Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 27 Resolution and Departure

Summary: The food matter is bait. Long Xiang and his son finally solved the black hands behind the scenes, and Zhang Yu and Long Xiang left the Long family together.

Long Tian is also a very decisive person. Once he has a goal, he will take action immediately. Therefore, just before the previous strange events were over, another rumor appeared in the family.

"I heard that these grains did not appear suddenly, but were brought by our young master. I heard that walking less is a space power." A humane.

Is that right? How do you know that?" The person next to him asked doubtfully.

"I heard that someone saw the patriarch and the young master go to the warehouse together that night, and then this batch of things were available. Who else do you think is the young master?" This man explained.

"Really?" A slightly doubtful voice.

"Of course, he saw one of my buddies on duty at night that day." This man vowed.

"Why isn't it the patriarch? Didn't the two of them go together? Another person next to him asked.

"You think, with the selflessness of our patriarch, if he had this batch of grain, he would have taken it out long ago. Do you still have to wait until now?" This man explained.

"Ye�, this happened when the young master came. The young master is fine. It's really raining in time!" People on the side praised.

"But how do you know that the young master has space powers?" Another asked.

"I know when I think about it. There is no sign of so many things. If it is not a space power, how can you move so much grain to the warehouse without silence?" This man is full of confidence.

"Yes, that's right! Space power, it's amazing. I heard that there are very few power people. Very enviable tone.

"Our family's family is also quite rich, and the young master has space powers. I guess there must be a lot of food in the hands of the young master. As long as there is a young master, I think our family will definitely survive this crisis." This man exaggerated and suddenly said that Long Xiang became the savior of the Long family.

"Yes, the young master is really amazing." After listening to this person's praise, everyone next to him began to feel that Long Xiang was indeed a great person.



Long Xiang and his son also kept silent about these new rumors and previous rumors, thinking that they didn't hear them at all and it was none of their business. Their unresponse, opposition, and non-recognition attitude makes many people very puzzled and don't understand their intention to do so.

Of course, the reaction of the family is the same. They know that this matter is indeed done by the father and son of the Long family, only a few elders in the family, and these elders will not reveal this matter. Therefore, their reaction was very calm. Like Long Xiang and his son, they looked down on them.

The young people who could not see through the essence of things and were misled by rumors were full of worship for Long Xiang and began to inquire about Long Xiang's life and deeds.

The neutral people in the family can't see the direction of things. Of course, they continue to maintain their moderation. They also pretend to see nothing and act rashly.

And those who have intentions started to move early in private. These people with intentions are Long Xiang and his son, Long Tian and others.

In fact, the first batch of rumors were made by the Dragon Father. When the rumors were released, they did not mention Zhang Yu at all. On the one hand, they did this to protect Zhang Yu, and on the other hand, they did it to draw the snake out of the hole.

Long Xiang and Long's father want to know who is most concerned about these news. The people who promote these rumors are all cronies of Long's father. On the one hand, they are responsible for releasing the news, and on the other hand, they secretly investigate who is investigating the news.

The second group of people who released rumors were Long Tian. He wanted to take this opportunity to check the reaction of Long Xiang and his son to determine his previous guess.

These small actions are carried out in private. Although everyone seems calm on the surface, in fact, they have already begun to fight with each other.

"How's it going? Now there are space things everywhere." Zhang Yu was a little puzzled about this. How did these people know about space?

"Don't worry. These things are being investigated. At present, there are already some clues." Long Xiang comforted.

Is that right? However, does it matter if the space is exposed?" Zhang Yu is still a little worried.

"After all, the matter of space is just a rumor, nothing, no evidence, and no one can be sure. On the other hand, even if I know that there is space, the goal is on me. With my current cultivation, it is difficult for anyone to hurt me. Just rest a hundred hearts. Long Xiang said confidently.

"You'd better be careful. Don't be too careless." Hearing Long Xiang's words, Zhang Yu frowned and said that there were many such lessons in history. Many people failed because they were too confident. You should know that those who were drowned were proficient in swimming.

