Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 13 An old fairy came to the village

The matter of the Sun family's fetal gas did not calm down because of the Shen family's publicity, but the whole village knew about it. After all, they went to ask their mother-in-law and doctor in a hurry that day. At that time, someone was so busy that they followed. The Shen family was so busy that they didn't pay

In order to not affect Shen Ziju's reputation in the family, Shen Zhang is strictly forbidden for everyone in the family to talk about this matter outside. Some people ask that it is only said that it is a careless fetal gas, and it is not allowed to say anything else.

On this day, a fortune-telling Taoist came to the village. He had long fairy Taoist bones. His hair was white, but his face was good. It seemed that he was only about forty years old. He couldn't call it a crane-haired childlike face, and he also called Shang Zhuyan.

"This Taoist priest is a god. My daughter-in-law's tana is lost. After searching for a long time, he couldn't find it. As a result, the Taoist priest suddenly said that he wanted to look for it along the east, saying that he was under the wood. As a result, he really found it under the will

A villager said that his words were flying, and he obviously believed in this old Taoist priest.

Everyone was amazed that the villager who spoke was from his village. He said that if there was this, there must be this. This man has never lied.

A woman said, "This Taoist priest is really smart. He told me yesterday that my father-in-law had a bloody disaster. I didn't believe him. As a result, my father-in-law was really hit on the head by a flying stone. I don't know which child in the family dares to beat an adult. If I catch

"It's really so smart!"

"This is an old fairy! Look, this Taoist priest looks like a fairy Taoist bone. How can it not work?

"Yes, yes, I want the old Taoist priest to see if my daughter-in-law is born to a man or a woman..."

"I want to ask the Taoist priest if the pigsty is built in the east or the west!"

As soon as two people heard that the old Taoist priest was, everyone believed it. Many of them went to ask the old Taoist priest to tell his fortune. The cost of this old Taoist priest was not high, and it was really cheap to ask for a penny. He said that he just passed by this place and saw the simplicity of the people here, so Fortune-telling, if it weren't for food, I wouldn't even charge this penny.

The villagers heard the Taoist priest praise their village, and then heard him say that the fee is only for eating, otherwise they don't want it. I think this Taoist priest is really a world-like man. He regards money like dung. Such a person must be accurate in fortune-telling!

The village where the Shen family lives is called Riverside Village. It got its name because there is a river next to the village. There are more than 200 households in the village, which is not a small village, but don't doubt the ability of the villagers' rumors. This old Taoist priest appeared in this village a few days ago. After counting his fate several times The whole village knew about it.

A group of children of the Shen family went to fight the pig grass today. Seeing that there were many people here, they also came over. When they heard that there was such a powerful old Taoist priest, they also joined the fun curiously. People like Sanlang Silang had long been in and out of the crowd and shouted and scolded loudly.

"Old fairy, look at my life? I don't want to fight pig grass anymore. I don't want to farm. I want to make a lot of money. What do you think I can do in the future? Is it good?"

Sanlang squeezed into the crowd, said to the old Taoist priest, and then gave the old Taoist priest a penny.

Dalang Erlang looked at each other and thought when would Sanlang have left a penny in his hand? He always has money to buy food! In addition, if he usually wants to rely on others to tell his fortune for nothing, how could he take the initiative to pay?

When the villagers saw that a child like Shen Sanlang wanted to tell fortunes, they still wanted to figure out whether they could get rich or not. They all laughed and coaxed, and then calmed down and listened.

The old Taoist priest looked up and down at Shen Sanlang, looked at his face carefully, frowned, and then asked him to stretch out his hand, looked at the white eyebrows, and finally sighed.

Sanlang looked at the old Taoist priest frowning and sighing. He jumped and asked, "Old fairy, is my life not good?" You must tell me that I don't want to play pig grass and I don't want to farm! I gave you a penny!"

The people on the side thought that Shen Sanlang might have a bad life and were nervous for him. As soon as they heard his words, they couldn't help laughing. They thought that they were the children of the third couple of the Shen family. They were really lazy and stingy. Do you still want the old immortal to get you a good life of Jinshan and Yinshan for that penny? The old fairy doesn't care about that penny at all!

