ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 886 Overlord Whale

Li Mingyang asked himself that he had seen a lot of big scenes, and he had seen a lot about the existence of huge monsters. Especially after encountering the complete small reincarnation worm, Li Mingyang has subconsciously believed that there should be no monster in the world that can be compared with the small reincarnation worm in size. But when he saw the big guy who suddenly appeared in front of him, he was almost scared to turn around and escape.

This is not an exaggeration. The huge monster that appears in front of Li Mingyang is still a beast. This is simply a movable island, not an island!

"What the hell is this?" Li Mingyang has shouted angrily. Since the things he encounter are always getting bigger and bigger, he always feels inexplicably irritable. By now, he has to admit that a strong physique is indeed a very superior racial talent. Even if the big guy in front of him is just an ordinary monster, even if it is a beast, it must take a lot of effort to kill himself.

"This is a tyranno whale." Sun Han explained very conscientiously.

"Overbearing whale?" Qinghuang was stunned when he heard the name and said, "Didn't you say that this thing has also become extinct?"

"Have you heard of it?" Li Mingyang pointed to this thing that looks like a continent in the distance and asked curiously.

Qinghuang shook his head and said, "The overlord whale is actually a branch of the emperor whale. Although the name does not seem to be as noble as the emperor whale, it is actually the strongest bloodline of the emperor whale. Whether it is a fierce beast that can swim in the void, but unlike our underworld beasts, they also have no sense of direction in the void, but they just like to swim in the void.

"That is to say, they regard the void as the ocean and think they live in the sea?" Li Mingyang asked in a timely manner.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, that's what it looks like." Qinghuang praised Li Mingyang's wit and then said, "It is precisely because they basically swim in the void and rarely land on the Tianfu mainland, so there are not too many Tianfu monks who know the overlord whale. And because they live in the void and absorb the power of chaos more conveniently, it was rumored that even the newborn overlord whale may already be the strength of the divine realm.

"This is exaggerated. Only the complete overlord whale will be in the realm of divine communication. The cubs are only born in the realm of the Holy Spirit, and the growth rate of the overlord whale is extremely slow. If you want to reach the realm of divine communication from the realm of the Holy Spirit, you will definitely not be able to do it without a thousand years." Sun Han added another sentence at this time.

Just listening to the explanation of Qinghuang and Sun Han, Li Mingyang still sighed a lot. Such a powerful existence, the cub is the realm of the Holy Spirit. As long as it survives for thousands of years, it is the realm of communication. This is not a monster. This is simply the legendary mythical beast.

It seems that he also thought of what Li Mingyang was thinking. At this time, Qinghuang said, "But the more powerful the bloodline, the more restrictions it will be. The same is true of the overlord whale. According to rumors, a bully whale can only give birth to a cub in its life, not to say that they will die after giving birth to cubs, but from now on. After that, there was no longer the ability to reproduce. Speaking of this, Qinghuang still seemed to gritt his teeth and said, "Even if it's a hybrid."

"That means their blood must be absolutely pure?" Li Mingyang asked.

"Yes." Qinghuang nodded: "Because of the bloodline limitations of the tyranno whale, their number has been decreasing little by little since ancient times. Anyway, I have never encountered such a thing. It seems that they just live in legends."

"What's wrong with this guy who appears here?" Li Mingyang pointed to the huge bully whale that seemed to be sleeping in the distance and asked.

"Ah, I put it here." Sun Han interrupted again at this time.

"Why did you put this thing here?"

"Do a cemetery." Sun Han said, "Do you think I can make the array float so steadily in the sea? What a great ability, even if I become a god. This is a dead overlord whale, and I have never seen it alive. After the war with the emperor god, I met this guy when I was running for my life, and then brought it here and made a cemetery with its body.

"Dead?" Li Mingyang looked at the huge thing in front of him. Although he was still alert and sighing, he couldn't help but feel a little sad after learning that such a huge creature was actually dead.

Qinghuang felt more and more strange and looked at Li Mingyang: "What's going on with your Bodhisattva heart? You were not like this before?"

Li Mingyang was stunned and didn't explain anything more. He just looked at the overlord whale in front of him more seriously. The reason why he didn't realize that it was a dead monster just now was that the overlord whale was so big that Li Mingyang didn't realize that he was going to explore its breath. Now after Sun Han said that he realized that the huge thing in front of him was not a cold dead body, and Li Mingyang finally understood why they had not realized the existence of this big guy in advance.

