Magic Dance Song

Chapter 16 The target is Shadow Blood Dragon? Impossible task!

No one can understand why Shadow Blood Dragon suddenly attacked the dock in Fe'an City. Before long, the same news came from other seaside cities. Many fishing boats were destroyed and the docks of all coastal cities were destroyed. There are countless dead fishermen.

In the past, the dark prince has never taken the initiative to attack civilians. Although he occupied Pingxia Island, repelled many naval sieges and robbed many merchant ships. But he has never felt sorry for the fishermen who made a living near the sea. After all, Parn's own origin is not honorable. Many people think that he should sympathize with low-level civilians, and it is useless to do such a thing except to make his reputation plummet in vain.

The sea ban issued by the Holy See and the royal family only prohibits merchant ships and sea transportation. Compared with inland counties, several coastal cities are much more prosperous, and although the income of fishermen is not high and life is still stable, although the number of fishermen is large, the Holy See and the royal family are not worried that they will risk their lives to follow the dark prince.

Therefore, even those nobles who don't care about the life and death of the fishermen can't understand the purpose of Panqi's move. Baron Haley, the lord of Northhal, thought that the Shadow Dragon's attack on the dock was a declaration that Panqi was about to go to war, so he panicked and concentrated his army around him and quickly asked the royal city for help. However, everyone knew that the Holy See and the royal family were being stirred up by the * of the three northern counties and were unable to inject troops into it. To the coastal defense line.

And after attacking several docks in a row, the shadow blood dragon no longer appeared. There is no new movement in the dark prince's army. Only those fishing boats that had to risk their lives to go to sea have all lost their trace. Fearing the outbreak of war, the capable nobles began to move inland, and there was even news that even Baron Harley had planned to give up his territory and flee to the north. Thinking of his well-known weakness, not many people doubted this rumor.

People's hearts are becoming more and more unstable, and there are more and more murders and robberies. The lost fishermen began to gather together to demonstrate, hoping that the army would go to the sea to encircle and suppress Pingxia Island, seek justice for their dead relatives and ensure their lives.

Naturally, no one paid attention to their opinions, so the angry crowd attacked Baron Harley's official residence several times, and the army that came to suppress them killed and injured them.

During this period, Molly, Meiji and others have been hiding in the Sea Breeze Hotel and not to step out as much as possible. The beautiful male elf is also with them. Every time he sees her or him, Meggie has to remind himself that this guy is a man. However, the delicate and charming beauty of the dark elf and the shy femininity still made him almost lose himself.

After many days, until one morning, Gianka came to inform them that the blue planet debris had been forged.

The weather that day was very dull, with layers of dark clouds in the sky. Occasionally, a few lightnings passed, as if to repel the coming day. They came to the old dwarf's basement together against the wild sea breeze.

The forged blue star planet fragments are no longer like stones. It has become a dagger. The blade shines blue, crystal clear, and the hilt is still blue, with mysterious patterns on it. Meiji knew that those patterns were actually ancient elf characters, but he didn't know them.

He stretched out his hand and gently pointed at the tip of the sword. His fingers scratched falsely and could not touch the entity. There is no doubt that only Anna Su can use this dagger. Similarly, because ordinary people can't touch it at all, even if they are stabbed by it, they don't have to worry about being hurt.

This sword is undoubtedly only aimed at a special person... or a special creature.

"Pick it up." The old dwarf looked at the little girl and ordered rudely.

Anna timidly reached out and held it, and the blue dagger looked extremely suitable in her hand. This sword is completely forged for her use. It is light, flexible and cold.

"You can go." The old dwarf knocked the hammer in his hand hard on an iron pillar, which was deafening.

Anna put the blue dagger in her arms. They walked out together.

The rainstorm is yet to come, and the air is so sultry that even the wind begins to stop. There are very few people on the street. At this time, Fei'an City has already lost its usual bustle.

