The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 130 Homemade Evolutionary Agent

The enemy has been blown up so that there are no fragments left, and it is obviously meaningless to continue to ambush.

Tie Xiucheng and Zhang Detao came over, and Qin Ming and Tao Ying also came to Zheng Yonghao.

They looked at the deep pit in front of them and inhaled cold air.

The explosion that was "cut" by Zheng Yonghao before was scary enough, but compared with the other party's self-explosion, it was a small witch.

The location of the motorcade camp is a high-speed rest stop, which is not large and has now been almost completely destroyed.

The deep pits on the ground are at least three or four meters deep and radiate more than 30 meters, and all their vehicles are within this range.

This is Zheng Yonghao's ambush around them in advance, and he also intended to expand the scope.

Otherwise, this last explosion will cause them heavy losses, and casualties will be inevitable.

"Are you all right?"

Of course, everyone is most concerned about people. Zheng Yonghao shook his head slightly to signal that he was fine.

Qin Xue and Zou Xiaochuan have also checked. Except for being embarrassed by the dust, they have not been injured by the explosion.

Tie Xiucheng took an unexpected look at Zou Xiaochuan. What he thought was that Qin Xue's physique was amazing, and Zheng Yonghao protected him. It was normal not to be injured, but with her physique that was not much better than ordinary people, she would be safe and sound...

Such a question just flashed in his mind and was recognized by him as Zheng Yonghao's credit.

They all saw before that Zheng Yonghao had a way to make the explosion disappear invisible, so it is naturally understandable to protect the two girls at the critical moment.

Zhang Detao squatted on the ground, sometimes groping in the soil, and sometimes lifting his nose to smell.

Then he frowned and said, "Strange, there is no smell of gunpowder."

"Real... it's true! Not only is there no smell of gunpowder, but also several other explosives!"

Tie Xiucheng immediately squatted down to check and made the same judgment as Zhang Detao.

Zheng Yonghao shook his head and said, "Don't look at it. There was no real explosives on the man just now."

Real explosives? You mean..."

The crowd frowned, and Zheng Yonghao nodded and said, "Well, he didn't use explosives. But the special ability he has is to detonate energy, make the energy in each substance chaotic and then explode.

"And this ability!"

Everyone was shocked. If Zheng Yonghao hadn't said it, they would not have thought there would be such a possibility.

Zheng Yonghao nodded without an in-depth explanation, and there was no need to explain, because the explanation was unclear.

He had met a mutant who was nicknamed "bomberman" in his previous life, and in his impression, this ability is actually useless.

In the end of the world, it is recognized that the thing that drives the special abilities of mutants is called energy, which is also the fundamental reason why there will be a physical energy value.

While the amount of energy they have causes different strength, mutants also have a good resistance to energy.

For example, Qin Xue's ice and snow power has little effect on Zheng Yonghao, but the man in black must try his best to avoid it.

This is still Qin Xue's ice and snow power with special ice and cold attributes, which is equivalent to a terrible additional effect and singularity.

The more single it is, the stronger it is.

However, the ability to detonate energy is almost the opposite. The energy detonated by this ability is in a chaotic state, so it can explode, but it is also much weaker than it should have in causing damage to mutants.

It can be called a super killer used to deal with ordinary people, and it also has a strong group killing effect against ordinary mutants.

However, when faced with mutants with very high physical energy values, the effect of the explosion itself will be greatly reduced.

Even for the super-strong kind, such as those three-level mutants, they can erase the explosion invisibly by swallowing energy alone.

Of course, there are also reasons why bombers are not very strong.

Even in the late end of the world, no bomber can approach the level of third-level mutants, even those who have reached the second level.

And now there is another one that can basically ignore the bomber's ability, that is, Zheng Yonghao himself.

His supernuclear power is simply the natural enemy of this ability and the perfect nemesis.

He can suck as much energy as he can.

Although most of them will still be eliminated in the end, it will greatly increase his strength in a short period of time.

And with the characteristics of supernuclear energy absorption, there will always be a part of it becoming his nutrient and eventually used for him.


Tie Xiucheng didn't ask Zheng Yonghao why he knew that someone was coming to attack in advance, because there was really no need to ask.

This is their plan after the last attack, and they should be prepared for ambush and counterattack every day, especially at night.

It's just that they didn't expect the other party's attack to come so quickly.

is still the same number of roads and the same assassination. The only difference is from the remote assassination using high technology to the close attack of master mutants.

This is not surprising. The failure of the last assassination may have made the people behind them react and think that the team has the ability to find distant threats in advance.

In addition, a second group of people were killed by mysterious people who left information, which should also be counted on them, which aggravated the judgment of the other party.

