Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 12 Moved the fetal gas

When Sun saw that the money she had saved so hard, she was so distressed as if she had cut it with a knife, and it was found that she had saved private money, and there was still so much private money. She must have been punished again. From the dark face of her parents-in-law and mother-in-law, you can guess that they I was anxious and afraid. Before I could figure out how to deal with it, my head fainted and fell directly on the soil. At that time, she fell to death and woke up again, but when I thought about it, it was a good way. I closed my eyes and didn't open it.

"Don't worry about her. It's heartbreaking and anxious. I'll wake up in a while."

Shen Zhang said with a calm face. Looking at the money handed over by Wang, she was angry again. She always knew that as long as the daughters-in-law saved private money, as long as it was not too much, she could turn a blind eye, but this third daughter-in-law was too much, and she actually saved so much. If she didn You can not pay attention to your mother-in-law.

"Sir, what do you think we should do about this?"

Shen Zhang asked Shen Youfu. Over the years, as long as Shen Youfu is in front of him, Shen Zhang will ask him, even if it is just a small matter, which is also where Shen Zhang is smart. She makes Shen Youfu very happy. Often Shen Youfu does not make a decision, but let Shen Zhang decide, and Shen Zhang's decision OK. So in the end, Shen Zhang's family is still in control of everything.

"Just decide on your daughter-in-law's business."

Shen Youfu said and stared at Shen Ziping. Shen Ziping immediately said that he didn't know anything. No one believed what he lied. Shen Zhang made money by selling embroidery products. Of course, she embroidered in her own house. How could Shen Ziping not see it? However, he was the son of the Shen family. Shen Youfu just hummed and turned around and left.

"Lao San, lock your daughter-in-law in the woodshed and lock her up for three days!"

Shen Zhang ordered and was ready to turn around and walk, but he heard the spring flowers shouting loudly.

"Dad! Grandma! My mother is bleeding!"

Chunhua had been standing aside and looking at Li's pinching Sun's people, and then she saw her mother's bottom and clothes oozing red, and she quickly shouted loudly.

Sun was pretending to be dizzy, and she felt very painful. At that time, she thought it was a fall, but she panicked and didn't care. Then she was pinched by Li. In pain, she put all her thoughts on fighting with Li's hand. It was not until she heard that Shen Zhang saw that she fainted and didn't At this time, she also felt that the pain in her lower body was a little abnormal. She felt something flowing out, and then she heard the cry of spring flowers. She panicked and shook off Li, who was still pinching her. With this force, another burst of pain came. When she saw the blood on her clothes, her eyes turned over and fainted again.

"This...isn't this a small birth, is it?!"

Li was thrown to the ground. Looking at the blood and shouting with her eyes open, she had seen a woman giving birth, just like this.

Needless to say, almost everyone understood what had happened when they saw the blood, and they were all busy immediately. The yard was in chaos for a while, and the crying of the children.

"What's the panic?! Stop it all!" Shen Zhang shouted and saw everyone stop. She frowned at Sun and said to Shen Ziping, "Take your daughter-in-law back to the room. Ask your eldest brother to call Dr. Huang. The eldest daughter-in-law, the second daughter-in-law, you take care of the third daughter-in-law. Zigui, go and call Aunt Fang. The rest of the people stay quietly and are not allowed to run around.

Hearing Shen Zhang's arrangement, everyone became organized.

Chunhua and Sanlang Shiro Goro all squeezed in front of the door of the room. Chunhua cried. Although several children were usually naughty, they were also scared at this time and cried loudly.

"Sister, sister, is my mother going to die? My mother has shed a lot of blood..."

"What nonsense, shut up!"

Chunhua scolded that although her mother was usually not as good to her three younger brothers, she didn't want her mother to die, and she couldn't listen to others.

The three younger brothers looked at the suddenly fierce spring flowers and dared not speak, but they still cried.

After a while, Aunt Fang came. She is the midwife of this village, and the woman still wants to find her. She came to check and said that although she saw the red, she just moved the fetal gas, and the child did not fall off. Everyone was relieved. After a while, Dr. Huang also came. He showed it to him and said that it was okay. He just needed to take some fetal protection medicine. He prescribed medicine.