Meji suddenly pulled the little girl and stopped. Others looked back at him in astonishment, and Anna was at a loss for a moment.

"What on earth do you want Anna to do?" Meiji looked at Molly and the wind and asked loudly.

Molly frowned: "Let's go back and talk about it."

Meggie stared at her without saying anything or moving. The strong wind shattered the suffocating tranquility, and the whole street was noisy under the rainstorm. Meiji led Anna Sue hard, as if she was afraid that the earth-shaking shower would rush her away.

"Mage, let's go back first." The wind shouted to him. Greenless stopped by the roadside and looked at them in silence. Will looked surprised and didn't understand what had happened.

Meiji stood in the rain and only felt a chill in her body and mind. At this time, he felt the little girl shake his hand. He turned his head and saw Anna looking at him uneasily. The rain kept sliding down her face and flowing down her petite body, making her look very petite and weak.

"Go back." Molly gave him a cold look and turned her head to the hotel. Others waited silently for Meiji.

With a sigh in his heart, Meiji took Anna and took a step...


After returning to the hotel, they went back to their respective rooms and simply changed their dry clothes, and then gathered again. Molly asked Will to use magic to make a boundary around them in case someone eavesdropped.

"First of all, I need to make it clear to you," Molly looked at Meggie and said blankly. "All the plans were arranged by Her Royal Highness and the dead Lord Sarai in red. I will never disobey His Royal Highness's orders, so whether you like it or not, all the plans will continue."

"Even a plan that can't be done at all?" Meiji stared at her angrily.

Molly looked at him lightly: "Have you guessed the content of the plan?"

"It's not hard to guess." Meiji snorted, "You want Anna to remove the shadow dragon."

Molly and Wei Feng looked at him at the same time in disbelief. Obviously, they didn't expect him to really guess. Greenless did not say anything as usual. Anna and Will all opened their eyes wide. Although they had long known that the next task must not be simple and that some people were likely to die because of it, it was still too exaggerated to deal with the Shadow Blood Dragon.

The flying dragon flying in the air and bringing cold and darkness to the earth, even the most powerful magic and magic can't hurt its horrible existence. Can it really be removed by a few of them?

"Why did you guess?" The wind asked softly.

"I know Kachidero better than you," Meggie replied slowly. "There are only two shadow dragons in the world, one of which is in the fog forest. A hundred years before the darkness, Kachidetro was originally the guardian of the gods. Although the gods have fallen and the real gods belonging to ancient times have disappeared, the meaning of the existence of the shadow blood dragon has not changed. Therefore, in the fog girl forest, when the shadow blood dragon appears, as long as you hide in the blue moonlight grass transformed from the blood of the moonlight goddess Sharma, you will never have to worry about being attacked by it. Similarly, Shadow Blood Dragon is not afraid of the damage of any weapon in the secular world, because it comes from the realm of God. If you want to hurt it, you must find a divine weapon.

Others listened to him quietly.

Anna herself had a blue planetary fragment, and now that fragment has melted into her blood. Blue planet fragments are part of the soul of the goddess of light, and the goddess of light Luna and the dark god Shastine were originally the most powerful gods in the world. They are the makers of the law of life and the beginning of all things, and the shadow blood dragon is also the divine existence they created. It can be imagined that just like the shadow blood dragon can't attack the enemy hiding in the blue moonlight grass, it certainly can't attack Anna, which melts with the soul fragments of the goddess Luna. And the dagger made of soul fragments can hurt it. Meiji looked at Anna and clenched her fists tightly.

He should have thought of it. The biggest function of blue planet debris is to enable people who come into contact with it to use the magic of the goddess Luna. Among the people he knew, Anna was the only one who could use it, but Anna already had one, so there was no need to go to the ruins of the heavenly garden to find another one. And Greenless has been teaching Anna how to assassinate. Imagine, what kind of enemy needs to be done by a little girl like Anna?

