Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 9 Plant War I

In summary: Plants and humans compete for space

Because Zhang Yu's family has a way out, some previous relevant preparations have also been made very well. Therefore, the great mutation of plants did not have as much impact on their family. Soon, the life of the family returned to calm. Even Wang Lin returned to normal and began to exercise hard. I want to improve my ability.

To be from the bottom of my heart, Wang Lin envies Zhang Yu and others, because they are all evolutionists and have special abilities that surpass ordinary people. It is precisely because of these abilities that their family can live such a comfortable and peaceful life in today's troubled times.

Look at his current life and compare the life of some people's family that Wang Lin knows. This gap is so obvious. The more he compares, the more he yearns for this power. However, he also knows that human beings need great opportunities to become evolutionists, and this opportunity is not sought. Wang Lin himself is a pragmatic person. He feels that he should start from bits and pieces, so he constantly exercises himself every day, strives to practice his martial arts, and accumulates his strength little by little.

Although Wang Lin's talent is not very good and his age is a little old, he works very hard and can persevere. Now the family stays at home all day and doesn't have to do anything at all. Therefore, he has a lot of time and energy to exercise himself, coupled with the drugs configured by Longxiang, repair The speed of refining is not slow, and he is very satisfied with his current performance.

Of course, not only Wang Lin is working hard, but Zhang Yu and Long Xiang are also trying to improve their abilities. Nowadays, with the deepening of the degree of nirvana of heaven and earth, the climate of the whole nature has become more and more chaotic. It can be predicted that the challenges they have to face in the future will only become bigger and more difficult. Without strong strength as the backing, their family's situation will certainly become very difficult.

Seeing that Wang Lin practiced so seriously, even Zhang Jian, a guy who was noisy and bored at home, became much quieter. He knew that he had made progress and was trying to improve his swords every day. Affected by everyone, everyone in the family began to exercise, because everyone didn't want to become a burden.

Zhang's mother is now a mutant. Her whole physical quality has been greatly improved and her energy is very strong. All, she has become a coach of other people in the family. Every day, she takes her husband, Zhang Yi, her parents-in-law, and Xiao Haoyu to practice Taijiquan together.

Now it is different from the past. Nowadays, even the weakest grass may mutate. Plants in nature are ubiquitous, which indicates that everyone may encounter danger anytime and anywhere, and Zhang Yu and others can't be by everyone's side all the time. Therefore, everyone in the family has to learn Point to protect yourself to deal with possible crises in the future.

Zhang Yu's family worked hard to cultivate here. Now, when human beings have not reacted and found a way to deal with them, they are actively trying to expand their territory and occupy many ownerless places for themselves. However, even so, they are not satisfied and are still expanding, with a tendency to turn all the land into their own territory.

In fact, there is a reason why these plants do this. Over the years, with the development of science and technology, many advanced tools have been invented and created by human beings, making many places that could not be set foot on have become unimpededed. Therefore, many places have been Development, however, this kind of development is not damaged due to poor management or unplanned destructive development.

Because of these developments, many plants die. Although plants are very weak, they do not have feelings and thoughts at all. Therefore, when they have this ability, they begin to revenge on human beings. Of course, the expansion of plants is not entirely out of revenge, and there are many other reasons.

Humans's unplanned development of nature not only destroys the environment, but also causes a lot of pollution to the environment. The most basic cycle of nature is death and rebirth, both decomposition and regeneration. However, human development has destroyed too many things and made it very difficult to regenerate. Not only that, many domestic garbage produced in human life cannot be decomposed, so this cycle is slowly broken.

Many garbage in life is left because it cannot be effectively decomposed. This garbage is constantly polluting the whole nature and polluting the space where people live. Garbage cannot be decomposed and cannot be recycled. Therefore, the resources that can be used by the whole nature become less and less, while many human beings only focus on their own interests and turn a blind eye to them at all, resulting in this vicious circle.

With the continuation of time, the vicious circle has made this nature become sore and decadent that it has to carry out its own great nirvana. Otherwise, the whole world can only die slowly like this. Plants are an important link in decomposition and regeneration for the whole nature, and are very important, because plants are the producers and maintainers of the whole world, while animals are the consumers of the whole world and the culprits of the destruction of nature. Therefore, their treatment in nirvana is not the same.

If nature wants to be reborn, then the regeneration and regulation ability of plants is indispensable. Therefore, nature unconsciously favors them and maintains them. Therefore, in the end of the world, although the post-evolution ratio of humans and animals is very low, they also need opportunities, while plants are not, they Although perfect evolution is also difficult, they can easily change themselves and mutate, which is unmatched by humans and animals.

Before, human beings thought that they were the masters of the whole nature, so the wanton destroyer, many plants slowly disappeared in nature, and many mountains and forests should not be destroyed. Now, the whole plant has begun to mutate greatly and its strength has greatly increased. Now, they also think that they are the masters of the whole nature. Therefore, they also want to occupy the whole world, and the roles of human beings and plants have been exchanged.

It's really ironic that nowadays, human beings have become obstacles for plants to occupy nature.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~