ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 605 Auction Begins

Lokanan's words stunned the two princes of Min Jin and Zhaoyunjie. After savoring the meaning of his words, these people put away their jokes. Min Jin obviously didn't pay much attention to this news before and asked, "Yes, is this auction house only auctioned for the ghost king?"

"Exactly, when Her Royal Highness the eldest princess of Xuanyuanjie told me this news, I felt very strange. It was understandable that a person's auction was auctioned and opened a special auction, or this person's status was special, or the person suddenly needed to produce a large number of good things in an emergency. It's all normal. But what's not normal is that even if their Xuanyuan world wants this new aristocrat to support it, there is no need for us to come to support it. So I inquired about the specific situation afterwards. Now it seems that things are worse than I expected. Lokanan said unabashedly.

"What a bad way?" Min Jin does not seem to be fully aware of the seriousness of the problem.

"I learned from the news from my people that Yunlan's ancestor in the Louwu world, the triple strong man in the Holy Spirit Realm actually died at the hands of this ghost king's master. This time, the ghost king went to the building martial arts world and said that it was a disguised robbery, but in fact, all the strong men of the old families in the building martial arts world know their whereabouts, but they dare not stop them at all, which means that the top combat power of the Xuanyuan world has made the whole building martial arts world feel afraid, and this ghost king can ignore the face of those people. Snatching back so many things shows that Xuanyuanjie does not seem to be worried about starting a war with Louwujie. Although the foundation of the building martial arts world is a little shallow, it is still the main world after all. What is the strength of the Xuanyuan world now? Lokanan frowned and said.

Halfway through the words, several people around him have understood the seriousness of the matter. Min Jin has thought of a further situation. Everything is done by the ghost king alone. This auction is also a special event for the ghost king. Does it prove that it is not the Xuanyuan world? The heart started the battle between the two worlds, but the nobleman of the single ghost king in the Xuanyuan world is not afraid to fight with the Louwu world?

Min Jin also said his worries. The two princes of Lo Canaan and Zhaoyunjie are now frowned, and the good mood of playing in the mountains and rivers before has now disappeared.

"Let's go. No matter what the situation is, since you come, you have to see it with your own eyes. In case it's us who disturb ourselves, don't make jokes." Min Jin quickly broke free from his worries, and all the group walked towards the royal auction house without saying anything.

Today's royal auction house is extremely lively. The auction held in the royal auction house is naturally a game that only nobles can afford to play. Although every monk in Longdu will talk about dozens or even hundreds of auction experiences, in the final analysis, the monks who have really entered the auction house Still a minority. However, not being able to enter the auction house does not prevent these monks from watching the fun.

When Cao Yu and others walked into the auction house, they accidentally found that the seats in the auction house seemed to have been greatly adjusted. In the past, the seats dedicated to the royal family have now been transformed into the same position as the rich family, and the position of the family close to the royal family in the past has changed.

"Will there be someone we don't know this time?" Cao Yu subconsciously twisted his head and asked Dou Song.

Since that collective stimulation by Li Mingyang, Cao Yu and Dou Song now have no hostility to each other, and even begin to cherish each other, and their status in their respective families has begun to rise rapidly.

Dou Song shook his head blankly and said, "I don't know what's going on. Don't you know about this auction? I don't know what the eldest princess is playing. Except for the invitations distributed to each of our families, there is nothing left, even the catalogue of previous auction items has been sent out. ."

"It is said that the Ghost King has gained a lot in the building martial arts world this time." Cao Yu said thoughtfully.

When Dou Song heard the word ghost king, he could only smile helplessly and said, "It's not shame to lose to the ghost king. Forget it, don't think about how much difference there is with him."

When Cao Yu heard this, he pushed Dou Song angrily, and then smiled bitterly with Dou Song.

The reason why so many people gather in front of the auction house now is also because Her Royal Highness stood in front of the auction house. In fact, although the royal family of Xuanyuan has no real power, the identity of the royal family is still there. As the eldest princess, there is no need to stand at the door to greet him. However, Sun Shangxiang not only stood here this time, but also took out the highest standard of honor for the royal family to welcome guests. Naturally, this situation is more curious.

Of course, in the eyes of many people, Her Royal Highness is really desperate for Lord Ghost King. Not only did she open an auction for him, but she even took out such a guard of honor. I really don't know how the Evergreen Emperor is now. Anyway, Lord Ghost King must be extremely happy now. The real proud daughter of Xuanyuan has nothing to say for him to do this.

