Magic Dance Song

Chapter 8 "My name is Wind Soul--"

When the whip hit Meggie, he was still having a wonderful dream.

Zhe Feng, Anna and Sully are close to him bare together... In short, it's wonderful.

Then he woke up in pain.

"What are you going to do again?" He stared at Emma angrily, and Tinuville, who was lying behind a tree, sat up and rubbed his eyes in a daze.

"What about Your Highness?" Emma's face is extremely ugly.

Meggie was stunned. On the straw spread beside him, Princess Sophia is gone.

"I'll kill you sooner or later!" Emma stared at him fiercely, and he couldn't talk back.

They rushed all night last night and found this place to rest at dawn. Emma went to the front to see if there was anything unusual, while Meiji stayed next to Sophia... and fell asleep.

The early morning sun wandered into the forest, and occasionally a few drops of dew dripping and shining halo.

They began to look everywhere.

After looking around, Meji didn't see Sophia. In a hurry, he used a magic. A dreamy eye rotates over the forest, which is the "mage's eye".

The mage's eye suddenly disappeared, and he ran in one direction.

By a stream, he saw Sophia.

She lay on her side on the water-soaked pebbles and silently looked at her reflection. More than half of her beautiful blonde hair had already been destroyed, and the burning sword mark on her cheeks rolled dark red. The left half of her neck was full of numbness. Fortunately, the magic of the village priest quickly scarred the blisters on her skin.

Her left hand is burnt and disabled.

Meggie slowly walked behind her, and she suddenly turned around.

At that moment, he saw the tears of despair of the princess who was no longer beautiful.

Emma and Tinuville also ran over, but Sophia had turned her head.

The stream is still flowing slowly, and the clear and cold water permeates the forest, which is penerating cold. A cold wind swept by and made the leaves on the ground rustle.

That morning, no one spoke again.

No one knows what to say.

Until Tinuville held Princess Sophia's hand and cried. And the princess is already asleep.

In the afternoon, Meiji saw Emma running away alone. He asked the young queen to accompany Sophia and walked to Emma by himself.

Emma sat quietly by the stream, and her tall figure looked extremely lonely.

" Emma..." He called the girl.

The girl suddenly turned around, and her eyes were indifferent and indifferent.

Meggie swallowed her saliva, and then decided to ignore her clear eyes that said "Don't come close to me" and sat next to her.

Emma quietly touched the bone whip.

"If you hit me, I will scream in pain." Meiji reminded her carefully. Obviously, Sophia is her weakness. As long as she believes that her mess will affect Sophia's rest, she can't do anything...

The bone whip rolled like lightning and wrapped around Meggie's neck like a snake!

"You don't have a chance to call." She stared at Meiji fiercely.

Meggie was strangled by the bone whip. Fortunately, Emma doesn't seem to really intend to kill least now. She quickly pulled back the bone whip.

Mage coughed violently.

This guy... his brain is not normal at all...

"If you want to say something, just say it quickly." Emma said impatiently.

After struggling to stop coughing, Meiji took a deep breath and said, "I just want to say... Is it really necessary for us to go to Dilu County?"

"So where do you want to go?" Emma gave him a light look.

"Anywhere is fine." Meiji whispered, "Whever the remote countryside or the poor fishing village. We can live there, I mean, you, me, and Sophia. Of course, it's okay if Tinuville is willing to be with us. It has nothing to do with us, such as dark princes and messy counts and marquises. We can have a bunch of children... Well, it doesn't matter if you don't want to have children with me. Anyway, I mean... why can't we live our own lives?"

Emma looked at him in a daze. Obviously, Meg's proposal surprised her... and moved her.

Leave all the troubles and live your favorite life with Sophia... Of course, there is one more scoundrel, but it doesn't matter. If he dares to provoke himself, at most find a chance to kill him when Her Royal Highness is not paying attention...

"If you kill me secretly, I will become a ghost and tell Sophia that you did it." Meiji easily guessed her idea and quickly threatened her.

"I won't give you a chance to become a ghost!" The necromancer girl said without hesitation.

"Hey," Meiji opened his eyes wide. "I'm just testing it. I didn't expect you to really think so?"


Meggie shrank her neck for fear that her bone whip would roll up again.

Emma was silent for a long time, and she was considering the feasibility of Megji's proposal. Finally, she could only sigh and shake her head: "It's useless. For the princess, doing so means avoiding her responsibilities, and she won't agree. Moreover, if those people want to find us, we have no place to hide at all.

No? The fog forest flashed through Meiji's mind.

However, he also knew how unrealistic his idea was, so he had to shake his head with a wry smile.

He lowered his head and wanted to say something more, but he was stunned again.


"What's the matter?"

"You're bleeding..." Meiji looked at her skirt.

A wisp of blood is flowing down Emma's feet, seeping into the stream and mixing with the water.

