Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 28 The Death of Long Zheng

Summary: When the two arrived in the independent area where Long Zheng was located, it was bad news to welcome them.

Long Xiang and Zhang Yu quietly left the Long family and set out for the independent area where Long Zheng was located.

After leaving the Long family, Long Xiang did not have the previous stability in front of Long's father. He looked very anxious and uneasy. Seeing him like this, Zhang Yu was very worried.

"What's wrong with you? Don't be in such a hurry. After leaving this area, without so much water, we can drive. At that time, we will be on a lot." Zhang Yu guessed that Long Xiang was busy on the road, so he hurried to solve him.

"Ye, I know." Although he said so, his feet did not mean to slow down at all.

"What's wrong with you? Has something happened?" Long Xiang was in the Long family and was very busy with his work. These Zhang Yu saw it. She knew that Long Xiang was actually very tired now, but he was still on his way, which had to arouse Zhang Yu's suspicion.

"Yes, I always feel panicked these days. I always feel that something bad is going to happen. I had this similar feeling when I talked to Xiaozheng on the phone before, so I'm very worried about him now." Seeing Zhang Yu's worried look, Long Xiang still said it.

Is that right? I think your feeling should be similar to whether the blood is dangerous or not. I have seen this situation in some books before, so let's speed it up. Hearing Long Xiang's words, Zhang Yu also became much more serious, without the relaxation when he first left the Long family.

"Ye." Long Xiang was very worried about his brother, so after hearing Zhang Yu's words, the two began to concentrate on their journey.

Out of the rainy sky of the Long family, they finally ushered in the sunshine of a long separation. The two immediately drove on the road. However, now many people can be seen on the road. These people are all in groups of actions. Zhang Yu used his mental strength to explore the situation of these people and found that most of them exude a strong Resentment and frustration made Zhang Yu feel very uncomfortable.

Seeing them like this, thinking of the previous broadcasts, Zhang Yu knew that these people should be those urban people who came to the countryside to grab food. Looking at their appearance, they were dirty and in bad spirits. They looked very decadent and knew that their life was not good.

Also, after all, the grain in the countryside is limited. How much can they grab? After all, there are more monks and less porridge, and the people in the cities will unite, so the people in the countryside will also unite. In addition, they should not deal with these urban people who can't fill their stomachs and have no combat effectiveness. What's the big problem?

However, once people are hungry, everything can be done. Seeing the green light in their eyes, Zhang Yu is very worried and doesn't want to have any conflict with them. Long Xiang's approach is very straightforward. Long Xiang is worried about Long Zheng in his heart. Seeing these people, he often has not formed an encirclement situation. At that time, he drove quickly and rushed over.

At this time, Zhang Yu's heart was a little afraid and could better understand Long Xiang's worries, because he really drove over directly on the accelerator. He had no sympathy for those who intercepted them on the road and was very ruthless. Seeing Long Xiang's expressionless appearance and feeling the faint smell of blood on these people who blocked the way, Zhang Yu just held the white sword in his arms more tightly and said nothing.

However, Zhang Yu's heart is getting tighter and tighter. She has no blood relationship with Long Zheng and has never seen him. She doesn't know what Long Xiang has felt and his temperament has become so violent. Long Xiang and Zhang Yu have never seen it like this. She is very Worried, but she didn't dare to show it too much. She knew that Long Xiang must be very anxious now and didn't want to burden him.

Although those who blocked the way are pitiful, they choose to rob in the countryside, regardless of the lives of the peasants, and there is still a smell of blood on their bodies, which shows that they are definitely not good people. Now that the situation has developed to this point, compassion and so on can only kill themselves, Zhang Yu I also have dear family members. They need themselves very much and their own abilities. They can't die. In addition, they have seen such things more often, and Zhang Yu's heart has gradually learned to be cold.

"Cold", it should not be said that "cold blood" is more appropriate. Zhang Yu remembers that the first time she saw killing and the first time she saw so much blood was when the evolutionist attacked the village. At that time, she felt very unsuitable, disgusting and scared, and now she can look on coldly. Zhang Yu thought sarcastically in his heart that human adaptability is really too strong.

However, things will develop to this point today, and Zhang Yu also knows the reason: Lotus has told Zhang Yu that human beings have overexploited nature and destroyed the ecological balance of the whole nature. Think about the past environment recorded in ancient books, and then look at the current environment. Human beings are the culprits of all this. Zhang Yu You can often see some bad news on the Internet, such as: what animals have become extinct today, and what plants have died because they are not adapted to the current living environment.

