The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 129 Devouring Explosion

The ice and fire hit back and forth, and the tacit understanding was incomparable, and the man in black knew that he could not avoid it.

But he didn't want to hide, but the clothes on his back rose like a balloon, wrapping half of his body and the back of his head, and he rushed to Qin Xue's ice and snow.

After Qin Xue's steel stick was broken, Zheng Yonghao asked Guo Xiaotian to build a slender and sharp soft sword for her.

A weapon that has been thinking for Zheng Yonghao and is especially suitable for Qin Xue.

Such a request is nothing. Guo Xiaotian naturally agreed happily and completed the soft sword the day before they left.

And now, it is the first appearance of this soft sword, wrapped in the power of ice and snow that Qin Xue has been preparing for a long time, and the power of the second-level mutant!

As soon as the man in black rushed out, his face changed greatly. He was surprised to find that his information was wrong!

As a killer, you need to know yourself and your enemy, and know all the information about the target.

He knew that Zheng Yonghao was a terrible mutant, which was considered purely by physical strength and far more than him.

And in terms of speed, he is no match.

But Qin Xue is different. It is also his goal, but it should only be more than 200.

He has the power of ice and snow and uses a steel swing stick, but the level of the power is not dangerous to him.

So he used protective equipment in front of Zheng Yonghao at the first time, but chose Qin Xue as the first target to attack.

And as long as he rushes into the car, his extraordinary ability can control the situation in an instant.

However, he found that he was wrong, the information was wrong, the choice was wrong, and the goal was even more wrong!

Qin Xue's ice and snow power is not strong enough for him to make a more positive breakthrough.

That's the other party's physique, and the power he can exert is completely beyond his expectations!

309! How can it be!"

The man in black was shocked. Qin Xue's current physical energy value is only a dozen more than his, but these ten points are very different.

What he originally needed to guard against was only the weapon in Qin Xue's hand. Apart from the weapon, there was no threat of ice and snow powers, even if the other party replaced the stick with a longer sword.

But now, Qin Xue's attack range extends to nearly one meter, with the length bonus of the soft sword, and the two meters range is shrouded in cold.

If he continues to rush forward, his body will inevitably be stiff and even solidified.

In that case, he will die!


The man in black immediately made a decision and twisted his feet and retreated violently.

However, he did not retreat completely on the front, but on the side.

All he can use now is that the protection on his back can play a role, at least to make him less injured, so that he can get out of the attack range of two people and then plan for the future!


Because of the sudden retreat of the man in black, Zheng Yonghao's Tang Dao hit his back earlier than before.

In the loud noise, layers of silk threads broke in the covered crisp sound.

Look at the gray stubble, his outermost "ordinary clothes" are actually sewn by Kefla.

Keffra is used to make bulletproof vests. It only needs to be superimposed with four or five layers, which is enough to resist the penetration of ordinary bullets.

If more is superimposed, the protection will be stronger.

Of course, because of the nature of this material itself, the more layers are superimposed, the harder it will be, which is not suitable for making ordinary clothes.

But on this person's body, there are more than a dozen layers of Kevra alone. Naturally, there is no need to say more protection. If you don't have a strong enough body, you may not be able to move.

From this point, it can also be seen that this person's strength is not small.

Because of such a hard layer of Kevla, it can't significantly hinder his actions.

But is that enough? Obviously not enough!

That's why cold weapons are better than guns for mutants.

The power of Tang Dao exerted by Zheng Yonghao is stronger and more powerful than most bullets!

More than a dozen layers of Kevlar were broken in an instant, followed by an expanded blue hard block that collided with the blade!

This is the last dependence of the man in black, and it is all the reason why he is confident to resist Zheng Yonghao's knife.

These blue hard blocks are not the armored ceramics used on bulletproof vests, but a special material that only they have.

As long as a certain agent comes into contact with the original blue slab when needed, the original thin plate will quickly expand.


, the hardness is better than ceramics and can resist strong penetration.

Strong is like a special spring, which is enough to eliminate most of the impact on him.


The sound of bursting continues, the blue hard blocks crack on both sides, and there are cracks extending outward.

Zheng Yonghao's blade burst into more than ten centimeters in an instant, but finally failed to completely smash this thing!

The man in black felt the terrible power behind him, and his face had long been scared out of blood.

He made an action and flew to the left with the help of this force.

It was not until he landed that he felt that his back seemed to be burning again.

Even if the impact was reduced by 90%, the remaining point still made him doubt whether he had broken his bone.

"It's so dangerous! It's almost here!"

The people in black are panicked, but their movements are not slow at all.