After the two left, the Shen family fell into a dead silence. At this time, no one ate.

When it was getting dark, Sun woke up and turned around. She knew that she was pregnant, and she was overjoyed. She thought that the child would come in time, so that she would not have to be punished. However, thinking that she almost lost the child, she was afraid and angry. She hated Shen Zhangshi for punishing her, Shen Zhangshi betraying her, and Shen Zi'an telling the secret. Thinking that she couldn't forget it this time, she immediately cried loudly. She thought that she had a child with her now anyway, so she was not afraid at all.

Shen Zhangshi listened to Sun's scolding and looked pale.

Shen Zhu frowned and said, "She doesn't seem to have moved the fetus. This noisy door can scare the tiger to death. I think she is pretending! Didn't you see that her eyelids were moving when she was lying on the ground. When her second sister-in-law pinched her, her painful hands were blue.

"Well, I know that this mother-in-law has not been quiet for a day. If she is really pregnant with a child, she will be fearless. If it goes on and on, I'll still divorce her!"

When Shen Ziju heard his mother's cruel words, he said disapprovingly, "Mother, although the third sister-in-law is not good for women, she gave birth to four children for the Shen family, and now she has another one. If she divorces her, it will have a bad reputation for me. Mother, please take care of her."

Shen Zhang looked at her son and said, "Okay, you study hard. Don't you worry about your mother's work? I said this to scare her. I really want to divorce her, and I have to spend money to marry your second brother. Your nephews and nieces don't have their own mother to take care of them. How can I be so brainless?

Shen Ziju was relieved after listening to it. Although he despised this sharp third sister-in-law, as long as she didn't make too much trouble, he still had to be able to bear her. Anyway, in the future, he would leave this remote place when he became an official. No matter how much the stupid woman made trouble, it had nothing to

Sun made trouble for a while. Seeing that no one paid attention to her in the main room, she gasped.

Chunhua brought her a bowl of fish soup and said, "Mom, eat fish soup. Sanlang specially went to catch it for you."

"My good son, so good!" Sun boasted and drank fish soup in his mouth, but complained, "I almost died. Why don't you make some chicken soup for me to drink for the Shen family?"

Chunhua didn't say anything. How could she tell her mother that the chicken should be kept to lay eggs? Grandma didn't agree to kill the chicken. Which one of them dared to move?

Of course, Sun also knew it, and he was even more upset.

"Shut up if you have something to drink. You still want to eat chicken. I didn't send you to the woodshed to be hungry for three days this time. Just thank the baby in your stomach!"

Shen Ziping came into the room, saw the fish soup, sucked his saliva, and asked if there were any spring flowers. The spring flowers said it was in the kitchen. Shen Ziping asked her to put down the bowl and give him a bowl. Then he took the bowl and drank it. The angry Sun rolled his eyes and scolded him for being reborn.

"I really regret that I didn't do our plan earlier, otherwise I wouldn't have been told by your good fourth brother about sending me to the Li family's embroidery workshop! And my money! Three taels, it's so cheap! Fortunately, I didn't put the money together, otherwise I would want to die now!"

Shen Ziping sip fish soup while echoing. He also feels sorry for those silver, which is enough for him to drink as much wine and eat as much meat as he can.

"It's good that the money has been given. Don't think about it anymore. If you want revenge, just kick them out."

Sun Shi nodded and said, "Then you let those people hurry up, just take the reason why I moved the fetal gas. If you pretend to have a backache again, you won't believe this!"

"Ap, it's up to you. Cough, cough! The thorn hasn't been cleaned up. You'd better not drink it.

"I won't drink you, but I think it's beautiful!"

Sun grabbed the bowl in Sun Ting's hand and drank the rest of the fish soup in one breath. As a result, it was also stuck. While coughing, she scolded Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi in her heart. Thinking about these two mourning stars, she would have a bad time with them. She had to drive them out quickly!