ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 189 Yuan Wuwang

Facing Li Mingyang's unscrupulous eyes, Xiao Zhuer subconsciously retreated, but she immediately stood up and deliberately raised her full breasts: "Say, as long as it's not too much."

Xiao Zhuer gritted her teeth, but she still showed her charm unyieldingly.

Although it was not the first time that Li Mingyang faced Xiao Zhuer so closely, he knew that she just wanted to make a fool of herself, but he couldn't help but look a little stunned and drooled. By the time he reacted, Xiao Zhuer had already smiled more brightly.

Li Mingyang cleared his throat solemnly and then said, "Since you have been so sincerely invited, I can't refute your face. Well, how about you come to my room tonight and let's discuss practice?"

This time, it was Xiao Zhuer who was stunned. After a long time, she slowly said, "Are you sure?"

"Confirm." Li Mingyang nodded seriously.

"Okay, see you tonight." Xiao Zhuer suddenly smiled charmingly, and then walked away deftly.

Looking at Xiao Zhuer's more and more charming departure, Li Mingyang said to himself with a little doubt, "I just want to study the cultivation method of inviolable ghosts. How excited is this girl..."

The group finally went on the road completely. Li Mingyang stayed at the end to eliminate all traces of the transmission array, and then quietly left the camp with only empty shelves under the escort of the Yan brothers.


In Lingyan City, Yuntao walked into the Lingyan Tower aggressively and looked at the proud King Ning. Yuntao couldn't help raising his voice and asking, "King Ning, what do you mean?"

Looking at the war report thrown by Yuntao on the table, Ning Wang's smile cut a few points: "What, why do you send someone to investigate me?"

Yuntao snorted coldly, "Lord Ning Wang, it's not that I investigate you, but your people have begun to act, and their actions must be cooperated by my people. In this way, even if I don't do anything, I still know what you are doing.

King Ning said lightly and said lightly, "Nothing, I just feel that it's time to close the network. Most of the south has been chaotic, which is enough. In the future, I need to take over these messes. I don't really want to take over all the broken forces and save a few. In the future, I will collect them peacefully. It's also good to edit."

Yun Tao suppressed his anger and still kept calm and said, "Lord Ning Wang, all the plans are made by us. Why are you in a hurry when you want to close the network?"

"I just don't understand why I have to wait for the so-called opportunity. Tell me what opportunity you have to wait for. I don't really want to wait for the king of Shu to come to clean up this mess." Ning Wangpi said with a smile.

Yun Tao smiled helplessly. He wanted to attack, but he lost the desire to attack, and finally had to quit.

"Lord Yun, why do we have to cooperate with this idiot?" Leaving Lingyan Tower, a monk beside Yuntao, who was a little older than him, said angrily.

Yun Tao curled his lips and said, "There is really no one available in the south. King Ning is already the only candidate. We can't choose a so-called immortal leader to cooperate. Even if he is willing to be a puppet, he does not have the strength to be a puppet." Yuntao sighed helplessly and finally said, "No wonder we can only make such a plan in a hurry. Although it is effective, it is not absolutely exquisite. Then King Ning acts self-righteous. Now that he starts to close the Internet so early, it is inevitable that people will have doubts, which may even be counterproductive.

"What should I do? Did you watch him break the plan?

"You can only take one step at a step. At least this is not a good time, but it is not a bad time." Yun Tao said lightly, then remembered something and asked, "Yes, today I saw someone coming to Lingyan City to inform, as if to get a reward. What's the situation?"

"Ah, it's Li Mingyang, the god master who escaped from Lingyan City, that King Ning offered a reward. He didn't know what the wind was doing. He could leave if he wanted to, and even take more than 10,000 civilians in the city to escape together. This is a big taboo. Ning Wang has issued a reward a long time ago, but someone has only been here in the past few days. Report the news."

Yun Tao listened to his subordinate's words and then asked, "So the people who came today have already told the whereabouts of Li Mingyang and his party?"

