Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 147 The Secret Wang Hears

Shen Zhang was stunned when she heard Shen Youfu's words. She didn't expect that when she was thinking about how to get her sons together again, the old man was completely opposite to what she thought, but she was not a fool. With just a turn in her mind, she understood what Shen Youfu was thinking.

Shen Youfu took a sip of cigarette fiercely and said, "You have seen what happened today. The old couple is getting more and more ridiculous. Not only the two of them are crooked, but even the children they raised are crooked. I saw that none of their three sons and one daughter can be talented in the future, but they can cause trouble We are getting older and older in the future. We really can't control them. It's also angry to let them stay with us. It's better to divide them out.

Shen Zhang nodded. For the third room, she had already seen that no one can be a big deal. On the contrary, it is the burden of this family. But after all, it is her son. She still wants to be around. It's good for the whole family to be lively. She likes the appearance of many people, and she is in charge of a

"Are you worried about dragging down the three rooms in the future? Don't worry too much. As long as we take good care of them, nothing will happen. If they are separated, they will not live a good life, and no one will care about them. At that time, it may be more trouble. Didn't it cause more trouble for Ziju at that time?"

After listening to Shen Zhang's words, Shen Youfu also felt that it made sense.

Seeing that Shen Youfu stopped talking, Shen Zhang continued to say, "Look again. Lao San and others just like to take advantage of it. At that time, they will have a lot of money at home, and they will have a lot of money. Naturally, I won't care about those small profits anymore. You don't like the three rooms now, and you want to divide them out. What about the big house? Are we going to spend time with Zifu and others and separate them? Let's spend time with Ziju. Divide the Zifu and them out? You must want to live with Ziju, and it must be Zifu. But Ziju hasn't gone to the capital yet, and Pearl hasn't married yet. We all have to point to them. If we separate, it won't be convenient.

Shen Zhang's series of words completely dispelled Shen Youfu's idea.

"Alas, it's really not worry-free."

Shen Youfu sighed, sucking too hard, and coughed up.

Shen Zhang hurried to pat him on the back. Some said unhappily, "What's the matter? I gave birth to these children for you, do you still think so much? So you married me in order to have a baby? Let me take the name of this queen over the years, which is also in the countryside. If it is in the city, this wife will be the wife again. That's also a concubine. I have suffered such a great grievance for you, and I have passed on to your old Shen family. Do you still feel unrgent?

Although Shen Zhang said something to complain, the voice was gentle and slow, no anger, only a trace of grievance, just like the dry smoke, strands of it. It's a little choking, but it makes people feel comfortable.

Shen Youfu patted Shen Zhang's knee and said, "What the hell are you talking about? You have given birth to so many children for me. You are my wife. What concubine? Don't mention the unhappy thing during the Spring Festival. Let me talk about it, too. Even if I don't worry, I'm happy.

Shen Zhang's face showed a smile, and then said sadly, "The eldest sister never had a baby at the beginning, so I married you. If I knew that she could give birth, I wouldn't marry you. She passed away so early. I have always felt sorry for her. It has always been right. Zi'an is fine, but Zi'an seems to call my mother, but he doesn't treat me as his mother in his heart. Sometimes I think that when the eldest sister passed away, he was already old. Did he hate me?

"He has that kind of nature, isn't he the same to me? You are good enough to him. I thank you in my heart. As for him, if I dare not treat you as my mother, I will break his leg.

Shen Youfu said that thinking of Shen Zi'an's son, he was also annoyed for a while. The son had not kissed him since he was a child. He always had such a cold face. His mother was really angry with him.

"Zi'an is not bad, but he is too obedient to his daughter-in-law. You should also be nice to him in the future. Don't let him always feel that his family is not good, then he will go to kiss his daughter-in-law."

"Well, it's all his mother. The son he taught is disobedient. He ordered such a daughter-in-law for his son, which makes Lao Si even more disobedient. This woman really doesn't make me feel comfortable to live, and she won't let me live in peace when I die! If I had known this, I should have let her die a few years earlier, so that Lao Si would not have been so disobedient, and there would be such a daughter-in-law who could cause trouble!"

"Okay, okay, don't let others hear this. Besides, the elder sister has gone, so don't say this anymore. You hurt your body carefully.

Shen Zhang handed the tobacco to Shen Youfu again. Her thoughtfulness made Shen Youfu feel better. Thinking that her wife was like this, she was content in this life.

