Magic World

Chapter 78 Search for Wangyue Lake

Zhang Zhentian, Jiang Dongfang and Su Wanyue took ten soldiers and rode a fast horse to Wangyue Lake. Except for Su Wanyue and two or three soldiers, no one else, including Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang, has come here.

"Brother Zhang, Dongfang, in front is Wangyue Lake." Su Wanyue pointed to a lake in their southeast and said, "After the lake to the east, there is an area where lizards are often haunted, and Hubei and the northeast of the lake are the territory of bees. At present, there are often lions in the west and northwest of the lake, and then to Hunan is the territory of the fox spirit."

"Ha ha, with such a good guide as Miss Su, it is much more convenient to come out to do things." Zhang Zhentian listened to Su Wanyue's words and laughed loudly, "Then let's go to Hunan, where we should find out."

"Good!" Su Wanyue listened to Zhang Zhentian's words and was about to urge the horse forward, but at this time, Jiang Dongfang pulled Su Wanyue's horse, "Wanyue, Brother Zhang, wait a minute! I feel that there seems to be something wrong with this area. Don't you think this lake area seems to be particularly desolate?

"Desolate?" Zhang Zhentian and Su Wanyue listened to Jiang Dongfang's words, and the two of them looked around together. Indeed, there are neither birds nor beasts on the shore of this lake, which is indeed a desolate feeling.

"Liu Baocai!" Su Wanyue turned around and called a soldier, "Have you been to Wangyue Lake recently?"

"I've been there!" The soldier, who was called Liu Baocai, listened to Su Wanyue's call and urged the horse to come to the three and said, "Little man, I came here half a month ago."

"At that time, the lake area was also like this?" Su Wanyue listened to his words and continued to ask.

"Miss Hui, at that time..." He said this. He looked around and then shook his head and said, "At that time, the lake area was much more lively than it is now. Today's lake area seems to be missing something.

Su Wanyue listened to his words and turned her head to look at Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang. Obviously, Liu Baocai also found something wrong. It's just that he didn't say that there were fewer animals in the lake area.

"So, something must have changed here." Zhang Zhentian saw Su Wanyue's eyes on him. He pondered for a moment and then said, "I think so. Let's first look around to see if there are any animal corpses. Then, decide whether to continue south.

"Good!" Jiang Dongfang and Su Wanyue listened to Zhang Zhentian's words and answered in unison.

Under the leadership of the three of them, the soldiers dispersed around in three groups. After more than half an hour, they gathered back to where they had just stood and held one or two blood-sucked animal corpses in everyone's hands.

"Brother Zhang, look at the wound of this deer being bitten." Su Wanyue pointed to the bones of a red deer in the arms of a soldier behind him and said, "Its wound seems to have been bitten by some animal, not caused by giant mosquito sucking blood."

"Miss Su makes sense." Zhang Zhentian looked at the bones of the deer placed on the ground by the soldiers, and then looked up at Jiang Dongfang, "Dong, what do you think this deer was bitten to death?"

"Look at the wound, some of it looks like rodents!" Jiang Dongfang checked the wound of the red deer and replied, "I guess... it may be... blood-sucking bat, right?" He was a little uncertain to answer. In the earth era, he worked as a soldier and went camping in the primitive forests in the south, so he knew more about bats than Zhang Zhentian and Su Wanyue.

After listening to Jiang Dongfang's words, Zhang Zhentian couldn't help nodding. He obviously agreed with Jiang Dongfang's point of view. Su Wanyue frowned first and then nodded. Because she doesn't know what rodents are, but she knows about bats.

"In the East, I once heard from merchants from Huaiyi and Langya County that there are bats in the Langya area. However, they have always been active in the south of the misty forest. I have never been to Wangyue Lake. Su Wanyue listened to Jiang Dongfang's words and hesitated to say.

"I just found a similar body over there." While talking, Zhang Zhentian pointed to the things in the hands of the soldiers behind him. "It seems that there are not only giant mosquitoes but also bats here in Wangyue Lake now!"

"Then shall we continue to go south?" Jiang Dongfang listened to Zhang Zhentian's words, and he asked seriously.

"Go!" Zhang Zhentian simply replied, "Let's continue to go south!" But be careful on the road. According to the habits of bats, they should only come out at night.

Jiang Dongfang and Su Wanyue listened to Zhang Zhentian's words and nodded one after another. Then, the three took their soldiers, put some animal corpses suspected of being killed by bats in their pockets on horseback, and then went south together.

Soon, they approached the village of Huling. In the village, they naturally easily found traces of war. The bodies of giant mosquitoes and wasps on the ground are still vivid. They stayed in the abandoned Huling Village for a while and found nothing of value. Then, they continued south to reach the place that originally belonged to the fog forest. Now it's just an ordinary jungle, and the original fog and miasma have completely disappeared.

"Shall we go in and have a look?" On the edge of the jungle, Jiang Dongfang asked Zhang Zhentian.

"Miss Su, is the current situation completely disappearing from the fog forest?" Zhang Zhentian did not answer Jiang Dongfang's question. He turned around and asked Su Wanyue beside him.

"Yes! Brother Zhang." Su Wanyue must have nod.

"Then let's not go first!" Zhang Zhentian glanced at the jungle, and he instinctively felt that there seemed to be something dangerous hidden in the jungle. "The purpose of our trip has been achieved! There is no need to take any more risks. Speaking of this, he turned the horse's head and said, "I want to go back. We will take Hudong, take a detour from Hubei and then go back to Sujiaji. I don't know, does Miss Su think it's feasible?"

