Magic Dance Song

Chapter 9 Justice of the Nobles--

"Who the hell is that little guy?" Meiji asked.

"If I guess correctly, he should be the killer sent by Casman Einhuly." Emma replied with a blank face.

" and Joshua used to..."

"Hmm." Emma knows what he wants to ask.

Meggie was silent.

At this time, although it was not completely dark, they had already begun to go on their way. Emma summoned "Tannis" and "Kalamon" to put the princess and queen on her back, followed by herself and Meiji. However, they did not hurry too fast, but avoided pedestrians as much as possible and moved forward carefully.

After a while, Meggie asked in a low voice, "What kind of person is that Count Ainhuly?" Why did Joshua work for him?

"A guy who likes to play tricks," Emma sneered. "He doesn't trust anyone and just wants to treat everyone as his own pawn. When he needs to abandon his son, he can give up without hesitation... such as me."

Meggie was silent again. Emma's family was destroyed, and there is no doubt that it was the count who sent someone to kill people. As some contexts become clear, some events have gradually become clear. Count Ainhuly gave greater benefits to the Burid family and let them build a undead army for themselves. However, when the Burid family was investigated by Princess Sophia and could be exposed, they did not hesitate to sell them and use them to lead Princess Sophia out of the royal city to implement some of their plans in the royal city.

And the second prince Fengyan and Cardinal Shirley were obviously deceived by him, thinking that they could easily control the supreme power of the kingdom after the assassination of Red Clothes. As a result, they messed up the royal city and further reduced the reputation of the royal family and the church. He must have caused the turmoil in the three northern counties to attract everyone's attention and help the dark prince sneak into the mainland.

And Meggie and Molly's plan to assassinate Wu Chen was obviously also used by him, so Joshua was sent to secretly help them in order to weaken Parnqi's strength behind his back... However, there is another problem.

"Where did those guys who appeared with you in the ruins of the heavenly garden come from?" Meiji couldn't help asking, "They don't seem to be from the Fair Kingdom..."

However, Emma did not answer. Obviously, this question is not within the scope of what she can tell Meggie.

Meggie had to sigh: "That count is really powerful. These conspiracies are simply linked. When others notice it, nothing will be late."

Emma sneered and said, "No, he is far behind. Or, compared with someone, he is just an incomparable flea.

Meggie asked doubtfully, "Who are you talking about?"

"Go and ask your friends."

" Joshua?" Meiji doesn't understand more. Is Joshua superficially a subordinate of Count Ainhuly, but actually working for another person?

Emma snorted, avoided his doubts, and said lightly, "Ainhuly is very good at playing conspiracy, and his greatest weakness is also here. In his opinion, conspiracy can solve any problem, both to the enemy and to his own people. At the beginning, people would indeed be deceived by the illusion he made, and so did my father and me, and even Joshua really thought he was a loyal object. However, over time, both his men and enemies began to recognize his true face and began to guard against him, but he still thought that everyone was being played by him. In fact, the person who plays chess is no longer him, but he doesn't know himself.

So it is.

It's okay to play conspiracy against the enemy. If you always play conspiracy against your own people, gradually, naturally, no one will really work for him. Although chivalry still exists in this country, it is always chilling that people who know their loyalty can abandon themselves without hesitation out of necessity.

"And the child named Fenghun, you seem to be very worried that he will be unfavorable to us..."

"He is a blood dancer," Emma said coldly, "so don't really think of him as a child."

"Blood dancer? What is that?"

"That's a branch of the blood clan," Emma said. "They pursue the oldest and most traditional blood-sucking rituals, pay attention to power and elegance, and look down on bloodsuckers who only know killing but have no beauty. They usually have powers that other vampires don't have, and like to make themselves look romantic, noble, and mysterious. However, they are very particular about the selection of heirs and have extremely strict standards. As far as I know, they are not allowed to turn children into vampires in their rules.

"But he is a child..."

"So, I don't know what's going on with him," Emma frowned. "Moreover, it's hard to imagine that a blood dancer will be a killer for people like Casman Einhuly, because in their self-consciousness, they are the most noble existence and no one can use them."

"Do you know them well?"

Emma did not answer this question.

The wind soul must be a blood dancer, but what connection does he have with the golden temple in the distant desert? The girl mostly knew his origin, but she may not dare to reveal it to herself without receiving orders from her master.

Emma is a little upset.

They rushed for another night. At dawn, they came to a gorge and found that a checkpoint had been set up there and an army was inspecting refugees and pedestrians. Emma approached them and tried to find out which army they belonged to. However, although they were all wearing royal army uniforms, there was no other sign to tell their origin, which was unreasonable.

Moreover, it still belongs to the territory of Glusidia. Since the dark prince has occupied the royal city, it should have been on the front line of the war.

"I'll find an officer to ask about the current situation. You wait here." Emma said to Meiji.

"They may not be willing to tell you." Meiji said.

Emma snorted coldly: "Don't underestimate me."

It didn't take long...

"Run." Emma came back, followed by a demon statue, who grabbed an officer who fainted. Behind her, a group of soldiers are chasing after her...

"Hey, if someone doesn't tell you, will you arrest him?" Meiji was shocked.

Emma ignored him and let Tannis and Karamon, who were carrying Sophia and Tinuvir, escape to the forest with her.

"Wait for me..." Meiji shouted quickly and felt that she wanted to sigh.

Really, in fact, with her appearance and a little show off **, which man doesn't want to tell her what he knows? Is it necessary to make such a big move?



