Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 201 Alas! What's on the grave?

Li Shi was a calm person, but when it came to the matter of marriage, he was like an impatient young man. As soon as he heard that Liu Siniang had agreed to marry him, he immediately began to think about inviting the matchmaker to marry him, and then asked Su Zhi how much dowry he wanted to give Liu Siniang.

Su Zhi looked at such Brother Stone and was happy for Liu Siniang in her heart. She thought that Brother Stone really cared about her. This time she finally met a good man and could live a good life in the future.

"Brother Stone, you can take care of this betrothal gift. You also know that Si Niang's parents have passed away, and what's going on with her uncle's family. The bride price will be returned to you in the end. However, you also know that Zhao Daliang is going to get married. He said that he would do a big deal, and we can't let Si Niang be wronged.

"This is the reason!"

Li Shi naturally knew the words spread by the Zhao family these days, as well as the things in the cemetery. He also knew that he was dissatisfied with the humiliation that the Zhao family had suffered to Liu Siniang and him. He thought that he must live a good life with Liu Siniang and let the Zhao family regret it at that time.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will prepare enough of the bride price, which will definitely make Si Niang's face shine. I'm going to the town to buy the best jewelry and fabrics, which will definitely make others envy Siniang. That matchmaker, I don't want to invite the flower lady. I'm going to invite the matchmaker in the town.

"Let's invite the flower lady. She lives in a village, and you know what kind of mouth she is."

Su Zhi said that she didn't like the flower woman Su Zhi very much, but the flower woman was the matchmaker in the riverside village. She used to tell Li Shi several times about the matchmaker, and Li Shi pushed her. Now Li Shi is going to get married. If she doesn't invite her, she will miss the matchmaker's gift. The woman's mouth is unforgiving. If Liu Siniang and Li Shi have such an extra trouble in the future, it's not worth it for that little matchmaker gift.

"What you said, sister-in-law, then invite her."

Li Shi thought that what Su Zhi said was also reasonable. He also didn't want Liu Siniang to be squeezed by the flower woman in the future. Originally, the woman's remarry was a lot of words, not to mention that Liu Siniang and he were now rumored. Li Shi didn't want Liu Siniang to suffer more grievances.

Mrs. Hua was also surprised to hear that Li Shi was going to marry Liu Siniang. She thought that Li Shi and Liu Siniang really came together? She also thought that the two of them would be far away after they met after others gossiped, but she didn't expect that they would break the jar instead. But she can't say anything. When the matchmaker has a gift, she can get it. She was a fool, so she smiled like a chrysanthemum flower and kept saying congratulations. He also asked her son Niu Dabao to accompany Li Shi to buy a bride price.

Li Shi didn't want to see Mrs. Hua, and the relationship with Niu Dabao was not bad, but she called Shen Zi'an for the bride price, so she didn't use him. She just said that when she got married, she must ask Niu Dabao to help.

As soon as the flower lady knew about this. That means that the whole riverside village knows about this, which makes the villagers who were talking about the two secretly begin to speak clearly.

"What did I say? These two people have been hooked up for a long time! Why don't Liu Siniang be willing to divorce? She is thinking of remarrying! Ps! Shameless bitch! It's a shame that I used to be a concubine with her! I saw her later. I'm going to go around. It's too dirty!"

Dazhu's daughter-in-law said with a contemptuous face. In the past, someone compared her with Liu Siniang, saying that she was lazy and greedy, saying that Liu Siniang was hardworking and virtuous. Now look at it, she is an inscorruptible bitch. Compared That's it!

Several women and women together listened. The sympathizers with Liu Siniang walked away, and the remaining two or three were there talking about Liu Siniang and Li Shi.

Wang Huazhi happened to pass by. Hearing this, she frowned and walked over. Dazhu's daughter-in-law saw it and quickly called her.

"Iron-headed mother! You also know about Liu Siniang, right? I said that you have also worked with them, and you are quite close. You already knew about this, didn't you? You don't say it. Do you also want to remarry? It's a pity that you can't find something like Li Shi. You have to get close to Zi'an's daughter-in-law again. If Liu Siniang hadn't had her help, she wouldn't have hooked up with Li Shi. How close you are, let her find a good one for you.

"Mother, mother..."

The iron head is close to Wang Huazhi. He is still young and doesn't quite understand what Dazhu's daughter-in-law said, but he also knows that if his mother remarries, it may have a great impact on his future life. He was scared.

Wang Huazhi snorted, sneered at a dog beside him, and scolded, "I don't know where the wild dog came from. It's messy here! My family's food is not clean, and I still want to pull others into the dung pit. I really think that others don't know what fragrance is and what stinky! Shameless! Iron head, remember, you can't do this.

Although Tie Tou didn't quite understand why her mother scolded the dog, she still nodded.

