Magic World

Chapter 79 Dealing with the Bat

On the way, Zhang Zhentian, Jiang Dongfang and Su Wanyue took soldiers and roughly inspected the area of the wasp. Here, they found more dried animal carcasses. However, unlike the southwest of the lake, these bodies have no trace of being eaten by animals. So they judged that the bodies were left by giant mosquitoes.

"Mr. Zhang! Look over there." A sharp-eyed soldier found that there were huge flying insects flying faintly in their northeast. It's just that they are too far away from Zhang Zhentian, so they can't hear the sound they make when they fly.

Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang looked at each other, and then Zhang Zhentian said for sure, "It's a giant mosquito!" Jiang Dongfang nodded, "That's right! Brother Zhang. It's them! Shall we go and have a look?

"No!" Zhang Zhentian shook his head. Based on his experience of two contacts with giant mosquitoes on the island and the Su family, he believes that more than a dozen of them will not be the opponents of giant mosquitoes. Let's go back to town!" After saying that, he took Jiang Dongfang and Su Wanyue to Su Jiaji in the northwest.

After they left, Tan Le and the others will soon get here. Because Tan Le and Wolf Qingqiu know the approximate location of the giant mosquito nest, their search is much easier than Zhang Zhentian and others. Xue Yang and Li Tong returned to the cave where the wolf spirit used to live with them.

"Brother Tan, I think the nest of these giant mosquitoes is not far from us." Xue Yang said to Tan Le in the cave, "Maybe you and Sister Wolf wait here for us for two or three days?"

"No problem!" Tan Le replied with a smile, "This area is also an old territory. We are both familiar with each other, and it is no problem to find food or something.

"That's good!" Xue Yang listened to Tan Le's words, glanced at the lizard beside him, and then continued, "Then lizard and I will go back to the village of the lizard spirit to move the rescuers. Why don't you two stay in the cave and go out as little as possible?

"Good!" Tan Le and Lang Qingqiu listened to Xue Yang's words and agreed happily together. And Litong naturally agreed with Xue Yang's arrangement. As long as she was not separated from Xue Yang, she would not be afraid wherever she went.

Everything was arranged, and Xue Yang and Yutong disappeared into the grass outside the cave.

Zhang Zhentian and others rushed back to Su Jiaji in the evening. Before them, Su Tianxing and Su Kui had also rushed back from the fog forest in the southwest. The forest over there now has a vision, and the area of the forest is decreasing again. However, no giant mosquitoes or bats were found there.

Everyone gathered together, and Zhang Zhentian carefully reported what they had seen and heard along the way. Su Huaide frowned repeatedly when he heard this. Originally, only the giant mosquito was enough for him to have a headache, but now there are more blood-sucking bats. He can't help but feel anxious.

"Father, what do you think we should do?" Su Tianxing saw that Su Huaide was unhappy, but he still raised his head and asked, "I think we'd better inform Lord Tian to mobilized the army to eliminate the giant mosquitoes!"

"This..." Su Huaide listened to Su Tianxing's words, and he was very hesitant. He also knew that it was the cleanest way to find the nests of giant mosquitoes and send troops directly to eliminate them. However, now the original army is fighting in the north, and the battle on the front line seems to be very difficult. Tian Zheng has no soldiers sent to him at all. He turned his head and looked at Zhang Zhentian and said, "Zhetian, tell me what you think!"

"Sagall, I think we might as well let the spiritual clan kill each other first!" When Zhang Zhentian saw Su Huaide asking him, he said directly, "We met the wolf spirit and lizard spirit on the way back. I think they also want to get rid of the giant mosquito. For us, it should be much easier to deal with wolves and lizards than against giant mosquitoes.

"Hmm!" Su Huaide listened to Zhang Zhentian's words, and he nodded slightly, "Zhetian, your words make sense. It's just that there may be wind beads in the hands of the giant mosquito. That's what Lord Zhao Zhengfang, the national master, said he wanted to find. It seems inappropriate for us to ignore it, right?

"Pear Su! That's it. You wrote a letter to Lord Tian Zheng, indicating that we have found the nest of giant mosquitoes. Let him send troops to help suppress it. If he has troops, we will eliminate the giant mosquitoes. If he doesn't have any soldiers, it's better for us to protect ourselves first. Zhang Zhentian answered respectfully.

"It seems that this is the only way." Su Huaide listened to Zhang Zhentian's words, and he felt quite reasonable. It seems that although Zhang Zhentian is meteorology in the world of the earth, he has also read a lot of military novels or TV series.

"What do you think about the forest and bats?" Since Su Huaide agreed to deal with Zhang Zhentian's disposal of giant mosquitoes, he will not continue to pester this issue.

"I don't think there is any hurry about the forest." Zhang Zhentian saw that Su Huaide's eyes were still looking at him, so he had to continue to say, "Anyway, we can't deal with people who have the ability to change the forest conditions!" We just need to send people to monitor it closely. And we must be careful about bats!" Speaking of this, he looked up at Su Huaide. Seeing that Su Wade did not mean to interrupt him, he continued, "Although the bat activity area has reached the area of Wangyue Lake, there is no sign of them coming to us for the time being. I think according to their habits, they should move towards the area of the wasp. He said this completely by citing his experience in the previous world that bats eat mosquitoes.