This also sent stronger mutants. They wanted to change their methods, but they didn't expect that Zheng Yonghao and Qin Xue's strength was not what they used to be, so they failed again.

After checking the loss, everyone had a pain.

There is no practical loss, unlike the last time when two soldiers were lost, and there were no casualties this time.

But a few cars have changed a lot.

The No. 2 car before the iron was repaired was the closest to the center of the explosion, and two of the six wheels flew directly.

Even heavy machine gun bullets can be briefly blocked by cracks on the bulletproof glass, which obviously loses bulletproof effect.

And the car body... don't mention it!

It used to be a very beautiful new car, but now it's as miserable as when it just came down from the battlefield in South Africa.

"Lao Li and Xiao Ba, follow me to repair the car!"

Tie Xiucheng pulled up the two car repair masters in the motorcade and left, and the rest of the people were busy.

Although there is no actual loss, it is a mess and dusty, and it always needs to be cleaned up.

As the saying goes, blessings and misfortunes do not come alone, and the events of this night are not alone.

When everyone finally packed up the vehicle and picked out some damaged things, a fierce mutant beast suddenly broke into the camp.

Everyone was already angry, even the softest person, this time they gritted their teeth and grabbed weapons to join the battle group.

Headed by Zheng Yonghao and Qin Xue, Tie Xiucheng surrounded the mutant beast with angry people.

Half an hour later, the majestic mutant beast that originally planned to come over and eat quickly became a corpse lying on the ground, and instead brought a bonfire meal to the angry people.

"What a bad luck!"

Chewing the mutant animal meat, Tie Xiucheng muttered fiercely.

My car is also my second favorite car, and he is definitely the most unhappy of these people present.

As for his favorite car, it is Zheng Yonghao's, and he can't grab it.

And what made him speechless was that at the beginning, the "bomber" was about to rush into Zheng Yonghao's car, but in the end, he retreated to the vicinity of his No. 2 car and had a self-detonation. Is this unlucky... or is it particularly unlucky...

There has just been an attack, and of course, it is impossible for everyone to really relax and enjoy a big meal.

Tie Xiucheng went out to change his post halfway through the meal, and Zheng Yonghao also returned to his car at this time.

Qin Xue and Qin Ming sent their mother back to rest together, and the old man could not stand the toss.

Zhang Detao stayed by the bonfire according to Zheng Yonghao's meaning, and only Zou Xiaochuan was finally called by Zheng Yonghao.

Zou Xiaochuan was curious to see Zheng Yonghao take out a large flask that he had just seen, which was full of bright red **.

She asked, "Is this the blood of the mutant beast? What are you going to do?"

Zheng Yonghao was placing the blood of the mutant animal in different test tubes. After finishing it, he nodded and said, "I want to make evolutionary agents."

"Evolutionary potion! Do it yourself?"

Zou Xiaochuan's eyes widened and was with Zheng Yonghao. Of course, she knew what the evolutionary potion was.

In the three days before her "coma", Zheng Yonghao and others were helping people hunt mutant beasts in order to make evolutionary potions.

But she also heard how troublesome it is to make evolutionary potions, which not only requires mutant beasts, but also requires some special instruments and tools.

Especially when she heard from Qin Xue that such a large Jinzhou base could not successfully produce many evolutionary agents. It seemed that there were only two or three... Zheng Yonghao was in this car and wanted to do it by himself with so few flask test tubes. She couldn't believe it.

Besides, the mutant beast that had just been killed was sent to the door by itself. It's quite powerful, but except for the larger size, I don't see anything special.

Such a mutant beast encountered by chance will be used to make evolutionary potions. If this can be successful, then evolutionary potions are too worthless, right?

"Can it work?" Zou Xiaochuan asked.

"Just try to be a practitioner." Zheng Yonghao laughed.

"So that's it, I said, how can it be... er!"

Zou Xiaochuan was talking, and Zheng Yonghao was already busy.

She didn't like to talk to herself, so she stared curiously at Zheng Yonghao's every move.

Sometimes Zheng Yonghao will ask her to do some help, which is a work that can't be completed with two hands no matter how fast it is. Zou Xiaochuan is naturally willing to participate in it.

Finally, Zheng Yonghao stopped.

There was only a test tube left in front of him, and the blood inside was so strong that it was scary.

Zheng Yonghao said, "Well, there is still one last step."

Zou Xiaochuan looked at Zheng Yonghao suspiciously and said, "Yes, it should be separation in the end. It can only be done by a particularly professional large centrifuge, you..."

Zou Xiaochuan's words stopped abruptly.