Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

announcement on the shelves (with spoilers)

Dear friends, I'm Eguang. You can call me Guangguang. Now let's start this listing announcement. There will be some spoilers below. Don't go away~~~

This is Eguang's third book, but it is the first ancient saying. It can be said that I was a little nervous when I started writing. Fortunately, with everyone's support, now it's finally on the shelves. Come on, let me sprinkle flowers first!

Here, I would like to thank my editor-in-chief Xiaoxiao and editor-in-chief Paopao, and thank Paopao Beauty for her continuous support. I want to thank all my relatives, because of your support, I gradually feel less nervous.

Now let's start the highlight, spoilers--

First of all, it's Su Zhi's life. Oh, it's his life. Eguang has a little hobby, that is, he loves to write on the protagonist's life, and this time is no exception. The heroine will have a strange experience in the following article because of her background. It's really strange. If you don't believe it, keep watching! But don't worry, no matter how strange it is, it is also a farming article, and I won't go to the house to cultivate immortals or something.

Secondly, the label in this article is "sty-packed buns". Steamed buns are cute round dolls like steamed buns. The little dolls here not only refer to Su Zhisheng's steamed buns, but also other steamed buns. There will be three, which will become the main line of the play and bring wonderful plots.

Third, Shen Zhu's marriage and Shen Ziju's official career will have huge waves, but don't worry, they will not have a good end. These have something to do with their parents. Shen Zhang's family had a huge secret, and this secret finally became the source of the Shen family's disaster. Shen Youfu finally became a life-threatening charm.

Do you want to know what's going on? Be sure to continue to chase, even if there are some dissatisfactions, don't abandon the article, the result is in the end!

There are so many spoilers. Although it is not bright, it is also for everyone's interest in reading ^^. I hope you can continue to support it.

Many authors will say that it doesn't cost much to read a book in a month. It's true, but I know that some relatives will still leave for various reasons. I really don't want to say goodbye. I say weakly, it really doesn't cost much. Can't I just keep it as a souvenir? I want to think that a few years later, you will leave one book after another in your account, which is also a proof of youth, so if you have money, at least make a first order~~~

I retreated weakly. I was really nervous.

Let's talk about it later. It will be on the shelves on the 5th tomorrow. Don't go away.

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