Magic Dance Song

Chapter 4 Do Women Love Women? Absolutely not!

Seeing that Megy and Emma fall into the magic trap together, Molly and Greenless were stunned.

Anna Sue cried and wanted to rush over, but fortunately Will ran out and hugged her from behind.

"What should I do?" Greenless looked at Molly blankly.

Molly doesn't know what to do.

She felt that she was too emotional. If she didn't intercept Greenless's dagger shot at Emma, Megji would not have happened. Knowing that Emma was the enemy, she still couldn't be cruel. As a result, she killed her companion. She felt a deep self-blame in her heart and almost wanted to jump into the magic trap.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Greenless thought for a moment and said slowly, "Meggie may not be fine."

Molly and Anna couldn't help looking at him together.

"These magic traps are just the entrance to other spaces," Greenless began to analyze. "This relic itself is very special, so I think no matter what kind of space it is, it should not be able to escape from this relic. And Meggie himself is a magician, and maybe he has the ability to escape from that space.

Molly was silent. Although Greenless's words sound reasonable, this kind of magic trap is often set to kill people, and the connection is basically an inescapable death.

However, she also knows that now is not the time to think about it.

"Let's continue to go." She whispered.

Anna raised her head: "But Brother Meiji..."

"As Greenless said, he may not be fine," Molly began to coax Anna. "And, because of this, we should continue to walk. If we can get to the place where the blue planet debris is stored early, we may be able to find some new clues to help us determine Meggie's current location.

Anna stopped crying and was suspicious.

"However," Molly wondered, "why does Emma hate Megji so much?"

"Maybe it has something to do with lemon," Anna hesitated. "One night, Lemon took me to the mountain and found that someone was making a skeleton warrior. Then Emma appeared. Emma caught me, and then Brother Meiji also appeared. Brother Meiji was with Lemon. Later, Emma killed Lemon, ah, no Yes, before that, Lemon came to chase me first, and Emma killed Lemon. As a result, Lemon stood up again and became more powerful. Finally, Emma killed Lemon again, so Brother Meiji appeared..."

"..." Molly was even more confused. Although I guessed that the lemon mentioned by Anna was Meng Mikina, what died and stood up and became more powerful, and finally died or something... The ghost could understand.

"However," the little girl herself seemed to be more and more confused. "Aima killed Lemon. Lemon is a friend of Brother Meiji. That should also be that Brother Meiji hates Emma, right? Why did Emma hate Meji again?

"..." Molly sighed heavily.

Forget it, except for Meggie and Emma themselves, no one knows what happened between them.

I have to hope they are really okay...


Mage felt that her body was constantly twisting, and Emma hugged him desperately and refused to let go.

Compress...and then rise...

He felt that he was falling down until he fell on the ground. The body was almost cracked because of the impact, and there were stars in front of me.

He snorted in pain, but did not dare to relax. Instead, he subconsciously rolled to the side, as far away from Emma as possible. And Emma fell to the ground and looked unconscious. She has been hit by Greenless's dagger and fell from a high place. How can she stand it?

Meggie looked around and found herself in a charming room. The light in the room is very sufficient, although it is impossible to figure out where the light came from.

There are oil paintings hanging on the wall. On these oil paintings, a pair of men and women are in various postures, looking lively and fragrant, which makes people's blood vessels can't help but feel a sense of swelling.

What the hell is this place?

He walked to the necromancer girl and carefully observed her. Greenrace's dagger still remained on her body, and the wound was bleeding as it cracked during the fall. With a sigh, he pulled out some of the powder that Molly had given him, then tore the clothes under the girl's side, pulled out his dagger, quickly applied the medicine, and tore a piece of cloth from his body to dress her.

The girl snorted in pain and almost ran away.

Fortunately, because Greenless's short sword was blocked by Molly, the wound caused to Emma was not too deep, let alone fatal.

However, Meji is still a little depressed. It is reasonable that he should leave her here now and find his own way out. However, somehow, I'm a little reluctant...

Can't bear it?

Meji looked carefully at Emma in a coma and couldn't help but think of the pleasure of arbitrarily fiddling her in the black crystal mine. In fact, Emma is really beautiful, with a good face, a tall figure, and even smooth skin.

Even her cool sneer is charming.

Meggie swallowed and couldn't help touching her chest fiercely.

Really, isn't it just that I played with it once and need to be resentful enough to die with me? What an incurable fool.

It's just a broken film. What's the big deal? It's not really a piece of meat missing.

Meggie looked down at Emma. Somehow, she had a feeling that she liked more and more. She only felt that her body was getting hotter and she couldn't wait to take off her clothes and play with her again.

He slid his hand down her chest through Emma's clothes, scratched her lower abdomen and valley, and finally stayed on her **. Although through the cloth, he can still feel the narrowness there.

He swallowed his saliva.

However, Emma suddenly opened her eyes, and the bone whip in her hand quickly circled towards him. Meiji was shocked and quickly grabbed the bone whip and jumped into the corner.

Emma struggled to get up, sat against the wall, and gasped. Her eyes have been staring at Megji, obviously still thinking about how to kill him.

