Magic Dance Song

Chapter 7 Xiao Lei, look, rabbit--

After dawn, they still hid in the cave, relying on Meiji to magically catch some rabbits on the mountain to satisfy their hunger. It is too close to the royal city and will certainly not be able to stay for a long time, but in broad daylight, with the delicate young queen and the princess who is still in a coma, if they meet the rebels, they can't escape at all. Therefore, after discussion, they decided to choose a remote path as far away from the king city as possible after dark.

However, it is still not easy to choose where to go.

Going to Fort Long is an attractive idea. After all, Molly and Greenless are likely to be sending Anna back there. If they can meet them, it will be a good thing. However, this idea is unrealistic. Wangcheng has been captured, and the war is only the beginning. Longenburg is too close to Wangcheng. Even if it does not fall immediately, it is impossible for Alina not to worry. She will have to take Anna to escape. As for Molly and Greenless, it is even more impossible to stay there, and the possibility of meeting them by chance is too low.

It is even more impossible to go to the north. I don't know what the turmoil in the three northern counties will turn into. Shukes County in the south and Leharlan County in the west obviously colluded with the dark prince, and it was only sent as a sheep into the tiger's mouth. Moreover, up to now, the plans of other county lords have not been made clear. Theoretically, the royal family has suffered a serious setback, and there will certainly be people who will rise up against Parnqi in the name of defending the royal family, but do these verbal supporters have greater ambitions?

These are all headaches when you think about them.

"You can go to Dilu County," Tinuweier suggested. "The Earl of Fallon of Dilu County is Sophia's uncle. He has a bad temper and is old-fashioned, but at least he is upright. He is the only person who can be trusted at present.

Meggie and Emma looked at each other. Dilu County is close to the distant desert. At the beginning, after leaving the bronze heart altar, Meji entered the territory of the Fair Kingdom from the Guai gate of Dilu County. However, no matter which way it goes, it is too far away.

"You can pass around Huenberg." Emma whispered.

Meggie has no objection. Hulenborg was originally Emma's home. She once tried to establish a necromancer in the black crystal mine belonging to Hulunburg. Although it ended in failure, she undoubtedly knew the area best. Moreover, Hulenborg is very close to Longenburg, which is also conducive to Megy to inquire about Anna's whereabouts.

In the afternoon, Sophia finally woke up.

"Ema?" She first looked at the necromancer girl and called weakly. After all, the magic treatment has an extraordinary effect. Although the priest can only use low-level healing techniques, it can at least make her injury improve quickly.

Emma saw her sobriety, but she didn't know how to face her. In joy and pain, she ran out of the cave with tears.

"What's wrong with her?" Sophia struggled to turn her eyes to Meji and Tinuvir.

Tinuwell is not familiar with Emma and can't answer. Meggie can only smile bitterly. He has somewhat understood Emma. Her feelings for Sophia are extremely complicated. On the one hand, she is almost blind worship and love, and on the other hand, she has betrayed Sophia because of her hurt. She wanted to be forgiven by Sophia, but she couldn't say it because of her awkward personality.

"She just needs to calm down," he reluctantly smiled at Sophia. "Don't worry about her and sleep a little longer."

"You laughed so ugly..." Sophia said vaguely and fell asleep again.

After she fell asleep, Meiji walked out of the cave and came to a stream. Emma was squatting, covering her face with her hands, her shoulders kept trembling, and tears fell from between her fingers...


After dark, they began to prepare for the road.

Since Sophia woke up, Emma has become silent and obedient. She has simply become a good girl, making Meiji unable to adapt for a while. She used a magic item to summon a demon to carry Sophia on her back. I don't know what material the statue was made of. It looks like a burly half-elf warrior with a long sword hanging around his waist, which is very realistic.

The statue is a magic puppet made by a magician who can obey the orders of the summoner. Generally speaking, although the production process of the statue is simple, the materials are extremely difficult to find. Ordinary magicians can only use clay or stone as the body of the statue, and then forcibly inject the heterogeneous spirit body that can obey simple orders into it. Although the statue made in this way is strong, it is clumsy and often confuses the orders issued by the magician.

However, the half-elf statue summoned by Emma is not only flexible, but also able to fully understand what Emma wants it to do, which makes Megee very envious. As a natural magician, of course, he can also make magic statues, but he has no time and is afraid of trouble. What's more, that kind of chicken-like stone statue or clay statue is really useless, so he simply gave up the idea of making such a thing.

This half-elf statue was obviously not made by Emma herself. In fact, the magic item she used to summon it was the pearl necklace that Meiji hung around her neck in the ruins of the heavenly garden. She touched one of the black pearls with her fingers and didn't see any movement, and the half-elf statue came out.

