ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 885 Water Cemetery

Just far away in front of Li Mingyang and Qinghuang, the two of them faintly saw a large area of black, but this time Li Mingyang and Qinghuang can be completely confirmed that it will never float in the air like the main continent of Zhaoyunjie, nor can it be a dark cloud containing thunderstorms. There should be It's a void, and now the breath transmitted has allowed them to confirm this.

There will be a void in the good mysterious world, which is the real atmosphere of emptiness. Li Mingyang and others can naturally think that the ultimate destination is here.

"Are we going to come here in the end?" Seeing this situation, Li Mingyang immediately asked.

Sun Han's instructions did disappear at this time. If there is no accident, it should be here. Just as Li Mingyang and Qinghuang were waiting for Sun Han to answer and wanted to know how to go next, the emperor list held by Li Mingyang suddenly changed again, but this time the emperor list did not plunge into the sea and began to change. The emperor list just seemed to struggle a few times, and finally saw a virtual shadow from the emperor list. It came out.

Seeing this virtual shadow, Li Mingyang knew that this was Sun Han, because at the beginning, Li Mingyang saw Sun Han's hurry in the local emperor list. The old man in front of him is not much similar to the Changqing Emperor in appearance, and even there is not much in common between the corners of his eyes and eyebrows. After all, Sun Han is the ancestor of the Sun family, and he has been separated from the Changqing Emperor for many generations. It is not surprising that the two of them do not look like each other.

It's just that what has always made Li Mingyang feel very strange is the temper of Sun Han and Changqing Emperor. Although he has only had a simple communication with Sun Han before, more often Sun Han is an existence that will make a voice in Li Mingyang's sea from time to time, but Li Mingyang can feel that Sun Han's body It doesn't have the atmosphere of the Evergreen Emperor. Instead, Sun Han is even more like a free practice. He has no scruples about doing anything. Everything is just to work hard for himself. In contrast, Li Mingyang likes the temper of the Evergreen Emperor.

After Sun Han appeared, he didn't say much greetings, but said to Li Mingyang, "My master is also hidden in front. As long as you can find my master before them and merge my soul with me, I can be completely resurrected."

"That is to say, you are now in a state of death?" Hearing Sun Han's words, Qinghuang subconsciously asked.

Sun Han's face was not cold, but said with a smile, "I was not dead, but after all, it was too long. I had no choice but to put my soul on the list of the emperor, and then let me hide here."

"After so many years, won't your body rot?" Li Mingyang couldn't help asking.

"Where my body was hidden, I left a large number of Dihuang spring water. In my estimation, the Dihuang spring I left in those years may not even be used up, and my body will definitely not decay. After all, I did cultivate into a divine body in those years." Sun Han explained.

Hearing Sun Han's explanation, Li Mingyang suddenly remembered the thousand-year-old overall situation set by Xuanguang. When Xuanguang designed to harm the emperor, he used this hand. I just didn't expect that Sun Han had already played this hand long before Xuanguang. Thinking of this, Li Mingyang's mind flashed and immediately asked, "Did you design the magic array in the Longhua battlefield?"

"I designed it, but I didn't create it anymore." Sun Han said.

"Who built that?" Li Mingyang immediately asked.

"A heavenly warrior, your fellow clan."

"My fellow race?" Li Mingyang was stunned. He didn't expect it to be like this in the end: "Why did Tianren help you?"

"I don't know that your heavenly race is definitely the strangest existence in the heavenly mansion and the battlefield of heaven. Obviously, the battle of extinction was launched by you, but your people are not so united. There are always some secretly funny things, such as you, aren't you just an alien?"

"Who is the Tianren who built the Longhua battlefield for you?" Li Mingyang asked.

"His name is Lingxu, a very fierce heavenly race, but his array is indeed very strong. In those years, the Longhua battlefield was indeed with his help that I could design it." Sun Han said naturally.

Hearing the name, Li Mingyang completely shut up. He didn't know the name of this heavenly race at all. Originally, he thought it was Xuanguang, but when he met Xuanguang, Xuanguang had already said that the Longhua battlefield was not created by him. He only knew this magic array, so he imitated the one in the tomb of the emperor. It is similar to the magic array of the Longhua battlefield.

I just heard the name Lingxu, but the wolf hair on the side suddenly stood up: "Lingxu? Where is that guy now?

"I didn't know that he just helped me do these things, and then disappeared without a trace. I don't even know why he helped me, but at that time, I really didn't have a better way to escape here with his help." Sun Han said.

Li Mingyang looked at Qinghuang curiously and asked, "Do you know Lingxu? Do you know who he is?

"I know Lingxu. Although I don't know the status of Lingxu in the heavenly race, I know this guy very well. I even met him back then." Qinghuang gritted his teeth and said.

Li Mingyang now seems to realize that the famine has been angry and still asks, "Why did you meet him? What communication have you had?"

"I don't know why I met him. At that time, I didn't invite anyone to live in heaven, and I didn't even participate in the war to destroy the world. As a result, I met Lingxu when I was wandering, and the old man sealed me in the void." Qinghuang stared at Li Mingyang fiercely, and now he is completely trying to spread his anger to Li Mingyang: "The Tianren people I'm looking for are the guy named Lingxu. Don't let me touch him, otherwise I will definitely not spare him."

Seeing that Qinghuang looked like he wanted to eat people, although Li Mingyang still had a lot of doubts in his heart, he could understand Qinghuang's current mood. No one would have a good mood. He was involved in a war and was directly sealed in the void for thousands of years. Even if Qinghuang and their underworld beasts The family has an almost infinite life span, but it is still difficult to let go of such hatred.

