Magic Dance Song

Chapter 5 Tentacle Monster--

"You, how dare you..." Emma wanted to stare at him. However, a consciousness also broke into her body, making her feel empty and making her feel that she couldn't wait to get a man's caress. She wanted to struggle, but her whole body was full of powerlessness.

She saw Megid lying on herself and kissing her neck with her lips. Although she wanted to resist in her heart, she still hugged Meiji uncontrollably and wanted to be touched by him and fill the gap between her legs by him. She closed her eyes and suppressed tears, but her thighs were still full of fragrant **, which made her yearn for greater pleasure in shame.

The clothes were untied by Megji, and half of his chest was also exposed. Megsy bit and touched her, gradually burying her only self.

She gasped, hugged and kissed, trying to respond to the other party's invasion. An illusion appeared in her mind, as if it was not the teenager who made her resent, but the person she had always liked in her heart.

"Your Highness...Your Highness Sophia..." Her voice was full of joy, as if the pride disguised for many years had been torn apart, and the grievance that had been suppressed to the extreme was finally released.

However, the man on his body stopped.

"Don't...don't hate me... Don't..." Emma was afraid of being hurt again. Tears flowed on her face, and she shouted helplessly.

And Meiji lay on her and did not make any further action. His mind was in chaos. Although there was an impulse to invade Emma desperately, in a daze, he also realized that this impulse was probably caused by the hidden guy. Of course, as far as he is concerned, he won't suffer anyway, and it doesn't matter if anyone is behind his back.


She was actually reciting Sophia's name.

Suffia's name is like lightning penetrating the fog, instantly smashing his desire. His forehead sweated coldly and desperately tried to get rid of the secret control of the mysterious man. In a trance, he seemed to see Sophia staring at him somewhere. This idea was so real that it made him panic.

He seemed to see Sophia talking to himself gently, without contempt or angry expression, but standing quietly in an unknown distance and slowly opening his mouth...

What is she talking about?

Meggie listened carefully.

What she said was... "Don't hurt Emma anymore!"

It's just an illusion. It's just an illusion. Sophia is not here at all. She's still in Wangcheng. She won't know what she's done... Meggie thought.

However, he still stood up in despair and slowly retreated. A sense of shame hit his consciousness, not because of Emma, nor because of morality or something else... just because of Sophia.

He suddenly found that even for himself... Sophia was different.

He retreated to the corner and gasped hard.

"Why don't you continue?" The man in the dark smiled and said, "Are you, like those hypocrites, who want to die, but you have to pretend to be full of justice? Or..."

"Shut up!" Megsy roared loudly.

As his voice echoed throughout the room, Emma also suddenly opened her eyes and freed her from the man's spiritual bondage. She tried to control herself, but her whole body still trembled. Finally, she suddenly stood up, grabbed half of her skirt, rushed to the door and opened the door and ran out.

Meggie slowly slipped to the ground.

"Don't hurt Emma again!"

Sofia said... "Don't hurt Emma again!"

However, at this moment, Emma's scream came from outside the door.

consciously, he picked up the bone whip on the ground and rushed out.


Outside the door is a strange hall with unknown flowers and plants covered with four walls.

Many sticky brown things drilled out of the ground and wrapped Emma into the air. Those branches slowly rubbed against her body and secreted a kind of urge. The emotional effect**.

Tentacle monster? Meiji was stunned. How can there be such a thing here?

A tentacle monster is a creature that specializes in attacking female animals and between animals and plants. It often forces female creatures to enter pleasure through friction similar to cares and some special juice, and then kills them in an instant.

Some scholars have studied tentacle monsters and believe that when women are excited, their bodies produce a large number of hormones and an unknown spiritual power, which are the nutrients needed by tentacle monsters.

Several tentacles got into Emma's half-detapped clothes and swam around her, and one slid across her peaks and wrapped around her back along the gap between her navel and abdomen. Even though Emma was trying to resist the pleasure of her body, her skin still gave birth to pink particles, and some ** flowed down her thighs like a clear spring and fell to the ground.

She couldn't help gasping for joy, but this reaction made her feel deeply ashamed.

Meggie opened her eyes wide and looked at Emma, who was like a sheep under the bondage of tentacle monsters. The girl's half-covered body was twisted into a bow, and the branches tightly tightened her body, covering her shoulders and lower abdomen, making her snow-white chest stand out. Her facial expression twisted into a pleasant satisfaction in the illusion of the juice secreted by the tentacles, but when she looked carefully, she could see the deep fear and stubbornness in her eyes.

Shyness, excitement, pain, depression, her unpredictable look and the twisting of her body trying to strive for greater pleasure are simply the most dirty picture, and the resistance and hatred in her eyes for her tears of moaning happily because of this abusive way make her more The ** power of life.

Meji swallowed and couldn't wait to keep watching like this.