At that time, when wearing the pearl necklace on Emma's neck in the room of the red-robed mage Chris, Meggie guessed that it was mostly a magic item with some special purpose, like the elemental protection ring and dimension bag she left behind. Obviously, Emma has figured out its role.

She called the half-elven statue "Tannis".

Meggie didn't think the name was anything special, but Tinwell smiled. Under Megid's secret inquiry, the young queen told him that "Tannis" is the protagonist of a legendary novel called Dragon and Gun Chronicles co-written by two bards. His mother is an elf woman who gave birth to him after being met by a human man**. Because he is a semi-elf, he has often suffered since he was a child. When he grew up, he became a hero who saved the world.

The two bards, one is Tracy Hickman and the other is Marguet Weiss.

Obviously, this kind of hero novel is just one of the popular knight novels among the aristocracy, and Meiji despises people who like to read such novels.

They are on their way at night, but they walk slowly. After all, Tinuville is a spoiled young lady. Although she has a certain awareness of being willing to face death, she is not afraid of death and fatigue. Soon she can't walk and has blisters on her feet. So Emma touched her black pearl necklace again and called out a tall and powerful human warrior.

"Is this Karamon?" Tinuville recognized it at a glance.

Emma nodded.

Then, "Tannis" carried Her Royal Highness, and "Kalamon" carried Her Majesty the Queen on her back, and everyone continued on their way. But it wasn't long before Meggie began to feel depressed. Because he suddenly found himself a drag, others had to stop and wait for him from time to time, and Emma seemed to have obviously considered whether to give him a few whips to let him know why horses that were often whipped can run faster and faster.

Can this be blamed? He thought cynically. He is a magician. Magicians have always been good at physical strength, right? Moreover, even if it is not a magician, how many normal people can keep up with the speed of the statue? Well, of course, Emma followed, and she was still a woman.

But you know... she has never been normal...

"Well, Emma..." After chasing them breathlessly, Meggie asked in a low voice, "Do you have any other demon statues?"

"Do you want someone to recite it too?" Emma looked at him with contempt.

If you want to be innocent, you have to be thick-skinned. Megie tried his best to make himself look "poor". Obviously, his expression brought Tinuville and Emmale at the same time. Tinuville turned around to cover her mouth and smiled secretly, and Emma had begun to touch her bone whip.

"If you hit me, the princess may be woken up." Meiji quickly reminded her.

Emma stagnated for a while, so she reluctantly loosened the bone whip and touched the black necklace again.

The purpose was successful, and Meiji was excited.

However, compared with "Tannis" and "Caramon", the demon statue that appeared this time is not only much thinner, but also looks sickly. It wears a magic robe, and its skin doesn't know what kind of material it is coated with, making it look like a malnourished magic apprentice. In addition, its eyes are actually funnel-shaped.

Meji really doubts whether this little demon statue can carry herself, but on second thought, although it obviously imitates the shape of the character in the chronicle, the demon statue is a demon statue. What is weak should only be its appearance, and the inside must be very strong.

So Meggie jumped on its back without hesitation.

However, this guy just took a few steps upside down and couldn't stand it and fell to the ground with him. Poofing the mud in his mouth, Meiji had to get up by himself and was depressed.

"What's the name of this guy? I mean... in that book." He pointed to the little demon statue that swayed and climbed up and asked the young queen.

However, Tinuvir rarely showed a playful smile and stretched out two fingers from behind Karamon and shook it in front of the small statue.

"Xiao Lei, look, rabbit..."


County Leharren.

Cassman Einhuly sat leisurely in his castle, listening to the sound of army training outside the window.

He likes to listen to loud slogans and neat steps, which makes him feel that his blood is boiling and he feels like a soldier.

Of course he is not.

He knows very well that a lazy person like him can neither be a soldier nor a knight. He also understands that although a young and hot-blooded knight often appears in knight novels who builds meritorious deeds through his sword in his hand and finally gets a fief or even becomes a king, in real life, that kind of knight can usually only be cannon fodder. Even if he is extremely lucky, he can be sent to death countless times. If you survive the battle, you will hang the badge of a red star or purple star on your chest, and you will be sealed with a few knights at most. It is impossible to become the head of the county, let alone become a king.

Some things need not blood, but brain.

He is not hot-blooded, but he is glad that he has a brain.

So, he can sit here leisurely, drink fine wine, listen to the sound of the army outside the window, and sigh that he is not hot enough. And there are others outside to make contributions for him.

Someone knocked on the door, and the sound was not light or heavy, just right, and the interval between each time was also very exquisite.

"Come in, Monxtor, just come in!" The count picked up the wine glass with his hand and put it in front of him. The figure of the officer who entered the room looked strangely bloated in his eyes through the pale red ** and glass.

Of course, the officer himself is not bloated. In fact, years of training and meticulous life have made him not only strong and powerful, but also straight like a long gun.

