Magic Dance Song

Chapter 6 Have you ever been lost at the end of darkness?

He took the lead to the passage at the other end of the hall, took a few steps, and looked back, but Emma was still standing there.

"Hey, don't you want to figure out who that guy is?" Meiji whispered to her.

Emma looked at him lightly, with a dull look in her eyes. With a bone whip, she slowly followed.

They entered the passage and saw a corpse after a few steps. It was a man who fell to the ground with a strange pleasure on his face, and his body was paralyzed and looked like he had lost his strength. Meiji frowned and walked past the body.

They continued to walk, and similar bodies appeared from time to time, some of which had just died. Obviously, they were Emma's companions who fell here earlier than them.

Some rooms began to appear on both sides of the channel, and one of them obviously made a sound. Meiji couldn't help opening the door and looking inside. A man was lying on the ground, doing some kind of exercise, but what he pressed on the ground was a strange shadow. The shadow kept twisting, looking like a woman's tremor and struggle. The man's face was a kind of strong pleasure and satisfaction of falling into illusion. Suddenly, his body twitched, and some kind of ** flowed out of his **, flowing more and more until his whole body collapsed.

But the shadow is like a sponge, slowly sucking the ** dry and then disappearing.

"What the hell is this?" Meiji muttered softly.

"This is a magic maze!" Emma whispered behind him.

Meggie was shocked. Because he was attracted by the strangeness in the room, he didn't notice that Emma was close enough to roll his neck directly with a bone whip. However, Emma seemed to forget her hatred for him for a moment. She just looked at the dead man in the room and continued to walk forward.

"You know this person, right?" Meiji asked in a low voice.

Emma did not answer.

"Magic maze? You mean that this place was completely made by maze? Meiji continued to ask.

Maze is a kind of high-level magic that can build a space in a different plane from the real world. The structure of the space is completely determined by the wishes of the caster. Generally speaking, its function is to build a maze to trap the caster's enemies. Of course, sometimes there are some other uses.

Emma still didn't answer. In fact, she looked very wrong, just like a puppet that lost her soul.

After passing the doors of these rooms, there is a hall in front of them. The crystal light reflected from the hall and dazzled them. They walked into the hall on guard, and then they were all stunned.

In the center of the hall, there is a huge transparent icicle. In the icicle, a giant tentacle monster is frozen in it, and the bodies of more than a dozen women hang scatteredly on its branch-like tentacles. They all died in the same way. They were drilled into their abdomen by the deadly tentacles and stretched out of their mouths. They raised their heads and opened their mouths, with a strange expression combining strong pleasure and severe pain.

First, he was forced to enter the pleasure under the caress of the tentacles, and then the body was pierced instantly...

Meggie held the wall and only felt nausea.

He is not a good person, and he knows that he is not a good person. He never knows how to care about those who have nothing to do with him, nor does he have a compassionate sense of justice. However, the scene in front of him still brought him an unbearable impact.

He seemed to be able to hear the crying and shouts of these women. Silent and breathless, but with shocking pain and sadness.

"They are still alive." Emma said slowly beside him.

"What did you say?" Meiji raised her head in shock. This is impossible. This icicle does not seem to have just formed. It seems to have at least decades of history. Even if these women are not exposed to their bodies, even if they are frozen in them for decades, they can't be alive.

Emma pointed to the ground in the middle of the icicle: "Look there."

Look at Meggie. At this time, he found that in the middle of the messy tentacles, there was a man's body. The man was wearing a bright red magic robe with deep strangulation marks on his neck. Meiji circled his front, and on the face of the red-robed magician, it was clearly a kind of madness and distortion before death. He held a short magic wand in his hand, and the front of the head of the wand happened to be the rhizome of the giant tentacle monster.

"If I'm not mistaken," Emma's voice seemed to have some kind of magic. "This man was murdered by these women. Although these women killed him, they failed to escape his counterattack before his death. They were not only caught by the tentacle monster, but also imprisoned by magic at the moment when their bodies were pierced. This icicle is a spell that can make the things trapped in it stay at a certain moment forever. So..."