He blocked Zheng Yonghao with a knife, and the armor on his back had completely lost its function.

Although they have the rules that these things can't fall into the hands of the enemy, the rules are nothing compared with their own lives.

And in his position, these rules can also be ignored to a certain extent.

The most important thing is that he is confident that even if he throws this thing out, the other party will not get it!

Everything was in an instant. As soon as the man in black landed, the armor on his back had been thrown to Zheng Yonghao by him.

And very incredible, the heavy armor emitted a strange light in mid-air, as if there was horrible energy contained in it.

"Don't come here!"

Zheng Yonghao shouted and stopped Qin Xue, who wanted to help, from approaching.

He himself did not chase the man in black who had begun to rush, but quickly waved a knife to the abandoned armor thrown at him.


The waved fire tongue collided with the abandoned armor that emitted strange light, as if it had detonated a bomb.

And the power of the explosion stunned everyone who saw this scene.

The range actually shrouded ten meters, drowning Zheng Yonghao's whole figure!


In the fleeing, he also paid attention to the situation in the rear, and the man in black secretly clenched his fists, with a fierce look between his eyebrows.

His footsteps even stopped, as if he was hesitating to turn around and kill back.

In his opinion, even if Zheng Yonghao, who was swept away by such an explosion, was not killed, he must have been seriously injured.

Is this his chance to complete the task again...


At the same time, looking at the scene of Zheng Yonghao being swallowed by the explosion, Qin Xue and Zou Xiaochuan shouted anxiously at the same time.

"He's fine!"


"He's fine!"

Zou Xiaochuan was shocked, and her sharp eyesight made her notice that Zheng Yonghao's figure did not disappear from the explosion.

And the man in black who had just returned was cold at this moment, like a ghost.

The explosion is like a burning fireworks, but now there is a vortex in the fireworks, which is increasing like flying.

The light, energy, smoke clouds, and even the shock waves of the explosion collapsed and retracted visible to his naked eyes and were swallowed up by this whirlpool.

"This is...impossible!"

In the sound of the wind, the people in black could not hear their lost shouts.

Even he forgot to fight back - or escape because of shock!

He saw such a scene when the organization behind him tested his ability.

But such a scene only appeared in the simulation of the computer. Even the most powerful people around him could not swallow up his explosion.

"Three-level mutants!!"

The man in black has completely panicked, and only the third-level mutants they speculated in the simulation can do this in a way.

But he remembers that the officer who had only heard the sound but had never seen it said that there could be no three-level mutants in the world within two years.


The last trace of aftershocks also disappeared, and Zheng Yonghao, who was holding a Tang knife, finally appeared without even a wrinkle in his clothes.

"He's really fine... That's great."

Qin Xue breathed a sigh of relief, and Zou Xiaochuan also smiled.

Although they didn't understand how Zheng Yonghao could be safe and sound in such a violent explosion.

But it's enough to be safe and sound, isn't it...


As soon as Zheng Yonghao raised his foot and fell down, the man in black seemed to have seen him rush in front of him and then unload himself.

And now he finally reacted, with a resolute look on his face, but no one knew what he was thinking.

"Damn it!"

The man in black muttered, waved his wrist, and five or six steel balls were hit by him to Zheng Yonghao.

These are the most common steel balls, but they are his favorite weapons.

Because in his hand, these steel balls are better than grenades!

It's still in mid-air, and these steel balls ignite the light.

It seems that there is a super unstable energy hidden in it, when the terrible energy is about to burst out of the gap between each atom.


At the speed of Zheng Yonghao, he didn't even need to make special adjustments, and these strange shining steel beads were held in his hand.

What's more special is the continuous abnormal noises, as if the red soldering iron was thrown into the pool, and the light disappeared in the flash when he held it.

"Sure enough! Haha, damn intelligence, damn bastard!"

When the man in black saw this scene, he strengthened his judgment and determined that he had been cheated.

According to his judgment, since the other party is already a master of that kind of series, he can't escape any more.

If the other party catches him, he may not even be able to commit suicide.

Instead, he might as well...

click! Click!

Cracks suddenly appeared in every part of the person in black, face, shoulders, arms and chest!

In each crack, there is a dazzling light that escapes, just like the abandoned equipment and those steel balls he had tossed before!

"Haha, you can't get anything!"

The man in black laughed wildly, but Zheng Yonghao's face changed.

His body flashed. As soon as he threw Qin Xue and Zou Xiaochuan aside, the whole body of the man in black exploded!

The rumble shook the earth, and the fire lit up around.

At this time, one person after another appeared in the wilderness like day.

He is a convoy warrior who has been ambushed for a long time, but he is stunned at the same time!

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