But he also knows that if he doesn't take action, it may be too late. At the moment when the tentacle monster reaches pleasure in the woman's body, it will forcefully get in from the lower part of their abdomen, break the flower room, and then string through their bodies, and stick out bloodily from their mouths along the throat to make them die in pain and pleasure.

Meggie doesn't want to see such a bloody picture.

With both hands, dozens of wind blades were drawn out together, cutting those tentacles into pieces. However, the new tentacles soon re-elonged.

The tentacles that entangled Emma also broke a few times, making her whole body fall down for a while. Although the body is still hanging, the hands have been liberated. She gasped desperately and tried to calm her head down.

"Cover!" Meiji threw the bone whip at her.

She grabbed the bone whip, waved it instantly, broke all the tentacles on her body, and fell to the ground. However, there are too many tentacles, and the broken parts keep growing again. She was trapped between those tentacles and couldn't escape.

"I burned them," Meiji shouted to her, "protect yourself."

Emma danced with whips and rolled up a protective magic barrier around her. At the same time, Meiji's fireball technique was also released, and the superimposed fireballs were divided into three bursts, turning all the tentacles into ashes. The ashes flew around in the hall, making them smoky.

With the elimination of the tentacle monster, Emma stopped the bone whip. She stood alone in the middle of the ashes, constantly shaking. The juice of the tentacle monster on her body was still sticky, and the flying ash made her whole body look dirty. More importantly, the strange ingredients contained in the juice are still working, which makes her extremely uncomfortable.

Meggie sighed... Let's do something good to the end.

He began to cast spells again, and not long after, a cloud appeared on the girl's head. He pointed with his hand, and a burst of rain drenched down. The girl stood there, looking up her head and allowing the rain to wash her body. The clothes stuck to her body wetly, making her tall body show a soft curve. Her eyes were wide open, but she was a little distracted. Her half-deposed skin showed luster little by little in the rain, with a soul-like expression, which deeply imprinted an extreme touching into Meiji's heart.

Meggie looked at her in a daze and only felt that at this moment, she was as beautiful as an angel.

Suffia's real words appeared in his ear again.

Don't hurt Emma... Don't hurt Emma anymore...

The girl in front of her is a cruel and even somewhat twisted guy. She has learned the most evil necromancer spell. She can kill Su Li and Meng without blinking.

But why did I suddenly have an impulse to take care of her?


Taking a deep breath, Meiji began to take a good looking at the hall.

On the other side of the hall, there is also a passage. Somehow, it always gives people a strange feeling.

He looked at Emma, coughed dryly and whispered, "I know, you hate me very much. However, I still think we should first figure out what this place is and find a way out together before solving the matter between you and me.

Emma slowly turned around and looked at him almost plainly.

"Hey," Meiji took a step back. "Do you really want to die in a place like this with me? You have to think clearly that if someone finds the bodies of the two of us here, it may be regarded as you and me who died here. Do you really mind? Moreover, there is a guy hiding here. I think that guy is obviously a ** (harmonious) maniac. You don't want him to do anything strange to your body, do you? He is a pervert!"

"You are the pervert," the sharp old man's voice came out again. "I'm not interested in this way without beauty."

"So what are you interested in?" Meiji asked loudly.

"I'm only interested in living women," the man** smiled. "Pure and lovely Lori, domineering and arrogant royal sister, experienced wife, and even noble and evil queen. The so-called beauty is the woman's wheezing and low moaning under the squeeze, the pain of shyness and crying and fear that she wants to meet and refuse. Beautiful women are works of art that men can't resist. The more precious they are, the more they want to destroy, strip her, destroy her, and make her your slave in the fantasy of love. This is every man's desire, don't you think so?

Yes, it's normal for a man to carry such unhealthy things in his head... But I won't say it, especially in front of a woman, you idiot! Meiji scolded in her heart.

He peeked at Emma. Obviously, Emma also heard the guy's words. This almost insulting attitude towards women made her clenched her fist. Before she had an attack, Meiji suddenly cursed the guy who didn't know where to hide in a righteous tone, "You bastard, what do you think of a woman? Are women just the tools you use to vent? A guy like you is simply a scum and garbage in men. Let me tell you what a woman is. A woman is water, an existence worthy of a man's life to protect and love. It is because of women that the world has a beautiful side. Do you know why the creator created a woman? That's because the world with only men is too stupid. Yes, men are synonymous with stupidity, and women are the most beautiful and cherished creatures in the world. And you and all the guys like you who only see women's organs and don't know how to appreciate women's inner beauty are not only stupid, but also scum who can die. As a pure woman's friend, I can never forgive a man like you for living in this world. I must destroy you on behalf of women all over the world and all men who cherish women like me..."

The more he said, the more excited he became, and later he was simply roaring. Emma looked at him in a daze, as if she had only known him until now.

"Don't pretend to be serious!" The man sneered in the dark, "If you have the ability, go ahead. I will let her see how dirty the thoughts in your head are."

"Who is afraid of whom?" So far, Meggie has no choice but to hold on.