She didn't go on.

But Meggie has understood.

So, no matter how many years pass, these women will always stay at this moment when they are about to die. They face death, but they can't really die. I can only feel the pleasure and pain of that moment forever... This is really the greatest punishment and torture in the world.

"How can you be sure?" Meiji wants to refute her opinion, and even for him, he can't imagine such a fact.

"I'm sure," Emma stared at him, looking strangely calm, "because I can see their crying souls."

Meggie was stunned.

Indeed, Emma is a necromancer... She can see far more than herself. But why can she still keep so calm?

Meggie looked at her, which was not so much indifference as a soul-like expression, and the bottom of her heart was an involumnant pain.

"Let's go." The girl just turned around gently.

"Is there any way to help them?" Meggie shouted behind her back.

"You want to help them." The girl looked at him faintly.

"Yes, I want to help them." Meiji stared into her eyes. Emma, what's wrong with you? Shouldn't you stare at me with angry eyes? Shouldn't you have the determination to kill me rather than die?

"I think," the girl just casually avoided his sight, "as long as this magic maze can be lifted, they should be able to release their souls. This place is a space created by magic. As long as this space disappears, the things inside will naturally collapse.

"If this space was created by the dead magician just now, what else can be done to remove it?"

"Maybe the person hiding in the dark will know." Emma said with a blank face.

"Then let's get him out." Megsy followed Emma.


Apart from the icicle, they continued to walk forward.

I also passed some strange rooms along the way, as if it were a magnificent mansion. Those who devours men. The dark shadow of the liquid emerged from time to time, turning around Meiji, making Meiji's heart cold.

They came to a small hall with mirrors everywhere. These mirrors were large and small, but there was a strange fog on the mirror.

"Where are you," Meggie shouted, "Didn't you say you wanted to see how dirty my head is? I'll just stand here and see what you can do to me.

"Hey," the sharp voice in the dark sneered, "That's what you said."

Suddenly, those mirrors flashed and reflected each other. At the same time, Meggie felt something breaking into his mind and reading his memory little by little.

Oh no. Meggie was shocked.

These mirrors must belong to magical items.

He saw pictures on these mirrors, and it was obvious that these pictures all came from his memories or ideas. At the beginning, it appeared that there was a room with a little childishness. ** in the room, she forced the tied Emma to kneel down and kept working hard from behind. His facial expression was shown slenderly, and you can see his conquering pleasure at a glance. This is the time in the black crystal mine, in Emma's room.

He looked at Emma secretly, but Emma just stood on his side and watched silently without any reaction. Instead, this made him more uneasy.

"Is this your 'cherish' and 'appreciation' of women?" That voice is full of irony.

The screen switched back to the small room where he and Emma just fell in. Emma was unconscious and didn't wake up, but he looked at her lustfully, scratched her body with his fingers, and finally stayed at her **. At this time, the girl woke up slowly, but he grabbed her bone whip and tied her body. Despite her struggle, he took off her lower body and turned her over. He lay down and untied his trousers and inserted it into her**...

"I didn't do that." Meiji protested loudly.

"But that's what you wanted to do at that time, isn't it?" The man smiled and said, "What the magic mirror shows is not only reality, but also the desire in people's hearts."

Meggie was stunned. Looking at the injured girl in the mirror without pity, she was even more and more excited because of her pain. Yes, this was indeed what he thought at that time, and he couldn't refute it.'s not just...

He didn't do that, because what remains in his heart is not just desire. He looked at the girl and wanted to tell her that it was not just everything in his heart. However, the indifference on the girl's face chilled him.

The picture switched again and became Emma, who slowly walked to Emma sitting against the wall. He lay on her body and kissed her neck. The girl wanted to resist, but an external consciousness controlled her and made her fall into an illusion.

A sharp voice came out again: "I remember you gave up at that time, but that's definitely not what you really think, right? Because of what? To be honest, I was a little surprised that you were able to get out of my desire to type in your mind at that time, but I don't believe that you are because of kindness, pity or something like that.