"It also makes sense!" Su Huaide listened to Zhang Zhentian's words. He didn't say anything else and directly agreed. It seems that the bats in this world are still somewhat similar in terms of diet to the bats in the earth world. Naturally, he has seen bats as big as Su Huaide.

"I think so!" Su Huaide sat there and meditated for a moment. He turned his head and looked at Sun Mingxuan, "I will write a letter to Lord Tian Zheng. Tell him about the bat and the giant mosquito and see what he can do to deal with it.

"It's so much better!" Sun Mingxuan knew that Su Huaide wanted to ask for her opinion. She listened to Su Huaide's words and nodded directly in agreement.

"That's good! Do you have anything else to add?" Since Sun Mingxuan agreed with her idea, Su Huaide also withdrew his eyes and looked at the people in the council chamber again. "If there is no one to add, then strictly defend the city recently!" Pay special attention to the movement in the southeast of the city.

After listening to Su Huaide's words, everyone got up and saluted together, and then dispersed. As for how Su Huaide reads books and how to send letters to Tian Zheng, there is no need to say. After Tian Zheng received Su Huaide's letter, he had no choice. After all, he has no extra soldiers to send in the ink city now. Finally, he decided to suppress the matter for the time being. Anyway, Zhao Zhengfang, the national teacher, has personally commanded the army to go to the imperial border, and he can't come back for a moment. So, let's find out about Fengshenzhu for the time being! However, the discovery of bats near Wangyue Lake aroused Tian Zheng's vigilance. He knew that it was a spirit that was much more cunning and difficult to deal with than the giant mosquito. Therefore, in his mind, he is also thinking about how to get rid of bats.

On the other hand, Xue Yang and Li Tong returned to the Liling Village. They not only brought back the news of the giant mosquito nest, but also brought back the news that there may be bats on the shore of the shore of the Moon Lake. For Li Ling, the previous news undoubtedly showed them the direction of sending troops; and the latter news is not bad news. Because lizards are similar to bats, and they are creatures that can live in peace both in the earth world and here. The frosted hard skin of the lizard is not something that bats like to bite. Therefore, the two spiritual clans get along well with each other.

"Haha! Did the bat spirit arrive at Wangyue Lake? Liba listened to Xue Yang and Litong's words, and he looked at the two of them happily, "Very good! We just pulled them together to wipe out the hornets by the lake! Haha!"

"But, patriarch brother!" After listening to the lizard's words, she was a little uneasy and said, "I'm afraid that the bat spirit will be transferred to Wangyue Lake, and it has something to do with the wolf spirits. And we clean up the giant mosquitoes and help the wolf spirit. I'm afraid that their bat spirits may not be willing to help, right?

"What the girl said sounds very reasonable." Liba listened to Litong's words as if he had been splashed with cold water on his head, and his mood soon calmed down. "It seems that we still need to figure out the plans of the bat spirits." Speaking of this, he raised his head and said, "Well done! Tomorrow, you and Xue Yang will go to meet the wolf spirit first. We must do what we promise to others! We lizards are not original people and don't do those things that we don't say we won't do.

Yes! Brother of the patriarch." After listening to the lizard's words, she quickly agreed. She is very worried that the lizard will give up helping Tan Le and Wolf Qingqiu because of the relationship with the bat spirit. After all, the relationship between the lizard spirit and the bat spirit is deeper.

"Do you think the bat spirit is south of Wangyue Lake?" Liba then asked again, "Is it near the Huling Village before?"

"This!" Litong listened to the lizard's words, and she shook her head, "I can't say specifically. After all, Xue Yang and I are with them. It's not easy for us to check where the bat spirits are. However, it is estimated that it should be near Huling Village.

"Yes! Big Brother Lizard." Xue Yang, who had never spoken, listened to Li Tong's words, and he also said, "According to the description of the original people we met on the road, they should be near Huling Village."

"Hmm! Good! That's the plan." Liba listened to the two of them and replied cheerfully, "You two take people to meet the wolf spirit. I took a few brothers to find the bat spirit. I don't believe that they will humb me and won't help us eradicate the hornets by the lake of the moon.

"Yes!" Xue Yang and Yutong listened to the lizard's words, and the two of them naturally left the lizard's tent to go out to prepare. However, the lizard in the room fell into meditation at this time. He is thinking about how to persuade the bat spirit to help himself willingly. If there is no wolf spirit in it, it may be a very simple thing. However, with the wolf spirit stirring in it, he is not sure whether he can tell the bat spirit to come to help. After all, he doesn't know whether there has been a deep hatred between the wolf spirit and the bat spirit.

However, after agreeing to the wolf spirit, he has to do it anyway! In this entangled mood, the sky in the east quietly turned white, and a red sun rose slowly...