"It seems that Li Mingyang was in a place called Xiliang Mountain. After getting the news, King Ning sent 3,000 elite soldiers to destroy that group of people early in the morning."

"Three thousand elite soldiers?" Yun Tao was stunned and then smiled and said, "It's ridiculous. Since he is in a hurry to collect the network, he hasn't mobilized all his troops. What on earth is he thinking about when he has to do such a small thing at such an important time?"

After a painful rebuke, Yun Tao could only continue to smile bitterly, and then ordered, "Go on and let our people fight a little more seriously. Don't admit defeat as soon as the war starts. It's not good to lose too obviously."



Zhongyuan, Shu County, Shu Wangfu.

A handsome young man in brocade carefully walked through the corridor of the royal palace, walked to a quiet courtyard and stopped, carefully checked his costume, and then followed the bodyguard at the door.

"Your Excellency." The young man in brocade walked to an old man who seemed to be taking a nap and said respectfully.

In front of him is an old man who looks almost old and even has old spots on his face. Under the handsome background of the young man in brocade, the old man seems to look a little older.

However, when the old man slowly opened his eyes, his whole momentum suddenly changed. This is a pair of eyes that people will never forget after seeing it. If a monk's appearance has become like this, it proves that his aging is quite serious. However, such an old man whose skin has been completely wrinkled, his eyes are still full of ** and sharpness, as if this is not the eyes of an old man, but a young hegemon who wants to dominate the world.

Although the old man is old, as long as he knows him, he dares not be disrespectful to him. For example, the young man standing in front of him now, whose name is Liu Qing, has a prestigious general in the whole Shu County and even several other counties in the Central Plains. The triple cultivation of the real spiritual realm made his violent fighting power on the battlefield a headache for many enemy generals. And he is not a simple reckless man. The most terrible thing about Liu Qing is that he knows how to combine his combat power with various exquisite tactics. He is a tough general and a tactically changeable commander, but such a famous fierce god looks extremely restrained when standing in front of the old man.

Because this old man is called Yuan Wuwang.

There are no people who work in the King of Shu's Mansion and those who work in the King of Shu's Mansion who don't know Yuan Wuwang. It should have happened more than a hundred years ago. When the king of Shu was only a son, he was always accompanied by a man named Yuan Wuwang.

At that time, Shu County was far from its current strong position among the eight counties in the Central Plains, and even internal and external troubles, and was in danger of being rushed in by the iron horse of other counties at any time.

In that dangerous situation, Yuan Wuwang, who was still very young, used his various amazing tactics and power schemes to help the younger son of the king of Shu take the throne of Shu. Later, in one war after another that could be said to be impossible to win, he fought back with less and more, and helped the Jedi. Help the king of Shu stabilize the rivers and mountains of Shu County, and deterring all enemies who still want to get involved in Shu County.

The long river of time did not drown the old man's glorious record, but because of the passage of time, his toughness became more deeply rooted in people's hearts. Even if Yuan Wuwang has not personally fought for nearly a hundred years, even the situation of getting older has made some people have some doubts about his wisdom. However, no one dares to underestimate this seemingly getting older man.

Even if he is a tough general like Liu Qing, he is sincerely respectful to Yuan Wuwang. The history of Shu County a hundred years ago will be studied by any elite of Shu County. Although they were all pretentious, they all admitted one thing at the same time, that is, under the dangerous situation of those years, if they were allowed to assist the young son of Shu, they thought they would not have any chance to win.

Yuan Wuwang is not angry at all. Except for his indelible sharp eyes, everything about him is no different from ordinary old people.

"How's the noise in the south?" Yuan Wu asked with a smile.

Although Yuan Wuwang is very casual, Liu Qing described all the situations in the south very seriously. Finally, he said his opinion: "Now it seems that the unification of the south seems to be only a matter of time, but the cooperation between the people of Cheng and the so-called King Ning in the south does not seem to be very tacit. . Before the layout is over, King Ning has begun to close the network. In this way, it is inevitable that there may be several hard battles in the future.

