Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 142 Silang is more than a foodie

As soon as Sun heard that the cry was Silang, she was immediately anxious and ran out quickly. Although Wang mocked Sun just now, she didn't know what had happened. She thought that it would have anything to do with her children, and she was also worried, so she followed her.

Li's idea is naturally the same. Although her family is full of girls, these girls are always at peace with the boys in the third room, especially Chuncao. Sometimes she can beat Shiro Goro, so when Shiro cries, she is also panicked. If it really has something to do with her daughter, it doesn't matter. It's right or wrong. This New Year's fight also made people cry. This is unlucky, which ruined the festive mood of my parents-in-law, and then it will be a good meal.

"Fourth sister-in-law, I'll go and have a look, too."

Li said to Su Zhi and walked out. She wiped her hands hard on the apron. Obviously, she was very nervous. At this time, Chunyun cried again in the yard, and she immediately ran out.

Su Zhi sighed in her heart, thinking that no matter what the people in this family are, she can at least spend this year in this superficial and happy atmosphere, so that she can also feel the festive atmosphere. Unexpectedly, she came with a smile on her face, and the festive atmosphere was still destroyed by others. As soon as she heard Silang's crying, she knew that the people with three rooms had provoked him first. Really, although the old couple of the Shen family and Shen Zhu and Shen Ziju are not so pleasing, they will still hide one or two. These three rooms are annoying anytime and anywhere.

Su Zhi walked out while thinking about it. She stood by the door and only took a few steps. Standing in front of the door, you can see what happened in the yard.

"The Spring Festival, you don't want me to have a comfortable time! Shut up!"

Shen Youfu's voice sounded when Su Zhi walked to the door, and his voice was not too loud. It seems that I don't want to be heard. Thinking about it, I was heard to make trouble at home during the Spring Festival. This reputation is not good. The little baby cried and was heard that he fell or lost his temper. If the adult participated, it would be a joke. In particular, there is a long-tongued woman living next to the Shen family. If she is heard, it will not be long before the whole village will know it.

Su Zhi saw Shen Youfu standing at the door of the hall, looking at the people in the yard with a bad face, and there was a little trouble in her heart. But soon she thought about seeing what had happened.

In the yard, I saw Silang standing there crying, but he had stopped, because Dalang had just told him not to cry. He didn't like to be heard crying during the Spring Festival. Although Silang is small. I also knew this rule, and I was crying there. Sun stood next to him and was asking what had happened.

Chunyun on the other side was also crying, and his little face was now red, sobbing constantly, and was aggrievedly held in Li's arms. Li was patting her on the back sadly, so that she couldn't cry and couldn't breathe.

The third room stood aside, the second room stood in a group, and the people in the big room stood in the middle. Everyone's face is not good, so it can be seen at a glance that there is a contradiction between the two-bedroom and the three-bedroom, and the big house is a pull-in.

"Sir, during the Spring Festival, don't be angry and go to the house. It's easy to talk when you enter the room.

Shen Zhang persuaded Shen Youfu, and then said to the people in the yard, "Zifu, you brothers come here with your children, and you guys go to cook. What a big thing can bring you all out. I have to sacrifice to my ancestors later. Everything is almost ready!"

Wang answered and called Sun and Li to go back to the kitchen.

Sun also knew what had happened. He didn't want to go over and talk about it, so he immediately walked to the kitchen happily. Li felt sorry for Chunyun, but he still gave Chunyun to Chunyue and followed him.

Although Shen Youfu stopped the noise in the yard, Su Zhi still heard what was going on. It seemed that Silang looked at several girls in the second room in the big room and ran to the second room. As a result, he was seen by the spring grass that was running back to get things. Seeing that Silang not only took it in his hand. With their snacks, there was also a drum in his arms, so he rushed over to tear him up, but Silang pushed her away and ran out of the door. As a result, Chunyun, who ran back from outside to find the spring grass, hit him. He also fell down and was caught by the spring grass behind him. Naturally, he took out the bag he stole from

When Silang saw that he was found stealing something, he was afraid of being beaten, so he immediately cried. Chunyun just fell and cried in pain, which made everyone in the room come out.

Su Zhi thought to herself that she thought Silang was just a glutton, but she didn't expect to steal other people's things. It seems that the Sun couple is really a failure in education. Oh, it can also be said that the education is too successful. In a word, Su Zhi was not happy with the three rooms. She thought that she should also guard against them in the future and not be stolen.

