The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 40 High-end combat power of the gathering point

A Zhang Detao has scared Gao Peng into a cold sweat. Now he has seen Qin Xue with a physical energy value of 224. He really doubts whether he is dreaming!

They gathered hundreds of self-help groups, but until now there are only five mutants, including himself.

But now he just came out to deal with some contradictions and encountered two, and the energy value was so high that it scared people to death...

Isn't that true? It's an illusion, right? When did the mutants start to rotten the streets?

Gao Peng's small heart pounded, that is, Zhang Detao shocked him too much at the beginning, which made him a little resistance, otherwise he was afraid that he could not even maintain his reason now.

After regaining his senses and finding that Qin Xue ignored him at all, he immediately turned his head and looked at Zheng Yonghao.

What he thought was that even two such powerful mutants would listen to this man, wouldn't this one be even more amazing?

However, when he put his spiritual perception on Zheng Yonghao, he was stunned.


Gao Peng endured and did not say the energy value he perceived, but the surprise on his face could not be hidden.

He is ready for greater stimulation, but it turns out that although Zheng Yonghao's energy value is the top among ordinary people, it does not exceed the limit of 100.

That is to say, Zheng Yonghao, who seems to be the backbone of everyone, is still just an ordinary person rather than a mutant... What's going on?

Gao Peng was stunned there and couldn't understand...

In fact, in the self-help group of the Affiliated Middle School of Normal University, the only reason why Gao Peng can go to the management is his mutant identity.

If you really want to compare, he is similar to Qin Ming. There is no problem fighting, and thinking about problems is not his strengths.

Of course, if you change your mind here, at most, you will only think that Zheng Yonghao has special leadership skills, or their previous relationship is particularly good, and they don't care about what level.

If you think more, you may also guess whether Zheng Yonghao has the legendary bully spirit. The tiger's body shakes the master and kneels, and staged the drama of the loser's counterattack... And no one will think that the energy value shown by Zheng Yonghao is simply false at all. What you see is just what he wants you want to see.

After all, at this time, the existence of mutants has just been known, and the use of their abilities is only at the initial stage. The drugs that can let mutants hide energy values have not yet been invented. Zheng Yonghao is the only one who can change the energy values at his own will.

No matter how smart a person is, he can't think of it, let alone Gao Peng.


Zheng Yonghao stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Gao Peng, which scared him and said, "What are you doing?"

"It's not what I want to do, but what you want to do! You haven't explained to us why you did it to my friend."

"Ah, that's right!" Gao Peng wiped his sweat again and finally remembered his identity awkwardly: "Brother Zheng, right? Don't worry. This is not the place to talk. Let's go in and talk about it. I promise to give you a reasonable explanation.

"Yes." Zheng Yonghao nodded.

In fact, he doesn't care how the other party explains it at all. What he wants to show and want to get is an attitude.

own attitude, the attitude of the other party.

He acquiesced in Zhang Detao's action in advance, his intention was to reveal a fact so that the people of the self-help group could see that they were not just ordinary survivors, let alone soft persimmons that could be kneaded at will by the other party.

Only in this way can they get the attention of each other and get the greatest benefits in the events that will inevitably happen next.

The final effect is also quite good.

The other survivors were only allowed to stay in the yard after registration, but the five of them were accompanied by Gao Peng into the planetarium building.

Such a scene will naturally be seen by many people, and their reactions are also different.

Most of those survivors are in a panic, and now they are extremely satisfied to stay in a place with more people. How can they have any other thoughts?

But in the eyes of those people who were originally gathering points, the surprise on their faces could no longer be hidden.

Especially the woman in charge of registration, who was really a teacher before the catastrophe, and one of her students happened to be one of the organizers of this gathering place.

Because of this relationship, she got this job in charge of registration. Not only is the status among survivors relatively high, but also more food can be distributed every day than others.

But she was also trembling in the face of Gao Peng.

Because she only has something to do with one of the leaders, and Gao Peng himself is one of the five organizers.

It's also because she once saw someone contradict Gao Peng, but she was slapped and fainted for half an hour and almost died directly. Gao Peng, who hit the man, did nothing, and no one dared to blame or object.

