Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 143 Private Money Storm

Su Zhi stopped Sun and said, "Third sister-in-law, where are you going? My parents said they would let me cook. Hurry up and work! Didn't Dad say that he still wanted to prepare something to sacrifice to his ancestors? We are very busy. Dad didn't let us as a daughter-in-law over there. Don't go there. Let's do this mess!"

Wang also said, "Do your work! Don't forget that we just helped, and you were punished by your parents.

Sun said, "I'll be back in a minute. You do it first."

Su Zhi said, "Third sister-in-law, no matter what you have to do, cut those potatoes first. I don't think anything is as important as our New Year's dinner or tomorrow's ancestor worship!"

Sun Shi looked at Su Zhi and thought about why Su Zhi was so in the way. She wanted to push Su Zhi away, but looking at the smile on Su Zhi's face, she didn't dare to do it. Now Su Zhi is no longer the sick and ugly ghost in the past. She doesn't want to offend Su Zhi, but also wants to

"Fourth brother-in-law, I really have something important to tell my parents. Just let me go over, and I'll be back as soon as I turn around."

Sun said kindly, trying to find the right opportunity to rush out in front of Su Zhi's face. If she doesn't go there, after the matter in the upper room is over, she asked Silang to say that it's not stealing, but just want to find the private money of the second room. It's a step too late. She is

Wang Shi cut the vegetables and hummed, "Turn around? I know that you always turn around and don't know where to rest! You work here honestly. Today, Silang caught the thief and caught the stolen. It's useless for you to think about how to say good words.

Sun frowned and said, "Sister-in-law. You don't want a thief on the left and a thief on the right. That's your nephew. You always call him a thief. What's wrong with your face? Dad just called them in, but he didn't want to be heard by others. You always say that if I hear bad words about my Silang being a thief elsewhere in the future, I will say that you spread it!"

Wang chopped the kitchen knife hard on the chopping board. He stared and said, "Are you afraid that people will say it after doing this? This is at home, not outside! Besides, are you afraid that I will say it? I don't need to tell you outside. Someone would have known that your Sanlang Silang's hands and feet are not clean. Last time, the flower woman came to you and said that your Silang had stolen the eggs laid by her chicken. Did you still quarrel about this? And Uncle Zhang. There is also Song San's mother-in-law's family. If you don't remember it, I can remember it for you. It's because it's all the Shen family. That's my nephew, which makes me feel ashamed together! Do you still have the nerve to say that I'm going to pass it on? I don't have to say it at all!"

Su Zhi stood aside and listened. It turns out that Sanlang Silang not only steals the house, but also dares to steal the outside. The sister-in-law knows these things, and everyone else in the family must also know. It seems that Silang will be punished properly today. The old man Shen Youfu attaches so much importance to fame. In order not to let Shen Ziju have such a nephew who has been rumored to be a thief, he has to take care of it.

Sun was a little swayed by Wang's roar, and she was anxious to go to the house again. She thought that even if she could not let Silang get rid of the fact of stealing. It also has to make the old man realize that the second house has already saved private money. Maybe the second house can be divided at that time. If they divide less, they get more benefits here. What's more, the silver money that Silang just took can be returned to the public. At that time, there will be more money in the public. Even if they don't give it to them, they can also take this as a reason. When Shen Ziju said that he needed money to take the exam, they will no longer pay money!

When Sun thought of this, he came to his spirit again.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, I said something wrong. Don't mention this anymore. I have a stomachache now. Let me go out. I will definitely come back as soon as I turn around! Fourth sister-in-law, get out of the way!"

Sun pretended to have a stomachache and covered her stomach, thinking that as long as she went out of this door, she would go up to the room, and they couldn't stop it.

"Third sister-in-law, your stomach hurts fast enough. If you don't let you go to the room, you will say that you have a stomachache?" Li stopped her work, looked at her with a calm face, and said, "Are you pretending? Do you want to go to the house and tell your parents that we have saved private money?

Su Zhi thought that Li Shi really guessed the Sun family's idea. Now let's talk about it. Let's see how she deal with the Sun family and what the Sun family says. This is a matter between the two of them, and she doesn't want to care too much.

Sun Shi was told her plan by Li Shi, and her face was a little embarrassed, but she was thick-skinned and soon calmed down again. She raised the corners of her eyes and was not in a hurry to go to the room. The main reason was that she felt that Shiro must have admitted stealing things now. Then it's okay to talk about the private money hidden in the second room later. Originally, she wanted to expose it first. Now that the second wife took the initiative to propose it, she would save her from being the villain. She said that the second wife was a thief and said it herself. Isn't it better?

"Oh, second sister-in-law, I didn't want to say that. You think I'm too bad! It really makes me so sad!"

