Magic World

Chapter 96 Marching into the Valley

At noon the next day, the army was ready to stop. After he resigned with his army, he led his army to the west. After the army leaving, he immediately ordered his soldiers to inspect the whole orc camp. Although he did not doubt the camp, he has always been a cautious person, so he will naturally worry that the original person will get the news of the departure of the camp and come to attack his camp.

It's not as expected. Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun immediately got the news after they left. It's just that the news was not heard by the original scouts. It was personally sent by Qiu Linluo to Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun. Since the carbine has left the valley camp of the orcs as agreed, Zhang Zhentian and the concubines have to find a way to solve the concussion in the valley. When Qiu Linluo came, he brought detailed defense maps of the orc camp to Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun. However, this drawing now only has the reference value in terms of terrain. After the escape, the drawing has made great adjustments to the deployment of the camp.

"General Qiu Lin, the mountainous area in front of us is very large. Is there any way to bypass this mountainous area and enter the territory of the Southern King?" Zhang Zhentian looked at the map sent by Qiu Linluo, and he asked seriously.

"Yes!" Qiu Linluo replied, "It's just that you have to make a big circle, and you may encounter the interception of other orc troops on the road. If there are two wars, I'm afraid it will be unfavorable to you and me. Obviously, Qiu Linluo doesn't want the original army to go to war with the orcs.

"If so, we can only attack the valley camp." Juqun looked at the map and said in a low voice, "Mr. Zhang, you have taken someone to ambush in this mountain. You should know! It is long and narrow from north to south, but there is a valley passing through the middle. If we can find other suitable gaps in the north and south, then we can quietly enter the army near the valley.

"There are similar pathways to the west of the mountains." Zhang Zhentian listened to Yuqun's words and said, "It's just in the east, I really didn't find a similar place to go." Speaking of this, Zhang Zhentian looked up at Qiu Linluo again.

"No!" Qiu Linluo shook his head, "These days, our troops are stationed in the valley. I have led the gale cavalry to carefully inspect the surrounding terrain. There is a gap in the west that leads directly to the middle of the valley. There is no obvious entrance in other places. Speaking of this, Qiu Linluo hesitated for a moment, and then his hand pointed to the northernmost point of the mountain. "Mr. Zhang, there is a very rugged road here, and it seems that no one walks in plain. However, according to my observation, you should be able to enter the valley from here. It's just that the road here is rugged and not suitable for a large army to march.

"Here..." Zhang Zhentian listened to Qiu Linluo's words and put his hand on the map. According to Qiu Linluo's instructions, there is indeed a vague path on the map that leads to the middle of the valley.

"If so, we can send an elite soldier to sneak into the valley first as an inner response." Yu Qun looked at the map and said, "Let them kill when our army attacks the enemy camp."

"Good! Even so, it's more appropriate than fighting directly with the death. Zhang Zhentian nodded after listening to the words of the concubine.

"That's good! Since the two generals are willing to enter the valley from the north path, I am willing to lead the way. Qiu Linluo took the initiative to ask for it.

Zhang Zhentian and Kunqun looked at each other for a while, and then they agreed to Qiu Linluo's request. After all, Qiu Linluo is more familiar with this valley than Zhang Zhentian. The most important thing is that Qiu Linluo is a general of orcs, and it is not easy for him to be detected to lead the army to the valley.

After the plan was agreed, Qiu Linluo first left the original person's camp that night. At midnight, he led a hundred orc cavalry back to Zhang Zhentian's camp. Needless to say, these soldiers are all cronies of Qiu Linluo and the Capricorns, otherwise they would not have risked using these people to do such a confidential thing.

The next morning, Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun selected 2,000 soldiers from Yanyun, and then disguised themselves and headed north with the orc cavalry brought by Qiu Linluo under the leadership of Tao Zhu and Xue Jin.

