Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 146 This daughter-in-law is too difficult to do

Su Zhi told them about the first time. She can't talk about the matter of making up the head. As soon as the head is spent, she can learn it, and the space to make money in the future will be small. Just say it, but the end can't say it now. If you say it, as long as there is a kind of difficult She knew that the people of the Shen family would not be as easy to be satisfied as tree roots and sisters-in-law. Su Zhi doesn't want to get into trouble yet.

"Fourth sister-in-law, can this flower make so much money?"

Shen Zhu asked in surprise. She had also seen the flower on the heads of several girls. She heard that it only cost two cents a piece. She looked at it and saw that it was cloth. Although she thought it was beautiful, it was not gold and silver. It was not as beautiful as the silver steps and gilt hairpins on her head, so What's up?

The Shen family also knew that Wang's Li and Su Zhi both sold their heads, but they didn't know that this head could sell so much money. Seeing that Li made so much, it was still in just a few days, others must have made the same amount!

Su Zhi nodded and said, "It's still making money, but it's not easy to break. There are so many people here. After others buy it, they won't buy it again, so it's been sold several times, and after most people have bought it, it's not so easy to sell. And others have also begun to sell, and we can't sell much money even if we sell it again. We won't sell it after the New Year. Even if we sell it again, we just do less.

Shen Zhangshi was very happy to hear that this spend so much money just now. He thought that if he took it to his family to do it, it would also be an income. Unexpectedly, he was only happy for a while, and heard Su Zhi say that the business was not done. Isn't it just that he had no money to make money? She was disappointed again.

Shen Zhu is not so disappointed. In her heart, she didn't see this little head flower, and naturally she didn't point to this to make a fortune, but it was too timely to think that the second sister-in-law made money, after deciding to separate the family. If it was before the separation, wouldn't it be possible to return to the public center?

"Sister-in-law, I heard that your flowers have sold several episodes, right?"

Shen Zhu asked. It seems that he just asked curiously.

Li's face changed, because when they began to sell their heads, it seemed that there was still no separation. This money when there was no separation should also be regarded as the public, right?

Sun Shi also thought of it and said with a smile, "I seem to remember several episodes when my sister-in-law and second sister-in-law went to work at the tree root sister-in-law when she was a child. The family hasn't separated yet, so the money should be in the public. By the way, sister-in-law, since the second sister-in-law can make so much money, you can also make so much money, right? Why do you only pay a little money every time you come back? Isn't it that you also hid your private room?

Wang's heart jumped. Thinking that I just picked out the Li family just now, I forgot that I also went to work together!

Su Zhi didn't wait for Wang to say anything. She said, "Third sister-in-law, don't wrong your sister-in-law. It's not good for you to know the first one and guess the other in such a hurry. Just like just now, you only thought that these money were the second sister-in-law' After the money. It's not private money. Now you take it for granted that the sister-in-law should have so much money like the second sister-in-law, and it is also regarded as her hiding private money. Your random guess will bring trouble to the family, causing discord in the family, and the parents will be sad. Brother, if you are suspicious, there will be a big mess!"

Sun said, "How can I guess randomly? Just now, Pearl thought that the second sister-in-law had not separated her family when she sold these flowers, so the money should be in the public, which is the private money she hid. The sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law go to work together. The sister-in-law is not more stupid than the second sister-in-law. She must have earned as much money as the second sister-in-law. The second sister-in-law has so much money, and the sister-in-law should be so much. The second sister-in-law's private money, and the sister-in-law has never mentioned the division at all, which is even more hidden in the private money! You said I guessed randomly. Why did I guess randomly?

Both Li and Wang looked at Su Zhi, hoping that she could come up with a good excuse, or they would really lose their money and have a reputation for hiding private money.

Su Zhi said, "This flower came out of my mind. At that time, I found my sister-in-law, second sister-in-law and Shugen sister-in-law to help me do it together. I taught them how to do it, and then gave them the salary, and I think the sister-in-law and second sister-in- None of them is hiding private money.

Shen Zhang nodded and said, "Yes, both of them give me the money every day."

Shen Zhu asked, "Then the fourth sister-in-law, why does the second sister-in-law have so much money in her hand?"

Su Zhi said, "That's because the second sister-in-law broke up later. I think she will move out after the New Year. At that time, she will either buy a house or build a house, but she has no money in her hand. I just wanted to help my second brother and second sister-in-law. I saw that the second sister-in-law's head flower was very beautiful, so I asked her to come up with more, and then as long as she came up with a few more, I would let her do those only, and then let her do that kind of head, and she would naturally make

Li and Wang both think that Su Zhi is smart in their hearts. This reason is very good.

