Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 200 Qing Niang's Bad Method

There are a lot of people worshipping in the cemetery, but they are usually one family, and they don't get together. They squeeze a group of people like that over there, surround their graves, and it's so loud, which is very unusual, and some of those people make a very surprised voice, which is even more puzzling. Is there anything surprising in this cemetery?

"Zi'an, what do you think they are looking at there?"

Su Zhi asked Shen Zi'an. Looking at the group of people, he thought what these people were doing. It was not to see that their offerings were well done, or that their paper money was burned too much, so he went to watch like this, right? She was overwhelmed by her own ideas, but she really couldn't think of anything else.

Shen Zi'an shook his head and said, "I don't know, but it seems to be the cemetery of Zhao Dazhu and Zhao Daliang's family."

As soon as Su Zhi heard that it was the cemetery of the Zhao family, she frowned and was not interested at all. She really didn't have a good impression on the family, and naturally she didn't want to know about them. Even if there was smoke from their grave, she would not look at it more.

"Let's go. There's nothing to see in this kind of bustle."

Su Zhi said that Shen Zi'an also nodded. They were ready to leave with three dolls, but they saw that there were also people on the path in front of them. They wanted to go there and make a detour, but the Shen family also stood there. When they saw them, they said hello. Shen Erlang ran over with excitement.

"Fourth uncle, fourth aunt, do you know? Something strange happened in the ancestral tomb of the Zhao family! Guess what it is?"

"Brother Erlang, what's the matter?"

Yueyue asked curiously, and she blinked her big eyes. Looking at the crowd over there, she was curious, because she had been abducted before, and she still doesn't like to go to crowded places alone now. But this does not prevent her from curious about what funny things happened in the crowd. This is the curious nature of the child. In particular, it was the first time she came to a place like a cemetery and saw others burning paper. Hearing that these bags were buried with dead people, and she had also heard others say that dead people would become ghosts. She was a little afraid, but she was also a little curious.

Seeing that Yueyue was curious, Erlang said to her, "Jueyue, guess, guess right. Brother Erlang will give you delicious food.

Yueyue said, "Did the people in the dirt bag run out?"

Erlang laughed and said, "No, if that's the case, there won't be so many people now, and they've all run away!"

Xing'er said, "Is there a smoke on his family's grave?"

The stars are smart. He knows what it means to have green smoke on other people's graves, so he said it here. In fact, he hates the Zhao family. Naturally, he doesn't believe that there will be green smoke in that kind of bad people's home.

Erlang sighed and said, "No, there is no such good thing in their people. It's good not to give them a thunder."

Shen Zi'an knocked Erlang's head and said, "Tay it quickly. What the hell is going on? Why don't we have to go?

At this time, Chunyue came over and said, "Fourth uncle, fourth aunt, let me tell you that it was the bustle caused by the woman named Zhang Qingniang. Isn't that woman going to marry the Zhao family? I haven't got married yet. Come to the grave first, and I'm not afraid of people's jokes. Didn't Zhao Daliang erect a tombstone for his father when he made money outside? As a result, Zhang Qingniang saw the name of the old man on the tablet, and at that time, she said that she had heard the name of the father of the Zhao family!"

"How did she hear it? Old Zhao is dead, and is she out of town? He is so young again."

There was a person standing outside and didn't hear what was going on inside. I felt that there must be a story in it, so I came here to ask Chunyue.

Su Zhi and Shen Zi'an's family were also curious. Even Su Zhi listened seriously. She wanted to hear what this Qing Niang would say.

In fact, an idea has come up in Su Zhi's mind, that is, Zhang Qingniang will not say that she had a marriage contract when she was a child, and the person who made a marriage contract with her parents is the dead old man Zhao, right? If that's the case, it's too bloody! Moreover, she thought that ten out of ten were written by Zhang Qingniang, just to make the people in the village think that it should be right for her to be with Zhao Daliang, so as to clear up the scandal of Zhao Daliang's marriage and divorce in order to marry her these days.

Chunyue hasn't opened his mouth yet. As soon as Erlang next to him saw so many people who wanted to hear the situation inside, he immediately opened his mouth and told the situation.

As soon as Su Zhi heard it, there was a chill, because she really made her guess!

Zhang Qingniang really dares to think about it. She has come up with such a bad trick. How can anyone believe what she said? Is she really a fool in Riverside Village?!

Xiaori said quietly, "Stupid."

Su Zhi touched Xiao Ri's head and thought to herself: Look, even the little doll doesn't believe it and says she is stupid!

Chunyue said, "That's not true. She really thinks that the people in our riverside village are fools. Who will believe this statement? She thinks that she is from the outside and seems to be rich. She should have a brain, and the result will only think about this kind of bad way!"

