ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 606 What a big play

"Good morning, everyone. I'm Li Mingyang." Li Mingyang's magnetic voice sounded in the auction house, and then he appeared on the auction table.

Seeing Li Mingyang standing on the auction table, although it was somewhat beyond people's expectations, the monks in Xuanyuan became immediately relieved. The ghost king's personality was unresperous, and it was very normal for this kind of thing to appear in him.

Lokanan and the others were completely surprised for a while. After looking at the prince of Zhaoyunjie in another seat, they did not say anything and were ready to continue to watch.

"You must have heard that I'm going to go to a place, but there was something wrong with the toll, so I opened this auction and planned to ask you for help. If you want to buy a baby, I guess you will be disappointed this time. I don't have any treasure in my hand now. It's just a pile of junk. Li Mingyang's opening remarks were also quite good, and the surrounding nobles applauded for their face.

Lokanan felt strangely looking at Li Mingyang on the auction table. He didn't have much feelings about Li Mingyang's words. Now he is just curious about what is unique about this young man, which can make Xuanyuan monks be so afraid of him. As the eldest son of the royal family in the Zoran world, Luo Canaan is destined to become the first person in the Zoran world in the future. Although his modesty and courtesy are caused by good education, it is more because of his own pride. In his eyes, all outsiders are just ants. Since they are ants, why should he be angry with them?

I only heard the name of the ghost king before, but I didn't expect that the ghost king was such a young guy. Staring at Li Mingyang, Lo Canaan is now almost racking his brains to see through Li Mingyang and want to know where he is outstanding.

If Li Mingyang, who is on the auction at this moment, knows that he is too young and has attracted special attention from another young man, I don't know if he will regret coming to the stage in person this time.

"You should also know that I went out to do some small business a while ago, and the harvest was not bad. This time I want to sell these gadgets." Li Mingyang's joke caused the monks to laugh again. Regardless of Li Mingyang's previous entanglement with the nobles of Longdu, at least Li Mingyang went to the building martial arts world to do such a big case this time, which also won glory for the Xuanyuan monks. Based on this, these people also plan to praise them well. Support.

"Sell the most troublesome batches first." Li Mingyang seemed to be talking to himself. As he spoke, he threw a few jade plates on the ground. Then he waved, and a mirror array appeared in front of the people.

"Mirror array?" Lokanan saw the difference between this mirror array at a glance, and this mirror array seemed to be arranged in another mysterious world.

Li Mingyang pointed to the empty plain on the mirror array and said with a smile, "This is a mysterious world. There are a lot of things. Let's show it here." As he spoke, a brocade army monk walked into a transmission array next to the mirror array with a hundred treasure bag, and the next moment he saw him appear in the mirror array.

Seeing this scene, although Lo Canaan wanted to stay calm, his eyelids jumped wildly, as if he had randomly arranged a transmission array. This method seemed to be too amazing. However, soon Luo Canaan comforted himself. This must be the means he had done before, and now it's just a mystery.

It is naturally Li Mingyang's preparation in advance to open the transmission array and mirror array so lightly, but in fact, even if these methods are not prepared in advance, it is not difficult for him, so he has no idea of taking this opportunity to show off anything.

The Jinzhu army monk naturally couldn't get Li Mingyang's new instructions after going to Tianyuan, but as soon as he arrived there, he directly poured out the things in the treasure bag.

"The first-order flying sword, three million, starting from 10 million top-grade spiritual stones, you have no objection." Li Mingyang said with a smile.

The first-order flying sword can be said to be the lowest-level existence in the cultivation world. Such things can only be used to equip a large number of monk teams. Even slightly talented monks will not use this kind of junk. Three million, although the number is very large, 10 million top-grade spiritual stones are still a little excessive.

Lokanan calmly analyzed the situation. The first-order flying sword could not arouse his interest at all. Naturally, he didn't even pay attention to it, but he was curious about the reactions of the people around him. Naturally, the two princes of Min Jin and Zhaoyunjie could not come to buy this kind of rags, and they are also ready to watch the play. It seems that this ghost king should have no knowledge. Not to mention that this kind of shabby goods are embarrassed to sell, they dare to call such a high price. This is not insulting itself. Suddenly, Lokanan paid much less attention to Li Mingyang, and such an ignorant guy did not seem to be worthy of vigilance.

Sure enough, after Li Mingyang shouted the price, the surrounding Xuanyuan nobles had no reaction. This scene made Luo Canaan even happier. It was not bad to come all the way to see a joke first.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "30 million top-grade spiritual stones, give me all these things." Everyone followed the reputation and saw that the Shao family was one of the thirteen rich families. Thirty million top-grade spiritual stones were indeed nothing to them.

"Is this old guy crazy? Does this kind of junk dare to bid 30 million high-quality spiritual stones?" Lokanan felt that he couldn't understand Xuanyuan monks. He tried his best to see their expressions clearly, but found that they didn't seem to be joking.

"Thank you, Mr. Shao." After the price of 30 million high-grade spiritual stone was shouted out, Li Mingyang almost didn't wait and immediately dropped the hammer, and then informed people to go to the price in the Tianyuan world to get it back the monk and the treasure bag, and handed it over with his own hands.

"Is this the end of the auction?" Lokanan was confused and felt that it was simply a joke. The buyer increased the price randomly, and the seller seemed to be in a hurry to push it out. Obviously, there may be higher prices, but he didn't even wait to fall directly. What is this?

Sun Shangxiang came over quietly and looked at the confused Luo Canaan and others. Sun Shangxiang smiled and said, "Several nobles, this auction will last for about three days. In fact, except for the things that may attract your attention on the last day, the first two days were just gadgets. If you feel boring, you can walk around. I can arrange someone to take you to see interesting places, and even some of our royal family can go to see them.

