The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 39 This is a misunderstanding

When he noticed the need to register before, Zheng Yonghao pulled Zhang Detao aside and gave a special order.

Otherwise, in Zhang Detao's current state, others don't want him to answer any questions at all.

But that's it, something went wrong.

Asked for his name, Zhang Detao answered.

When asked about the age, Zhang Detao also answered.

Asked about the previous hiding place, Zhang Detao still cooperated.

When asked how he knew about this, Zhang Detao also told the truth patiently.

It is not surprising that Zheng Yonghao and Qin Ming were also asked about whether they can drive and shoot and whether they have other expertise.

But next, Zheng Yonghao has never heard all the words such as Hunhe, Youth Bridge and Fumin Road, and Zhang Detao, who learned from him, can answer.

Qin Ming and others know that these are all locations near the Hunhe River, but they don't understand why they ask these questions? It seems to have nothing to do with the gathering of survivors in front of us!

According to Zheng Yonghao's instructions, if you don't know, just say you don't know.

When Zhang Detao did not know the exit in a row, even the slowest people also felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

Those guards holding weapons, including two gunmen, all came over. Although they haven't done anything yet, their eyes staring at Zhang Detao are already a little bad!

"So nervous! What are they looking for?"

Zheng Yonghao frowned slightly and was doubtful, but in fact he was not worried at all.

These guards are all ordinary people. If they really do anything against them, they don't need him to take action in person. Now Qin Ming and Tao Ying are enough to solve them.

Including the two holding 79*, if they are farther away, they can still be a little threatening. But at such a close distance, Zheng Yonghao can guarantee that they will never have a chance to shoot.

The woman behind the table is also unnatural at this time. In a short period of time, she straightened the glasses on her nose many times in a row. This small action is a manifestation of nervousness in her heart.

"I'll ask again, haven't you been to these places?" The woman asked Zhang Detao.

"I don't know." Zhang Detao is still the original answer. Anyway, as long as Zheng Yonghao didn't let him say it, he said he didn't know.

The woman pretended to look down at the data sheet, but in fact she was quietly winking at the guard.

At the same time, he asked again, "I'm asking if you haven't been to those places, not if you know. Aren't you going to answer?"

"I don't know."

Zhang Detao said the same answer again. The woman suddenly stood up, withdrew two steps back and waved her hand and shouted, "Catch him!"

After receiving the woman's order, the guards who had been ready for a long time gathered around and wanted to control Zhang Detao.

In their opinion, although Zhang Detao is tall and scary, there will definitely be no problem if so many of them flock to him!

The other party will definitely not dare to resist at all like the few people they caught before.

But the result... this time they kicked the iron plate!

When he came, Zheng Yonghao did not tell Zhang Detao what to do when he encountered an attack, and the meaning without explanation was to do it casually!

As soon as the front man stretched out his hand to Zhang Detao's shoulder, he found that the distance that should have been getting closer and closer was rapidly stretching away.

And his distance from the ground is also increasing. Zhang Detao, who had turned his back to him, somehow turned towards him and grabbed his chest and threw it up at the same time!

He never thought that he would be thrown into the sky so easily, just like a trick, but this trick was not unpleasant to him at all...

The harsh scream when the first person flew in the sky has just sounded. Zhang Detao has turned his two long arms away, left and right, and the other four guards who were close to him flew far away.

The people in line next to them are dumbfounded. They have never seen such a scene, and they have never acted like this in martial arts movies.

Zhang Detao is strong, but those people are also big and round!

If it is defeated by his resistance, it is still acceptable, but if it is gently touched, it will drift to the sky... Isn't this collusion to play the double reed?

The audience outside the field was nervous with curiosity and suspicion. The guards on the field were only nervous, even so nervous that they were about to pee!

Originally, there were seven of them, but five flew out in the blink of an eye, and now there are only two people left.

And these two people are the two with guns.

"Do not move! Move again... and we'll shoot!"

The two nervous people couldn't speak well, but they really didn't forget the words. It felt like a police and gangster film in the 1990s.

And both of them have raised their guns and pointed them at Zhang Detao. It seems that if Zhang Detao continues to resist, their trembling fingers are likely to pull the trigger immediately.

It's a pity that they didn't use the gun, but now they used the gun... but they're really dying!

Zhang Detao lost his memory for some reasons that even Zheng Yonghao couldn't explain clearly, but his habits and instincts to the crisis were not lost.

