Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 216 [God's Treasure]--Puppet

"This--this--this seems to be the bodies on the ground before. How can this appear in my field?"

The appearance of a grace shadow in the field of

, and the bodies of unknown age on the ground, and all races, surprised Chenxi.

"Oh, by the way, the bodies on the ground before seem to have disappeared after they appeared in my field. Maybe their souls hidden in the body are integrated into my field."

Chenxi muttered to himself a few times, and suddenly his eyes flashed and smiled, "So, the characteristic of my field is that I can integrate all these corpses into the field, but I don't know whether these virtual shadows have attack power."

"Well, this is worth a try!"

Chenxi said with a thought and tried to give an order to attack one of the elves.

"Drink, through the clouds and arrows!"

The elf virtual shadow made a delicate shouting sound, and a fighting arrow broke out of the air, and the place where the arrow passed actually caused a distortion of space.

"Animal, kill me!"

Chenxi shouted softly. In an instant, the virtual shadow of the tiger warrior with a powerful king on his head in the field suddenly snorted. Suddenly, his momentum increased sharply, and his feet suddenly stamped the ground. Immediately, the ground seemed to be a violent vibration. The earth at the feet of the tiger warrior suddenly appeared a huge crack, and the crack was like Like a spider web, it extends to the end of the field of Chenxi. Chenxi flew quickly in shock, and his heart moved, and the cracks in the ground of the field closed again.

"Drink, the Beast King!"

It was not enough for the tiger warrior to stamp his feet. Unexpectedly, he shouted again. The big axe in his hand suddenly waved, and the dark light suddenly appeared. The tomahawk tore open a small space crack and cut it on the ground fiercely. Suddenly, the rumble sounded and the cracks were dense. The whole ground was like an unprecedented earthquake in history, and the earth turned upside down. The situation.

"Well, stop chopping. If you continue to fight, my field will be destroyed by you."

Chenxi quickly restored the ground in the field, and the virtual shadow of the tiger warriors stopped making any attacks at this moment.

Chenxi was delighted. He knew that the power of these virtual shadow warriors was extraordinary. The archery of the elf had the power of the nine-level strong, while the tiger warrior virtual shadow was stronger than that of the elves. Although it did not reach the combat power of the holy strong, it was definitely the combat power of the nine-level warrior, so he was no longer What do you want these warriors to do?

With a happy mood, Chenxi moved his mind and took back the field, and immediately returned to the scarlet space around him.

In the scarlet space, the bodies of the soldiers on the ground have been absorbed by Chenxi's field and become Chenxi's combat power, but in this space, in addition to those corpses, there are only mysterious magic lines and the bloody coffin.

Tsuki obtained the memory of Sasaki of Japan. From these memories, the magic array on the ground is used to protect Sasaki's soul, and the scarlet coffin is a treasure that can also protect the soul and can also achieve the role of condensing the soul. Therefore, Sasaki Only then can he survive for tens of thousands of years in the state of soul.

Chenxi didn't want to let go of such a good thing. He smiled and walked to the edge of the bloody coffin. His right hand flashed, raised the scarlet coffin, smiled softly, and put the bloody coffin into the space ring.

The magic array on the ground knows Chenxi now, so he doesn't care about this magic array.

"Now is also the time to look for Teacher Serena and Brother Chu Yunnan. I guess they should be very anxious now."

Chenxi shook his head and glanced at the scarlet flying space. The magic array of the door of the so-called treasure room in Sasaki's memory reached its position. The gas was injected into the hub of the array. With a click, a wall in the scarlet space suddenly opened a door, which was not a treasure. The big guys in the room.

"No, what devil has come out, Serena, be careful!" Chu Yunnan was shocked when he saw the door open and quickly reminded Serena.

"Oh, poor child, if we had known, we wouldn't have come to this so-called lost island."

"How can I go back and explain to Ruyue?"

Serena muttered to herself with a sad look on her face.


"Be careful, Serena, it's time to fight. Don't be distracted." Chu Yunnan cut through a huge sword that attacked Serena and said anxiously.

"Teacher Serena, Brother Yun, I'm not dead yet. You don't need to be so sad."

Chenxi heard the dialogue between Serena and Chu Yunnan and said with tears and laughter.

"Ah, Chenxi, you're not dead. It's good that you're not dead. Otherwise, I really can't explain to Ruyue and the others."

Serena was very surprised, and the movement speed under her feet also accelerated a little.

"It turns out that these four puppets are making trouble. No wonder Mr. Serena and Brother Yun didn't come in like this." Chenxi suddenly realized and immediately said, "Teacher Serena, Brother Chu Yunnan, the weakness of these four puppets is in the position of their joints, and their fatal position is their heads. As long as you take out the magic core in the back of the head of these puppets, you can kill them. Drop it."

Chenxi obtained Sasaki's method of making puppets, and naturally knew the location of these puppets' weaknesses and the deadly places.

"Okay, I see. Let's attack these puppet weaknesses now." Chu Yunnan said that it was a change in his figure. At the same time as the sword light came out one by one, he shuttled to attack the puppets.

Ding Ding————

The attack power of the puppets did not reach the strength of the two holy strong men Chu Yunnan and Serena, but these puppets have strong joint attack ability, and the combined attack power of two of them exceeds that of Serena and Chu Yunnan, while the appearance of the four puppets' joint attack skills gossip is absolute. The state of defense easily resisted the attack of Chu Yunnan and Serena.

And these puppets all have some fighting wisdom. As soon as Chu Yunnan approached them, they immediately used and skills. Gossip appeared again and again, easily blocking the attacks of Chu Yunnan and Serena.

"Brother Chu Yunnan, Teacher Serena, the weakness of this gossip array is on the right hand of the puppet that looks like a woman. As long as you attack there, you can break this gossip array." Chenxi's current cultivation is still relatively weak. He doesn't want to attack, but he got Sasaki's memory. When he saw this gossip array, he immediately searched for memories and found out the weakness of gossip.

"The butcher's sword refers to the fourth type of slaughtering the sky and the earth!"

"The fifth type of holy war knife has no holy in the world!"

Chenxi's words fell, and Chu Yunnan and Serena reflected them in an instant. Their colleagues shouted, and the unparalleled attack was launched. Suddenly, the knife light and sword light appeared, tearing the space with unparalleled momentum, causing dark space cracks. With a loud bang, the gossip of the four puppets was broken under such a powerful attack.


After breaking through the gossip, the swordmang continued to tear open the space and cut two puppets respectively. Suddenly, the powerful momentum cut the two puppets away fiercely.

"Good opportunity!"

It is impossible for Chu Yunnan and Serena to miss such a good opportunity. They appeared beside the two unhit puppets in an instant, and their fighting spirit condensed one after another. The swords fiercely broke a touching on the back of the puppet's head, but the fighting hand caught the puppet's brain at this moment.

Suddenly, two earthy-yellow magic cores were caught, and the two puppets immediately fell to the ground when the magic core was caught, and there was no more reaction.

After solving the two puppets, the remaining two puppets were simple. Chu Yunnan and Serena easily took out the magic core of these two puppets and ended the lives of the two puppets.