Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 6 Crazy mutation

Summary: The deteriorating living conditions have caused plants to mutate crazily.

Only after the real test can we detect everyone's differences and know the various levels and gaps between each other.

In the chaotic pool of the end of the world, those who have no foresight and vision will only use violence and follow the crowd to form, so they are trapped in the quagmire of struggle and can't extricate themselves. And those who are really powerful will not be able to see the situation clearly. They have a long-term vision and a sense of the overall situation, so that they can stand on the stand and not become those who act on the stage.

There is a popular saying in Z country: wealth is no more than three generations, and three generations will flourish for a hundred years. Although it is admirable to start from scratch, people who started from scratch do not have their own relationship group and their own team because of the initial lack of background. Even if they are rich, they will not really be sincerely accepted by rich people at the beginning. Most people only call these people "upstarts", and if this If the upstart's family can't survive three generations, they will not fall behind. And if you can survive three generations, you will slowly make up for your own shortcomings and defects, thus forming the foundation of your own family and forming a relationship network that belongs to your own family. These networks are connected and can involve many rich and powerful people. This kind of family can flourish for at least more than 100 years.

Now, many non-governmental organizations are the role of upstarts, and the government is a real century-old family. The government has its own profound heritage and its own excellent talents. These talents can analyze the current situation, break through the fog in front of them, and see the general direction of the situation. They are the real leaders and watchers.

It is precisely because of these backgrounds that the government can better grasp the current situation and will not plunge itself into chaos like the current civil society organizations, so as to have more energy to study its future way out.

At this time, when most people did not pay attention, a new thing was quietly happening. Finally, new changes appeared in nature, and various plants began to mutate wildly.

At the beginning, the mutation of plants was weak, slow and inconspicuous. However, with the great changes in nature, various energies in nature became very unstable and the climate became more and more abnormal. This extreme change has greatly challenged the survival of various plants. The poor conditions have forced plants to begin to evolve, because only by evolving can they adapt to the current living conditions, otherwise they will be eliminated.

Nature's survival law is cruel. The fittest survives, and the unfit are eliminated. Everything in nature is like this, and plants can't escape such a fate. Therefore, in this test, plants slowly began to mutate. Animals closely related to plants are the first to discover this change, because this change has had a great impact on their lives.

For example, some herbivorous animals have become not suitable for them to eat because of some strange changes in the plants they usually eat. They must find new alternatives, otherwise they will starve to death. For example, some powerful plants have become more powerful and aggressive after mutation, making them no longer suitable for animals to survive, bringing great disaster to the animals living near them.

After the plants mutated, some of them have successfully evolved. The life level of these plants has improved, opened their intelligence and learned to think. Fighting comes from interests. After learning to think, plants gradually have a sense of territory. They will protect their peers in their territory and exclude other species. At this time, all kinds of animals living in the mountains and forests naturally become the objects of their exclusion. Therefore, the animals living in them have to open up. Start migration.

Plants are also racially divided. Evolved plants will be hostile to other plants in their territory. Therefore, plant species that have not evolved successfully will be catastrophically hit and have to face death. As a result, the ecological structure in the mountains and forests begins to change abnormally.

The mountains and forests are sparsely populated. After the end of the world, there are fewer people here. During this period, major organizations are busy dealing with various battles, so they have not found the migration of animals during this period. Of course, they have not found the changes of plants.

Various organizations have not found changes in plants due to the limitations of energy and background, but this change has not escaped the eyes of the government. In the end of the world, food became very important. Before the food began to mutate, the government began to develop plants and successfully developed the current safe food. Since then, they have not given up their research in this area, so when plants begin to change, they are quickly noticed.

The government is very aware of the huge impact of plant mutation on human beings, and it is only because of the discovery of this change of plants that the government did not retaliate against the organizations that had attacked it before, but immediately began to study measures to deal with plant variation. After that, it chose to close the independent zone. .

After closing the independent zone, people outside can't understand its internal trends, so that the government can safely do various experiments inside. At the same time, the government begins to clean up various large plants in the independent zone. Because a high wall has been built outside the independent zone, the people outside are not aware of the changes.

In addition to animals and the government, Zhang Yu also noticed this change. Zhang Yu could only notice that, on the one hand, because there were two hundred-year-old cypress trees in the temple before, she had already made corresponding psychological preparations. On the other hand, because Zhang Yu has a strong perception ability, she has recently felt that some subtle changes are taking place in nature.

Although Zhang Yu found these changes, because of the blockage of news and the inconvenience of communication, she did not know the changes of plants now. She only vaguely knew that the time for plants to evolve had come. Because plants are closely related to people's lives, once they begin to change, they will have an unimaginable impact on human life. Therefore, after a few days of observation to determine the correctness of her perception, she told her family about this matter.

"What, do you think plants have begun to evolve now?" After hearing Zhang Yu's words, Long Xiang immediately frowned. Although he had known about the century-old trees in the temple, he did not expect that things would develop so quickly.

"Ye�, during this period, I felt that the fluctuations of nature have changed abnormally. After detection, I found that this change comes from changes in plants. I think that after both humans and animals, plants have now begun to evolve. Zhang Yu explained that although he is still guessing, it is still heavy to talk about this news.

"What exactly do you mean by plant evolution?" At this time, Wang Lin asked doubtfully, and his parents also expressed doubts. Previously, because many things were hidden from them, they didn't know that Zhang Yu was also an evolutionist. Of course, they didn't know her ability.

After all, Wang Lin and others are just ordinary people. In addition, Zhang Yu and others have not said too much to them before, so they get very little information and don't know the whole situation outside at all. They don't know much about evolutionists, and they have less contact with them. Most of them are hearsay, so So, when Zhang Yu and the others suddenly talked about the current situation, they felt very confused.

"I'm sorry to hide it from you before. In fact, I'm also an evolutionist. My spiritual power is very strong, so I can feel many things that ordinary people can't detect." Zhang Yu briefly explained.

"Are you also an evolutionist?" After hearing the news, the Wang Lin family were very surprised. This is something they didn't expect before, so they felt like a dream for a moment. Why is it so unreal?

"You must have known something about evolutionists before. The people who drilled wells before have also seen that the evolutionists are much stronger than ordinary people. However, evolution is not limited to human beings. The whole nature can evolve. You also know that animals snatched water sources. The leaders of those animals are the evolutionists among animals. No matter what creatures evolve, once they evolve, the level of life will be greatly improved, mostly It will open your intelligence and think like human beings. Zhang Yu didn't care about the shocked expressions of several people and continued to explain to them.

"What I'm telling you about the evolution of plants is to tell you that plants will also learn to think in the future. Everyone knows that we can't live without plants at all, so this time it will become very difficult." Speaking of this, Zhang Yu's expression was very solemn.

After listening to Zhang Yu's words, everyone's expressions became very ugly.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~