Meggie was febred by her.

"Cough," he muttered, "Don't you think we should find a way to get out of this place first..."

"Kill you... I'll think about something else..."


Meggie felt that the atmosphere in this room was so cold that he was uncomfortable.

"I really don't understand. What do you hate me..."

"You did that to me," Emma trembled with anger. "Do you think I shouldn't hate you?"

"Anyway, you also..." Meiji stopped. He clearly saw that Emma's eyes were not only angry, but also tears. This girl really cares about chastity. To be honest, this surprised him.

"Okay," Meji said loudly, "I know I did overdo it to you, but... it's all for love."

Emma was stunned.

"That's right," Meggie decided to play his shamelessness. "I like you. I've been secretly liking you. Even if you kill Su Li and Meng, I still like you very much. I know that this kind of love is wrong, but it burns my heart like fire. It is this crazy love that forces me to do that kind of thing to you.

After saying that, he tried his best to show "love" in his eyes.

The girl calmed down, as if thinking. After a while, her expression slowly slowed down and said softly, "What you said... is it true?"

"Hmm." Meiji nodded solemnly.

"Well," Emma sighed, "Come here."

"I won't go there."

"Didn't you say you love me?" Emma's tone was strangely gentle, "Then you can come here. In fact... I also have something to say to you."

"I mean I love you... but I just won't go."

"Come here, you son of a bitch!" Emma's disguise was quickly removed, and she roared at Meiji.

"If you can't say it, you can't say it. This is a man's dignity!" Meiji roared back. Go over and strangle her? I'm not a fool.

"" The girl was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Only by keeping such a distance can I say my love for you without hesitation," Meiji simply continued to be a scoundrel. "My love for you is as firm and strong as a stinking fly, chasing you desperately, just like a puppy always chasing bones. Emma, you are like a body buried in the ground, and I am a grave robber. As soon as I see you lying there without flesh, I can't help but want to lie on you..."

"If you go on, I'll kill you." The girl is going crazy.

I won't say you want to kill me too! Meiji ignored her anger and continued, " Emma, oh, my Emma, Emma, who was stripping naked by me. Your naked body will always remain in my memory, and my love for you will never change. Even if you don't love me, even if you like women and never men, I..."

Emma's face suddenly changed, as if she had been stabbed by something.

Meggie also stopped and looked at her reaction with wide eyes. It was a secret expression that was said to be taken.

" Emma, it turns out that you..." Megji smiled bitterly at the corners of her mouth, "I really only like women..."

Meggie finally understood Emma's mentality.

Although Molly once told herself that Emma liked Sophia, he always thought that it was just a kind of little girl's admiration. Molly also admired Sophia when she was in college, and Sully did not forget to write to Sophia before she died. Obviously, she had similar feelings for Princess Sophia. But whether Molly or Sully is not gay in nature, it's just that some temperament in Sophia attracts them.

But Emma is different.

She really only likes women.

Sofia is her first love.

It is because her feelings for Sophia are not just the love of little girls, but hot love. Therefore, after thinking that Sophia hated her and even found someone to torture her to make fun of her, her temperament changed greatly.

She desperately wanted Meiji to die, not only because of her chastity, but also because she couldn't stand being stripmed naked by a man.

Emma... is actually a real gay.

The girl looked at him fiercely, and her expression was even a little ferocious.

"What's wrong with men?" Meiji couldn't help touching her nose. "Women like women. This kind of thing is really... wasteful."

Waste? Emma didn't understand at all.

"Lily is simply a violent thing, especially when both sides of Lily are beautiful women!" Meiji righteously taught Emma, "Why are there men and women in the world at the same time? Because only when a man and a woman hold together are they complete. The strengths of men are to make up for women's shortcomings. Only at the moment of insertion and being inserted can they become perfect as a person. The extra thing of men was tolerated, and the empty parts of women were filled, so the whole world was harmonious. But what is Lily? Two women with the same defects can't become complete. On the contrary, there may be two more men in the world that cannot be tolerated. Do you know what the most terrible thing in the world is? Let me tell you, the most terrible thing in the world is to be a virgin all your life. It is because there is still the biggest waste of lilies in the world that there are many sad old virgins in the world. Of course, if Lily is two ugly women, it's okay, but Emma, you even want to play Lily... You really let me down.

Emma almost wanted to rush over and bite him to death.

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from the corner, which shocked them.

"That's right, that's right," the voice sounded like an old man, but it was too thin. "Hey, young man, you almost said my heart. Homosexuality is simply an unforgivable crime. What is the greatest pleasure in the world? It's sex, the caressing and stimulation between men and women.

With the man's swd voice, all the oil paintings on the wall moved. The men and women in the painting began to touch, bite, moan and twist, as if they were holding acacia ball.

Meggie stared at the painting in astonishment.

"Young man, come on, let's do this greatest sport with your female companions!"

The sharp voice seemed to have a magic power, breaking into the depths of Meiji's consciousness and began to** him and encourage him. Meiji only felt a burst of pain in his head. He looked at Emma and walked over step by step, his eyes full of men's desires.