"Yes, I know. After all, this is my own home. There are many unconjured elders in the family, and no one dares to fool around here." You should know that the martial arts cultivation of Country Z is getting hotter and more valuable. Once there is a wind blow, it is difficult to hide it from them.

"How did you check it?" Zhang Yu is a little curious about this.

"How can you check it, let people pay attention to it in private, and then send people to follow those who spread the news." Long Xiang said that the clouds were light and the wind was light.

"Why do you feel so old-fashioned?" Hearing Long Xiang's practice, Zhang Yu was a little disappointed, which was different from what she thought.

"Why are you so old-fashioned! You know, the reason why you think it's old-fashioned means that many people use it, and so many people use it means that it works, doesn't it? Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Long Xiang began to correct her thoughts.

"Yes, you are right. What you said before is clear. Did you find the mastermind of the rumor? Zhang Yu continued to ask.

"At present, there is no one, but several people have been found, and people have been secretly monitored. According to the information given by Dad, the leaders of these people are very mysterious people. He never does it himself and rarely appears in front of people. Only those real core members know his true body. Seeing Zhang Yu's emotional drama about this matter, Long Xiang began to explain it to her.

"So this leader is so mysterious." Zhang Yu frowned and said thoughtfully.

"Hence, or, with his father's ability, he would have been pulled out long ago, and it would not be my turn to intervene at all." To put it fairly, this radical leader is really great. Unfortunately, he is not single-minded with his family, and Long Xiang is sorry for this.

"Listen to you, it seems that this matter is not so easy to solve." Hearing Long Xiang's words, Zhang Yu couldn't help sighing.

"Yes, it's a little time-consuming. This time, in order to make it difficult once and for all, we must wait patiently. Although I have found something, in order not to scare snakes, we must be patient, which is the basic quality of a good hunter. You know, in the future, with the deepening of the nirvana of heaven and earth, the family will definitely suffer more tests, and I'm afraid it will not be so convenient for us to come here again. I don't want to leave too many uneasy factors around my father. Long Xiang's tone was very solemn.

"Ye, I support you. Don't worry about it! I'm very patient." Seeing that Long Xiang was so solemn, Zhang Yu felt that he made a statement.

"Thank you, I'm sorry. I promised you to finish the matter here quickly and go home early." Long Xiang said a little sorry.

"I'm sorry. You've been with us all the time. It doesn't matter if you come back once and stay for a while." Hearing Long Xiang say sorry, Zhang Yu came to comfort Long Xiang instead. Looking at Long Xiang's appearance during this period, she knew that Long Xiang was actually very happy.

"Haha, let's not talk about that." The two are husband and wife. They feel uncomfortable, so Zhang Yu decided not to talk about this topic.

"Oc, let's not talk about these annoying things. You don't have to worry too much about these things. You just need to know the final result. Also, I can't accompany you often during this period. If you feel bored, read the books here. For the sake of safety, it's better to go out less and let Bai Jian follow you, okay? Long Xiang was very obedient and immediately changed the topic.

"Yes, I know. I didn't expect that there are so many ancient books at home. I like reading, and I don't feel bored. I will also pay attention to safety. Don't worry." Hearing Long Xiang's concerned words, Zhang Yu felt that his heart was warm.

After that, Zhang Yu began to concentrate on those ancient books, which was Zhang Yu's hobby, so she was fascinated by it. Time passed unconsciously, and many things were also quietly carried out during this period.

On this day, Zhang Yu was reading a book, and Long Xiang came in with a spring breeze on his face.

Seeing Long Xiang's appearance, Zhang Yu knew that the matter might have been solved. Later, Long Xiang's words also confirmed her guess.

"Is it resolved?" Zhang Yu put down the book in his hand and looked up to Long Xiang.

"Ye, it's solved. Although there may be some missing fish, the rest of these people are already difficult to become a climate." Long Xiangdao. The reason why things can be solved quickly is because he came out in person.

"If the water is clear, there will be no fish. Some things are rarely confused. They are all a family, so there is no need to be so stiff." After listening to Long Xiang's words, Zhang Yu said thoughtfully.