Emma herself obviously noticed it, and her face suddenly changed greatly.

"Ima, are you here..."

"Shut up!" The girl roared so loudly that even Tinuvir on the other side looked over puzzledly.

Emma suddenly stood up and walked quickly to the distance until she turned into a corner.

"What's wrong with her?" Meiji muttered, "Isn't it just a moon event? Don't you need to pretend to be dying? Really..."


After turning to the back of a hillside and confirming that no one could see it, Emma stopped.

She lifted her skirt and frowned. On her right leg, there was inexplicably a tooth-shaped wound for a month, from which blood flowed out. More importantly, the wound seemed to be alive, constantly squirming and passing spider-foot-like black silk to other places. The black silk stretched out, then retracted, and kept repeating.

Why did it appear at this time?

The girl's face is a little pale.

She took out a bat-shaped thing from her body and toss it on the ground. A black fog floated out of that thing.

"Miss Emma, what can I do for you?" The black fog condensed into the appearance of a girl.

"What's going on?" Emma pointed to the wound.

"Oh, my God!" The girl was shocked and covered her mouth tightly, "Blood Curse? Shouldn't there be another month left?"

"I'm asking you." Emma stared at her angrily.

"I, I'll ask the master!" The black fog shook, and the girl's appearance dispersed. Not long after, she appeared again.

"Miss Emma," her voice sounded full of panic, "you are in danger."

"What's the danger?"

"Someone is using the soul search spell on you, and the blood spell was triggered in advance." The girl replied in a panic, "The master won't let me say more. Just let me tell you that you must arrive at the temple within a month to complete the ceremony."

"So, tell me, who is that person?"

"I can't say it." The girl's voice was crying.

Emma stared at her, but knew that the girl couldn't make any decision.

"Miss Emma," the girl asked carefully, "Don't you hurt?"

Emma was stunned and looked down at the wound. Indeed, normally, the wound caused by the blood spell should be accompanied by a sharp pain, but she does not feel any pain at all.

What's going on?

"The first appearance will last about half an hour, and the next time will be longer." The girl said, "Miss Emma, I have to go... I hope to see you in the temple soon!"

"Wait a minute," Emma stopped her, "Are they still torturing you?"

The girl trembled and did not answer.

After a moment of silence, Emma waved her hand to let her leave.

The girl hesitated for a moment, then seemed to look around, and then said secretly, "Miss Emma, that person... is called Wind Soul."

She left as soon as she finished speaking. The black fog quickly dissipated until it turned into a small bat and then annihilated into nothingness.

Emma frowned and looked down at the wriggling wound until it began to fade and disappeared from her lap.

Wind soul? Who is this person?

No matter who he is, in short, he is using soul search spells on himself, which means that he may have figured out his position.

Emma was shocked and ran to Meiji and the others. As soon as she saw Meggie and Tinuvir, she found that something was wrong before she could speak.

In their resting place, there was one more person... a little boy under ten years old.

At this time, Princess Sophia had woken up, half propped her body, and looked at the little boy with Meji and Tinuvir.

Although he is only a child, he is wearing a combined tuxedo and his hair is neatly combed. His face showed a flawless smile, his eyes were black and shiny, and his skin was very white, as delicate as a girl who had never been a boudoir, and at the same time reflected a faint soft light.

Under a few rays of sunshine, it was like bypassing his body without reflecting a little shadow.

"Who is he?" Emma asked in a low voice.

Meggie shook his head. Tinuville replied, "He suddenly appeared here just now. We asked him, but he didn't answer."

There was a strange atmosphere on the boy's body. He looked at Emma and smiled more brightly, even with a handsomeness that could easily fascinate people.

"Sister," he put his hand on his chest and bowed gracefully to Emma, "My name is Fenghun... I'm very optimistic about you!"

Is he the wind soul? Emma was stunned.

A little boy?

"Sister, won't you hurt?" The boy stared into her eyes, and his mysterious eyes were as direct as a vortex. "I won't hurt either. We won't hurt! Unlike those people, they will shout in pain, as if someone is biting their skin, nailing them into the bones fiercely, and stirring them, so they cry, cry, and cry endlessly. We won't hurt, so, sister... I'm very optimistic about you!"

Meggie and others don't know what he is talking about...except Emma.

Emma's hand quietly touched the bone whip, and her heart tightened.

The boy also planted a blood spell and probably completed the ceremony a long time ago.

"And you," the boy named Fenghun looked at the others. "You have to escape well. I'll catch you right away. Don't let me down!"

Meggie and Tinuville looked at each other in connoy.

Emma lowered her head as if she was thinking about something. Suddenly, her bone whip rolled up and pulled it at the boy.

The boy suddenly disappeared.

He didn't even appear with light smoke, so he disappeared in place.

His strange laughter came from the forest.

"My name is Fenghun, my name is Fenghun... I'm very optimistic about you..."
