Anna." The lemon said angrily to Emma.

"Want to save her? Then follow me." Emma stamped her foot, and the boulder suddenly cracked, leaving an additional passage leading directly to the ground. She disappeared on the ground with Anna.

"Don't run." The lemon chased in desperately.

The little fairy also wanted to follow up, but the passageway closed by itself after the lemon entered.

"This fool." The little fairy sighed.