Sun said and pretended to wipe the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand. Unfortunately, there was no tears at all. It was a little fake. She didn't care. As soon as her hand was put down, her face turned a little ugly.

"But second sister-in-law, when you say so, I think this is really a matter! The money bag just now looks very large, and there seems to be a large piece of silver in it! It's just a few days after you, and you have so much money in your hands? This is not a private room, what is this?!"

"Sister-in-law, do you think what I said is reasonable? The second sister-in-law is hiding her heart behind our father, our mother and us in private. How long has it been to save so much money? The parents at a loss also say that they are the most honest and filial. They say that whoever hides private money, they will not hide it. This is really a compliment on the dog. I think they are the best at hiding money! Sister-in-law, let's go and tell our parents about this!"

Li pointed to Sun angrily and said, "Don't talk nonsense. That silver money was saved by our family after our family divided the family. It's not like what you said!"

"How can you make so much money in such a short time? Don't coax me like a child. Tell your parents about this, and your parents won't believe it. If you have such a lie, go and talk to your parents!"

Sun Shi snorted and wanted to go outside again. As a result, she found that Su Zhi was still in the way. She immediately said, "Fourth sister-in-law, get out of the way. I'm going to expose to my parents about the second brother and second sister-in-law hiding money. This is a big deal!"

Su Zhi looked at Sun's stomach with a smile and said, "Third sister-in-law, doesn't your stomach hurt? It really hurts fast, and it doesn't hurt fast.

Sun Shi thought that she had just pretended to have a stomachache, but she actually forgot to continue pretending, which made Su Zhi laugh. She was thick-skinned enough. She only scolded herself in her heart, and then snorted twice, and her face was not red at all.

"Fourth sister-in-law, let's not mention that. You let me out quickly."

Sun said so, and then she stopped talking nonsense and went straight to the outside. She broke in so hard that Su Zhi really didn't stop her, so she let her break through.

Li saw that Sun ran out, her face was a little anxious, and she followed her out. She thought that she couldn't let Sun talk nonsense in the upper room.

Su Zhi comforted, "Second sister-in-law, don't worry, let her say it. Anyway, your money is in the right way, and she won't affect you."

Li said, "I know so, but this Sun's mouth is so hateful that I'm afraid that my parents-in-law will still believe her words."

Su Zhi said, "It's okay. I'll protect you. I just ask you, is that all the money in your hand?"

Li shook his head and said, "Half of it is fifty cents and more than three taels of broken silver. The box at home is unlocked. I dare not put these, so I hid them in the corner of the kang. I didn't expect that Silang could find it!"

Wang said, "I think he has seen someone hide things there, so he looked for it there. Fortunately, you didn't hide all your money in one place. This is less than four taels of silver money. It's a good explanation. Let's say that she gave you in advance to help the fourth sister-in-law do the work these days. Anyway, the business we spent on is also known by others. Let's talk about this!"

Su Zhi nodded and said, "Let's do it this way. Just say that you helped me make the first money. I gave you the money. In addition to what I did before, it's not very suspicious to have this money."

Li's heart calmed down and thanked Su Zhi and Wang. Then the three of them didn't stay in the kitchen and went to the house together.

In the upper room, everyone was in the hall. Except for Mr. Shen and Mr. Shen Zhang, the rest were standing on both sides, and the children were standing on the outside.

As soon as Su Zhi entered, she saw Xiaohei running inside. Chunyun squatted on the ground and waved to it. The scene was not in harmony with the serious atmosphere inside, but no one wanted to drive Xiaohei out, because the white wolf was also standing aside. Su Zhi knew at a glance that it was Xiaohei who was coming in. In the end, the three had no choice but to follow up. She hasn't seen this holy beast in her family, which is fierce or not fierce, but it is very certain that she loves her daughter-in-law and the cub. No matter how naughty Xiaohei is, as long as it is not a dangerous thing, it will indulge, not to mention just entering such a room.

Su Zhi saw Xiao Hei running over and bent down to pick it up. It has been much heavier recently, but she still likes to hold it warmly.

Chunyun looked at Su Zhi holding Xiaohei enviously, saw Su Zhi coming to her side, and then reached out to touch Xiaohei's tail.

Shen Zi'an picked up Xiao Hei from Su Zhi's arms. He was afraid of tiring Su Zhi.

Su Zhi smiled, and then looked at the situation in the room. When she came in just now, she was blocked by a group of children in front of her. Now when she stood on the side, she saw the situation inside. She saw Shen Ziping and Silang kneeling, and Sun also knelt aside. She thought that Sun was not a person who loved He was angered without saying anything. ( To be continued) RQ