Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 215 [God's Treasure]--Field

In the scarlet space, Chenxi is still slowly absorbing the divine power and soul power left by the little Japanese Sasaki. He is getting stronger and stronger in the absorption.

The scarlet light mask around Chenxi is the divine power left by the little Japanese Sasaki. With the passage of time, the divine power left by Sasaki is getting less and less and more pure. At this time, the divine power around Chenxi's body is already very pure, and he is still absorbing it. , is getting stronger.


suddenly! Chenxi, who closed his eyes in a coma, opened his mouth and shouted loudly. At this moment, Chenxi's actually suddenly increased, and suddenly a terrible pressure appeared with the appearance of momentum.

"Wow, the big brother is so awesome that he can increase his cultivation by eating little JJ in his dream. How long has it taken him to become a level 8 warrior and a level 7 magician! Eh... It seems that this little JJ must be a big tonic, and I want it later! Wash..." There are small stars in Yan'er's eyes, and she is fantasizing that she can appear in the world all the time after taking the magic medicine.

Chenxi's momentum and pressure continued and slowly withdrew, but the speed of absorbing the power of God has increased several times with the improvement of Chenxi's realm.

I don't know how long it took, but Chenxi's body suddenly flashed with a faint black light, which instantly absorbed all the divine power of only half a centimeter around him, and suddenly revealed Chenxi's whiter and tender face.

"Ah, the big brother has turned white... Hee hee.... Is this the legendary little white face..."


At the moment when Yan'er's words fell, Chenxi, who was in a coma, suddenly opened his eyes. At the same time, within ten meters around Chenxi, a black illusory space appeared, which enveloped the flame and a corpse on the ground.

At this moment, outside the flames, the bodies in the space that did not know how long they had not decayed were all melting, and in a blink of an eye, these bodies disappeared.

"This... What's going on!" Chenxi, who opened his eyes, felt very puzzled. He looked at the black illusory space around him and saw the disappearance of the bodies that had undergone the test of history and time. He didn't understand what was going on.

Ah.... Big brother, you are awake... Big brother... What dream did you just have!... You tell me if you dreamed of eating little JJ, and then in your dream——————"

"You girl, don't talk nonsense. That little JJ can't be eaten. That's the big bad guy who lied to you!" Chen Xi gently knocked on Yan'er's forehead and interrupted Yan'er's reasonable words.

"Wow, but big brother, don't lie to me. I just saw that you were practicing when you were dreaming, and you became a seventh-level magician and an eighth-level warrior at that time... Big brother, look at this again. Isn't this the legendary field!" Yan's watery eyes looked at the surrounding space and muttered.

"How could I lie to you? Remember that the eldest brother won't lie to you." Chenxi looked at this dark and illusory space and said, "Yan'er, is it true that I just became a seven-level magician and an eighth-level warrior, and what you said about this space is a field?"

"Of course it's true! I have been with that big bird for a while, and naturally I know what the so-called field is, and I am also in the field of cultivation now. As long as the field succeeds, I will be a holy strongman. I can appear in front of you in your form at any time. Yan'er's watery eyes looked at Chenxi and said, "Brother, can you give me some more crystals? I want to become a holy strong man as soon as possible, so that I can appear at any time as I want."

"You little girl, you know you want crystal! Well, I'm in a good mood today, so I promise you! But you have to wait a moment. I want to find out what has changed in me first.

Chenxi squatted down and pondered, recalling what had happened before.

Yaer said at this time, "Big brother, I see a little green snake in your mind. That little green snake is so powerful that it suddenly defeated the bad guy. I think the big brother's change must have something to do with the little green snake!"

"Little Green Snake! Little green snake! Yaner, is the little green snake you saw like a deer, its eyes like a shrimp, its ears like an elephant, its neck like a snake, its belly like a snake, its scales like a fish, its claws like a phoenix, and its palms like a tiger? Chenxi stared at Yaner and asked nervously. He remembered Qinglong, who had appeared before and saved his life.

"Hee.... I don't know. I haven't seen many of the things you said, but the little green snake really has two horns on its head and four claws!" Yaner said with a smile.

"It's Qinglong. It must be Qinglong!" Chenxi said very positively that in his impression, only the dragon was caught with horns. In addition, Qinglong had appeared once before, so Chenxi was so sure.

"Hee... Qinglong, the name is very beautiful, and it's also very powerful. Yaner smiled and said, "Big brother, I can't stay in a human state for too long now. I'm going back."

"Well, if you want to go back, I will give you the crystal first." Chenxi said and took out a large number of crystals from the space ring and put them on the ground.

"Hee... Big brother is the best!" Yan'er smiled and turned into a state of flame. Suddenly, she wrapped the crystals on the ground and turned into a small ball of flame imprinted on Chenxi's forehead.

Looking at this cute and greedy elf go back, Chenxi smiled, shook his head helplessly and began to think.

A loving mother.... Sasaki, a Japanese devil who is also a traveler... Sasaki, a god-level strong man, took away... The appearance of Qinglong... Upgrade while sleeping... Field....

"Everything on the earth before, including my mother, must be a fantasy created by Sasaki, a Japanese devil, in order to open the scarlet coffin that I loved very much, and he did succeed. Therefore, Sasaki began to take me away, but Qinglong protected me and killed Sasaki."

"As for, I upgraded in my sleep... Well... That should be my coma, and I'm in a coma... It should have absorbed the energy left by Sasaki, a god-level strongman, after his death... Perhaps this field arises because of the absorption of the unique energy of the god-level strongman... Well, it must be like this, it must be like this!"

All kinds of things were repeated in Chenxi's mind, repeated over and over again. Soon, Chenxi began to series all this little by little.

Determined everything about this, and Chenxi began to pay attention to this field. Suddenly, when Chenxi thought of this field, he only felt that there were many more things in his mind.

Puppet manufacturing method: black pension with warcraft or human bones....


The method of cultivation...


Many things appeared in Chenxi's mind, and there were even many bad pictures of Sasaki and his wife, girls, and so on.

Oh, I didn't expect there to be so many things!

Chenxi smiled bitterly. There are many good things, but Sasaki is also a lot of dirty things in Japan.

However, Chenxi was still very happy. He chose to forget the dirty things and leave some other useful cultivation methods, arrays and so on.

After getting some cultivation experience from Sasaki, Chenxi also confirmed that this black illusory space is a field. He tried to follow some fragments in his mind and shouted, "The field ability is now!"

Elf! Orcs! Human beings! Mermaid!.....

One by one, virtual shadows holding weapons appeared in the field of Chenxi!