In the kitchen, Wang stared at Sun and said, "I always lose things, saying that it was stolen by your son, and you also said that I was talking nonsense and saying that I wanted to catch the thief!" What did you say this time? Silang was caught stealing! How do you think you discipline your son? You can steal things at such a young age, and you can still do it in the future?! If the Shen family has such a baby, will it be shameless in the future?!"

Sun actually knew for a long time that Silang could steal things, which was taught by her. In her opinion, taking advantage of other people's things is taking advantage of others. If a child takes his family's things, he can't steal it at all. Even if he is found, he can say a few words at most.

Not only Shiro, but also Sanlang took other people's things. They have never been caught, which also made the Sun family gradually not afraid. Looking at those white things, she felt that there was nothing to be found. At worst, it was a quarrel and a piece of meat was indispensable, so she indulged them and even supported them.

It's just that Sun didn't expect that Silang failed during the Spring Festival and was actually caught. Not only was he caught, but what he stole this time was not his favorite food to steal, but silver money. It seemed that the amount of silver money was still a lot! Thinking of Shen Youfu's face when she heard Silang stealing, she was also worried that it was a small matter at ordinary times. On such a festive day, it may not be a small matter!

Sun Shi was anxious. Hearing Wang Shut down on her, she was as angry as if she had been poured with oil. She immediately threw the potatoes in her hand and said loudly, "What's the matter with my son that you lost something before?" I haven't caught it again! Are you going to rely on my son for all the things you lost before I gave birth to Sanlang?! Maybe I didn't lose it. I just want to rely on me. Don't think I don't know! If you say you lost something, and I said I lost it too, just say it was taken by your Dalang Erlang!"

Wang Shi stared angrily and said, "How well-behaved my eldest brother Erlang is. That's what everyone in the village knows. Unlike your child, his hands are not honest! I advise you to discipline them well. Now that they are still young, this is their own family, and they will not do anything to them. If they grow up and become thieves everywhere, they will cut off their hands! Don't blame your parents for driving you out of the house. The Shen family should not be the descendants of thieves!"

"You also said that it's all your own family. How can it be considered stealing to take your own family's things? Sister-in-law, pay attention to what you say. If you ruin your son's reputation, I will never end with you!"

Su Zhi thought that he really saw it. The Sun family's face was really unusually thick. Not only was his son not ashamed of stealing something, but he said here that it was not stealing. Sanlang and others had such parents, and it was really inevitable that they were crooked.

Wang Shi sneered and said, "Since you said so, why did Chunlan take a wisp of green thread from Pearl's place? Did you still say that it was stolen from you?! Why didn't you say that your niece used her aunt's things and it was not stolen? Besides, Chunlan didn't take yours at that time!"

Sun Shi was shocked and thought that it had been a long time. How could this man still remember it so clearly? He really remembers revenge.

Li has been silent. At this time, she also said, "Third sister-in-law, we have already separated, and we are not a family with you. We can't let your children take our things for nothing. Please discipline your children in the future and don't take our things with money again. If there is another time, That's really stolen!"

Li's eyes stared at Sun, thinking that he was really going to move away soon. There was really no way to live here.

Sun didn't expect Li to be so tough today. He was stunned for a moment, then lowered his face and curled his lips and said, "Speaking of separation, you have money. The silver money came really fast enough. Just now, I saw that the amount of the money bag was not light. I think it is not only copper money, but also You have only been separated for a few days, and you are lucky enough to have a private house? Let's save it secretly! At a loss, you still have the nerve to say that you have never hidden private money, and now it has been exposed. If it weren't for my Shiro, you don't know how long you will lie to your parents. Maybe you will think that I will treat you badly. You are really kind.

As Sun said, it suddenly occurred to her that yes, she could say that Silang found the private money of the second house, so she went to look for it secretly, not stealing. Maybe her parents would see that Silang found the private money of the second house and no longer fined Silang. Maybe I will remember a credit!

Sun Shi thought so and immediately ran outside.

Su Zhi looked at Sun's face and heard what she had just said. She vaguely guessed her plan and immediately stopped her, thinking that she could not be allowed to talk nonsense. ( To be continued) RQ