Wang stood outside the door, listening to the conversation between Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang, and frowned tightly. She didn't hear them speak ill of herself, but felt that Shen Youfu's words were so strange. What should have made her die a few years earlier? Listen to this, why is it so scary?

Because of panic, Wang took a step back, touched the corner of the chair beside him, and made a sound.

"Who's outside?"

Shen Zhangshi asked inside, and her voice was a little sharp. Su Zhi thought that she could not let them know that she had just heard what they had just said, so she hurriedly retreated to the edge of the door, and then stood on the edge of the door and spoke, so that the people inside would think that she had just walked to the door, and That's what we said.

"Dad, mom, it's me. I want to ask, is the fish at home made into pickled fish or braised fish?"

"Make it into fish with pickled cabbage and sour, and there is some soup, which is hot to drink."

Shen Zhang said in it, Wang answered, and then turned around and left, but she was still thinking about what she had just heard, and there was a lot of doubts in her heart.

"Four brothers and sisters, let's make this fish into sauerkraut fish. My mother said that it's hot to drink this soup and get more soup."

After Wang finished speaking, she helped clean up the pickled cabbage. While working, she thought about what Shen Youfu had just said, and Shen Youfu said, 'I really should have let her die a few years earlier'. She thought that the fourth brother's mother died very early. Does it have anything to do with her father-in-law? My father-in-law said that he should have died a few years earlier, so did he do it? Does he feel that it's too late to do it, or he didn't do it, but he just felt that he should do it early?

"Sister-in-law, this pickled cabbage is going to make you break."

Sun looked at Wang's continuous cutting and cutting of the pickled cabbage in her hand, which was out of shape, and laughed at her. She had never seen Wang's absent-mindedness when she was cooking.

Only then did Wang find that she was absent-minded. Her heart was stunned and thought that she could not do this anymore. If she let Sun's mouth talk nonsense and let her father and mother know that she had eavesdropped what they said, if there was really something that others could not hear from them, she would not become a thorn in their I still rot everything I hear into my stomach!

"What do you know? This pickled cabbage needs to be cut so that it tastes delicious. Go and do your work. If you hadn't caused trouble today, we would have cooked the meal early. Also, today you want your parents to think that I have hidden my private money. Don't think I will forget it. Let's wait and see!"

The Wang family stared at the Sun family and threatened. Today, because of the Sun family, the business of the head flower was sold out, and almost her private money was also made public. Now she is not a nose but an eye for the Sun family, and she thinks that she can't be polite to the Sun family in the future.

Sun's neck shrank and said unconvincedly, "I don't believe that you didn't hide your private money. What the fourth sister-in-law said today may be true. If you are serious, we can't say it's false. If you really want to be your parents, you will believe it. They just don't care about you. You should also be careful. Sooner or later, you will find that you have hidden private money. Let's see what you say then!"

Li said in a low voice, "It's none of your business, but you have more private money than us, right? If you can't get along with us, we will fight to death, and we have to let you have bad luck together! If you don't believe it, let's try it. I'll risk it.

Su Zhi moved the dishes in the pot and advised, "Okay, don't quarrel with a few sisters-in-law. Today is the Spring Festival. Don't make all the joy."

Sun said aside, "No, don't quarrel during the Spring Festival. Fourth sister-in-law, waiting for you to have that profitable business, call me, and my hands are also skillful.

Su Zhi only smiled and said no words.

Chunlan and others were playing in the yard. Xiaohei ran around happily. Xiaobai and Bai Wolf Dahei stood in the same place and watched Xiaohei play.

Laughter in the yard.

After lunch, Su Zhi helped prepare things for tomorrow's ancestor worship, and then left with Shen Zi'an.

Wang watched Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi leave, and she didn't say what she heard. She thought that no matter whether it was true or not, she had to rot in her stomach. After all, it was her father-in-law and mother-in-law, and Shen Zi'an and her father-in-law were not born to the

Wang didn't know that in the future, the words she heard were still said by her, but it also caused her trouble.

Su Zhi and Shen Zi'an walked hand in hand, looking at the white wolf family walking in front of them. There were red shredded paper with firecrackers in front of every household on the street. Everyone they saw greeted them with a smile, and there was a piece of joy everywhere. Su Zhijue is very happy now.

On the way home, Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi went to see Li Shi and asked him to stay up for the New Year in the evening, because they knew that Li Shi would not spend the New Year with his family. The relationship between Li Shi and his biological parents was not as good as that of Shen Zi'an.

In front of Li Shi's house, Li Shi was standing at the door. He was in a daze with a red belt in his hand. ( To be continued) RQ