Anna's most special thing is that she can use blue planetary fragments. It can be imagined that the enemies that need to be killed by her must also be enemies that can only be killed by using blue planetary fragments. Except for Shadow Blood Dragon, he can't think of any other creatures that meet this condition.

"You are so smart that you can guess that our next purpose is to deal with the shadow blood dragon under Parnqi's control." Molly looked at him coldly, "But you are also stupid enough! Do you really think that the princess asked Master Star Hammer to make the soul fragment into a dagger to make Anna stab the shadow blood dragon?

Meggie was stunned. Indeed, the blue dagger can definitely cause damage to the shadow blood dragon, but with Anna's strength, even if the shadow blood dragon stands there and lets her stab, I'm afraid that she will still be alive if she stabbed the shadow blood dragon.

The wind said to him gently, "Meggie, Her Royal Highness is not to let Anna face the shadow blood dragon directly, but to let her assassinate the person who can control the shadow blood dragon."


"Wu Chen... Panqi's sister."

Meggie still doesn't understand: "Why did you let Anna kill her? She should be just a human being, right? Isn't it more straightforward to let Greenless do it?"

"No," the beautiful dark elf shook his head. "We have already sent someone to try, but it's useless. All those who tried to kill her died under the claws of the Shadow Blood Dragon. The reason why Wu Chen can control the shadow blood dragon is that she is connected to the bloodline of the shadow blood dragon. We don't know how she did it, but we only know that she once entered the Valley of May with her brother..."

"May Valley? May Valley of the Yag Continent? Meiji was shocked, "Isn't that the place where the evil god Shastine stepped out of the magic blood pool in the first year of the dark century? Is it still shrouded in darkness?

"Yes," the wind whispered, "but Panqi and his sister did enter there and survived. And Wu Chen also brought Cachidero to this continent from that place. According to Mr. Uno's analysis, she and the shadow blood dragon have been connected in blood and essence. To kill her, you also need blue planet fragments, something from the gods. Moreover, Wu Chen is also much more easy to deal with than her brother. She has not learned systematic combat skills or magic, nor has she been exposed to any magic. The reason why she can be highly valued by us is because of the horror of the shadow dragon. But..."

"But can't the Shadow Dragon hurt Anna?" Meiji gradually understood. If the Shadow Blood Dragon is lost, the Dark Prince will become a tiger with his teeth drawn. Although he is still fierce, he is by no means uncontrollable. However, it is not easy to sneak into Pingxia Island with Anna to approach the girl named Wu Chen. Moreover, the shadow blood dragon can't hurt Anna, who melts the soul fragments of the goddess into the blood, but it does not mean that it can't kill others. If everyone else dies, Anna will never be able to escape from Pingxia Island even if she succeeds to kill Wuchen.

This is simply a gamble that takes everyone's life at risk!

"I won't go to Pingxia Island," Meiji slowly glanced at everyone present. "I won't let Anna go."

"You can go," Molly sneered. "The rest is up to you."

The two stared at each other angrily, and the atmosphere was extremely cold, like a shadow blood dragon flying above their heads.

"Mage," the wind said to him, "This is the best way to get this kingdom out of the edge of the war as soon as possible. You have also seen the horror of the shadow and blood dragon. If the situation continues, I don't know how many people will be homeless at that time..."

"This is none of my business." Meiji resisted rudely.

"You're wrong. It's none of your business!" The beautiful elf stared at him, "Meggie, do you remember the illusion related to His Royal Highness Sophia? If you leave like this, that kind of thing is really likely to happen.

Meggie looked at the wind in shock. Yes, when he was in the royal city, he had the illusion that Sophia fell into the sea of fire. Although it was only a hallucination, it was too real for him to ignore it. That's why he immediately thought of leaving it to Sophia after getting the elemental protective ring in the magic maze.

However, he never told anyone else about this, and even Sophia didn't tell her. Why did the wind know?

The elf ignored his eyes with strong doubts and turned to look at the others: "I need to talk to Meji alone..."