Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 6 Chapter 12 Buying Land

Li Zheng's surname is Li, and his name is Li Decai. Except for the close elders who call him his name, others call him Li Zheng. From the fact that Shen Zi'an and Li Shi call him Uncle Li Zheng, it can be seen that they still have a good relationship.

Li Zheng has a son and a daughter. The daughter is married, and the son of the family has also married a daughter-in-law. Today, neither of them is at home. Their son stays at home. He is the little fat man, whose name is Tedzi. When he hears this name, he is very precious. He wants to be tied up

"Aunion Zhao, the bag you made is so delicious that my mother can't make it."

Zhezi ate the second dumpling, looked up at Su Zhi, and said obediently in a milky voice. The adults were happy to listen to it. This kind of little fat boy is the most pleasant.

Su Zhi touched his head and said, "This is called dumplings. My aunt will make something more delicious, and I will bring it to you later."

"That's so good."

Aunt Jinhua said with a smile. She looked at her grandson's delicious food and smelled the fragrance, which was really attractive. She also took one to eat. After the first bite, she felt that her saliva came out. She thought to herself that this daughter-in-law was really good at cooking. She had never heard of this dumpling, and it was This little lady is capable, it's true. It's better to have a better attitude towards Su Zhi.

"I heard that you changed your name to Su Zhi? Then I'll call you Su Zhi, too! Su Zhi, your dumplings are really good. I don't know if you can let my daughter-in-law learn from you?

"Yes, my sister-in-law will teach me if she wants to learn. It's all easy to do. I can do it as soon as I teach."

Su Zhi said with a smile that although dumplings are not available in this place, she does not intend to sell this to make money and teach others a good reputation and popularity, which is cost-effective! What's more, she came to buy land today! She looked at the smile on her daughter-in-law's face deeper and knew that she had done the right one.

"Then it's settled. Let's get down to business. I'll take this Tao boy to play.

Aunt Jinhua took dumplings and went to another room. She was smoking. He had just heard Shen Zi'an say where to buy the land. It was a big piece of land. He was thinking about how much money he wanted to sell. At this time, when he saw his mother-in-law and grandson walking away, Su Zhi also looked at him and put down the cigarette bag. I coughed.

"Although the land you bought is wasteland, it is not small. It has to be fifty or sixty acres of land. Well, we need ten taels of silver and one mu of silver here. That's the plowing field. What you bought is wasteland, only eight taels of silver per mu. What do you think?

Li Shi smiled and said, "Li Zhengbo, you also said that those lands are wasteland. Eight taels of silver are more. Everyone doesn't like the land on the east side of the river, and they don't like to grow crops. It is said that it is lower-class fields, which is less than lower-class fields. If the lower field is ten taels of silver, I won't say five taels, but it's only six taels at most. That's still arable land. Then there is no arable land. How can it be worth eight taels? I think it's only four taels at most!"

Su Zhi gave a thumbs up in her heart, thinking that Li Shi was a bargain. If you calculate it like this, it won't cost much money to buy that large piece of land.

Li Zheng coughed, took another puff of cigarette and said, "Your price is low. Although this land is a wasteland, it may not be a good land as long as it is ploughed. It's too little for four taels and one acre."

Shen Zi'an said, "Li Zhengbo, what you said is right, but isn't there no one farming? The large area in front of my house we want. But in the depression, and next to the bamboo forest, the sand quality of the land is more serious, and even the grass is not high. That piece of bamboo is not green with other places. In this way, you don't need money to let others grow it without the effort. If you ask them for money, I guess no one will buy it. What's more, it's such a big place.

"Zi'an is right."

Li Shi is beside him.

Li thought for a moment and said, "That land is not good, but there is a large bamboo forest, which is close to the mountain. Although the depression is not good, it can still grow rice."

Su Zhi thought for a moment and said with a smile, "Li Zhengbo, bamboo is everywhere in our mountains, and that large bamboo forest is not worth anything. Being close to the mountain has the advantages of being close to the mountain, but there are also disadvantages. There are beasts in the mountains. If there is no food this winter and run down the mountain, isn't it our bad luck? In my opinion, the depression is full of weeds. Even if you want to open it out to make a paddy field, the grass seeds are busy enough. Don't people say that there are thousands of years of fish seeds for thousands of years?"

Li Zheng has nothing to say. He also knows that the land is really not good. Even if it is planted for the villagers for nothing, no one is willing to suffer from it. Everyone is afraid that even if the land is raised for ten or eight years, it is not as good as the lower-class fields as those by the river.

Seeing that Li Zheng was speechless, Su Zhi added another dose of strong medicine and said, " Li Zhengbo, there is a large amount of land sale in this village, and it is still this kind of wasteland, which is also good for you. And at that time, I will really invite the holy beast, which is for the holy beast, and it also has a good reputation for our village.