The old Taoist priest didn't smile. He looked at Sanlang with a heavy face and said, "Look at you as a child. After you are willing to ask for a penny, I will naturally settle it for you. You child, you have a good face and a good palm. This life is destined to be smooth. Even if you can't be rich, you won't have to worry about food and clothing..."

Sanlang was so happy to hear that he danced a little. He proudly looked back at his brothers and said, "Look, I'm a rich man!" I don't have to cut pig grass in the future. I don't have to farm anymore!"

Erlang usually doesn't like this slippery Sanlang. Seeing that he is proud, he hummed, "Then sit at home and wait for the silver to fall like rain. In addition, you don't have to eat rice. People's lives don't have to worry about food and clothing. Rice will definitely fall from the sky. Well,

The people around laughed.

Sanlang's face turned red. He is the same age as Erlang. He is the brother of Erlang, so he feels unconvinced. The two have always had a bad relationship. Others always praise Erlang's cleverness and will have great prospects in the future. He hates it in his heart. Now some people say that he will have a Tell him more?

"You are looking at my life, you are jealous! Humph, it's useless for you to be jealous. You are destined to be a mud leg and die on the ground in the future!"

As soon as he said this, not only Dalang Erlang's face changed, but almost all the villagers changed their faces. They were born and grew up in the riverside village, all working in the field, and of course, they were all mud legs. Sanlang scolded them all when he said this. Moreover, Sanlang is still his brother, who curses to death. This is really too edupture. Some people think that Sanlang is not only high-hearted, but also cruel. Even his brothers curse. He will not be a good person in the future. This kind of person will be poor or rich in the future.

Sanlang certainly didn't expect that his words made him offend all the people in the village and let his image fall to the bottom of everyone's hearts. Even if he was said to be a rich man, it was useless. Of course, there are also those who are crooked and have Sanlang's idea. He thinks that his little daughter hasn't been married yet, and he can consider him in the future.

"Who are you talking about! Believe it or not, I twisted your mouth!"

Erlang shouted and was about to rush to beat Sanlang. Dalang grabbed him and said with a calm face, "Second brother, what does this kind of person do? He said that your life is what your life is?" I believe that you will be better than him in the future. When he has a silver mountain, we will have a golden mountain. Let's see who can smash and kill him!"

Shen Dalang has always been calm, but he is also young, only eleven years old, and loves his brother. Although he can't stand talking at this time, he also has a thorn.

Sanlang was still afraid of Dalang. Seeing that he stared at himself and shrank his neck, he looked at the old Taoist priest and said with a smile, "Thank you, old fairy. If I make a fortune in the future, I will definitely treat you to good wine and meat."

Silang said, "I want to eat too, and I want to eat too!" Second brother, do you only give it to the old immortals? Then I'll be a little fairy, and you can eat it for me!"

The people around laughed again.

Erlang laughed and said, "Idiot! You just sit at home and wait for the money to fall before you get rich. At that time, remember to get a Taoist temple for you, a rice bucket brother.

Sanlang stared at Erlang. Just as he was about to speak again, he heard the old Taoist priest sigh. He quickly turned his head and looked over.

The old Taoist touched his white beard, shook his head and sighed and said, "Baby, listen to me. You were originally rich and noble, but now you are black, surrounded by black fog on your head, suppressing your good luck. If you can't dissipate the black fog, you will be poor in your life!"

Sanlang was stunned. He didn't expect that he was still a good life just now. Why did he suddenly become poor? The onlookers were also curious.

"Old fairy, you must know how to crack it. Save you and tell me. I'll ask my mother to give you silver! My mother has a lot of money!"

Erlang hummed, "Sanlang, you're lying. Your mother's money has been taken away by your grandmother for a long time."

"My mother still has it in her hand!"

Sanlang was in a hurry to tell him that his mother had silver. He had seen Sun count the silver. That day, the uncle took out only half of the silver in her mother's hand!

Dalang Erlang looked at each other and thought that there would be another good show.

Sanlang is still begging the old Taoist priest, and everyone next to him is watching. What Sanlang said just now makes them uncomfortable. Of course, he won't plead for him. It's better to be poor all his life!