Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 17 Mystery and Forbidden Zone

Summary: The news from Zhang Yu's village finally came out, and it became a forbidden place.

Although the people in Zhang Yu Village do not want the people in the surrounding villages to move to their own villages to live in, after all, this is also the meaning of the gods, and the safety of the village also depends on the blessing of the gods. In the end, the villagers can only agree to the compromise proposed by the village head.

After learning about the decision in Zhang Yu's village, the people in the surrounding village were very happy and immediately began to move. However, usually, these people still have to live in their own village. Only at night will they live in Zhang Yu's village, so they have to move here. There are not many things, and now it is a very special period, and people's efficiency is very high.

In less than a day, all the people in the surrounding villages had been relocated. Seeing this scene, Zhang Yu's family couldn't help sighing that the potential of people is indeed infinite.

Zhang Yi's family, of course, moved to Zhang Yu's house. This time, Zhang Yi's parents-in-law didn't say a word. After hearing the news, they immediately moved here. No face is worth mentioning in front of life.

"Sister, you can rest assured this time. In the future, you can take care of your baby son in person." Zhang Yu smiled at Zhang Yidao.

As soon as Zhang Yi's family came over, they held Hao Yu and looked at it several times, but they hadn't seen him for a few days. How long they thought about it? It made Zhang Yu feel speechless.

"Ye, he hasn't been with me these days. I'm very worried that I can't sleep well overall." After saying that, Zhang Yi touched his son's face and kissed him again, which made Xiao Haoyu laugh.

"Good son, have you been thinking about your mother these days? Is it good to be at grandma's house? Zhang Yi spoke to his son in a gentle tone.

"I thought about it! I'm good every day." Hearing his mother's words, Haoyu replied with a milky voice.

Wang Lin, who was beside him, also hurried to talk to his son. The two old people were watching, and the atmosphere was very warm for a moment.


The bald head was originally an ordinary person. Later, the end of the world came. After the test, he became a powerman. However, his power has no great power in attack and is only suitable for escape. Therefore, even if he has the power, he continues to live his life peacefully.

However, a lot of things happened one after another, and the city became more and more chaotic. Finally, the government can only establish an "independent zone" to protect the safety of citizens.

At that time, it was not easy to enter the independent zone. The bald head is just an ordinary person. He doesn't have enough food, no powerful manpower and background, so he can only secretly sneak into the independent zone with his own ability.

However, in the independent zone, all people must register, and only those who enter normally will be registered. The government only guarantees the safety of these people and sends them to do their work and is responsible for their usual rations.

Although the bald head sneaked in, his name is not on the list. He is just a "black man" and can only ensure his own safety in it. Without the source of food, he still can't survive.

When outside the independent zone, he can also use his ability to get some food. However, in the independent zone, the system is very strict and it is not easy to get food. Therefore, after living in it for a period of time, he found that there was no life there. He lived comfortably outside, so he left the independent zone.

Later, in order to survive, everyone began to go to the countryside to engage in grain, and the bald head also followed this trend.

At the beginning, bald heads acted with those ordinary people, but ordinary people were ordinary people. They had no extraordinary ability. They were still very suspicious of each other and did not unite. Several times, there were many casualties, but they didn't get much food.

Later, the bald man finally found the existence of another mutant in a team. Then, the two of them began to cooperate. After that, they slowly met many mutants. Slowly, the team became bigger and bigger, from two people at the beginning to more than a dozen people later, and the life of their group Life is also getting better and better.

Life has become comfortable, and he has become a little bored without worries, so the bald head always wants to find something different to do.

That day, they found a temporary stronghold and prepared to rest there, but he didn't expect that the stronghold already had a master. As soon as they settled down, the previous owner came back. However, the owner before the stronghold was too weak. After seeing their group, he wisely took the initiative to give up this place.

Seeing that they were so interesting, the bald head did not intend to embarrass them, but at that time, he suddenly became a little curious about the appearance of the previous owner, so he turned his head and took a look.

He didn't expect that because of his curiosity, he took such a look, so that his companions who shared joys and sorrows would die in the countryside, and if he hadn't been for the space power, he could teleport, he would have died on the spot at that time.

After escaping from that terrible village, the bald head was very unwilling to take revenge. However, at that time, he was also seriously injured. Fortunately, he was an evolutionist, and all aspects of his body were unmatched by ordinary people. After a while, his strong self-healing power finally made his injury almost heal.

That night, he decided to go to this small village to explore the situation and take revenge. However, something happened that he didn't expect, that is, the small village disappeared. He wandered around the previous location for most of the night and did not find the previous village.

Unyed, he decided to go to several villages around to catch someone and inquire about the news, but something more surprising happened. Because the surrounding villages have all turned into empty villages, and there is no one in them.

Thinking of the unusual village before, and thinking about the few villages around him, the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became, so he immediately left this place.

After he calmed down, he felt that he would come here to see the situation during the day. As a result, what he did not expect was that he saw many villagers living here in these villages, and he was shocked. That day, he clearly saw that it was all empty, but where did these people come from?

learned the lesson from the last time, and there is only one person left now. Therefore, he did not act rashly during the day and planned to catch someone at night to ask about the specific situation.

However, in the evening, he recovered his spirits. When he arrived at the village where he saw someone's family, he found that the village had become an empty village again. This time, he is really a little scared. However, he still dared to explore several villages around him and found that these villages had become empty villages. And the previous small village that made him unforgettable for life has never appeared again.

After such a change, he felt that this place was too evil to stay here again. So he left here immediately.

Later, the matter here was spread out. Slowly, many evolutionists knew about it, and after several rumors, the situation here became bigger and more weird. Slowly, the place where Zhang Yu and others lived became a forbidden area for evolutionists. After that, those evolutionists were unwilling to set foot here again.

In fact, evolutionists are not afraid to set foot here. Rumor has it that the mysterious place is just a small village, and there are not many fields. It can be thought that there is not much oil and water, but there is such a strange thing in it. There are not enough profits and they have to risk great risks. Smart people know how to buy this It is not cost-effective, which is also part of the reason.


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