But now such a master who is stained with fire and no one dares to control it. After those people resisted and injured the guards, they didn't dare to get angry and personally accompanied them into the building...


Thinking of this, the female teacher subconsciously took a long breath.

Fortunately, she didn't do anything excessive just now. Otherwise, if she annoyed those people just now, she may end up as miserably as those guards, but she won't even be comforted.

The sigh of the female teacher can't be heard by Zheng Yonghao, who has walked into a conference room.

The conference room is very large and luxuriously decorated.

I really don't know what to do with such a large conference room in a middle school planetarium, and there is no way to verify it now.

When Gao Peng came in with Zheng Yonghao and others, four people were sitting or standing by the window, discussing something.

Seeing Gao Peng, one of them was about to say hello, and then saw Zheng Yonghao and the others who came in, and immediately stunned!

His eyes, like Gao Peng before, solidified directly on Zhang Detao's body.

And the other three people also stopped talking at the same time and looked at Zheng Yonghao with surprise.

They all sat next to the first window, only about five meters away from the door.

Within such a distance, the spiritual power of any mutant is enough to cover, and they also suddenly noticed the specialness of Zhang Detao and Qin Xue.

Qin Xue, especially. At first, they were attracted by Zhang Detao's body shape and subconsciously ignored Qin Xue, who looked like a little girl.

But soon, the results of spiritual exploration made them find that Zhang Detao was terrible, but this little girl was even more terrible!

As for Zheng Yonghao, who hid the energy value, he was ignored by them together with Qin Ming and Tao Ying.

While they looked over, Zheng Yonghao was also observing them.

There are two men and two women in the four people, and their physical energy values are all above 100, and none of them are ordinary survivors.

However, their physical energy value is not high, at least in Zheng Yonghao's view.

There are three people below 150, and only one short-haired girl has reached 187, but it is not as good as Zhang Detao when he first met Zheng Yonghao or Qin Xue who just woke up.

In this comparison, it seems that they are ridiculous, but in fact it is normal.

The limit of ordinary people is 100 energy value, and all mutants can exceed this value, but how much it exceeds depends on the degree of evolution and the ability to figure out.

Like Qin Xue, he is a character who will be called the goddess of ice and snow in the future. He is a three-level mutant that is not many in the whole world. His talent is not enough to describe it.

And Zhang Detao is also at the forefront of the enhancement mutants in the future, and his talent is not everyone's talent.

So they can have such an energy value now, which is already good in Zheng Yonghao's view.

The short-haired girl with a physical energy value of 187 recovered first, and her face was relatively calm, but she looked at Zheng Yonghao and her eyes with faint vigilance.

However, this expression flashed by and was well hidden by her. She just looked at Gao Peng to express her inquiring.

The same is true for several other people. They did not speak immediately and were waiting for Gao Peng's explanation.

You brought people, and there are two such scary people. You have to have an explanation!

Gao Peng smiled, as if he was very satisfied with letting them experience the same shock as himself. Then he spit and told the story just now.

In this way, everyone understood the context.

Knowing that Zheng Yonghao and the two mutants, especially the two mutants, came to defect after seeing their notice, they all behaved happily.

As for those guards who were injured, no one mentioned it at all!

And the so-called defection... It's not their misunderstanding, but Gao Peng explained it like this.

With his limbs far more developed than his brain, he directly regarded Zheng Yonghao and others as survivors who came to defect, and Zheng Yonghao was not in a hurry to explain this misunderstanding.

After Gao Peng's introduction, they even know each other's names.

It turned out that this survivor gathering point was established by them. Of course, there are many changes and processes in it, but in the end, it is up to their five mutants, who are also the highest combat power in this gathering point.

Among the five people, Gao Peng no longer needs to introduce.

The short-haired girl is called Zhong Ning, and she is the only mutant among the five people who has mastered the ability.

And her ability is really very special, which even surprised Zheng Yonghao, who thought he was not surprised by all kinds of strange abilities.

Because this ability actually allows her to hide in the shadow in a short time, it achieves the effect of invisibility in disguise.

Most of the signs posted everywhere were done by Zhong Ning. Only she can ignore the threat of zombies to a certain extent and complete the task of posting notices.