Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 16 Relocation

Summary: Knowing the miracle of Zhang Yu's village, the villagers in several nearby villages plan to squeeze into Zhang Yu's village to live.

Zhang Yu's village people are now celebrating. The gods have finally appeared. Their village is indeed blessed by gods. Now the gods have opened the boundary, so that there is no need to worry about those mutants coming back to revenge. Everyone can finally feel at ease!

Although all kinds of materials are scarce now, everyone is very generous at this time. They take out all the delicious food in their home and enjoy a rare meal.

Zhang Yu's family is no exception, but their family's living standard is not bad, but at this time, the dishes are better than usual. In short, it is a big celebration for the whole village!

However, there is one thing that the people in Zhang Yu's village did not expect, that is, this god did not want to give up his other believers. It also entrusted dreams to the people in several villages around him, so the people in the surrounding villages also knew about the "might".

So, when the people in Zhangyu Village were celebrating, the heads of several surrounding villages came to the door.

"Sister, what do you think these people came to our village at this time?" The leaders of the surrounding villages came at such a coincidental time, the number of people, and the attitude seemed so solemn. Zhang Jian was curious about this matter.

"I guess it has something to do with the miracles in our village." Zhang Yu lowered his head and thought about it and then replied.

"Ye, I guess it has something to do with this!" Long Xiang and agree with Zhang Yu's speculation.

"That's what I think, but how did they know about this?" Zhang Jian just couldn't figure out this matter, so he was not sure before.

"All the people in our village can know at once. In other villages, I think this god may have used some methods to inform them." Zhang Yu thought for a moment.

"Ye-huh, that's right." Zhang Jian nodded.

"I just don't know what they are doing this time? However, now that they know about the gods in our village, they should not mess around. Zhang Yu thought for a moment and said thoughtfully.

"Of course, our village is blessed by gods now. How dare they mess around!" Zhang Jian said proudly. Because Zhang Yu is here, he knows more about the gods and feels a little complacent.

"We will know about this later." Long Xiang said on the side.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the leaders of other villages to leave one after another, and then the village head announced in the loudspeaker that the whole village would gather in the afternoon to gather in the brigade and have a group meeting. At that time, there will be something to discuss.

Zhang Yu, who was interested in this matter, also went to the brigade with Zhang's father. They wanted to know what was going on.

When people arrived, after a period of self-cultivation, the village head who was much better stood on the stage and began to announce this incident.

"Be quiet, everyone! Be quiet! Today, let everyone come here, there is one thing to tell you and let everyone discuss it. The village cleared his throat and then said loudly.

"Everyone has also seen that the leaders of several surrounding villages have all come to our village today. This is because the gods are very kind. He also told the people around us what happened in our village! Our village is already well-known!" The village head's voice was very high, with a little excitement inside. Nowadays, the heads of several villages around him begin to look differently. They are jealous, envious, and even awe, which makes him feel that his waist is particularly straight and happy!

"Why did the gods inform them? On the one hand, it was the kindness of the gods, and on the other hand, it showed that the gods were also very concerned about them. After all, they often came to visit before! The gods are also satisfied with their piety. After praising the gods, the village turned the topic back.

"The gods informed them that they did not give up on them. As we all know, one of the evolutionists who came to our village before ran away. That person should be a mutant. The ability of the mutant is very mysterious, so if he comes back with a helper to find trouble and can't find our village, then at that time, several villages around him will inevitably become their venting objects. Speaking of this, the village head's tone suddenly became much more solemn.

"So, the heads of several villages around who were very worried about this came to discuss with us and wanted to move all the people in their village to live in our village. After all, this matter is related to everyone's future life and has vital interests with everyone. Therefore, this time, we will gather everyone together to discuss this matter!" After talking for a long time, the village head finally figured out the theme of the meeting.

"Sister, all the people in the surrounding villages have moved to our village, that's not good!" Zhang Jian was very surprised when he heard the village head's words! Thinking about the scene after doing this, I can't help but stick out my tongue.

"It's amazing. There are so many people, and then it will be very troublesome. Moreover, when the wasteland was opened before, the people in our village had a lot of conflicts with the people in the surrounding villages!" Speaking of this, Zhang Yu couldn't help frowning.

"I also think this is more harmful than good! These people can't be allowed to move here like this. Long Xiang also disagreed.

"Dad! What do you think? Long Xiang asked Zhang's father next to him? Zhang Yu and Zhang Jian also turned their heads at this time and looked at Zhang's father.

"I don't agree either!" Zhang's father also felt that it was not good to do this.

"It seems that everyone has similar opinions as us, and they are not optimistic about this matter!" Zhang Yu closed his eyes, used his spiritual strength, and roughly checked the opinions of the people around him.

"Originally, this matter is not good for our village at all." Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian said aside.

"It's not good, but I can't refuse this completely. It's a little troublesome!" Long Xiang said on the side.

"Yes! Trouble." Zhang Yu nodded and echoed.

"Why can't you refuse?" Hearing the two of them talking there, Zhang Jian said doubtfully.

"If you can refuse, with the shrewd appearance of the village head, you will refuse at that time. Didn't he say that before? This matter was notified by the gods to several villages around, indicating that the gods are still good to the people in the surrounding villages. Otherwise, they will not tell them. If we completely refuse, isn't it contrary to the meaning of the gods? Zhang Yu explained aside.

"Yes, it's the gods who told them, and they can't refuse it completely!" Zhang Jian also began to worry.

"I'm talking about the thoughts of the people in the village. In fact, that god has just learned to think. The reason why he did this is that he just doesn't want to give up the beliefs of the people in the villages around him. At that time, he thought so much!" Hearing Zhang Jian's words, Zhang Yu was a little speechless. My brother really doesn't like to use his brain, he just likes to do it!

"Hm, I see." After listening to Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian immediately became un distressed.

"Wait a minute, let's see what the villagers say." Zhang Yu thought for a moment. After all, this matter is related to everyone's interests and cannot be easily decided by individual people.

As expected by Zhang Yu and others, although everyone was a little nervous, in the end, most people still voted against it. After all, your own safety and convenience comes first.

The village head seems to have expected the result of the matter, so his expression is very calm, and the expressions of several other leaders around him are the same.

After everyone expressed their opinions, the village head stepped on the stage again without hurry.

"We already know everyone's opinions, so we have discussed it for a while and now come up with a compromise." The village head's expression was faintly confident. Looking at his expression, he was very sure about this method.

As soon as the villagers heard that there was a compromise, they immediately pricked up their ears.

"The solution is that these people still live in their own village and only come to our village for the night. As we all know, when those mutants come during the day, we can also quickly support each other, so it is safe. Only at night can it be very dangerous. Therefore, we have come up with such a compromise. Speaking of this method, the village head is a little complaous, because he came up with this method.

After listening to the village head's words, everyone began to whisper below again. This method is really not bad, but Zhang Yu and others have heard it and think it is very feasible. If you just come to your own village for the night, everyone can still accept it.

Now many people in the village have gathered together and vacave a lot of places. Although everyone is planning to move back with the boundary of divine power, there is no action yet. Now, it's time to let these people from other villages live.

Finally, after another discussion, most of the villagers passed this resolution.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~