After Tao Zhu and Xue Jin left, Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun immediately commanded their Yanyun army to pull out the camp. Their army advanced northwest and directly blocked the exit to the east exit of the orc valley camp. Zhang Zhentian's original battalion was garrisoned by the Baiyue army led by Sun Yue and Gu Susheng. Dongyi army and some of Yao Guang's Beihai elites followed Zhang Zhentian and Gui Qun to the orcs' valley camp.

The tachment stationed in the valley soon received a report from the orc soldiers, and he knew that the original army had arrived outside his camp. Although he knew that the original people would come sooner or later, he did not expect that the original people would come so quickly. Of course, without Qiu Linluo, Zhang Zhentian would not have come so quickly.

Since the original army has killed its own doorstep, there is no reason why it should not fight. Therefore, he ordered 10,000 soldiers to line up with him to meet the challenges of Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun. The two armies unfolded in the open space in front of the valley. Then there was a large-scale fight. Half the battle, he took the initiative to lead the army back to the orc camp. In fact, he is not stupid. He knows that his army is not the opponent of the original people in terms of military strength. However, he also knows that according to the orc tradition, there is no original challenge and he should not fight, so his camp show is more important than his determination to fight.

After the orc army returned to the camp, he summoned the generals to instruct the defense of the camp, and then he dispersed the crowd. In the end, only his department left Han Tianhu by his side.

Just by listening to Han Tianhu's name, we can know that he is an original man, not an orc. Since in the world of the original man, the spirit man can work in the army of the original man or the orc, it is normal for the orman to make a living in the other party's army.

"Your Highness, what's the matter with you leaving me?" Han Tianhu respectfully asked.

"General Han, do you think these original people have come faster?" He leaned against the back of the chair and motioned Han Tianhu to sit down. At the same time, he asked.

"Not bad!" Han Tianhu replied, "As a rule, our camp is in the valley. His Royal Highness left the valley from the west exit again. Their original people should not have been informed now.

"I think so too." He knocked on the handle of the chair and replied, "Who do you think has leaked the news?"

Han Tianhu listened to Yuqi's words, and he shook his head with a gloomy face. Looking at his expression, he waved his hand to the left and right guards, indicating that they could leave their tent. Then, he continued to ask, "General Han, say it! There are only you and me here now. You don't have to avoid anything."

"Yes!" Han Tianhu listened to Yuqi's words and quickly stood up. He respectfully saluted Yuqi, and then hesitated to say, "If someone leaks the wind, I think it can only be the person of His Royal Highness!"

"Oh?" Although he also had such an idea in his heart, he was still a little surprised when he heard Han Tianhu's words, "Why is this?"

"Your Highness, you think our troops are stationed in the valley. If anyone wants to inform, they must go to the east exit of the valley." Han Tianhu said, "But in the past few days, the last general has been leading people to the east exit of the valley, and I have not found anyone entering and leaving from the east exit. Therefore, the person who reported the news will not be ours.

"Hehe! There is some reason for you to say so." After listening to Han Tianhu's words, he nodded. Although Han Tianhu suspected that the person who had leaked the information, he did not say that it might be that he himself was going to die. Han Tianhu was not involved in this matter, so naturally he would not know. However, for Qianxi, Han Tianhu's words are enough. Because before Han Tianhu opened his mouth, he was also on guard against Han Tianhu. However, he just looked at Han Tianhu's expression, which didn't seem to be fraudulent. Moreover, although Han Tianhu said that the people of the tachmentan had leaked the wind, he did not say that he sent people to do so, so he did not seem to want to provoke his relationship with the shackle.

"What do you think we should do?" After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and continued to ask.

"Hevere and don't fight!" Han Tianhu replied, "If we don't fight with the original people, they must be anxious. Now they go deep into our northern grassland, and their food and fodder have to be transported by the rear. As long as His Royal Highness and the nearby orc army get the news, they will definitely attack their food lane. At that time, the original army will retreat without fighting!"

"Good strategy!" After listening to Han Tianhu's words, he nodded repeatedly, and then he ordered, "Come on! It is said that I will order the whole army to defend the camp and ignore the call of the original people outside the valley! At the same time, strictly guard the passage on the west side of the valley to prevent the original people from attacking behind us.