"Well, I calculated it with my father, and that's what I mean." However, what Long Xiang didn't expect was that the mastermind of this matter was Long Tian, who usually seemed inconspicuous and cowardly.

In order to find out more information about this incident, Long Xiang personally went out to monitor those suspicious people all day long, so that things can progress so quickly, and Long Xiang is also very satisfied with this.

Long Xiang didn't want Zhang Yu to worry too much, so he didn't tell her a lot of things, only let her know a simple result, and this matter passed like this.

The cancer in the family was finally almost eliminated. Long Xiang only felt light all over and finally relaxed the tense spirit during this period. This thought is over, but Long Xiang has another thought in his heart, which is about Long Zheng.

Thinking of the sudden uneasiness before, Long Xiang always had a bad feeling. He hoped that Long Zheng could leave the army and return to the Long family as soon as possible. However, he had to discuss this matter with his father. He believed that as long as his father could forgive Long Zheng, he would definitely abandon the army and choose the family.

Since he saw a medicinal field in Zhang Yu's space, Long's father has often run there. During this period, he has left most of the family's affairs to Long Xiang to take care of. Long Xiang and Zhang Yu have no problem with this, as long as the old man is happy.

Long Xiang has also talked with Long Zheng's father before. He has been a little loose. People, this old heart has begun to soften and he has become fond of recalling the past, so he will often think of Long Zheng. Although he was a little angry when he thought of the things he had done before, he was still young at that time. Thinking about how many people can let go now, then his son, forgive him, he has nothing to think about.

This time, the dragon father who figured out had Zhang Yu's help. When Long Xiang mentioned these things again, the dragon father readily agreed. After receiving a positive answer, Longxiang and his wife were so happy that they couldn't wait to tell him about it.

Although he is very reluctant, he has been here for a long time, and everything in the family has been dealt with. Zhang Yu, who is worried about the situation at home, seems to be going back.

Long Xiang also planned to leave, but he told Zhang Yu that he was leaving. He still wanted to go to a place where Long Zheng was. The two brothers had not met for a long time, and Long Zheng had been talking on the phone before that he wanted to see what kind of person his sister-in-law was, so Long Xiang planned to take Zhang Yu to visit Long Zheng and tell him himself that Long's father had forgiven him and let him go home.

Hearing Long Xiang's plan, Zhang Yu felt that it was reasonable and did not refute it, so both of them went to say goodbye to Long's father. Seeing that the two were leaving now, Long's father was very reluctant, but he knew that they would leave sooner or later. So I nodded and agreed.

"You two come with me." After knowing the decision of the two of them, Long's father sighed.

"Okay." The two looked at each other for two seconds and responded at the same time.

"These things are all for you, and I guessed that there will be a real day, so I prepared these things in advance." Long's father pointed to the bookshelf in the room.

"Are these words for us?" Long Xiang said excitedly.

"However, although these are all manuscripts, they are the most important things of our Long family. I hope you have a chance to continue to pass on the things of our Long family in the future. Don't lose them, okay?" Long's father's voice was very solemn and his expression was also very serious.

"Don't worry, Dad, I know what to do." Long Xiang's strong guarantee.

"Ye, I believe in you. Your child has been reassuring since childhood." Seeing Long Xiang's appearance, Long's father was satisfied and nodded and smiled.

After that, Zhang Yu put all these books into his portable space. Seeing so many books, Zhang Yu was very moved, because from the dialogue between Long Xiang and his son, she knew that these books are the core secrets and inheritance skills of the family, the foundation of a family. Such a precious thing is not allowed for ordinary people to read, so many books should be Dragon Father. A person's copying is not a small project, and it must take a lot of effort.

After Zhang Yu collected the things, Long's father told them to pay attention to safety on the way. Hearing the two answer one by one, they let them leave. When they left, Zhang Yu secretly left him a lot of fruit wine and many elixirs he liked in the dragon father's room, which was a good intention. .

So, the two quietly left the Long family and went to the independent area where Long Zheng was stationed.


Collection is my duty, messages are love, and red tickets are fate~~ Of course, rewarding is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~(⊙o⊙)