Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 62 on Safe Food

Summary: The country has finally announced the standard for safe food.

In Country Z, people have always been calling for food as the sky. This bleak summer harvest has finally caused some problems and greatly reduced the existing population. At this time, the remaining government is also very distressed. However, if it can't get food, it can't solve the problem at all, and the government can only do this. Urgent.

Zhang Yu's family also lived a very careful life in the current situation. Zhang Yu looked at the people who came out of the village through his mental strength. Fewer and fewer people came back, and the depressing atmosphere in the village became heavier and heavier. Now their family hardly go out, and they don't even go out to fight. They stay by themselves all day long. At home.

Zhang Yu's spiritual power is very strong. Although she does not go out, she can still observe the situation outside through her own strength. Every time she sees the miserable appearance of the villagers now, she feels very sad. At the same time, Zhang Yu's heart is also very uneasy. She is very worried about this temporary When will the safe village disappear? At that time, where will their family go?

With the passage of time, the villagers in the village also slowly began to diverge.

Some of them are those who don't store food at home. They began to gather together in twos and threes. These people are now poor and are not afraid of others to make their own ideas. In addition, they all know that it is not easy to go out to look for food. After this period of painful lessons, people have come to The conclusion is that the more people there are, the greater the safety factor, so everyone begins to go out in an organized way.

However, not all people who gather together are willing to take risks outside. After all, the mortality rate is too high. Those timid people gather together just to share the pain with each other. Others are afraid of loneliness and are afraid that they will starve silently at home one day. Others don't even know. Therefore, they all came home and gathered together.

It doesn't mean that some people are willing to take care of themselves, but also some special people. These people have strength, courage, and also know how to think. They know that the chances of going out to look for food are too slim, so they gradually focus on the people who have surplus food in their village. Do some small actions from time to time.

In contrast, the other part is also gathered together. These are the villagers who still have food at home. Although these people have food and will not be hungry for the time being, it is precisely because there is still food at home that they are more afraid that they will come to rob themselves. Therefore, for safety, these people slowly gathered together and acted collectively when something happened.

Compared with those who have no food, the villagers who have surplus food gather more cautiously and cautiously. After all, they still have some scruples, so most of these people choose to gather together with people who are familiar with them, and because of all kinds of scruples, these people gathered together. The number of groups is also less than those who have no food reserves.

Although the two groups of people know each other's existence and have some small actions in private, for the time being, the two sides are still peaceful, but they have begun to worry about each other. Those who have no food are jealous of those who have food, and those who have food to watch The other party's green eyes were also very afraid and kept a certain distance from each other.

Feeling the increasing hostility between the two sides in the village, Zhang Yu became more and more worried. She felt that the current daily life was a kind of suffering, and the negative emotion shrouding the whole earth has also become more and more serious. Living in this negative emotion for a long time, she has no willpower Strong people are very easy to be affected. Slowly, these people's hearts will gradually become manic and destructive, and people like Zhang Yi's parents-in-law will be greatly affected. Therefore, even if they take Long Xiang's medicine, they will not get better.

"It's really uncomfortable to live such a day. I always feel very uncomfortable in my heart, as if something is pressing on my heart." Living in this atmosphere, even the careless Zhang Jian felt uncomfortable. Although he could not perceive the negative emotions in the air with mental strength like Zhang Yu, his body still instinctively felt it and was affected by some influence.

"Now there are many negative emotions in the whole air, which will make people feel uncomfortable." Hearing Zhang Jian's words, Zhang Yu explained lightly.

"So that's it. No wonder they don't want to come out now, and I don't want to stay outside." Zhang Jian seems to have realized something.

"Our parents haven't said that they feel uncomfortable, so you began to complain here." Zhang Yu said contemptuously. Now Zhang Yi's family lives here. If Zhang Jian suddenly disappears, it will arouse their suspicion. According to Zhang's father's intention, the fewer people who know Zhang Yu's ability, the better.

"Hey! I stay at home all day and can't go anywhere. I want to practice martial arts but I can't calm down. This life is really boring. Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian whispered.

"Don't be insatiable. You have at least something to eat and drink now. Do you know how many people outside want to live now? How many people in the village are struggling to eat and eat." Although Zhang Jian's voice is small, for Zhang Yu, who is not an ordinary person, he still hears very clearly, so he can't avoid a burst of scolding.

"Hey! Please stop talking. I've heard it many times. You are so strong that you can know what's going on outside, but I'm locked here every day. I can't see how the people outside are doing at all. I really want to go out!" Speaking of this, Zhang Jian couldn't help but be jealous of Zhang Yu's ability. If only he also had a strong spiritual power. He began to practice now and doesn't know how long it will take to reach Zhang Yu's level.

Listening to Zhang Jian's complaints, Zhang Yu turned his head and ignored him and went out. In this situation, how could Zhang's mother allow him to go out and dream! However, at this moment, a shocking news suddenly came from the radio. The government suddenly announced that the country had finally developed safe food and began to sell food to people.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~