Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 217 [Field]


With the sound, the last puppet was beaten into several pieces and sprinkled on the ground, and these puppets were completely destroyed.

"Wow—————!" Chu Yunnan stopped, took a deep breath, smiled helplessly, and said, "It's really helpless. These puppets are really difficult to deal with. If Chenxi hadn't told me the weaknesses of these puppets and the weaknesses of the gossip array, we wouldn't have known how long they would be."

"Yes, these puppets are really difficult to deal with. I really don't know who made them. They are so horrible." Serena also sighed.

The four puppets have been destroyed by Chu Yunnan and Serena since they appeared. The battle has lasted for more than one night. The sun outside has hung high, while the ordinary holy strongman, in front of Chu Yunnan and Serena, can't leave for a round, but they are entangled by the four puppets. For a long time, it is no wonder that Chu Yunnan and Serena have such feelings.

Chenxi looked at the parts of the scattered puppets on the ground, smiled and said, "These puppets are also difficult to deal with. Think about it, these are all puppets made by god-level strong men. Some of the precious materials used in them are probably not to be seen now, and they are also very defensive. In addition, the defense ability of the gossip array is so strong, which naturally seems that these puppets have strong combat effectiveness and defense power. This is just you. If you are an ordinary holy strongman, you may have been killed by these puppets long ago.

"Oh, that makes sense." Chu Yunnan smiled and suddenly patted his head and said, "By the way, Chenxi, those puppets just used the gossip array, and you were sucked into the door just now, and now you come out again, and even know the weakness of the gossip and puppet. What happened in it?"

"Oh, it's hard to say! At the beginning, I was sucked in, and I was confused by the fantasy there, and then I was confused by the little Japanese Sasaki..." Chenxi shook his head and walked to the scarlet space, explaining to Chu Yunnan what happened in the scarlet space.

Chu Yunnan and Serena followed Chenxi's footsteps into the scarlet space. Although they were very surprised to see some scenes in the scarlet space, they did not say anything and still listened to Chenxi's experience in the scarlet space.

Soon, Chenxi will talk about all the experiences in the scarlet space, saying that at the end, he happened to talk about owning the field. Chu Yunnan and Serena were very surprised to hear that Chenxi had a field, and they were also happy that Chenxi could have such a field.

"Chenxi, you said you have a field, so you can show your field for me and Serena to see how powerful your field is." Chenxi is just an eighth-level warrior. He has the field so soon. Chu Yunnan and Serena are naturally very curious when they are happy. At this time, Chu Yunnan is the first to say.

"Hey, okay. I'll get the field out." Chenxi laughed. Chenxi would not miss such an opportunity to help identify whether the holy strongman is strong or not in the field. What's more, he has long wanted Chu Yunnan and Serena to identify it.

At present, Chenxi waved his right hand, his mind moved, and the field suddenly appeared, and the shadows of thirteen human beings, mermaids, elves, orcs and other different races also appeared.

"Ah, this is an orc, a mermaid, an elf... Chenxi, how can there be so many aliens in your field?" As soon as Serena saw the virtual shadow in Chenxi's field, she immediately shouted in surprise.

"Yes, among these aliens, such as this orc and mermaid, these are not available on our heavenly plane, and the elves are also a race that has disappeared for tens of thousands of years. How can there be in your field!" Chu Yunnan was also very surprised by the strange phenomena in the field of Chenxi.

Shaking his head helplessly, Chenxi explained, "I don't know how my field appeared, but I guess my field must have something to do with the dead Sasaki, and after my field appeared, these alien corpses that were already on the ground of this space disappeared, or merged into In my field, I felt something different in my field, so when I moved, these aliens appeared in my field.

"Moreover, these alien shadows also have a strong attack power." Chenxi added.

"So that's it!" Chu Yunnan nodded and said, "What appears in this field will have combat effectiveness. Now let these aliens attack me. Let me test the combat effectiveness of these aliens."

Serena squinted and smiled, waiting for Chenxi's field to show her power. After Chenxi smiled, she said, "Okay, but I'm coming one by one now, elf! Shoot him!"

xiu xiu xiu————

The elf pulled the bow and shot the arrow. Suddenly, a pair of arrows broke out of the air, and the tip of the arrow tore the space and shot at Chu Yunnan with a sharp sound.


Chu Yunnan stood still, and fifteen magic walls appeared in front of him to block the arrows shot by the elves.

The arrows seem to be very powerful, one, two, three...

The arrow of the elves completely pierced the fifteen magic walls set up by Chu Yunnan. There is only one magic wall at the end. No matter how the elves shoot, they can't break them.

"Yes, this elf's attack power is very strong, and it has reached the late attack power of the nine-level strong, not bad!"

Chu Yunnan smiled.

"Ha ha, it seems that Brother Yun's magic defense walls have different defense capabilities." Chenxi smiled and ordered the elves to stop attacking.

"Of course, otherwise how can I test these alien combat effectiveness in your field?" Chu Yunnan nodded.

"Ha ha, Chenxi's field is very good. I guess under such circumstances, you can kill level 9 soldiers if you don't take action. As soon as this field comes out, it will be a siege." Serena covered her mouth and smiled.

"Hey, these days, if it weren't for absolute strength, fighting is the king's way. Under my field, there are really few people with nine-level cultivation that can stop it." Chenxi laughed and was quite proud.

"Yes, that's right. These days, group fighting is the king's way. As soon as you get out of this field, more than a dozen nine-level strong men suddenly attack one. It's strange that you don't die. And now you are still an eight-level warrior. If your cultivation increases in the future, I estimate that the combat power of these aliens in your field will increase. After all, the people killed by this god-level strongman are at least holy strong men. Chu Yunnan also nodded, and he said, "Okay. Now I can let other aliens attack me. Let me try their combat strength.

"Okay." Chenxi nodded and said, "However, Brother Yun, I still have more than a dozen virtual shadows in me. Do you mean to let all these virtual shadows attack you together or let one of them attack you?"

This is a big deal. Basically, each of these alien virtual shadows has the combat power of a nine-level warrior or magician. One attack is okay. If all of them attack together, Chenxi can't add up all these alien virtual shadow attacks to reach the attack power of the holy strong, and Chu Yunnan It is still in an absolute state of defense, so this is a very dangerous thing.

"Ha ha, come here together!" Chu Yunnan smiled. He was definitely the top among the holy strong, and he was still very confident in himself.

"Okay, all the soldiers will attack Brother Yun together."

As soon as Chenxi's voice fell, suddenly, the dark magic fireball, the sword light that tears the space, the giant axe that dominates the world, the powerful war hammer... All kinds of attacks continue to appear, and all the swarms of bees rushed to Chu Yunnan. In the whole field, it is simply a fragmented world.

"Ha ha, this attack is not difficult for me." Chu Yunnan was elegant. In a light laugh, he appeared in the field and arranged a large number of defensive photos to easily resist various attacks. "Ha ha, it's not bad. All the attacks add up to be compared with the attacks that have just entered the holy level."

"Ha ha, that's good, so that I will be protected by more than a dozen nine-level strong men in the future."