Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 135 [Da Leiyin Temple] on

The dense forests are all towering giant trees with branches and leaves. Even if the sun in the sky shines hotly, the sunlight still cannot penetrate the dense leaves.

In the dark forest scattered with a ray of sunshine for several meters, Chenxi, Obak, Orina, Wind Ruyue, Irene and Serena shuttled through it. They are looking for the Great Leiyin Temple where they used to live, a place that once had good memories, let Chenxi know each other, get to know each other, and let Chenxi have a big goal.

Feeling the increasingly familiar environment around him, Chenxi also warmly recalled the past days when the wind was like the moon, Obak, Olina and Irene in the big Leiyin Temple.

He was chased by zombies and fled to the Great Leiyin Temple together; built a wooden house to live together; the wind was like the moon for the first time he gave him leather armor; his first time was like the wind like the moon; the wind was like the moon to watch the sunrise and the sunset together; he explored the continent of the dead with everyone; for the first time, he pulled up the mountain under the wind like the moon in distress. The world-class momentum stunned a five-level warcraft black water snake; the first barbecue, joked with each other; the first barbecue was chased by the fire-loving ant colony; the first time to absorb the fire of the soul with the wind and moon,...

One thing echoed in Chenxi's mind, as if it had only been experienced yesterday. Although it has been a long time apart, in retrospect, I still feel that the days in the Great Leiyin Temple are very warm and romantic.

Obak, Olina, the wind is like the moon, and Irene also have warm smiles on their faces, and they are also recalling the beautiful memories of the Great Leiyin Temple.

Unconsciously, a small well appeared in front of Chenxi and others, and faintly, they had returned to the feet of the Great Leiyin Temple.

Chenxi looked at the small well from afar. He pointed to the well and said to Serena, "Teacher Serena, we have arrived. You see, that well was dug by Obak and me when we first arrived here, and our daily water is also taken from this well!"

"Yes, Mr. Serena, we are about to say that the stairs of the temple are not far from the well. If you see it, you will also be shocked. Maybe you will know those magic arrays!" Irene also said.

"Yes, Mr. Serena is a saint-level strongman. Maybe it's just the reason why we don't know those lines. Maybe you can know Mr. Serena, and maybe you can get some useful information from it!" The wind also smiled like the moon.

"Teacher Serena, look, this is the temple!" Obak pointed to the Daleiyin Temple with soft golden light on the mountain bag in the distance.

Serena looked at the Great Leiyin Temple in the distance, nodded and said, "Yes, it's a very sacred temple, and it emits such a soft and sacred golden light that the dead will stay away from here!"

After a pause, Serena said, "When you brought me here, I found that the trees here had vaguely formed some kind of formation. Ordinary people can't walk here, let alone find this temple. I really didn't know how you found this temple!"

"Ge, this is the credit of Brother Chenxi. At that time, Brother Chenxi said that he had found a temple and brought us here!" Irene said immediately.

"Yes, Chenxi's brother seems to have some secrets that we don't know. For example, if he can find this temple, there must be secrets!" Olina looked at Chenxi and said.

Chenxi knew that they would say so. He smiled and said, "Everyone should have his own privacy, right? As long as this secret is not a bad thing for everyone, I don't think you care so much!"

"Ge, Chenxi is right. Everyone will have impact privacy, which is also right. We should support him!" Serena laughed.

When Feng Ruyue heard the words, she looked at Chenxi and said, "Brother Chenxi, I also support you to keep a little secret!"

"What do you mean by this? I still don't support Chenxi's brother to keep the secret!" Olina curled her lips and said.

"It's not because Brother Chenxi, who was the first to bring it up, has a secret!" Irene said again, "Brother Chenxi, I also support you to keep your secret!"

Obak did say, "Okay, I also support Chenxi, but we can go up the stairs and go to the temple now. Let Mr. Serina see if she knows the lines here!"

Chenxi and several others slowed down and walked on the stairs in front of the Great Leiyin Temple. Serena looked carefully at the Buddhist scriptures depicted on the stairs.

"If I heard it, for a moment, the Buddha gave it to the lonely garden in Shewei, together with 250 great bhikkhus. At that time, when the World Honored One was eating, he put on clothes and bowls and entered the big city to beg for food. In his city, he begged and returned to this place. Eat, put down your clothes, wash your feet, and sit down..." Serena actually read the contents of these scriptures from her mouth after a long time.

"Teacher Serena, you really know these lines, but why can't I understand them!" The wind was as beautiful as the moon with a strange brilliance in her beautiful eyes, and she asked Serena.

Serena's innermost reading is the Earth's King Kong. The language pronunciation is completely different from the world, so the wind is like the moon, Irene, Obak and Olina can't understand it. They all looked at Serena with a puzzled face.

Chenxi can understand it, but Serena was a little surprised to be able to read the content of King Kong Gold, but he was not surprised when he thought about Serena's previous years with the traveler Chu Yunnan.

Serena glanced at Chenxi when she heard the words, but she didn't say that Chenxi also knew the content here. She just said, "I have seen such words with a master in the past, and I have learned it, so I know it."

"Do you know what Serena is talking about here?" Feng Ruyue immediately asked, and she seemed to be quite concerned about the things in the temple.

Serena smiled and said, "These should have been portrayed by the builder of this temple, and I can't tell what it is about, but these things should be something here to suppress."

"Ah, the suppressor can't be the most terrible and powerful undead demon in the undead continent. He needs a temple to suppress it!" Irene was shocked when she heard the words and felt that her hair was about to stand up, and her pretty face became nervous.

Not only Irene, the wind is like the moon, Obak, Olina and so, with a nervous face and all look at Serena.

Serena giggled and said, "What are you afraid of? I don't know what's suppressed here, but since they have been suppressed, what else can they do?"

Chen Xi smiled and said, "Yes, is there anything that you don't know yet? Even if anything is suppressed, we don't have to be afraid!"

"Yes, Brother Chenxi was right, which made me so careless that I forgot that this temple was suppressed here!" Irene patted her chest and said quickly.

Several people walked through the stairs and came to the platform in front of the Great Leiyin Temple.

When she came here, Serena first found that the scriptures engraved on the ground were different. She moved here and looked a little surprised. She said, "I didn't expect that the scriptures here still have a repressive effect, and the scriptures here are much more powerful than those at the foot of the mountain. It seems that this temple There must be something powerful below.

"Wow, Mr. Serena, this is true. I didn't expect that we had lived on a powerful demon for so long. It's exciting to think about it!" Irene shouted loudly, her face was full of excitement, and she didn't look scared at all before.

"What's it called? Look at how excited you are. I'm afraid. If you continue to be excited like this, the demons suppressed below will be rushed out of the seal of the temple by your anger!" Olina covered her mouth and smiled.

ps: (I'm sorry, I was not feeling well yesterday and didn't go there at night. The author * was originally published regularly. I don't know why the chapter at 8 p.m. yesterday didn't come out. It's depressing to think about it. I'll make it today)