"Monxtor, I've said before that you can come in directly without notification and knocking on the door. You deserve it." The count put down his glass and looked at the officer with a smile. Of course, he clearly knew that it was impossible for the other party to do that.

This is just the posture of a superior.

"Sir," Monxtor held his hat under his arm. "The latest news has come, and I think it is necessary to report to you immediately."

Count Ainhuly's eyes jumped, so he narrowed them into a slit: "Is there any bad news? Our people clashed with that group of pirates?

"No, no," the officer replied, "I have told them that it's useless not to conflict with Panqi's people."

"What's the problem?"

"Paenqi did not remove all the members of the royal family as he promised!" The officer said with a blank face, "He let go of Princess Sophia and deliberately obstructed him from the sky when we attacked the second prince who escaped from the royal city, and let him escape into Sykes County, and the Marquis of Lianting of Xiux County informed us that he had secretly executed the prince of the sky, but I think..."

"Of course he wouldn't really do that," the lord of Leharlan County sneered. "If it were me, I wouldn't have thrown away such a baby. It seems that our Marquis of Litting has another plan, but this is normal. Everyone has a plan, and it is a good thing to have a plan. So now, let's carry out our own plan. Now that we have helped the fool Panqi capture the royal city, now, withdraw all our people..."

"This is another bad news," Monkstor's face was also a little ugly. "Painqi withdrew from the royal city ahead of us."

What does it mean? The count didn't understand at all. Panqi withdrew from the royal city? Where can he and his pirates go?

First, he secretly helped Panchi capture Grusidia, then tore up the agreement, blocked Panqi's retreat, and summoned the lords to attack the royal city in the name of saving the kingdom, so that Panqi became the stepping stone for him to enhance his prestige and ascend to the throne... This is the most important part of his plan.

However, now, Panqi is the first to withdraw from the royal city?

"It doesn't matter," the count said impatiently. "Grusidia is not his majestic sea. Without our assistance, he has no way to escape..."

"He has escaped," Monxter smiled bitterly, "we lost his trace. I originally suspected that the Marquis of Litting was bold enough to take him in, but it was obvious that he and his subordinates did not enter Sykes County.

Ainhuly opened his mouth wide and couldn't speak for a moment. How could such a miscellaneous army disappear from under his eyelids?

Everyone has a plan...

But he hates that his plan is interrupted.

"Where are our people?"

"They are still in the royal city," Monxto replied, "they are waiting for your order."

"What command are you waiting for?" The count asked in astonishment.

"General Snova believes that since Parnqi retreated by himself, it means that the royal city has completely fallen into your hands. He believes that this is an opportunity to transfer Grusidia into your territory..."

"Idiot!" The count suddenly stood up and threw the glass on the wall. The light red ** was like a girl's roof, slowly flowing down the wall.

"Let them leave the royal city quickly and come back!" The count roared, "Don't delay me for a second... No, no, wait, let them not come back directly, they must disperse, whether they are disguised as refugees or deserters, anyway, give me a few more circles before coming back."

Everyone has their own plan...

But if that person is your subordinate, it would be terrible.

"What else?" He looked at the officer who had not yet left with a headache, "I hope it will be good news."

"I think, at least it's not bad!" Monxtor took out a document from the intelligence officer and gave it to the count.

The count frowned and looked over, and then a smile slowly appeared on his face.

"Oh, so that rumor is true?" The lord of Leharun County smiled, "Tinuville, our beautiful queen, really has an affair with the infatuated dark prince?"

"Obviously," the officer replied, "and... piercing her heart can kill Panqi."

"Prick the heart of a beautiful woman? Oh, no, that's too cruel!" The count slowly withdrew his smile and said, "She is a baby. Catch her, no matter what means you use, you have to catch her. And, look who she is with? Oh, our princess, to be honest, I have always admired her. And Emma, I'm glad that she's still alive, but I think it's better to let her accompany her dead father. There is also a magician...Meggie? The name seems to be a little familiar!"

"Yes," Monksto replied expressionlessly, "he participated in the task of killing the snake-haired banshee, defeated Frisis in the magic duel, and went to the heavenly garden ruins, and then..."

"Kill the Shadow Blood Dragon with Joshua?" The count frowned, "Well, hasn't Joshua come back yet?"

"He hasn't contacted us since he left Pingxia Island."

"With Panqi's sister? Humph, it's another infatuated species." The count sneered, "Let him go first and deal with this traitor later. The most important thing now is to catch the beautiful queen. Megsy and Emma... I'm afraid it's a little difficult to deal with.

"I think," Monxto slowly suggested, "Maybe you can consider using someone..."

After a moment of silence, a smile appeared on the face of the lord of Leharon County: "Wind soul?"
