ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 190 Deployment

"Brother Li, will this be our new home in the future?" Running back and forth many times, Luo Su asked with an excited face.

Li Mingyang nodded vibly: "Yes, this will be our new home in the future."

"Hahaha, that's great, that's great. I'm going to take grandma to find a big house." After a few exaggerated laughter, Luo Su ran away happily.

Not only Luo Su, but now all the people in Jingshan City seem to have found the greatest treasure in the world, walking back and forth happily in this dilapidated city.

Although He Chaorong was also very excited, he still kept restraint in assigning houses to everyone. The time to follow Li Mingyang is not short, and everyone also knows that they must not cause trouble to Li Mingyang. They all follow He Chaorong's arrangement in a very orderly manner and try to live together, so as to facilitate unified scheduling in the future.

This nameless small city is not even as big as the original Jingshan City, and it seems very dilapidated because it has been abandoned for too long. But for them, this is already the best place to settle down.

Xu Xin looked at the busy people in the city with a complicated look. As a strong man in the real spiritual world, she really didn't understand why such a small city made these people so happy.

"Even if they escape here by stealing beams and pillars, this city can't disappear out of thin air. Sooner or later, it will be found that the south is in chaos. Do they really think they can gain eternal stability here?" Xu Xin frowned and said.

Xiao Zhuer smiled and said, "Famous people will tell them that this is stable, and they will believe that this is stable. Ming Yang said that what they want is actually just a thought. As long as they are given hope, they will live strong.

"Famous, famous, famous, you little girl is going to nagging dozens of times all day long. I really don't know what the stinky boy used to fascinate you like this."

"Master..." Xiao Zhuer blushed and lay coquettishly on Xu Xin's shoulder.

Although it is still difficult for Xu Xin to integrate into the current team after that storm, at least her attitude has eased a lot. At least she can peacefully cooperate with Li Mingyang's actions instead of being as tit-for-tat as in the past.

The most important thing is that this disaster has also made Xu Xin reflect a lot. She has been closed for ten years and has no idea about the changes in this decade, but she has always relied on her experience ten years ago to do things, and the result is so far. People always remember to react to the past after experiencing a fiasco.

Looking at Li Mingyang standing not far away and assisting He Chaorong to allocate everyone's residence and discussing something with Guo Yunshan, Xu Xin suddenly smiled and said, "If you can really be with this boy, it's not bad. I can see that he won't let you suffer a little grievance."

"Master!" Xiao Zhuer's face turned redder and stared at Xu Xin an angry look.

Xu Xin smiled happily. After reflecting on herself, she and Xiao Zhuer finally found their teacher-apprentice feelings. Looking at her beloved apprentice's shy face, Xu Xin suddenly felt that she really enjoyed this moment.

After laughing, Xu Xin couldn't help frowning: "Heyang Mountain is not a suitable place to live for a long time, and it is difficult for this city to be built into a fortress. It seems that we will still experience some hard battles soon."

Xu Xin is just a little old-fashioned, which does not mean that she really has no overall view at all. Thinking of the future development, she is still more pessimistic after all.

The smile on Xiao Zhuer's face gradually decreased, and she looked at Li Mingyang with great concern and gradually became stunned.


Hundreds of miles outside Heyang Mountain, outside a camp covered by illusion arrays, a team of 3,000 elite soldiers is carefully approaching slowly. On the way here, they have also inquired about what has happened in Xiliang Mountain recently.

When they learned that the group of people hidden in this camp had completely annihilated a team of 2,000 Central Plains monks not long ago, these elite soldiers in Ningwang's mansion also began to become very cautious. This battle does not seem to be as simple as they thought.

The general who led this team is also a capable general under King Ning. Changbai has always led the troops. Although it is still impossible to understand how the other party killed 2,000 Central Plains monks with more than 10,000 civilians, what happened is true. If only one or two people say this, it may be a misinformation, but The news they got along the way is almost exactly this version, so it's up to Changbai not to be careful.

"General, shall we attack directly or lure the enemy out of the camp?" Changbai's adjutant asked carefully. Changbai is cautious, and the adjutant he chose naturally has the same personality.

Changbai frowned and looked at the big exaggerated illusion in front of him and said lightly, "What's the use of such a huge illusion? If it's a high-order illusion, it's very useful, but this is just the accumulation of more than a dozen lowest-priced illusions. What are they doing this for?"

