Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 233 Zhao Xiaohua became a target

"If Xiaohua hadn't fallen off the trolley, it might have rained long ago!"

Just when everyone was happy, someone said that there was a complaint in his voice, which made those who were happy to hear it and complain.

The person who pretended to be the rain lady fell from the flower cart. This matter is not a good omen. If it rains, it will be fine. However, it has been so dry on this day, which makes those anxious people take this matter more seriously. They feel that it doesn't rain, because Zhao Xiaohua, who plays the role of the I made Yu Niang unhappy, so I didn't get a drop of rain.

Su Zhi listened to these people complaining there, thinking that Zhao Xiaohua was really unlucky this time. It had not rained around Tomb-sweeping Day this year, but it had already been shown that the weather was different from that of previous years. She had to rush to be the rain lady, but she hit the muzzle of the gun. This was not her business, and it has become her business. Let's see that she is still proud this time!

Zhao Xiaohua doesn't go out much these days, just because many people don't look at her right.

Su Zhi thought to herself that if this year was really a big dry year, Zhao Xiaohua said that she would not end up like the last rain lady who fell off the flower cart. The rain lady seemed to have been hastily married far away. It seemed that no one around here dared to marry her, saying that she was an unlucky woman. If Zhao Xiaohua falls into such a situation, Zhao Xiaohua is really unlucky. She is single-minded and wants to marry a good family. Why doesn't she rush to be that Yu Niang?

"Zi'an's daughter-in-law, it was supposed to be Shen Zhu in your family to be the Empress Yu, but she suddenly fell ill. Is there really something wrong with this?

When Mrs. Hua saw Su Zhi sitting there and didn't say anything, she asked her. Mrs. Hua just liked to ask this and that. How could she chew her tongue with others? She had long felt that Shen Zhusheng was very sick. Later, the Sun family told people that Shen Zhu had been cheated, so she always felt that it was the means used by Zhao Xiaohua's family, but it was useless to spread this matter again. There is no evidence. Now when she sees Su Zhi, she remembers to ask again.

The people next to him also looked at Su Zhi. They were also curious about this matter. They said that Shen Zhu suddenly fell ill and could not be Yu Niang. Everyone said differently. Some people said that Shen Zhu was unlucky. She fell ill before she wanted to be beautiful, and some people said that she was cheated because others wanted to be Yu Niangniang. Some people say that Shen Zhu was not happy when Yu Niangniang was God's grandfather and Yu Niangniang, which made her sick.

Of course, not many people said the following words later, because Shen Ziju went to take the scholar examination. And Shen Zi'an's family is very popular. There are two brothers there. One is rich and the other is powerful. The villagers don't want to offend Shen Zhu and the Shen family.

The Shen family also said that if Shen Zhu was really not disliked by God and Yu Niang, it would have made her sick long ago, not before she got on the floril. The reason at that time was obviously because it was better for others to attack her at that time. This statement of the Shen family is also very reasonable.

And because of this statement. The villagers were even more suspicious that the later Yu Niang was the one who cheated Shen Zhu, and more people despised Zhao Xiaohua.

Because there has been no rain in the sky, people have been saying that the reputation of the Zhao family and the Shen family has a small loss, and the two girls are also more famous, but it is a pity that the reputation is mixed.

Now the flower lady asks Su Zhi. Of course, these people are interested. It seems that as long as Su Zhi said that Shen Zhu's illness was cheated, they could be sure that the Zhao family was playing tricks.

"I'm really not sure about this. I was there that day, but even Langzhong couldn't see what was going on with Pearl, so I didn't know it. It can only be said that Pearl has those rashes. It's too bad.

Su Zhi said that although she hated the Zhao family, she also felt that it was too coincidental that Shen Zhu grew those red rashes, and she also suspected the Zhao family, but she had no evidence and could only tell the truth about what she knew.

As soon as everyone heard Su Zhi's words, they were a little disappointed. Now they have a fire in their hearts and want to vent it. However, if this person wants to get angry, he must have a partner to feel relieved, and the 'Yu Niang Niang', who failed to ask for rain but caused a great drought to everyone, is naturally the If Su Zhi could add more crimes to Zhao Xiaohua, it would be better for them to settle accounts with Zhao's family. But Su Zhi said that she didn't know anything.

"No, the rash is too bad. At that time, it was necessary to change people, and it was not easy to find a replacement. Why is Zhao Xiaohua so coincidental there? What a coincidence!"

Mrs. Hua heard something from Su Zhi's words and immediately said that as soon as she said this, it led to another burst of discussion among everyone, and they all felt that this was the case. Someone also told the way Mao Laoliu was seen and touched quietly, which caused those people to talk about Mao Laoliu, and let Su Zhi listen to what Mao Laoliu and Mrs. Li knew when they were young.

Su Zhi looked at the foam of these women talking there, one by one. She thought to herself that the woman's mouth was really scary, and her saliva could drown people. Fortunately, she had been trying to get along with them. If she had the ability, it would be uncomfortable to be chewed on her back every day. .

A daughter-in-law said, "It doesn't rain in the sky. Maybe it's because the rain lady is unhappy that the beautiful people on the ground have been harmed for her. That's why Zhao Xiaohua fell off the trolley and didn't rain."

"I think that's the case."

"It's reasonable. I think that the girl of the Zhao family has a little color in addition to her appearance, which is not qualified to be Yu Niangniang at all. How can Yu Niang in the sky be happy to let that kind of virtuous person dress up as her to show her prestige? Who will fall if you don't let her fall?