When Li Zheng heard that this was the case, he raised his head and smiled and said, "I will take people to measure that large area of land. How many acres are counted as how many acres there are. This can't be careless. I'll give you four taels of silver for an acre of land.

Shen Zi'an, Su Zhi and Li Shi were very happy to hear that this is exactly half of the price.

Shen Zi'an and Li Zheng agreed to take someone to measure the land tomorrow morning, and then left and went home.

When he got home, it was already dark. The two had finished eating. Su Zhi packed up his things. Shen Zi'an took the nail hammer borrowed from Li Shi's house and began to repair the broken table. Before the furniture was hit, he could only use this first. After repairing it, Su Zhi lit a small oil lamp, took out the pen and ink and began to draw the structure of the house. Shen Zi'an sat aside and watched, and Su Zhi explained to him while drawing.

Su Zhi is not architecture, but she has seen villagers build houses in the countryside. Of course, she has also seen the drawings. She drew it by memory. Although it is not very fine, the general outline is not wrong. Looking at Shen Zi'an's expression, you can see that there is no three-dimensional house structure at this time, and even the craftsmen in the countryside don't even have a drawing, just relying on experience to build it. Such a drawing is enough.

"Daughter-in-law, you are so smart."

Shen Zi'an looked at his daughter-in-law's slender fingers and flexibly constructed one stroke after another. In just a short time, those lines turned into a house shelf, a standing room shelf, and he admired it very much. And his daughter-in-law's idea of the house impressed him even more. He thought that the house could be built like this, which was no worse than the houses of those rich people in the city!

Su Zhi's praise for Shen Zi'an will still blush slightly now, but it's natural. He looked at him and said, "My father-in-law is also very smart, but you don't have time to learn. If you want to learn, I will teach you in the future. You won't feel that

Su Zhi knew that Shen Zi'an could read, but she couldn't fully recognize it. She felt that Shen Zi'an was very smart and smart, and as long as it was the food she had cooked, he could learn it. If this kind of person was cultivated from an early age, he must be a talent. She doesn't expect her father-in-law to be an official or anything. She just hopes that he can be more confident and make their lives more prosperous together in the future.

Shen Zi'an smiled and said, "I don't feel shameless now. With such a smart daughter-in-law, my face is shining. Teach me when you are free. I can't humiliate you.

The two continued to draw the picture with a joke, until Su Zhi finished drawing the picture, and then rested.

Shen Zi'an hugged his daughter-in-law and felt her breath. His heart was hot and itchy. He thought that his daughter-in-law's illness was almost healed. After the house was built, he would clean up their room well and replenish his daughter-in-law with a big red new house. At that time, the wedding night should

The next day, I was bringing someone to measure the land and was busy. Finally, I measured 65 mu of land, and I needed to pay a total of 260 taels of silver.

To buy and sell land here, you not only need to write a deed with the person who sells the land, but also go to the government to write a deed and keep the file.

Shen Zi'an bought the wasteland. As long as he went to the government office, he would go there. Of course, the village's Lizheng and the middleman who had a file in the government, that is, the tooth man, also wanted to go. Shen Zi'an drove the ox cart to take Lizheng and the tooth people to the county

Shen Zi'an invited Li Zheng and Ya Ren and the officials who helped him to go to the restaurant for a meal. Then he rushed home in the afternoon. When he arrived at home, he gave the deed to Su Zhi, and walked around with Su Zhi in his arms.

"Daughter-in-law, we are going to have a big house and a big yard!"

Su Zhi was also very happy. After Shen Zi'an put her down, he hugged him and kissed him, and then went into the room with the land deed. Shen Zi'an touched his face and smiled a little stupidly. Then he happily put the cow down from the car and tied it up before entering the room. Seeing that his daughter-in-law

After buying the land, it's time to start buying materials to find someone.

Li Shi helped to ask the people in the village for help. Although he had been away from the village for many years, he was righteous. When he came back, he got along well with the people in the village. Of course, Shen Zi'an is not bad. Shen Zi'an wanted to build a house. Li Shiyi called people, and a large group of people came. Shen Zi'an looked at the honest and willing villagers. He left them all behind. If the house is to be built, there will be more people soon. What's more, he plans to circle dozens of acres of land. The wall project is very large, and

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi discussed that the salary was 75 yuan per person a day, and generally 60 yuan per person per day to build a house. Because it was all in the village, Shen Zi'an was afraid that Su Zhi would be tired, so he decided to ignore the meal, so he gave him an extra 15 yuan for the meal. The price is high. Which man can eat 15 yuan a meal? Other people's families only give 65 points for meals, and the higher one only gives 70 points!

Hearing this salary, there were many men in the village running to look for work. The men of the Shen family also came, but Shen Zifu and Shen Zigui came to help, but Shen Ziping came to take advantage of it. ( To be continued) Q