Before that, Li Mingyang also thought that if he met the Tianren warrior who harmed the wilderness one day, he would help him deal with the Qinghuang. After all, Li Mingyang can now think that he must be a very embarrassing existence among the Tianren clan. Maybe he, a sinner, is really the corner of everyone shouting to fight. Sex, even the Tianren will take action when they see him. Naturally, it is not difficult for him to help Qinghuang deal with a Tianren warrior. But now, it is difficult for Li Mingyang to do as he thought.

Up to now, Li Mingyang doesn't even understand what kind of ethnic group Tianren is, what they want to do, what benefits they can get from launching the war of extermination, and why there are so many aliens in the Tianren ethnic group. Needless to say, the two of them are definitely aliens in the aliens. As for the Xuanguang, in fact, it should not be an orthodox human race. The so-called unorthodox nature cannot be the bloodline. Their human bloodline is absolutely authentic, otherwise it is impossible to cultivate the art of heaven and man. But none of them are in the heavenly battlefield, which means that they are all aliens.

But what is the situation of Lingxu? He must have done it in the battle of extermination, but why did he help Sun Han? Li Mingyang can't think of any reasonable explanation for such a question now. In the end, he can only give up thinking about this question that can't be answered.

"Are you sure your master is still hiding here now?" Giving up thinking about those meaningless problems, at least not meaningful problems now, Li Mingyang immediately began to study the current problems that need to be solved.

Sun Han said angrily, "Nonsense, if you can't confirm it, what should I ask you to do here?"

Sun Han's attitude is as bad as ever, or worse, but now Li Mingyang is too lazy to pay attention to this old guy's bad temper. In the final analysis, this matter is actually to help the Changqing Emperor, not for this Sun Han. Moreover, now that he has reached this point, Li Mingyang is not good. What to say.

"The power of the Evergreen Emperor was suddenly absorbed. Is it also your ghost?" Thinking of this, Li Mingyang just suddenly asked this question.

Sun Han did not hide it and said directly, "Yes, a little guy in the family with good talent should make some contributions to me. For so many years, he has let the emperor's list exert such great power, and naturally his blood can be the introduction to my awakening. This is his glory.

Listening to Sun Han's words, Li Mingyang's heart became more and more uncomfortable. Although what he said is not unreasonable. Think about it differently. If this happened to himself, if he wanted to awaken an elder in the family, even the existence of ancestor level, he would also be willing to contribute, but Sun Han's The attitude still makes Li Mingyang feel more or less worthless for the Evergreen Emperor.

Qinghuang seems to have been trapped in hatred for Lingxu now. Otherwise, Qinghuang will probably laugh and sarcastically. After all, their relationship with Changqing Emperor is better. Even if this guy in front of them used to be a god of war, they still don't have much sense of closeness.

After deciding to take action, Li Mingyang and Qinghuang immediately sneaked into the East China Sea. According to Sun Han, he built the place where he had hidden himself into a very strange cemetery. The most strange thing about this cemetery was that it was a water illusion array. Hearing this, even Li Mingyang couldn't help it. I feel surprised. It's not that the array can't be arranged in the water, but even if it needs to be arrayed in the water, it must be at the bottom of the sea. However, according to Sun Han, his large array in the water is in the deep sea, not on the sea, but at the bottom of the sea, but in the middle of the sea.

Even Li Mingyang is really eager to see such a magic array. After all, no matter what kind of skills Li Mingyang practices, his favorite is still the array. In this regard, in fact, the wheel is not too powerful. At the beginning, the wheel itself admitted The reason why his array attainments are amazing is nothing more than that there are too many ideas to study. In the fast time flow of hell, the wheel has taken almost ten thousand years to study the array. Even if the talent is not superb, it will definitely reach a very terrible state.

But the most important thing about arrays is talent. The creativity of really talented array mages will only make other array mages feel desperate. For example, Li Mingyang has not fully penetrated the essence of the mysterious array in the mysterious Longhua battlefield, but Sun Han is the founder of the Longhua battlefield. Although it is not the magic array created by himself in the end, the array map is from him, which is more than building the array by himself. Amazing.

The sea in the East China Sea is very cold, which is Li Mingyang's first feeling after diving into the water. With Li Mingyang's current strength and his past experience in Huangquan, it is really rare for him to feel cold, let alone in the water, but now he really feels slightly uncomfortable. This is also reflected in the wilderness. This ancient fierce beast is also unconsciously shaking at this time. Obviously, it is still a little unacceptable to the extremely cold sea water in the East China Sea.

"His grandma's, does the water here flow out of Jiuyou Land?" Qinghuang gritted his teeth and complained.

Li Mingyang does have this idea now, but he also understands that it is impossible. The only explanation for the seawater here will change like this is the reason for the magic array set up by Sun Han. Feeling this change, Li Mingyang also knew that they were now close to Sun Han's cemetery.

A phalanx cemetery in the center of the sea water, such an existence is really unprecedented, and it is even estimated to be comparable to the sky city like Tianren City.

"How far is it?" After diving into the sea, Li Mingyang kept asking Sun Han this question. But to Li Mingyang's surprise, Sun Han didn't know where the cemetery was.

"Didn't you say that this is a magic array designed and created by yourself?" Seeing that Sun Han didn't know anything, Li Mingyang's temper also began to be irritable.

Sun Han was also a little embarrassed at this time. After a long silence, he said, "I haven't touched this thing for too many years. It's strange."

Li Mingyang is so angry that he just wants to scold his mother.

But before he could complain more, a big guy who suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost made him completely lose the idea of complaining.