"Oh." Yuan Wuwang just said oh.

When Liu Qing saw that he couldn't get any instructions, he had to ask himself, "Your Excellency, what should we do next?"

"Watch the play." Yuan Wu said with a smile.

"Watch the play..." Liu Qing continued to be speechless, but in the face of the unfathomable Yuan Wuwang, he did not dare to be impatient at all.

Looking at Liu Qing trying to keep calm, Yuan Wuwang nodded with satisfaction, and then said lightly, "The past can only be the past. You don't know what happened in those years. We are the winners. Naturally, we will tell you what we did in those years. In fact, the old man is just a little more lucky, not as mysterious as you usually say. Regarding this trip to the south, we have been preparing for many years. Since we are not afraid of letting people know, we are definitely not afraid of their obstruction. Remember, the best strategy is Yangmou.

"Yangmou." Liu Qing habitually tried to taste the meaning of Yuan Wuwang's words.

"We don't need to find ways to mess up the south and then integrate the south like King Cheng, Taihemen and others. The weakness of the south cannot be compensated by simple integration. Let them make trouble, we just won't move."

"But if they don't move, it's really hard to guarantee whether they have any other tricks." Liu Qing finally couldn't help saying.

"What they want is to continue to arrange the aftertrap." Yuan Wuwang said seriously.


"Oh, consume their resources." Yuan Wuwang said with a smile, "The more we move, the more afraid the people in the Central Plains will be. The more they think that we are secretly planning something, so they will continue to invest as much as possible to the south. What we need to do is to keep saying that we are going to do it immediately, watching them keep sending people to die, sending spiritual stones to burn, and send magic weapons to waste.

"This..." Liu Qing was a little puzzled: "Aren't we going to fight in the south?"


"Then why is it just watching the play?"

"I like to watch it." Yuan Wuwang said casually, and finally saw Liu Qing's helpless expression. Finally, he smiled and explained: "You must know the strength of the Shu army, and the weakness of the southern monks is weak that you can't imagine. Once the battle to the south begins, all we have to do is slaughter. Don't fight now, it's just that the time is not mature enough.

"In the face of absolute strength, all schemes are ridiculous. The so-called battle of defeating the strong with the weak is actually achieved through the accumulation of big fish eating small fish again and again in the local battlefield, and finally the result of turning the situation around. This time, the prince planned to gather 200,000 troops to go south, but the project was too huge to delay for so long. Once the army is assembled, it's time for us to go south.

"A large army of 200,000!" Hearing this number, even Liu Qing couldn't help swallowing his saliva. If it is really as Yuan Wuwang said, once the 200,000 troops are assembled, there will be no need to think about any conspiracy in the battle south. As long as there is no mistake on the front battlefield, there can't be any accident.

I just wanted to habitually ask, "Is the news true?", but I immediately woke up. The person who talked to me was reckless!

Thinking of this, all Liu Qing's previous worries disappeared, and he respectfully asked Yuan Wuwang for some advice on how to govern the army, and then carefully retreated as he did when he came.

After Liu Qing left, there was no one in Yuan Wuwang's room. It's just that Yuan Wuwang, who easily pointed to the country at the moment, suddenly it seemed that the wrinkles on his face appeared to be deeper.

Soon after, a majestic man's voice suddenly sounded in the silent room: "Sir, if I can really draw 200,000 troops, why bother watching the play now?"

Yuan Wuwang smiled, his eyes flashed, and said lightly, "If I say there are 200,000, Liu Qing will believe that there are 200,000. Soon, his confidants will know, and his confidants will also know. Sooner or later, some traitors will know this, so our enemies will know it soon. At that time, even if we only dispatched 10,000 people, they would think that 190,000 of us were ready to support. The prestige of the Shu army is still very useful.

"Haha, sir, it's a wonderful plan."

Yuan Wuwang shook his head and said with a little worry, "I just hope the variables in the south are not too big."