"That is to say, yours is in the body of this overlord whale?" Li Mingyang asked, and after getting the answer, he no longer hesitated and leaned over with Qinghuang. Just as he approached the body of the overlord whale, he had realized that something was wrong: "There seems to be someone in it."

"Well, I've already felt it." Sun Han said calmly, which is rare this time: "In fact, I forcibly woke up this time, not because it was time to wake up, but because I realized that I had been threatened, and I had no choice but to do so."

"Well, we have reached this point. It is impossible for us to retreat because we have enemies." Li Mingyang didn't say much. Even if Sun Han's attitude has softened now, he still doesn't like this guy very much.

Qinghuang asked, "If we can find you, can you recover immediately?"

"It's almost."

"How much strength can be restored?"

"It's probably just the early days of the God of War." Sun Han said after thinking for a while.

Li Mingyang and Qinghuang immediately looked at each other. Such a situation was indeed beyond their expectations. They didn't expect that this guy could still reach such a strong and domineering state after so many years of dormancy. In this way, the realm of communication with God is really a very fierce state. In those years, Xuanguang also seemed to be very powerful. Even in order to recover, he also designed his famous two-fifth subordinate emperor, but even so, his strength could not reach the peak of that year at the beginning of recovery. So it seems that Xuanguang's strength must not have reached the realm of communication at the beginning.

So, the people of the Tianren clan are not all strong people in the realm of God.

"After all, I robbed so many Dihuang Spring Water in Dihuangling. Although that kind of thing did not help my body much, if it was used to moisten for thousands of years, the effect will certainly be very significant. No matter how bad it is, it will not be regressed." Sun Han explained another sentence at this time.

In this way, Li Mingyang was also relieved. After all, Sun Han did not die in battle in those years, but he was seriously injured by the emperor god, and he began to run for his life in desperation. The ability to escape in those years also proved that he was in a good state. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to escape after breaking the split body of the emperor god. If it is true If you are very passive and embarrassed to escape, you probably can't escape.

Sun Han just found a very secret place to start cultivating. The so-called construction of a cemetery is actually just a saying. After all, he did separate his soul from himself in order to cultivate.

"That's right, what kind of treasure is the emperor's list?"

"Oh, that's the treasure of the palace in the emperor's temple." Sun Han said indifferently.

"The treasure of the temple let you grab the soul?" Li Mingyang's eyes widened and asked. Although he didn't pay much attention to the temple now, at least he didn't dare to do such a thing. After all, he doesn't know about the power of magic power yet. Naturally, it is difficult to talk about many things that he can't even feel.

Sun Han said indifferently, "This thing is very good, so just grab it. If the emperor of the earth god comes to the heavenly palace, I naturally dare not dare to grab this thing, but he can only come to the split in the heavenly mansion, which is also the biggest limit of the true god. And it is certainly impossible for him to feel where the emperor's list is hidden with his split. Even if the emperor's list appears in the temple, unless it is recognized by the monks of the temple, the little divine power in his split alone will certainly have no effect.

"Can I touch the divine power now?" Li Mingyang asked subconsciously.

"No, you don't even have a divine dignity, and it is impossible to cultivate divine power." Sun Han then explained: "If you want to reach the realm of divine communication, the first thing is to cultivate the divine form, and then transform the soul of life into a divine soul. After doing all this, you can be regarded as spiritual communication, that is, to reach the realm of divine communication. And even if you still have one step to reach the mind, but even if you haven't stepped over, the power you cultivate is not a divine power.

"I can't cultivate divine power, and how can I convert the power in my soul into divine power? How can you become a soul if you don't transform? Li Mingyang asked doubtfully.

"You have to understand this by yourself." Sun Han said very simply. Hearing his words, Li Mingyang and Qinghuang couldn't wait to kill this guy. Naturally, Qinghuang also hoped to become a strong man in the realm of God, but they also knew that this was no different from practicing to the realm of the Holy Spirit. If you want to enter the next realm, you can rely on your own understanding, not anyone's guidance.

Thinking of this, Li Mingyang shook his head helplessly, put down the idea for the time being, and said, "Let's go in and have a look."