In addition to what Zheng Yonghao specifically asked him to do, the strength of his resistance depends entirely on the threat of the other party.

In his opinion, the people without guns are as threatened as flies, and they just chased away.

But these two people dare to point a gun at him and a gun-playing professional - the consequences will make them remember it for a lifetime, if they can continue this life...

As soon as the muzzle of the two people was raised, Zhang Detao's body had moved like a tornado.



Others have not seen what happened clearly, and the horrible sound of broken bones has been accompanied by two sad screams all over the audience!

Looking again, the two people's arms with guns had been softly down, and somehow their bones had been broken in an instant.

And the submachine gun in their hand has now reached the hands of Zhang Detao, who should have been pointed at by them, and the hard muzzle has been bucketed on their heads!


Everyone was quiet and silent.

No one was surprised at all except Zheng Yonghao and others.

And unlike the two people who were still trembling with the gun, Zhang Detao had a submachine gun in one hand, but the finger on the trigger was extremely stable.

Some people have even thought of the next scene of blood splashing brain plasma and subconsciously closing their eyes. The two guards who pointed a gun at people and became unlucky under the gun were so scared that they even forgot the pain. They shivered their lips and encouraged their throats, but they couldn't say a word.

Seeing that the muzzle of Zhang Detao's hand was sent forward again, it seemed that the gun was about to kill people, and an anxious shout suddenly sounded at the end of the corridor.

"Wait! This is a misunderstanding! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

A man shouted not to shoot while running in a panic.

When he saw this person appear, there was a smile on the corners of Zheng Yonghao's mouth that no one noticed.

Just when Zhang Detao grabbed the gun, he gave Zhang Detao a winking.

It was because of his wink that Zhang Detao did not shoot immediately, but pretended to scare the two people.

Otherwise, with Zhang Detao's reaction speed and familiarity with firearms, this time is enough to kill them dozens of times!

And the purpose is to wait for the emergence of the main master.

The man is not old. Although the stubble on his face looks a little old, it is actually similar to Qin Ming. He should be a college student from which school.

But the identity of this young man is obviously unusual. The two miserable guards seemed to see the savior when they saw him. If they hadn't been pointed at the black gun, they would have crawled over immediately.

"Brother, please put down the gun. It was a misunderstanding just now. My name is Gao Peng, and it's here - ! 201!"

When the stubble man named Gao Peng saw that Zhang Detao did not shoot, his face finally relaxed, but he had just said his name to explain, and suddenly showed a surprised expression and his eyes suddenly stiffened.

What he saw was Zhang Detao.

And in the momentary eyes stiffened, he was surprised and subconsciously said a number - 201! It is Zhang Detao's current energy value!

Zhang Detao did not say anything about Gao Peng's reaction, and the gun in his hand did not move at all, as if he had not heard it at all.

Qin Ming and Tao Ying already know what the energy value stands for, and they are also a little surprised to see what the energy value means.

As for Zheng Yonghao, he didn't feel any surprise at all.

When Gao Peng first appeared, he had found that the other party was also a mutant, and his physical energy value reached 155.

Such an energy value can be regarded as medium among mutants, and it has a huge advantage in the face of any ordinary person. I'm afraid it is this that has given him a superior position and cultivated a lot of self-confidence.

But compared with Zhang Detao's energy level, the gap is too big, and it is not a level at all, so it is not surprising that he is scared at this moment.

"Brother Zhang, put down the gun."

In Gao Peng's stunnedgong fu, Zheng Yonghao came over and said, and Zhang Detao, who had just seemed to be a god of murder, immediately moved his gun.

Finally, they were no longer pointed at the gun. Instead of escaping immediately, the two guards' legs softened and fell to the ground with a plop.

It's hard for people who haven't experienced it themselves to imagine how much pressure they have just suffered. Now they are bold to just lie down and not be scared to pee in their pants.

But someone can really understand, and no one will pay attention to them at this time.

Zheng Yonghao, of course not.

He looked at Gao Peng and said calmly, "Since you said it was a misunderstanding, explain it and listen to it!" I also want to know why your people treat my friends like this when we saw the notice to meet.

Gao Peng, who was frightened by Zhang Detao, finally recovered.

While turning his head and looking at the sound, he quickly raised his hand to wipe off the sweat on his forehead.

"Your friend...ah! Another one!"

just subconsciously said half a sentence, sweating more than just now, and once again gushed out of Gao Peng's forehead with exclamation.

He saw Qin Xue...