Magic Dance Song

Chapter 17 People Who Influence the Direction of History?

The showers are still falling.

Mage and the wind walked on the street together, and the water on the ground separated to both sides as they walked forward. The surrounding shops have already closed their doors. In the past few days, few stores have dared to open normally due to the chaos in the city.

Walking under such a rainstorm, the two can't talk at all. The wind didn't seem to be in a hurry, just took Meggie to the beach. The rain gradually faded, and they walked on the sand and gravel, and the footprints left were quickly covered with water.

"You must want to ask, why do I know your illusion?" The beautiful elf turned around in the rain and faced Megji.

Meggie looked at the dark elf with a doubtful expression. Just now, in the hotel, the elf changed into a delicate dress with a knot, which is simply a woman's dress. At this time, the wet dress clung to the beautiful elf, making it look touching. Although she always claimed to be a man, this time, the rain made her covered figure invisible. Her breasts are not big, but they still have obvious bulges. Obviously, in the past, she would make people believe that she was really a man's flat breasts, but it was just a fake image of a chest tie and coat. The rain falling on her slid down the exquisite lines, making her long skirt slightly sink a seductive dent between her thighs, and then drew a straight line down from her together feet.

Meggie remembered the last time she smiled secretly only after the successful prank. Obviously, her behavior of claiming to be a man but deliberately using women's charm is just some kind of bad taste.

Only now, he is not more concerned about her gender.

The beautiful elf slowly approached him and put the delicate hand on his forehead. "I know the illusion because I got it into your mind."

In an instant, it seemed that something came from the palm of her hand and entered Meiji's mind. Fire, there was fire everywhere. Sophia stood alone in the sea of fire and looked sadly in the distance until the whole person turned into ashes in the flames...

Mage was stunned. He has always wondered why the picture similar to prophecy suddenly appeared in his mind. He is not a magician of the prophetic department, and he has never had the ability to see through the future before. And that picture was so bright that he couldn't take it as accidental nonsense. He is always afraid when he thinks that the illusion is likely to really show Sofia's ending.

But now, someone told him that it was just someone who tamped his mind.

Meggie suddenly had the impulse to slap her.

"On the night before you left the royal city, I was actually in the building where you were hiding, but you didn't know me at that time, and I didn't show up," the elf looked at him in the rain with sadness in their eyes. "I came from Crescent Island. At the end of the dark century, the elves on this continent were great Most of them migrated there. Now, Crescent Island has been occupied by evil from the Yag continent. I left my homeland to find someone who can help my people. However, human beings in this land do not know what they are about to face. They not only can't help us, but they don't even know the disaster they are about to face. Until Mr. Urenos came to me, he accepted me as a student to learn to understand and guide the prophecy. That night, he asked me to put the illusion into your mind when your heart was all on the princess.

"It's the dead old man again..." Meggie said hatefully. However, although she didn't know where the wind was hidden at that time, didn't her see all his "massage" on Sophia?

He glanced at the beautiful elf, and the wind seemed to realize the meaning of his strange eyes and blushed. The rain was much smaller, and the wet hair stuck to her cheeks, making her look pitiful. Meiji couldn't help stretching out her hand and pulling the wet hair on her face to the back of her head. The elf lowered his head and was a little shy.

"I still don't understand," Meiji whispered. "You want to help your people, but what does that have to do with dealing with Shadow Blood Dragon?"

"The future is never uncertain, and the survival of any race is irrelevant to nature itself." Yu Feng still lowered his head. "In the process of learning prophecy with Mr. Uno, I gradually understood that the hero in ancient legends who saved the world by one person could not appear again in this era when even gods could not protect themselves. If you want to help my people, you can't find a few heroes to go to Crescent Island. The world is a dark stage, and all I can do is to guide the direction of the story in some places. Parn opened the door to evil in the Valley of May, although he did not realize how terrible his mistakes were. And for our era not to go to the worst end, it must be corrected at some key intersections. In that misty future, I saw a person who is neither great nor strong, but his existence is like an incredible magnet, which can connect the originally scattered puzzles and make the power against evil so strong that it may avoid the destruction of the world.

"Just maybe?"

"Yes, but maybe," the wind raised his head, "no one is really sure what will happen in the future. In fact, in a hundred years of darkness, the world should be destroyed. The era after that, in a sense, is just a chaotic time and space.

