Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 1 Regeneration of a Farmer's Wife

The autumn bushes are like the Tao family, and the fences are getting more and more inclined.

Su Zhi looked at the clump of yellow chrysanthemums outside the window in a daze. After waking up, she found that she had been shocked in a strange and dilapidated room for three days. She had accepted that she had really traveled like the heroine in online novels she usually saw when she was bored. However, instead of dressing up as a rich royal family, she dressed as a peasant woman.

The owner of this body is Zhao Xiaomei, a new bride, married a farmer named Shen Zi'an.

This is nothing. It is a good thing for Su Zhi to be reborn, but there is a trace of regret in this good thing, that is, this body is sick.

Su Zhi was tied up when she wore it. At that time, she thought it was a kidnapping, but when she felt the itchy and painful feeling from all over her body, she found that it was not the case. The purpose of tying her was to make her not scratch itchy. The spots on her body would break as soon as she scratched it,

Su Zhi couldn't help sighing that she was unlucky. She could only be regarded as a great responsibility to the people, and she must first surrender to the people. She didn't believe that God let her be reborn just to let her die again, and she didn't believe that the disease could not be cured.

"Ah! Fourth brother, why did you scoop out so much water at once?! When you come back after a hard day, you point to drink hot water and wash your hands with hot water. There is only one pot of water in total. Do you take away so much water at once to let us drink cold water or wash our hands with cold water?!"

Suddenly, a sharp female voice sounded outside, and then she cried.

"Oh, my God! My life is so hard. After a hard day in the field, there is no sick and lazy person to enjoy happiness when I go home! She just eats and drinks for nothing and doesn't work, and she has to drink medicine and spend money. Forget it, she even grabs a mouthful of water from us. What's the reason! Let's give a comment. I can't live this life--"

The last sound is particularly long, just like singing.

If Su Zhi hadn't listened to it several times every day for three days, she really wanted to laugh. She knew that this shrill woman was the third daughter-in-law of the family, Sun Shi, and the sick lazy man in her mouth was talking about herself, and the fourth brother in her mouth was Shen Zi'an, the prime minister of her body

"Well, third daughter-in-law, don't make trouble. Zi'an is also worried about his daughter-in-law. Get up. At worst, boil another pot of water and let Zi'an go to collect firewood. You won't say anything, will you?"

A kind old woman's voice sounded. This is Shen Zhangshi, the mother-in-law of this family. Su Zhi can hear that it is because every time the Sun family makes trouble, she comes out to persuade her. It seems that she is completely an old lady who wants everyone to be kind and philanthropic. The reason why it seems to be said is that Su Zhi thinks she is not fair at all. I think so because every time she persuades her to fight, Shen Zi'an will definitely suffer a loss in the end. Isn't it arranged to satch firewood this time?

Su Zhi is very strange. Generally, the mother-in-law must turn to her son in the struggle between her daughter-in-law and her son. Even if she looks at her daughter-in-law on the surface, she will not punish her son. In the end, she will even beat around the bush and let her daughter-in-law suffer losses.

Did she meet a good mother-in-law? That's rarer than winning the 5 million prize, especially in the novels of ancient farmers, those heroines will meet a best mother-in-law 100%. Is she lucky?

The noise outside did not calm down because of Shen Zhang's mediation, and Sun was still screaming.

"Marry, marry, marry back a sick ghost! I don't know if it will be passed on to others. I only eat and take medicine all day long. What does this kind of woman do when she marries?! Didn't she say that she was told by fortune teller that she was not good to go to the nunnery when she was a child? I think she looks so dirty because she left the Buddha! It's better to send her back so that our family will be killed by her! This Zhao family is really not a thing. He knew that his daughter was sick and sent him here without telling him. Isn't this cheating?

"Okay, shut up. Our two families have been engaged since we were young. Now that we have become a boat, we can't regret it. Zi'an hasn't said anything yet. What's wrong with you? Even if she ate and took medicine, he didn't say that he used it at home. Zi'an, don't you think so?

Shen Zhang's words are so clear that others are reasonable, but when he hears Su Zhi's ears, he feels that something is wrong. No mother in the world would like her son to marry a patient, and she also publicly asked her son to promise money by himself. If it were an ordinary mother, it would not be like this, would she? Which mother doesn't love her son? But maybe she thinks too much, maybe she will help her son in private.

While Su Zhi was thinking about this, the door creaked open, and a young man came in. It was Shen Zi'an, the husband of Su Zhi's life.

Shen Zi'an is good-looking, with a thin face and wheat-colored skin. He is a little handsome. He is about 1.8 meters tall. He wears a blue cloth and holds a crock in his hand.

"You're awake. You're thirsty. I'll pour you water."

