Magic Dance Song

Chapter 18 Undersea Cave!

The elf escaped from his arms and slowly floated away. After wad to him, he took his hand and swam to the distance. Meggie didn't know where she was going to take her, but she could only feel that they were swimming lower and lower. Those highlights covering themselves are undoubtedly the unique ability of the water elf clan.

His eyes slowly adapted to the light at the bottom of the sea. At this time, he knew that the interior of the sea was so strange. The charming corals and strange seaweed transform into colorful spots, and all kinds of fish swim by them, which is dazzling.

This is a mysterious world, as if everything in the world has been isolated.

He looked at the wind. The beautiful water elf is light, as if passing through the gap between the sea that ordinary people can't see, which is wonderful.

They swam for a long time until they came to a cliff at the bottom of the sea. Meiji followed the water elf into a long tunnel, then floated, and came out of the water in a moment.

This is a wonderful underwater cave, with glowing stones scattered on the wall and beautiful flowers planted in the corner. The wind took him out of the water and into it. And Meggie noticed that it was like a girl's room, not only hanging all kinds of cute accessories, but also a small bed in the depths.

"This is where I live." The wind showed a shy smile to him.

"Why did you bring me here?" Meiji looked at her and felt a little confused. The mysterious underwater world, the girl's boudoir, the handsome teenager and the beautiful elf girl... If nothing happens, I'm sorry for the parents who gave birth to him.

Although he doesn't know who the two guys gave birth to him are.

"I just want to talk to you again here..." Feng lowered his head and said softly.

Meji slowly pasted it and forced her to the edge of the stone wall. He stretched out his hand and gently covered the small but charming peak of the water elf. What do you want to talk about?" He breathed in the elf's ear and then admired the redness on her cheeks.

"What if...?" The elf slowly untied the skirt and let the long skirt slip off, revealing the delicate skin.

"Even so, it won't work." Megsy's heart beat faster and faster. He watched the water elf completely fade off her only underwear, her long hair gently covered her breasts, and her pointed ears trembled slightly because of inner shyness. Her lower abdomen is smooth and smooth, and her gently close legs are more beautiful due to lack of light.

"Is this also part of the prophecy?" Meiji gently stroked the buds on her chest with her fingers.

"Who would know?" The elf stretched out his hands and put his arms around his waist. "Maybe, there is no prophecy at all. Everything is deceptive."

"Deceiving people will be punished." Meiji picked her up and walked to the small bed. Meiji put her in ** and kissed every inch of her skin. They kissed and stroked each other until the flame burned out their minds.

Meggie turned over her body and knelt down by the bed and stuck it heavily from behind.

"Wrong, wrong..." Zhang Feng realized that Meiji was not the normal path.

"I know." Meiji wrapped one hand around the front to cover her right peak and exerted another force.

The elf screamed in pain.

From light to heavy, and from heavy to light. The elves are naturally smooth and delicate, even in that place. And the body of the wind** was beyond Meiji's expectation and soon moaned contentedly in the repeated alternation of emptiness and fullness.

Until all the desires were released in the water-like tolerance, Meiji gasped and got an abnormal satisfaction. He lay on his side, making the water elf huddle in his arms like a child.

"If I ask you now whether you are willing to go to Pingxia Island for me, what will you answer?"

"Of course not," Meji replied naturally, "but I can take you to the fog forest, where the silver moonlight grass is very beautiful."

"It's really a scoundrel." The water elf gently pinched his thigh, and there was not much anger in his tone. Obviously, he had already guessed his answer.

She got up, stepped on Meiji's waist, and gently massaged him with her hand: "Are you tired?"

Meji didn't say a word. After all, he was not an elf of water. Although he was attached to the water spirit, it still took a lot of effort to swim all the way here. Just now, after being majestic on the wind, he was naturally exhausted.

The wind made him lie on his back and gently relieve his fatigue. She gently pounded all the way from Meiji's shoulder to her calf, then blushed and glanced at him, put her face to his abdomen, and let it get a proper massage with her little mouth. Her skills are not good, and it is obviously the first time to do this kind of thing, but her learning ability is excellent. Just from the reaction and comfortable sigh of Meggie's body, she knows how to adjust and let the * in his body burn again.

The elf raised his head and asked shyly, "Do you still want it?"

Meggie gave a hum, but couldn't help saying, "However, even if you are like this, I won't agree..."

"I know," Yu Feng glanced at him angrily. "Really, what do you think of him?"

After saying that, she continued to bury her head. Although her skills were indeed lacking, her wet mouth and attractive posture of raised buttocks still made Meiji vent quickly.

"Do you still refuse to go?" She pulled her hair gently and looked like an aggrieved little girl.

Meggie shook her head resolutely. Although her pitiful appearance really began to doubt whether she was too bullying, she could not agree to take Anna to death.

"It doesn't matter." The water elf smiled carelessly and then buried his head again.

"Wait, wait a minute, I can't do it... comfortable... stop, stop..."

"Then you go to Pingxia Island!"

"I won't go...ah, come again..."


When Meji woke up, he only felt that his whole body was in a state of exhaustion. He guessed that Will was not so tired after using the Light of God of War. Even he didn't know how many times he had been "serviced" by the water elf. He even felt that he was still alive, which was really a miracle.

He struggled to sit up, and then saw that a bottle of milk was put on the stool next to him from time to time. He didn't care too much and picked it up and drank it down.

I don't know whether it was a psychological effect or something really mixed in the milk. He felt that there was an effect similar to recovery in his body.