Listening to Changbai's doubts, the adjutant also frowned and finally guessed, "Maybe this is also a tactic. In fact, it is loose outside and inside. Once it passes through the illusion array, it may contain many killing arrays?"

Changbai nodded with approval: "This is the greatest possibility." Then Changbai ordered, "Go and catch a few monks hiding in Xiliang Mountain."

"What are you doing to catch people?" The adjutant asked puzzledly.

"Let them explore the way." Changbai said, "Of course, my brothers can't die, but the monks here are not so expensive. Grab a few and ask them to explore the way for us."

The adjutant smiled and said proudly, "Okay, I'll do it now."


Lingyan City.

While Yun Tao was analyzing some war reports, a spy quietly came in and said in a low voice, "Your Excellency, something has happened."

"Hmm?" Yun Tao frowned and subconsciously asked, "Are our people in conflict with King Ning's people?" This has always been what Yuntao is most worried about.

The detective quickly shook his head: "No, Ning Wang performed very well, and our people also cooperated well."

"What's going on?"

"We lost a team of 2,000 people." The detective said carefully.

"What!?" Now Yuntao finally couldn't sit still and stood up with a sound: "Say it again, have you lost a team of 2,000 people?"

Yuntao is very clear about what the 2,000-person team means. Such a loss can be said to be quite tragic, but he is more curious about who can destroy the 2,000-person team in the south.

The detective became more and more careful and said, "The 2,000-person team led by Zhou Yi entered Xiliang Mountain a few days ago. It is said that they met a very strange team, and then they were annihilated by that team, and no one ran out. If it hadn't been for the recent gathering of too many monks in Xiliang Mountain, we would have sent people in to explore, we wouldn't have known that we had lost a 2,000-person team.

"Xiliang Mountain?" Hearing this place, Yuntao's eyelids suddenly jumped. He was quite clear about King Ning's every move. He remembered that the place where King Ning sent someone to hunt down Li Mingyang was in Xiliang Mountain.

"You said that the team they met with Zhou Yi is very strange. What is the specific strange method?" Yun Tao asked.

The detective thought for a moment and said, "It is said that it is a team mainly composed of civilians, with about 10,000 people. There are less than 1,000 really powerful monks in the team, only about *100. However, it is said that there are two five-fold strong men in the virtual spiritual realm and a monster that can hardly be killed in that team."

Hearing the detective's answer, Yuntao had almost confirmed his idea.

"Li Mingyang." Yun Tao read the name lightly, and for the first time, he began to face the teenager who was hated by King Ning.

In fact, Yuntao did not pay much attention to Li Mingyang before he left. After all, a first-class divine master is not enough to make him very interested in Yun Tao. In the Central Plains, there are few divine masters, but they are not as barren as in the south.

But now, Yuntao has to pay attention to this strange teenager. In fact, so far, even King Ning, who hates Li Mingyang, can't figure out why Li Mingyang has to take more than 10,000 ordinary people everywhere. Such a move is tantamount to self-destruction. Walking in such a troubled world with so many ordinary people is to treat yourself as a target for others to attack.

But such a team actually killed 2,000 elite soldiers in the royal palace, and it was still completely annihilated, which was unacceptable to Yuntao anyway.

"How many of us have withdrawn from the battlefield?" Yuntao suddenly asked.

"King Ning's action is very fast. He has successfully 'defeated' our three teams, a total of 7,000 people, and there are about 67,000 people who are still active on the battlefield. According to our plan, in about a month or two, our people will withdraw from the battlefield and complete the handover with King Ning." The detective replied seriously.

"Seven thousand..." Yun Tao calculated secretly and finally said, "Send 5,000 people to let them go to Xiliang Mountain. There are more than 10,000 civilians in that team. It is impossible to find them. Even if they buy it with spiritual stones, they can definitely buy information about their whereabouts. Once you catch up with them, kill them immediately.

Since he came to the south, Yuntao has been very low-key, so low-key that many people have even forgotten his strength on the battlefield of the Central Plains. But now that Yuntao has given this order, the detective knew that Lord Yun, who he was familiar with, was finally going to return slowly.

He licked his lips excitedly, and the detective replied with a smile, "Lord Yun, don't worry, order me to send it to the people who kill us, naturally have to make them pay for their blood."

Yun Tao nodded and said, "Well, if you don't show them, they really think that there is no one in the Central Plains. Let Zong Shen lead the team and be sure to kill them.

"Yes." The spy nodded vibly and quickly retreated.