Nature is losing her vitality, and she is constantly struggling. However, human beings only think about their own convenience all day long, thinking about the benefits they can seek, and choose to turn a blind eye to these. Therefore, nature can only choose to save themselves. Therefore, the nirvana of heaven and earth begins. Therefore, in the final analysis, people Class is the culprit of all this, which is not worthy of sympathy.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu is very sad. Countless histories have proved that the growth of many things requires the price of countless blood to be firmly remembered in the bottom of his heart. Without personal experience, he can't understand the horror of things in any case.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yu looked at Long Xiang, who was driving expressionlessly next to him. She sighed in her heart. Now Long Xiang's spirit is very tense and silent all day, emitting a strong aura, so that Zhang Yu dares not talk to him. Seeing Long Xiang like this, Zhang Yu has a kind of indescribable in his heart. As a result, people have become much more silent and have been thinking nonsense all day long.

Under Long Xiang's lifeless style, although he met many people along the way, the journey was smooth. Even if he sometimes met some evolutionists, under the oppression of Long Xiang's powerful aura, these people also wisely chose to avoid its edge.

After these days of hard travel, the two finally rushed to the outside of the independent district where Long Zheng was located.

Seeing the big sign with the words "independence zone" in front of him, Zhang Yu took a deep breath and finally arrived. Then, she turned her head and looked at Long Xiang and saw that he was still expressionless. However, Zhang Yu found that he was a little dazed, standing there motionless and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Weren't we all in a hurry before? Now we're all here. Why are you in a daze? Let's go in." After saying that, Zhang Yu took Long Xiang's hand and walked forward.

Long Xiang listened to Zhang Yu's words and did not make a sound, but was pulled forward obediently.

"Hight, who are you?" The person on duty shouted loudly.

"We are here to visit our relatives." Hearing the question of the person on duty, Zhang Yu stood still and replied loudly.

"Who are you going to visit?" Hearing Zhang Yu's words, several people came over carefully with guns.

"The people we want to see are people in the army. His name is Long Zheng, and he is our younger brother." Zhang Yu replied with a smile.

"In the army?" Hearing Zhang Yu's words, their tone was much better.

"Hmm, he was suddenly transferred here before. His father was very worried about him, so let's come and see how he has been doing recently." Zhang Yu explained.

"Oh, you fill in your information, and I'll ask someone to go inside to inform you. Before that, you are waiting outside, okay?" This man looked at Zhang Yu and Long Xiang and felt that they were not dangerous people, and then told them the specific procedures.

"Okay, we understand that." Zhang Yu answered quickly. After saying that, she took Long Xiang's hand and asked him to fill in the information. He didn't know Long Zheng, so he had to find Long Xiang.

At this time, Long Xiang was no longer in a daze and just filled in the relevant information. After that, he waited outside with Zhang Yu.

When waiting, I always felt that the time had passed so long. Zhang Yu had this feeling at this moment. However, Long Xiang next to her was very abnormal at this time, and he did not have the aura of rushing to the road. Now he seems very quiet and stands there silently.

In Zhang Yu's anxious waiting, the man who left before led a man over. Seeing this situation, Zhang Yu quickly pulled Long Xiang's hand, but Long Xiang was very abnormal and stood still. Although Zhang Yu was puzzled, she still chose to stand here and wait with Long Xiang.

After seeing the two people, they ran over in a hurry.

"Brother Long, it's really you!" This man's voice was very excited, but it also seemed very depressing.

Long Xiang looked at the people and just nodded without saying anything.

Zhang Yu beside him is a little regretful. Looking at the performance of the two of them, this person does not seem to be Long Zheng, but this person should know Long Xiang.

"He, Colonel, something happened to him." Seeing that the person who came was really Long Xiang, this person said a little sadly.

"What? What the hell happened to him?" Hearing his words, Zhang Yu immediately asked. Sure enough, Long Xiang's previous hunch came true, and she felt that Long Xiang behaved strangely after arriving here.

"Where is he now? I want to see him." Long Xiang's tone was very gentle, but Zhang Yu felt cold and piercing when he heard it.

The soldier lowered his head and hesitated for a moment, and his face changed. Suddenly, he seemed to have made up his mind and looked up at Long Xiang and said, "Okay, I'll negotiate with those people." After saying that, he walked towards the Independence Zone.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yu and Long Xiang also followed.

The soldier quarreled with those on duty for a while. Although their faces were not good-looking, they finally nodded and agreed. Seeing this, Zhang Yu and Long Xiang followed the soldier into the independent zone.

