Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 7 Panic

Summary: The mutation of plants makes the whole human body panic.

When everyone finally understood the meaning of Zhang Yu's words, the expression of the family became very ugly. If what Zhang Yu said is true, that doesn't mean that from now on, everyone must be careful with all kinds of plants they usually come into contact with, because no one knows what kind of ability these plants will have after mutation and whether they will be harmful to the human body.

However, in the countryside, there are plants everywhere. If these plants change, how can people who have been living here in the future survive from now on? Thinking of this, the family's face becomes so ugly.

"You don't have to do this. The evolution of plants should be the same as human evolution, and there is also a certain probability problem. Not all plants will evolve." Seeing everyone's expressions, Zhang Yu hurriedly explained.

"Yes, look at so many people in our village, there are only such evolutionists. I imagine that there should not be too many evolutionists in plants." Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly agreed.

"Well, you can see from the number of evolutionists in human beings now. This proportion is definitely not high. Don't worry too much." Long Xiang also continued.

"Yes, from the information I have learned before, it can be inferred that it is not easy to successfully evolve. It must require some special conditions, such as the stimulation of external conditions, inner desire, etc. Of course, it also has something to do with its own foundation. For example, the two ancient cypress trees in our temple have lived for hundreds of years and contain strong vitality. If they want to change, coupled with some external stimuli, it is easy to evolve successfully, so they have become evolutionists. Zhang Yu continued to explain.

"The two ancient cypress trees in our temple? Are they the evolutionists of plants? Zhang Jian asked doubtfully. Hearing Zhang Yu's words, everyone was shocked except Long Xiang.

"Yes, those two trees have evolved. Last time, when you hit that well, the reason why they can come out of water has a lot to do with their evolved power." Zhang Yu explained.

Is that so? However, after their evolution, are they no different from before? Is there no harm to the people in our village?" Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Yi couldn't help asking. She has also seen those two trees, which are no different from ordinary trees.

"I speculate that the reason why those two books are not harmful to our village has a lot to do with the environment in which they grow. Generally speaking, people go to the temple for peace. When they go there, people always ask for something. They show their good side, hoping to convey their requests to the gods. Therefore, most of the things in the temple are more caring. These two trees grow up in that environment. Hundreds of years, so their temperament is relatively mild. However, the problem is that not all plants will be treated friendly by humans. Hearing Zhang Yi's words, Zhang Yu was stunned first. After thinking about it, he replied thoughtfully.

"Oh, it's really a troublesome thing!" After hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian felt that his head was big. There are a lot of naughty children in the countryside. In addition, young and ignorant, plant destruction happens from time to time. Not only children, but also adults will love plants.

"Well, there is nothing we can do. No matter what kind of creature has wisdom, it will become complicated." Hearing Zhang Jian's words, Zhang Yu sighed and said.

"We don't know what plants will evolve, so everyone should be careful in the future. In places with more plants, pay more attention. Since the plants have begun to mutate, we'd better prepare early and clean up all the plants in the yard. Long Xiang proposed.

"Brother, don't go out to exercise with others in the future. There are so many plants outside that it's not safe." At this time, Zhang Jian suddenly remembered Wang Lin's recent martial arts practice and couldn't help turning his head and saying to him.

"Yes, don't go out casually in the future. How unsafe it is!" Hearing Zhang Jian's words, Wang's father and mother hurriedly said.

"I know. I'll be careful. Don't worry." The bodies of the two old people have just improved a little recently. Wang Lin didn't want them to worry so as not to affect their bodies, so he hurriedly promised.

After that, the meeting was dispersed after discussing some matters to pay attention to in the future. However, from that day on, Zhang Yu's family began to live a low-key life again. Now, the people in Zhang Yu's village are busy improving their strength and have no energy to pay more attention to others. Wang Lin's matter is just that at the beginning, the people who often with him feel a little strange, but, In a few days, everyone left his affairs behind because they were busy.

With the passage of time and the harsh climate, the evolution of plants has finally changed. Unlike previous humans and animals, the evolution of plants is divided into normal evolution and abnormal evolution because of their own conditions.

The so-called normal evolution is the same as the previous evolution of human beings. If you can evolve successfully, you will open your intelligence, learn to think, make your own life form fundamentally change, and remember qualitative changes, also known as "perfect evolution".

The so-called abnormal evolution is actually an evolutionary deviation. In essence, it has not fully evolved successfully. Therefore, these plants have not successfully opened their intelligence, only the instinct of plants, so this evolution is also called variation.

Because plants do not have thinking organs, it is very difficult to evolve perfectly. Most plants have mutated, and the mutation is not perfect, so the change is only a part of the plant's body. The mutation that occurred in previous crops is a kind of variation.

When God closes a window to a person, he will definitely open another window for him. Therefore, although the perfect evolution of plants is very difficult, it seems very simple if it is just a simple mutation. Therefore, there are many variations of plants. Although it is not easy to successfully evolve, it can be crazy. Variation, and its norms are also very large. Because of the huge scale of plant mutation, it was finally discovered by human beings.

After the plant mutation came into human eyes, it immediately caused a strong panic.

Chapter 8 Cleaning Plants

Summary: In order to survive, people begin to take care of the plants around them.

It is very easy for plants to mutate, so the scale is very large. Because of this, plant mutation came into the sight of human beings. When humans noticed this phenomenon, they immediately caused a strong panic.

Nowadays, human beings can't even feed themselves, so animals have long been extinct among human beings. Therefore, now, human beings can rely on plants to maintain their own survival. However, now, this backer has also begun to protest, but it has changed. What should we do? Human beings are suddenly desolate. By this time, the previous wars and hatred have long disappeared. Because at this time, all organizations are facing the same enemy, that is, the plants now.

The mutations of these plants are diverse and different. Many things, once the ingredients change, they have to change their use. Therefore, nowadays, people can no longer distinguish the nature of plants by their appearance, thinking that no one is sure whether these plants are wearing the same coat and whether they are the same inside. This.

Now, people only know that plants are dangerous, but that plant is dangerous, but people can't distinguish them. Therefore, people began to clean up the plants around them. In the past, all kinds of food planted with an extremely precious heart had to clean them up and watch themselves carefully. In this way, the food for protection is gone, and people are extremely distressed.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~