Yes, I'm really not because of those hypocritical things, I'm just... Sophia! Meiji said silently in his heart.

At the same time, a beautiful and noble woman slowly emerged on the mirror.

Meggie could obviously feel that the girl beside him trembled. He turned his head and looked, and then saw Emma's suddenly wide eyes. She looked at the beautiful princess in the picture in disbelief, as if Sophia was really standing in front of her.

Sofia in the mirror said the same sentence over and over again. Emma looked at her and couldn't help opening her mouth slowly and following her pronunciation.

The girl stayed there, as if the words of Princess Sophia really appeared and kept echoing in her ears.

"Don't hurt Emma again!" Don't hurt Emma again!" Don't hurt anymore..."

Tears flowed out of her face, and she knelt down weakly and cried out. At this moment, she was like returning to the little girl who was ridiculed and ridiculed. Obviously, she was not so strong, but she wanted to pretend to hold her head proudly after being hurt. Afraid of being seen through his weakness, he can only surround himself with a cold mask, and then let blood drip in his heart... keep dripping blood...

Meggie slowly walked in front of her and squatted down slowly.

Emma's bone whip wrapped around his neck in an instant.

"I won't forgive you. I will never forgive what you did to me!" She is still in tears in her eyes, no longer that kind of nonsense, but close to crazy confusion. Sophia in the illusion smashed the shell she used to protect herself, making her stand naked in the snow, real and cold...

"I know," Meiji let his neck be wrapped in a bone whip. He just slowly pressed Emma's ear and whispered, "You should hate me. But is a bastard like me really worth dying here with me? Emma, you should survive better, go to Sophia, tell her your feelings, and tell her that you like her..."

Emma's body trembled, she slowly slipped down, and Meiji had to hug her and put her head on her shoulder.

"It's useless," with sad beauty in her voice. "She hates me. She won't forgive me for cheating on her. I wrote to her..."

"She didn't see your letter," Meggie said loudly. "Molly didn't give your letter to Sophia at all. She didn't send those who mocked you and bullied you."

Emma raised her head, and her face wet with tears was stunned and suspicious.

"Why don't you believe her?" Meiji continued, "I really think that as long as she knows your intention, no matter what mistakes you have made, she will forgive you."

"Why... can you be so sure?"

Meji stagnated, and somehow the illusion appeared in his mind... There were burning flames everywhere, and Sophia stood in the middle of the flames...

"Because, I like her as much as you!" He said softly.

His expression was so serious that even Emma couldn't believe it. Yes, he likes Sophia, which is completely different from his feelings for Sully, Anna, Zia, or anyone else. He doesn't know what this feeling is. It is neither like love between a man and a woman, nor like a blood-related family affection, but it is so real that as long as he thinks of her, he feels that he is in the most charming starry sky.

He... likes Sophia...

"Well," Emma closed her eyes and said slowly after a while, "So... let's escape together."

The bone whip slid across Meiji's neck like a snake and danced around them. With a crisp cracking sound, the mirrors were all smashed to the ground. The man's crazy roar came from the secret, and he shouted and scolded in that sharp voice, which was extremely insulting.

A dozen dark shadows flew out of the wall and attacked them with a chill. Emma's bone whip rolled like a shadow like a snake, smashing these evil spirits that absorbed the essence and disappeared. At the same time, Meiji cast a spell under her protection. After the superimposed entanglement, it was carried out on a large scale, but instead of drilling out of the ground to entangle the enemy as usual, but into the depths of the ground and the four walls. The walls were squeezed out of cracks, and countless vines grew and spread in every corner.

Finally, a living thing was forced out and fled to the passage when they came. Emma waved the bone whip, but failed to stop it. To their surprise, this living thing doesn't look like a human. It has goat-like legs and short horns, but also has a human-like upper body. It must be the person who speaks hidden in the dark... But is it really a human?

"Cue up." Emma scolded and took the lead in chasing.