There was also a note on the stool. He picked it up and read it. It just said "I'm sorry" in elegant style.

Then, he felt a sense of sleepiness, making his whole head drowsy. He subconsciously glanced at the empty bottle, which fell from his hand and rolled out of the bed with a swollen sound.

He fell on ** and fell asleep again.

When he opened his eyes again, he didn't know how long it had been. It is impossible to judge the time in the undersea cave, and the wind has lost its trace.

Although she didn't know what she added to the milk, Meggie felt that her spirit had indeed recovered. He waited there for a long time, and the water elf did not come back. He picked up the note and looked at the "sorry" written on it. After thinking for a while, he understood what she meant by sorry.

Anger suddenly surged in his heart.


There is no doubt that during the period when he stayed here, Molly and the others may have taken Anna to Pingxia Island.

Everything he said to him is likely to give him the illusion that the task could not be carried out without him. It doesn't make sense to say that he is an important person who guides history and that without him, even if others go to Pingxia Island. He even deliberately pretended that he was willing to do anything to make him agree, and then turned him into a dead pig in self-righteous satisfaction.

"Maybe there is no prophecy at all. Everything is deceptive."

She has actually told herself, but she is fascinated by her beauty and really believes that she is so important that she must be.

Obviously, each of them knows their influence on Anna. If he firmly opposes it, Anna is likely to really leave the task and sneak away with him. Therefore, the best way is to set him away, so that Anna, who is soft-hearted and independent, will be at their mercy.

Meggie paced back and forth in that narrow space, and her heart was full of anger.

I don't hate Molly, I don't hate the wind, but I hate myself for being so naive and stupid. Although he kept saying that he didn't believe it, he actually believed in the nonsense that the world would be destroyed without him, and then he was led away like a fool.

Be sure to catch up with them. Can he really let Anna die like this? In fact, even without Anna, Molly and others are their companions after all. Can he really focus on his own thoughts and watch them face the horrible flying dragon?

However, he had no idea how to get out of here. If it was Ziya, he might be able to become a fish to swim to the sea and then become an eagle and fly away, but he doesn't have the ability. He recalled all the magic he had learned in his heart, and for a moment he was helpless.

In desperation, he had to call the little fairy through his mind and then tell her his situation.

There is a way that may help you reach the sea. But it's a little difficult to get back to Fei'an City from the sea. The little fairy said to him.

"Let's get out of here first." Meiji said helplessly.


Meggie stood at the entrance of the cave, took a deep breath and stroked his hands. A layer of air film attached to his body, which is a magic of wind attributes that can temporarily wrap the air around the caster. Then he jumped into the water and swam out of the tunnel desperately with this layer of air. After leaving the tunnel, he settled down and cast the spell silently. The air film slowly swelled and wrapped him in the center like a bubble. Due to the static pressure difference of the sea, the bubbles began to rise quickly. In the process, he only breathed a little when he couldn't hold on, so as not to accidentally destroy the bubbles and drown himself.

It was not until he emerged from the sea that the bubbles broke open in contact with the air, and the sea squeezed again. The sudden change of pressure made his body seem to have been hit hard by something, dizzy, and did not sink without sinking with his efforts with his hands.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down.

At this time, it is early morning, and there is a dawn in the sky, and there are still a few stars in the west that have not faded. He looked blankly at the endless sea around him and didn't know what to do next. He wanted to see if he could meet a fishing boat and let the fishermen take him back to the city. Now it suddenly occurred to me that no one dares to go to sea to fish again because of the fear of the attack of Shadow Blood Dragon. Even if there is, it may not be able to come here by coincidence.

At this moment, there was a strange cry behind him. He turned around and saw a dolphin. The dolphin repeatedly jumped out of the sea, splashed a series of splashes, and then patted the sea with its tail like a signal to him. It swam to Meiji and circled a few times. Seeing that he had nothing else to do, he patted the sea again.

"Are you going to take me away like this?" He couldn't help asking.

The dolphin waved its tail and nodded its head.

Although she didn't know where it came from, without any other way, Meggie had to lie on it and hold it tightly. The dolphin began to swim far away, getting faster and faster, and almost made him fall down. After a long time, he saw the beach appear in front of him.

That's Fei'an City.

After sending him to the beach, the dolphin made that strange but pleasant cry again.

"Well, thank you." In addition to thanking him, Meggie didn't know what else to say to it.

The dolphin seemed to understand what he meant, shook its head and spit out something from its mouth. He went over and took it in his hand. It was a small whistle.

The dolphin touched him and then dived into the deep sea.

Meggie stared at the whistle and didn't know what it was for. But now is not the time to care about this. He turned around and ran through the dock and several streets until he came to the Sea Breeze Hotel. He ran to the second floor and knocked on several doors. As he was worried, everyone else was no longer there.

He ran downstairs and looked at his hotel owner in a daze.

"Where's my companion?" Meiji stared at him.

"I checked out yesterday and last night." The boss was stared at by him, "The lady named Molly said, if you come back, let you go back to Wangcheng first..."

Go to hell, Megy thought hatefully.

Can he really let go like this?

"Hey, are you all right?" The boss looked nervously at Meggie, who was trembling with anger.

"It's okay," Meiji grabbed his hand solemnly. "Thank you for your hospitality these days. Your wife is very** and has big breasts, which is very good. Anyway, I'm basically satisfied and will definitely come again next time.

After saying that, he turned around and left. After being stunned for a long time, the owner of the hotel looked up suspiciously at the window on the third floor, and the boss's wife just poked her head out from there...