Lokanan has always appreciated Sun Shangxiang's etiquette, second only to Sun Shangxiang's amazing beauty. Seeing Sun Shangxiang's sincere face, Lo Canaan looked at several people around him and then said, "We still want to see it here, right, two princes?"

"Exactly, it's interesting to have a look here because it's okay." Zhan Zhenwen nodded and said.

With several people talking, Li Mingyang has auctioned five million pieces of first-order spiritual armor, and the price is also 30 million top-grade spiritual stones, which was auctioned by another rich family. Seeing such an auction that seemed to be a children's play, Luo Canaan finally couldn't help but be curious and asked, "Your Royal Highness, there are so many spiritual stones in your Xuanyuan world that you can't use up, right?"

It is extremely rude for Rokanan to ask this sentence, but if he doesn't ask about it, he will feel even more uncomfortable now. Sun Shangxiang seemed to have expected that they would have such a problem. He smiled naturally and said, "This auction is actually divided into two parts. The auction two days ago is a part. The price of this part of the auction may seem a little strange, because these things will definitely sell at a higher price than their real price. Much higher price. The third day is the second part, and then it will be a real auction. That's why I invited a few people out for a walk just now. After all, these two days are just a small game we play.

"Play games with tens of millions of top-quality spiritual stones?" Min Jin couldn't help asking.

Sun Shangxiang no longer explained anything, just nodded and said, "Yes." Then he slowly walked away, leaving Lokanan and the others looking at each other.

On the auction table, Li Mingyang pointed to the mirror array and continued: "Three hundred catties of pure gold, 10 million top-grade spiritual stones."

"Fifty million!"

"It's a deal, thank you."


"Ten thousand old pine roots, three thousand trees, 30 million top-grade spiritual stones."

"60 million!"

"It's a deal, thank you."


"A teddy bear, 10 million top-grade spiritual stones."

"30 million!"

"It's a deal, it's interesting!"


Lokanan looked at the monks around him like an idiot. The so-called Ghost King seemed to be funny. There is nothing he took out that can be called a boutique. The so-called fine gold and Wan Laosong are just relatively sophisticated materials, but no matter how these materials are sold, they are impossible. The price of tens of millions of spiritual stones is even the best spiritual stone.

Is it true that there are so many spiritual stones in Xuanyuan that they can't be used up? Lokanan began to ask himself. If this is really the case, Lo Canaan really doesn't know what kind of mentality he can use to face this matter now.

Maybe these nobles are to support Li Mingyang, so no matter what he takes out, they will be given a high price, but the problem is that these people must have these spiritual stones. Spiritual stones are always something that every major force must master and will always be lacking. Even if they are the Zolan royal family, it is impossible to squander all the spiritual stone profits.

This time, when Luo Canaan came to Xuanyuan, he came to win glory for the Zolan world and came with a large number of spiritual stones. However, if it weren't for something of real value, he would not have been able to easily pay even a piece of spiritual stone, which is a matter of principle. But now these people's practices have no principles at all. This situation makes it impossible for Lo Canaan to understand at all. In his way of thinking, he can't understand what these Xuanyuan monks are doing.

But he didn't know that just as he tried his best to observe these Xuanyuan monks and tried to see any flaws on their faces, these Xuanyuan monks were now observing him and several others. Seeing that all of them were now confused and even frightened in their eyes, Xuanyuan monks smiled in their hearts.

This auction is divided into two parts. Sun Shangxiang's words are definitely not lying, but the first part is aimed at Luo Canaan and others. In fact, the nobles of Xuanyuan have brought Li Mingyang back before they came here. These are not very sophisticated, but a large number of magic weapons and materials have been carved up. In fact, this time it's just a play.

A play that looks like a farce, but it is necessary.

This time, Li Mingyang took too many things from the building martial arts world, and the nobles in Xuanyuan world couldn't digest them at all, so Li Mingyang first sold some practical value-for-for-money things to these rich families and nobles, at least so that each of their spiritual stones were worth spending. In this way, the spiritual stone of Xuanyuanjie has basically been used.

However, Li Mingyang also has many high-quality products, such as the best jade, such as the sixth-order magic weapons, such as higher skills. These are the best, but it is not so easy to eat them. One or two rich families can eat part of them, but it is absolutely impossible to eat them all.

So before selling the best, it is necessary to let the monks of the Roulan world and the monks of Zhaoyun world see the "strong financial power" of the rich family in Xuanyuan world, which is why there are doubts. First of all, let the monks of the Roulan world and Zhaoyun world misjud the strength of Xuanyuan world, so that even if they go back later, they will not easily want to fight against such a "strong financial" main world.

Secondly, it aroused more curiosity from Lo Canaan and made them want to see what was auctioned on the third day. After the best product came out, the Xuanyuan world monks would help Lord Ghost King raise the price. In this way, they will naturally be happy.

In fact, in the final analysis, this time it is completely a trick that Sun Shangxiang wants to play. To put it bluntly, it is to beat Luo Canaan and others with hatred. Of course, it's not real extortion, but the best things that are too high value brought back by the Ghost King. This time, they are all eaten, the spirit stone is left, and the good things are taken away. It's that simple. .

It's just such a simple thing. If you say it too bluntly, it may cause big trouble. After all, the main world is very different from the mysterious world. If the people of Zhaoyun world or the Roulan world know the real situation of Xuanyuan world, God knows what bad plans they will make. Everything should be based on safety, and it's not bad to have fun these two days. The monks in Xuanyuan world are all fun in their bones. Now hundreds of nobles have played a big play in front of other monks in the main world, but no one is tired. This is dedication!

Li Mingyang slapped one lot after another with a smile and thought to himself, "Don't worry, there will always be times when you bleed heavily."