"The person you mentioned who can influence the future should be Anna, right?" Meiji sighed. Only Anna can use blue planetary fragments, and only Anna is likely to rid the kingdom from the threat of Shadow Blood Dragon. In the ruins of the heavenly garden, Su Li wants to kill Anna under the order of the "Shadin's Shadow", while the gods of war Gulevi and Deliades came to save her in the form of incarnations. Although he was very reluctant to admit this, he had already vaguely felt that one day, Anna would leave him far behind and become an existence that he could no longer approach.

"No, you guessed wrong." The beautiful elf gently touched his face with his hand, "That person is not Anna, but you... Megsy, you are the one who will affect the direction of history!"



Some people want to be heroes, some want to be nobles, and some people just want to live their lives plainly.

What about Megji?

He doesn't know what he wants to do.

If possible, build a big villa, throw in Su Li, Princess, Anna and other beautiful women into it, and become your own harem, which is undoubtedly the greatest blessing in life. And even if it can't be done, it's just a pity.

Become an excellent magician? That's what the little fairy asked him.

He has never had a far-reaching ambition, such as dragon slaughter, adventure, saving the world and so on. He is too tired, and he often jokes about life, which is not his hobby. People are alive. They lie on the grass and bask in the sun to sleep, and occasionally lie on beautiful girls to exercise. They will live a careless life.

He has always been sure of his own idea.

But think again, if he really just thinks so, how could he leave Sol Village to help Zia find Joshua, and promise Sophia's conditions so that Alina can continue to live in Longenburg, and then go to the ruins of the heavenly garden for Sophia and finally come here?

Is it true that he doesn't want to go to Pingxia Island just because he is afraid of death? No, in fact, it's also quite interesting to run to a place full of pirates and face a horrible flying dragon. To be honest, he is not a person who cares so much about his life, but his life and death are one thing, and the life and death of the people he care about are another.

The main reason why he opposes that task is still because he is worried about Anna.

It doesn't matter if all the people he doesn't know in the world are dead, Anna can't die... If something happens to her, won't her Lori's breeding plan be ruined? Anna is still young. He really wants to see what she will look like when she grows up... It will be beautiful, cute and fun.

For him, his ambition is just that.

Resist evil, prevent the world from going to destruction, and change the direction of history? Don't joke!

This kind of thing is not fun at all.

The showers have dissipated, and only the drizzle that stopped when it fell came under the sea breeze. Meiji looked at the beautiful elf and sighed.

"I won't tell anyone that you are mentally ill." He said solemnly to her and then turned around and left. A scoundrel like himself is actually a key figure in changing history? He was the first to believe it.

"Meggie, are you really unwilling to change your mind?" The beautiful elf shouted behind him, "You and Anna must go to Pingxia Island. Only in this way can..."

"Don't talk to me about those damn predictions." Megsy looked back at her disdainfully. Since the illusion about Sophia is actually what she got into her mind, she can decide the content of the illusion based on her own pleasure. Sophia will not really die in the fire, and that is not a real prophecy or fate.

"Well... If you don't believe it, it doesn't mean anything." The elf smiled desolately and slowly walked to the seaside. After the rainstorm, the sea rolled up furious waves and hit the beach one after another.

"What do you want to do?" Meiji was shocked.

The wind ignored him and just continued to walk to the sea. He ran over quickly and felt that this kind of thing was too ridiculous. Even if she refuses to go to Pingxia Island, she doesn't have to jump into the sea, right?

Before he caught up with the elves, the elves rushed to the waves. Without thinking about it, he chased them. A wave swept them up and pulled them to the endless sea in an instant. He tossed helplessly in the waves, and the cold sea penetrated straight into the bone marrow.

Do you want to die so inexplicably?

At this moment, Meji felt a soft body hugging him. He opened his eyes and saw the beautiful elf again. Surrounded by a very dark sea, he was completely submerged by the sea and should not have seen anything. However, the wind was very conspicuous in his eyes. She floated in the water and was covered with countless shiny particles. These dots passed along the part where the two met each other and covered him in it.

His breathing was no longer difficult, and the surging waves around him had no effect on him. He hugged the wind and slowly sank, as if the goose feathers were slowly falling from the air.

The elf's eyes had a smile after his cunning, which made him feel that he was really stupid enough. Did she say she was a water elf? Although the water elves live on the shore, they are simply more free in the sea than the legendary mermaids. I was worried that a water elf would commit suicide by jumping into the sea?

That's really no different from worrying that the fire puppet will die in the fire and the shark will drown in the water!