"You just said that something happened to Long Zheng. What happened?" On the way, Zhang Yu asked a little urgently.

"Colonera Long, he..., you come with me and you will know when you get to the place." The man thought about it and didn't say it.

Seeing this soldier's three-mouthed appearance, Zhang Yu had a bad feeling, but this person did not say anything, and she did not force it anymore, but followed him to walk quickly.

The speed of the three was very fast, and they arrived at the place in a short time. As soon as she arrived here, Zhang Yu found something wrong. Why? Because she felt that the atmosphere here was very depressing, shrouded in a faint layer of sad clouds, and there was also a little sad atmosphere. Feeling this, she immediately turned her head and looked at Long Xiang next to her. After that, she didn't say anything and immediately withdrew her eyes. .

"Brother Long, you must calm down after you go in later." After saying that, he pushed the door and walked in.

Zhang Yu and Long Xiang followed him and also walked in.

After coming in, Zhang Yu found that there were many people in this room, but these people were not in a good mental state and looked a little haggard. She looked around, hoping to find Long Zheng. Unfortunately, she inspected all the people here and couldn't find out. Her feeling that things were wrong. , it is getting worse and worse.

"Where's my brother?" At this time, Long Xiang opened his mouth, but his voice seemed very fluttering and felt that there was no weight at all.

"The colonel is here." Hearing Long Xiang's voice, these people suddenly dispersed tacitly. At this time, Zhang Yu found that there was a box on the table that was blocked by everyone. When she moved her eyes to this box, she was stunned.

It turns out that this box is an urn, and the name on it is Long Zheng's. Is Long Zheng dead?

When Zhang Yu felt unbelievable, Long Xiang walked over and stroked the urn with his hand. His movements were very soft, just like he was touching not an urn, but a peerless treasure.

"Sorry, brother, I'm late! You know, Dad has forgiven you. Your wish for so many years has finally come true, and you can finally go home. I'm here to pick you up this time. Are you happy to hear this news? But why don't you wait for me?" Long Xiang muttered.

"However, it doesn't matter. I will definitely take you home and won't leave you here alone. I will definitely let you go back to see your father and the mother you miss very much. In the future, I will definitely not let you be alone again. I know you are afraid of being alone. Long Xiang's voice was very soft and not sad, but the people next to him couldn't help crying.

At this time, Zhang Yu also walked over and stood beside Long Xiang, giving him strength and silent comfort. Although Zhang Yu had prepared for the worst before, she didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Finally, she saw Long Xiang talking to Long Zheng's ashes alone, and there was an indescribable sadness in her heart.

"Long Xiang, you don't want to look like this, okay? I don't think Long Zheng wants to see you like this. Zhang Yu couldn't help persuading him.

Long Xiang did not respond and remained the same.

"Long Xiang, don't you want to know how Long Zheng died? He is still so young and has studied martial arts. If there is no special reason, he will not die. Zhang Yu continued to unravel.

Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Long Xiang was stunned and finally reacted.

"How on earth did my brother die?" Long Xiang asked.

"A few days ago, a group of evolutionists sneaked in and stole supplies. We found that there was a conflict. Colonel Long was killed by them." One of them said sadly.

Is that right? He was killed by evolutionists. Xiao Zheng, didn't I tell you not to rush out with them? Why don't you listen to me? Long Xiang was very sad. Why didn't Long Zheng listen to himself every time? That time, he didn't listen to himself. As a result, he was kicked out of the house by his father and can't go home until now. This time, he still didn't listen to his words. As a result, he died.

"I'm sorry, it's all our fault." Hearing Long Xiang's words, these people spoke in unison with a tacit understanding.

"If we hadn't wanted to make contributions and get more supplies for our team, we wouldn't have had a direct conflict with them, otherwise the colonel wouldn't have died. We killed him." Their voices are full of strong regret, but unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in the world.

"What about those evolutionists? What will happen to them?" Long Xiang doesn't care about their affairs. He just wants to know the result of his brother's enemy.

"Those people are very powerful. Most of them have escaped, and a small number of them were killed by us on the spot. However, we have also captured a living. At present, their den has been found. We will definitely avenge the colonel." This man's voice seemed very excited.

"If you find a nest, that's good! Xiao Zheng, don't worry, my brother will definitely avenge you and won't let you die in vain. Although Long Xiang's tone was very gentle, it smelled of indescribable blood.

Seeing Long Xiang like this, Zhang Yu glanced at him. Although she felt that Long Xiang's current appearance was a little inappropriate, she did not stop him. If the blood of those evolutionists could heal his scars and relieve his pain, then she would support him.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~