Sun was unwilling to ask, "You asked the second sister-in-law to come up with a new way to do it alone, so can the sister-in-law? You can't let the two of them earn different jobs! Then sister-in-law, you must have made a lot of money, right?

Wang said with a straight face, "I'm going to help with the work. If I all come to work, what will happen?" The fourth sister-in-law is helping the second sister-in-law, and I don't need to help. Besides, I don't have such a good brain to think about the new head! If you can think about it, you can do it yourself!"

Sun didn't say anything when he heard it.

Su Zhi said, "Third sister-in-law, don't believe in the sister-in-law. She really just took the salary, just like the other sisters-in-law. You can't talk nonsense when you go outside. They all get the same salary. If you talk about it, their family will not think that they have made a fortune? If you start a fight in other people's homes, that's what you have done.

Although Shen Zhang didn't believe what Su Zhi said in her heart, what Su Zhi said was flawless at all, and she could only choose to believe it.

"Daughter-in-law Ziping, don't talk nonsense outside in the future. If I hear that selling money can make a lot of money, I will come to you."

Sun was reluctant to nod, thinking that the money would return to the second room like this? There are also big houses. They must have money in their hands!

Shen Zi raised his hand and said, "Today is the Spring Festival, brothers, sisters-in-law and sisters are not happy or worth making trouble because of such a thing. Let's put this go in advance. Let's have a reunion dinner together."

Shen Zhu also smiled and said, "Brother is right. I'm hungry. Let's have a reunion dinner."

Shen Youfu's face turned a little better and said, "What should you do? This year, if you have another unhappy thing, get out of here."

A group of people answered and then walked out.

Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang went into the inner room together and sat on the kang. Shen Youfu smoked again, and his face was a little gloomy. His mood was ruined because of what had happened just now.

"Sir, don't be angry. It's not worth it to be angry about this. Anyway, they are all their own sons and grandchildren. It's not that I didn't lose my face outside. If you take care of it quickly, there won't be any big trouble.

Shen Zhang comforted Shen Youfu, and then she sighed and said, "What worries me is that Zi'an's daughter-in-law. This daughter-in-law is so good. No wonder Zi'an was firmly held in her hand, and now she is no one with us. If it weren't for her, Zi'an wouldn't have to separate it. How good would it be for our family to live and Lele now? Look at it now, Zi'an has made money, but he holds it to death. At the beginning, he didn't even give it to Ziju. If it had been in the past, how could he have been like this?

Shen Youfu snorted. When he thought of Su Zhi's words and pushed him back, his heart was on fire. Even if this daughter-in-law was passed down to be blessed, he still thought that even if he was blessed, it was not related to himself, it was also the broom star of the Shen family!

Shen Zhangshi saw that Shen Youfu also agreed with his own words and continued to say, "I don't want to separate my son from the bottom of my heart. Although he didn't come out of my stomach, I watched him grow up and see him grow from such a small man to such a handsome life. I feel sorry for him. I just didn't expect that he would be separated for his daughter-in-law in the end. I feel uncomfortable in my heart.

Shen Youfu looked at Shen Zhang and found that although she was no longer the pretish girl in the past, she was still full of charm. Most importantly, she was still so gentle and considerate, and his gloomy face eased a little.

"Don't feel bad. This is his life. He is doing well now. He should remember your kindness."

Shen Zhang smiled at Shen Youfu and said, "Zi'an is doing well. I'm at ease. I just hope his daughter-in-law won't let him stay away from us. Now, I only regret splitting the second family. At that time, if I didn't separate him, he was going to go crazy, but if I separated him, my heart was empty and I always wanted to pull him back. Just now, I thought that if it was true that they had hidden private money, I would follow this matter and mess up their separation. Then we can live happily together again. But I didn't expect to be cut off by Zi'an's daughter-in-law again. My heart is really hurt."

Shen Youfu looked at the disappeared smile on Shen Zhang's face and said, "This fourth daughter-in-law is a ghost. If there is a chance, she has to rectify her and let her know what obedience is. Don't worry about the second family. It's okay to separate them. I thought about it today. It's better to separate them all.

Shen Zhangshi was stunned when he heard it, thinking about what the old man thought, why did he want to divide it out?! ( To be continued) RQ