Wang Huazhi pulled the iron head away, and the scolding of Dazhu's daughter-in-law came from behind. She heard that Wang Huazhi scolded her as a dog.

Dazhu's daughter-in-law scolded a few times, twisted her thick waist back to the yard, pulled up the iron egg and shouted Zhao Dazhu and went out. She knew that Zhang Qingniang was rich. Now they eat white rice and white noodles every day, and she wants to take the man's children to eat. She didn't believe that Zhang Qingniang dared to kick her out. Before Zhang Qingniang got married, she had to please herself. And she also needs to have a good relationship with Zhang Qingniang, so that she can take advantage of it in the future.

Dazhu's daughter-in-law said that Liu Siniang was going to marry Li Shi. Mrs. Li cursed, and Zhao Daliang also turned black. He thought that Li Shi really lied to him at the beginning, and he was thinking about his daughter-in-law! Zhao Xiaohua is also unhappy. Although she doesn't care so much about Li Shi now, Li Shi is also the person she has thought of before. But he didn't care about himself. He liked Liu Siniang, who was ruined by the willows. What kind of look does this man have!

When Zhang Qingniang heard the news, she was very happy. She thought it would be good for Liu Siniang to remarry, so that others would talk about her, and she would not be so wrong with Zhao Daliang.

Li Shi did things quickly and quickly prepared the bride price.

As soon as the bride price was bought, Li's father came to the door and took his family to have a quarrel with Li Shi. He almost drove Li Shi out, saying that his marriage had nothing to do with him. He also said that when he got married, it was okay for him to be a father. Father Li was so angry that he fainted. He Even if his mother is alive, he will not allow him to marry Liu Siniang. He said that if he got married, his mother would run out angrily and scold him.

Su Zhi was also there at that time, saying that he asked Li Shi to take Liu Siniang to sacrifice Li Shi's mother.

"Since Father Li said that Brother Stone's mother would not agree and said that she would come out of the grave to teach Brother Stone a lesson, then let Brother Stone and the fourth mother go to see them. If the two get married well, then Brother Stone's mother will agree. If she doesn't agree, as you said, she will definitely not get married so smoothly.

Su Zhi said, she thought to herself that it was the right time for Old Li to come. Even if he didn't come, she would have to let Li Shi and Liu Siniang go to the cemetery once. If she didn't go, she couldn't let the unfavorable rumors of the two of them disappear.

As soon as Li Shi heard this, he thought about getting married and really wanted to tell his mother, so he agreed.

At the moment, Su Zhi went to call Liu Siniang and asked her and Li Shi to worship Li Shi's mother.

Liu Siniang also ignored the eyes of those people watching the scene nearby. She has suffered in the Zhao family in recent years. What kind of eyes have not been seen? At that time, her life was dark and she could only endure it. Now, at least she knows that as long as she faces forward, it will be a good day in the future. Not to mention being looked at like this, even if she is beaten, she will come without any shyness. However, after seeing Li Shi, she was still a little shy. After thinking about it, this person will be her father-in-law.

Li Shi and Liu Siniang went to the cemetery, followed by a bunch of people watching the fun.

When they arrived at the cemetery, the two knelt in front of Li Shi's mother's grave together. Li Shi said that he was going to marry Liu Siniang, and said something else, and then Liu Siniang also said something.

"Four Niang, come on, you will be the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family in the future. You can't come empty-handed and give your mother-in-law a toast."

When Su Zhi went back to find Liu Siniang, she brought out a small basket with a small jar of wine in it. At this time, she took it out and gave it to Liu Siniang.

Liu Siniang took it over and opened the jar respectfully, and the fragrance of the wine floated out. Many drinkers sucked their noses and praised the good wine, saying that it was the wine sold by which one in the town. In front of the grave, there is a small piece of earth platform specially used to place offerings. Just after the Qingming Festival, the earth platform is still fine. Liu Siniang poured the wine on the platform.

After the toast, Li Shi helped Liu Siniang to get up.

"The marriage between me and the fourth mother is settled. You can't take care of it. As long as I live a good life, my mother must be very satisfied with the fourth mother. Don't hold my mother down on me anymore. Si Niang, I'm going to get married. When we get married, do you like to come?

Li Shi said to Li's father, and looked at his stepmother and two brothers with great disgust. If it hadn't been for them, things would not have been like this.

Father Li's eyes darkened with anger, but he had nothing to do with this son. He didn't dare to fight against Li Shi, just scolded him. As soon as he stared, he could only shut up.

The people who watched the scene saw that Li Shi was married to Liu Siniang. In fact, although they were talkative, although they were said by the Zhao family, they also suspected that the two people were originally involved, but there were still many good people among them, and they knew what the Zhao family was. Naturally, they didn't care too much about whether Love, some people still think that these two people are really a good match.

"Alas! Look at what's in front of this grave!" RQ