When Li Mingyang and others appeared, they naturally attracted everyone's attention. Now even if the ghost king goes out to make soy sauce in Longdu, there will certainly be thousands of people watching. Of course, the ghost king does not make soy sauce, and people hope to meet him in the brothel...

"Hey, look at your little lover, this is really risky." Ma Liang's eyes were sharp. As soon as he came out, he saw Sun Shangxiang waiting for him outside the auction house in the distance.

Li Mingyang was stunned. When he saw Sun Shangxiang, he didn't know what to say. Li Mingyang had always been very self-aknowledgeable. Naturally, he knew that Sun Shangxiang's such a big guard of honor was definitely not to welcome him. It was precisely because of this that he was curious about who needed Sun Shangxiang to welcome him like this, even if the Changqing Emperor was completely useless. Yes, the honor guard of such a size of the royal family is actually just theoretically existing. Judging from the current situation of the royal family where the emperor sits, no one in the whole Xuanyuan world is worthy of such a big fanfare.

Thinking of this, Li Mingyang suddenly thought of the key point: "Is there any other monks from the main world coming this time?"

Hearing Li Mingyang's speculation, Qin Zhan and others also put away their narrow expressions on their faces. Now when they think of other main worlds, these people will immediately think of Lou Wujie. After all, they have just been robbed from somewhere, and naturally they still remember it. But soon they rejected this idea. This time, the robbery in the Louwu world is estimated to have spread among several main worlds. The people in the Louwu world must want to forget such a shameful thing immediately. How can they come here for auction? Are they not robbed enough and have to rush to send the spiritual stone? After all, the main world is the main world, and the dignity of the main world should not be trampled on like this.

Just when Li Mingyang and others hesitated, a team of monks not far away slowly came out. As soon as they saw the appearance of these people, Li Mingyang saw the difference between these people, not from their cultivation and breath, but from temperament alone, even if A small fantasy monk in Longdu can see their differences - these people are too formal.

The formality is naturally the kind of formality in their bones. Although these people are all smiling, as if they are appreciating the grand formation, they are much worse than the Longdu monks. Real relaxation is not like them.

"Where did these people come from?" Li Mingyang asked curiously.

Qin Zhan shook his head and said, "I guess it's the masterpiece of your little lover. If there is no accident, these people must be monks of other main worlds, and their identity in their main world must not be simple, otherwise Sun Shangxiang will not be greeted like this."

"Welcome the eldest prince, the eldest prince and the two princes." Sun Shangxiang smiled like a flower and was solemn, and her appearance was appreciated by Luo Canaan.

After greeting each other for a while, the people slowly walked into the royal auction house. As they left, the royal guard of honor also followed.

"Your guest." Li Mingyang said sincerely. Although I am very confused, now I can only take people into the royal auction house step by step.

Cao Yu and others all hesitated after seeing the four people who came in accompanied by Sun Shangxiang and were able to accompany Sun Shangxiang in person. Naturally, such an identity is not simple, but there is no one they don't know in the Xuanyuan world. For a moment, Cao Yu and Dou Song also thought of the situation of other main worlds.

Li Mingyang and Luo Canaan are the latest to enter. As Li Mingyang walked into the backfield, after Luo Canaan and others sat in two groups in the VIP seats, Sun Shangxiang cleared his throat and walked to the auction platform and said, "I believe everyone will be curious about the identity of those guests. Now I'm here to introduce one Down." With that, Sun Shangxiang introduced the identities of Luo Canaan and several others.

In today's situation, which one is qualified to enter the auction house is not a living figure. Seeing that the eldest princess welcomed them so grandly and seriously introduced them, there were bursts of exclamations in the auction house in an instant, and some people even exaggerated and sneezed.

Lokanan and Minjin are not stupid, but such a reaction still makes them extremely useful, which is much better than applause and other welcome. Seeing the proud smiles on his faces, the eyes of Xuanyuan monks in the auction house flashed with joking eyes. Longdu monks' favorite personality is not only for those low-level monks, even these bigwigs like to make fun of delicious food.

Sun Shangxiang welcomes these nobles here in any way. Anyway, she is very satisfied to see that the effect is good. After seeing that Lokanan and others are extremely useful and enjoying a lot of attention around them, Sun Shangxiang nodded and said, "Then I won't talk nonsense. Let's start the auction directly."