"Okay! Brother Zhang." Su Wanyue readily agreed, but she said, "There will be wasps and black bees in Hubei and the northeast of the lake. We try not to provoke them!"

"Miss Su, don't worry! I know how powerful they are. Zhang Zhentian listened to Su Wanyue's words, and he replied with a smile. Such a wasp is also available on the earth, and it is also a difficult opponent. Naturally, he knows the power of the wasp.

Jiang Dongfang will naturally have no objection to Zhang Zhentian's ideas. The group of people turned their heads and went quickly to the northeast.

When they reached the east bank of Wangyue Lake, it seemed that something was moving quickly in the grass in the distance. The high wormwood kept swaying, which naturally aroused the vigilance of Su Wanyue and the soldiers. Although Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang are not native natives, they also know that there must be some spiritual things hidden in the grass. Because they strangled the horses and stopped by the lake to watch the grass move.

At this time, something in the grass obviously also found the original search team. The wormwood stopped swinging, and the spirit hidden in the grass was also observing Zhang Zhentian and his team. Soon, the grass shook again, and four people stood up from the grass and walked towards Zhang Zhentian.

"Haha! Brother Zhang? I didn't expect us to meet again. The leader of the four is not others, but Tan Le. And behind him, naturally there are Lang Qingqiu, Xue Yang and Li Tong.

Some time ago, Tan Le and Wolf Qingqiu went to the village of Liling. After seeing the lizard, they explained their intention to the lizard. Liba is not unreasonable. Naturally, he is willing to help Tan Le and Lang Qingqiu. Of course, the truth of lizard bully is the same as Su Huaide's truth. A little different is that the truth of lizard bully is only told to the spirit clan, while Su Huaide's truth is only told to the original people.

In this way, at the behest of the lizard, Xue Yang and Li Tong met Tan Le and Lang Qingqiu again. Now, Litong's body has recovered. Therefore, she can be lively and run around again. The four of them already knew each other and cooperated tacitly. Therefore, this time, Xue Yang and Lizard Tong proposed to help Tan Le confirm the specific location and movement of the mosquito spirit, and then he led the lizard spirit to exterminate the mosquito spirit, which naturally received the support of the four people. Therefore, Xue Yang and Yutong appeared on the shore of Wangyue Lake together with Tan Le and Lang Qingqiu.

"Ha ha, Tan Le. Long time no see!" Zhang Zhentian saw that it was Tan Le and others. He told Jiang Dongfang and Su Wanyue not to attack the four people opposite. Although they were all spiritual, they were also their friends. After listening to Zhang Zhentian's words, the two people were originally nervous and naturally relaxed. Jiang Dongfang and Su Wanyue have seen Tan Le's four skills, and they also know that the opposite side is a difficult opponent.

"Yes! Brother Zhang." While talking, Tan Le and the four of them have arrived in front of Zhang Zhentian's horse. And Zhang Zhentian also went to war. What are you doing here this time?

"Hehe! There is nothing special." Zhang Zhentian listened to Tan Le's words and replied vaguely, "We just found that the fog forest in the south had disappeared, so we came to verify it."

"Oh, this!" Tan Le has to agree. He knew that Zhang Zhentian's detour to the east of the lake was not just such a simple thing. He must still want to find out the whereabouts of mosquitoes.

"Yes! Yes!" Zhang Zhentian continued to laugh, "I heard that the scenery of Wangyue Lake is good. So, on our way back, we wanted to go around the lake! By the way, Tan Le. Don't you think this lake area is much more desolate?

"Desolate?" Tan Le listened to Zhang Zhentian's words and frowned. He was only busy on the road, and he really didn't care too much about the scenery around him. After listening to Zhang Zhentian's words, he naturally had to consider one or two.

"Ha ha, Brother Zhang really has good eyesight!" Litong listened to Zhang Zhentian's words, and she took over the words mischievously, "The original people of your Su family gathered and stirred people out to hunt. Do we still have to take the initiative to send them to the door?"

"Haha! The lizard girl laughed. Zhang Zhentian listened to Litong's words and laughed loudly, "Your body seems to have recovered a lot? Ha ha."

"Thank you, Brother Zhang, for your concern. It's no longer a problem." Seeing that Zhang Zhentian did not accept her challenge, she could not continue to say anything, so she had to politely thank her.

"It's getting late now. I don't know what the four of you are going to do tonight?" Zhang Zhentian looked at the sun, and then turned to Tan Le and asked.

"We?" Tan Le took a look at the three people behind him and then said, "This is our home. Naturally, we camped here.

"Well..." Zhang Zhentian pondered for a moment and then said, "There is a saying, I don't know whether to say it or not. We found traces of bats near Wangyue Lake. I hope the brothers will be moreware!"

"Hehe! Thank you, Brother Zhang. Tan Le listened to Zhang Zhentian's words and replied politely, "We will be careful. Don't worry!"

"Good! In this case, see you later!" After saying that, Zhang Zhentian returned to the horse. After two goodbyes, Zhang Zhentian and his team continued to go north. When Tan Le saw that they had gone far away, he turned around and said to the other three people, "Let's go north too!" Their original people are right. The bat spirit is moving nearby. We'd better be careful.