"This kind of bad method is useful."

Li didn't know when she came over and said, "Someone really believed her statement. Besides, even if you don't believe it, if she says so, it will become true. If she buys people's hearts in the future, our bankers are not the kind of people who love to hold people's mistakes, and slowly take her words seriously. Look, in another ten years, except for some clear people, everyone else will think that she and Zhao Daliang are inextricable marriage.

When everyone heard it, they were silent and felt that maybe so.

Su Zhi thought to herself that it was really like this. This person's words are like this. If you say too much fake, it will become true. Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. Just like Liu Siniang and Li Shi, the two of them were fine, but if people talk too much, it will be a problem. Now Zhang Qingniang and Zhao Daliang were originally a pair of people who did something wrong and were rejected, but Zhang Qingniang pulled it out, which made people say too much. They really became a married couple who had been separated for many years.

"Aunt Liu is really pitiful."

Chunyue suddenly whispered.

Su Zhi touched the head of Chunyue. She thought that Liu Siniang was indeed the one who suffered the most in this matter, but thinking that she also left the Zhao family because of this, it was also a great blessing in misfortune. As for her reputation, it may really take time to recover.

Su Zhi also sighed in her heart that she was too harsh on women in ancient times. Obviously, Zhao Daliang did something wrong, but why did Liu Siniang suffer more in the end? In addition, Zhang Qingniang dared to rob people's father-in-law, but now she also cares about what others say to her. It's sad that she can even come up with such a bad trick.

Yueyue took Su Zhi's hand and said, "Aunt Liu is the most pitiful person. Mother, didn't you say that Aunt Liu is a good person, and Grandpa God won't let her suffer all the time? Then why didn't Grandpa God come to help Aunt Liu?

Xing'er said, "Stupid Yueyue, Grandpa God can't speak."

Yueyue said, "He can't speak, just leave a piece of paper!" I think those Taoists will draw a piece of paper, and then say that Grandpa God has talked to them.

Xiao Ri said, "That's a lie. That kind of liar, one by one is so ugly, Grandpa God won't talk to them."

Su Zhi listened to the children's nursery ryu of the three children and was happy in her heart. She thought that the three dolls were very smart, but they were still children. This was very good. She was really afraid that they would mature too early, which made her suspect that they were also dressed more and more, which was really not wonderful at all.

However, happily, Su Zhi's heart suddenly moved and thought of a way for Liu Siniang to marry Li Shi smoothly! She thought that as long as she did it carefully, Liu Siniang would not only not let others object to ridicule, but also bless them!

Su Zhixin was very happy. She bent down and kissed Yueyue's face and said, "Good Yueyue, you are so smart. I'll go back and make delicious food for you!"

Others thought that Su Zhi was so happy just because the three children were smart and didn't think much about it. They didn't know that there was an amazing plan in Su Zhi's mind.

The cemetery of the Zhao family is still continuing the hustle and bustle they have created. Su Zhi and Shen Zi'an left with their three children. They knew what was going on inside, and they were not interested in the affairs of the Zhao family.

After returning home, it was already noon. While cooking with Liu Siniang, Su Zhi told Liu Siniang about what happened in the cemetery and told Liu Siniang that this was the way Zhao Daliang and Zhang Qingniang came up with. He also told her not to avoid Li Shi. She thought that since she had thought of a way to make them get married smoothly, it would be more important for them to develop further, because only if they were further developed can her plan be carried out.

"Since they can find a way to get rid of their bad reputation and get married, want to have a good reputation, and get married smoothly, why are you slandered by the bad words they spread? Obviously, they and Brother Shitou are very innocent, but they have to hide. As a result, not only can't restore your reputation, but also because you always What do you mean by your guilty heart?

Su Zhi told Liu Siniang that if she had persuaded Liu Siniang before, she was still worried that they would bear the slander of some ignorant villagers after marriage, but now she has no worries at all.

After listening to Su Zhi's words, Liu Siniang felt that Su Zhi's words were reasonable in her heart. She was actually a soft and strong woman. In adversity, she would live tenaciously, but once she reached her bottom line, she would stubbornly break free. And now, she feels that it's time for her to take another step forward for the future.

"If Brother Stone wants to, I will."

Liu Siniang said softly, her face was hot, and she didn't know whether she was roasted by the fire or shy when she was burning the fire.

Su Zhi listened to her and thought that this was done. Brother Shitou would be very happy to know it. He made a plan to make a lifetime with Liu Siniang. I guess he didn't expect to hear a response so soon, right?

Sure enough, Li Shi heard that Liu Siniang agreed to marry him, smiled at a flower on his face, and began to discuss what kind of bride price to prepare. RQ