Shen Zi'an came over and poured the water from the crock into the bowl on the side table, then brought it over, held Su Zhi leaning against him, and sent the bowl to her lips.

Su Zhi finished drinking and said to him, "Let me go. I won't catch it randomly. I want to make it convenient."

Shen Zi'an's wheat face is a little red. Obviously, it hasn't been a day or two, but he is still shy. Su Zhi can't remember a sentence from which book. People who are shy are usually pure-hearted people, and this man will blush because his wife said he would go for convenience for so long. Is he really an extremely pure person?

Su Zhi suddenly remembered her husband in her previous life. Su Zhi's parents divorced. She had always been alone, so she wanted a happy family very much. After marrying her husband, he wanted her to be a full-time wife at home. She really quit her good job and changed from a white bone spirit in the workplace to an excellent housewife. The three-year marriage taught her everything a woman should do, but she fell ill when she wanted to have a child. After spending a lot of money, the man chose to divorce. From then on, she didn't believe in love.

Shen Zi'an is now taking care of Su Zhi, but Su Zhi is thinking about when he will abandon her. Although he will sleep with her in a **, he will let her lean on him and don't dislike her illness at all. That is said by Sun as an infectious disease. Of course, the Shen family probably thinks so, otherwise how could it never have Come and see her? She also let her live in a house so far away from them. It is not difficult to see from this house that it was definitely not a house to live in before, but like a woodshed.

This house only has a bed and a table. It doesn't even have a chair. It looks like earthy. If there is a broken place, you can see that it is actually bamboo or wood or something, and then a layer of mud is applied. The beams of the roof are so thin that they can only be called wooden sticks, and bamboo, covered with grass. There is only one small window, but it is still blocked by a wooden board, and only a touch of ** tender yellow can be seen in the hole.

Su Zhi's convenient place is on the side of the **, and the rest of the place is an empty vegetable garden with a fence on the edge, forming a small yard.

"Isn't it itchy at this time?"

Shen Zi'an asked, his voice was very calm, with a force to appease people's hearts.

Su Zhi said, "It's a little itchy, but I won't scratch it. You can talk to me. If there is something else, I will forget itching."

Shen Zi'an nodded and said, "What are you talking about? Why don't I tell you about my hunting in the mountains? I beat a lot of pheasants and rabbits in the summer. I'll take you when you're ready. Of course, if you don't want to go, just stay at home.

"I want to go."

Su Zhi's eyes lit up. She thought it was not bad in ancient times. She could hunt, that is to say, she could eat meat without spending money and sell it for money. And as long as there are mountains, there are treasures. There are not only animals in the mountains, but also fruit herbs. After divorce, she was tired of the city and was sick, so she went to the countryside to raise it. But she learned a lot about living in the countryside, including plants.

Shen Zi'an looked at Su Zhi and thought that she seemed to be different from when she first came. When she first came, she was stunned and dead, and sometimes her temper was not very good. However, since she woke up with a high fever three days ago, she seemed to have changed someone. Slowly, she talked more, and her voice was actually very beautiful The sound of the river flowing through.

Su Zhi saw Shen Zi'an staring at her and pushed him and said, "Why do you always look at me? The face is going to be out of shape. Is it good-looking?

"You are my daughter-in-law now. It doesn't matter if you are ugly."

Su Zhi saw Shen Zi say this quietly, and suddenly felt a sour feeling in her heart. Her husband in the previous life once said something a hundred times sweeter than this, but in the end it was not because she was sick and divorced.

"Don't be sad. I will try my best to make money to cure your illness, and it will always be cured."

Shen Zi'an saw the sadness in Su Zhi's eyes and comforted her. This woman was once his responsibility. He married her only because of his parents' orders. Since he married her, he would treat her well. After getting along with each other for a few days, he found that the daughter-in-law's eyes were clear and warm. No matter how uncomfortable she was, she stubbornly endured it. She was gentle and stubborn, which gradually made him have a good impression.

Su Zhi asked, "What if it can't be cured?"

"Of course, I have raised you for the rest of your life. We are now husband and wife."

"I have such a disease, isn't it dragging you down?"

"What's the drag? You are my wife."

With just one sentence, Su Zhi knew that this was the best comfort. This ancient man may have been married for a lifetime, right? Even if he married a sick and ugly daughter-in-law.

"Is it? Then if you fall in love with a good-looking woman one day, I will bite you to death.

Su Zhi said, she just said so, but she estimated that she would let him go with her temper, just like for that husband. Since you are ruthless, I will leave. She has always been such a proud woman.

Su Zi'an smiled, and he smiled very well.

Su Zhi listened to Shen Zi'an talking about his hunting, and gradually got better. She wanted to come to this place. It might be good to meet this man and become a peasant woman, right?

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