After hiding in the forest, Emma took the unlucky guy she caught for interrogation.

Meji is waiting with Sophia and Tinuvir. For some reason, although Tinuville has been very concerned about her since Sophia woke up, they hardly said anything, as if there was an invisible wall between them.

In fact, the atmosphere between them is also easy to understand. For Sophia, Tinuvir has become her stepmother after all, but she has an affair with Parn. Although the family affection in the royal family is relatively weak, it is still difficult to care about this kind of thing emotionally. In Tinuville's heart, she inevitably felt guilty about Sophia. She always felt that it was because of her own existence that led to all the disasters that Panqi did everything for her, which she deeply understood. Although she became a queen, the pain in her heart increased day by day, and she even had the idea of leaving everything behind.

However, Panqi tied his life to herself. Although she hated his extremely selfish behavior many times, every time she stroked her heart, she would give birth to an indescribable happiness.

Yes, he made so many unforgivable mistakes, he killed so many people, and he almost killed Sophia... But he loves me!

When thinking so, Tinuvir almost covered his face and cried happily.

This makes it more difficult for her to face Sophia.

Looking at them as if they were just resting casually, but after such a long time, Meiji could only smile bitterly. He sat quietly beside the princess and whispered, "Sofia, are you feeling better?"

Suffia nodded and said nothing.

"Do you remember?" Meiji took her charrier hand and put it on her face. "One night before I left the royal city and prepared to go to the ruins of the heavenly garden, did you ask me, 'Will we love our future be very much?'?"

Sofia raised her head and looked at him stunned.

"I said 'I will definitely do it'," Meiji looked sadly at the scar on her face. "I said 'I would definitely do it.' Sophia, no matter what, I will be by your side, so you... cry if you want."

Suffia looked at him silently, her body trembled gently, and her overwhelmed heart had already filled with pain. She even hoped that Megsy and Emma would not save her. If she died in the royal city, if she died proudly on the battlefield, at least people would remember the beauty she once had.

But what is she now? An ugly princess who escaped?


"No, not yet." Sophia resisted the impulse to cry, and her confused eyes flashed with tears, which made Meiji's heart feel a knife-like pain.

She said, "Not yet..."

Meggie grabbed her hand and couldn't say anything more. And Emma just finished reviewing the officer and came over.


They got together again and began to listen to the information Emma got from the unlucky man. There was a sneer on the corners of her mouth, obviously because the information was making her happy.

"The respected and great count took a stone and hit his own foot this time." Emma's tone was full of mockery.

Everyone knows that what she said was Count Casman Einhuly of Leharren.

"What's wrong?" The princess asked.

"Paenqi and his army are missing!" Emma said.

"Missing?" The others didn't understand, and Princess Sophia couldn't help looking at Tinuvir.

"After Panqi captured the royal city, he quickly retreated and lost his trace with the whole army. I don't know how he did it." Emma said, "Now, all the spearheads are aimed at the old fox Einhuly. The Marquis of Lianting of Shukes County publicly claimed that Einhuly and Panqi were in collusion, not only helping Panqi attack the royal city, but also helping him and his army escape. Ainhuly's general named Snova also stood up, fled to Shukes County and testified that he had attacked the royal city with Panqi under Ainhuly's instructions. The lords of several counties in the south jointly issued a statement asking Einhuly to hand over Panqi and his group of pirates within the deadline, otherwise they would rise up against him for justice. However, I think that Einhuly is also a mute man who eats yellow lotus. If he knew where Pange was, he would have attacked him long ago.

Meggie was confused. He didn't know much about politics: "Isn't the old man Ainhuly and Parnqi the same? Is it normal for him to help Panqi retreat?

Emma glanced at him and didn't say anything. Obviously, she thought he was stupid enough.

Sofia easily understood the key to the problem. She glanced at Meiji and whispered, " Few people really care about whether Ainhuly and Panqi are secretly colluding, but everyone needs to show their 'just' position. The royal city was captured and the king burned himself to death. If Ainhuly can immediately stand up for revenge for the royal family and quickly destroy the army of the dark prince, he can appear as the savior of the kingdom. However, the problem now is that Panqi's army is missing, so the problem comes out..."

"What's the problem?" Megy still doesn't understand.

"You are so stupid!" Emma snorted, "The king is the nominal ruler of all the nobles, but now the royal city has fallen, the king is dead, and the murderer who caused this disaster has disappeared under the sun. Whether those nobles really care about the safety of the royal family or not, this matter has become a disgrace to the entire aristocracy. What will the common people think? What will people outside the kingdom think? Justice must be done, and at this time, all the evidence points out that a guy is with the murderer... Don't say that there is something wrong with that person, even if he is really wronged, at this time, it is necessary to let him die for the 'justice' of the aristocracy.

" hypocritical!"

"The aristocracy is such a hypocritical thing." Emma sneered, "They can do anything bad, provided that 'justice' must be maintained. Ainhuly can secretly collude with Panqi, even if everyone knows it, as long as no one dares to say it publicly. Even now, if he can find Parnqi's hiding place and encircle him immediately, he can prove his innocence to everyone. But unfortunately, Panqi and his rebels seem to have disappeared from the air, and no one can find them.

Meggie opened his mouth and reacted for a long time: "So, the result is that the noble and great count designed a lot of traps and intrigues, and then trapped himself?"

"Obviously so!"

"...he is so pitiful!"