"No, their Zhao family is not authentic and too cruel to their daughter-in-law. Seeing that Liu Siniang suffered when she was in their family, she lost weight in less than four years. Then for a woman from the outside, she let Liu Siniang's good daughter-in-law be a concubine, and finally divorced from others. How can such an ungless person have a rain lady? It's strange that Yu Niang is happy. Why did you call this kind of person Yu Niangniang at the beginning!"

The woman's mouth is endless, not to mention a group of women. You and I will soon become the judgment meeting of the Zhao family.

Su Zhixin thought that the Zhao family's reputation was even worse. She was happy for Liu Siniang.

"Fourth sister-in-law, you are here! I'm going to find you. Don't you want to raise chickens? The chickens at home hatched. Go and pick it!"

Li stood on the slope of the river and said to Su Zhi. A few days ago, Su Zhi said that she wanted to raise chickens. She said that she would help her incubate some when she hatched at home. Now that the chicken has hatched, she is here to call Su Zhi. As a result, she saw Su Zhi here, so she didn

"Hey. Coming!"

Su Zhi was happy when she heard that the chick had hatched. She liked the chick that had just hatched very much, like a small fur ball, not to mention how cute it was.

"Sister-in-law and aunts. Then I'll go first. You're busy. Let's talk when you're free!"

Su Zhi said to a group of women with a smile that after receiving a warm response from a group of women, she happily walked up the slope and followed Li to the village.

"Fourth sister-in-law, what were you talking about there just now? It seems to be quite lively. I seem to have heard them talking about the Zhao family. It seems that they are still talking about Yu Niang.

Li asked. These days, the family was in a mess because Shen Zhu was not the mother of the rain. She spent a lot of money on treating Shen Zhu. Shen Zi went to the capital to take the exam and took a lot of money. His father-in-law was still at home all day, and the family had to face the strange eyes of the villagers when they went out. It's sunny outside every day, but there is a gloomy feeling at home. Li can't wait to move out quickly.

"My heart, now I shiver as soon as I hear others say that this Yu Niangniang. If it continues to be dry on this day, I don't know if it will be involved in our home."

Li said worriedly that she was not worried. Anyway, Shen Zhu was selected as Yu Niang before, but she didn't think so.

Su Zhi comforted her a few words and told her what those people had just said, saying that now most people think that Shen Zhu has been harmed by Zhao Xiaohua, and it will be blamed on the Zhao family. Shen Zhu is also a victim. No one will blame her, and naturally she will not involve the Shen family.

Li was a little relieved, but he was still worried and said, "If this is really a drought, if people are in a hurry, no matter who is wrong, as long as you have something to do with Yu Niang, you may be targeted. You may not know that the rain lady who fell off the float last time was married to afar, and the sisters in her family did not get a good end. The married woman's status in her mother-in-law's family has fallen. If she didn't get married, it's hard to say her mother-in-law's family.

Su Zhi was surprised to hear this, but soon she understood that this person would be angry. Yu Niangniang, who fell off the wagon, was like this, and so were her family members. Thinking of listening to the comments from the villagers before, some people said that it was not the right time for Shen Zhu to be sick. If she hadn't been sick, she might have had a smooth journey to be Yu Niang. The rain had already started. This kind of words are ridiculous, but many people think it's reasonable. It's all caused by the current situation where it doesn't rain.

If there is really a big drought this time, if it really causes a big disaster, maybe it will really be hated as Li thought.

"It's okay. It will definitely rain on this day. Where is it? The rainy season hasn't arrived yet. When it comes to the rainy season, maybe the heavy rain will top up the rain that didn't fall before."

Su Zhi comforted Li, but she also looked up at the sky and wanted it to rain soon.

The sky is blue and very beautiful. There is no cloud in the sky. There is only one bright sun. The sun is hot. Everything with leaves on the roadside is a little wither and does not move. It can be seen that there is no wind at all, and there is no sign of rain at all.

It's useless for Su Zhi to be anxious. She'd better save more food. Before the time comes, the price of food will rise. There is no need to worry about the water at home. She has a spiritual spring. As long as there is more food, no matter how big the drought is, she will not be afraid.

When she arrived at Shen's house, Su Zhi went to see Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang first. Although she was not happy with this temperamental father-in-law and her thoughtful mother-in-law, she didn't come here to meet her. That's why she was wrong. She didn't want to be caught.

Shen Youfu doesn't like this daughter-in-law. No matter how much she has the ability, he doesn't like it if he can't grasp it in his heart, so he nodded to Su Zhi and asked her to let Shen Zi'an come and have a look if she has nothing to do. Don't live in a village for many days .

Su Zhi's words to the old man were whispered with a smile. As long as the father-in-law didn't do anything, she would listen to these words without missing a piece of meat.

Shen Zhangshi smiled and asked Su Zhi if they had entered the town again. In the name of Shen Ziju, who was concerned about the exam outside, wanted to see if they had heard some news.

Su Zhi felt that Shen Zhang's concern for Shen Ziju was only one aspect, and on the other hand, she came to inquire about Qian Guang for Shen Zhu. She said that she had not entered the town these days, and there were no guests at home.

Shen Zhang was a little disappointed, but he still said that if they entered the town again, they would inquire about the information about Fucheng, saying that the Qian family must often go to Fucheng and go there to inquire about it.

Su Zhi still pretended. As long as she didn't overtake the old couple, she would take such a peaceful attitude. If the enemy didn't move, she wouldn't move, so she wouldn't give them a reason to say that she and Shen Zi'an were unfilial.

Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang saw that Su Zhi was only there to deal with them, and they could only let Su Zhi come out, but let Shen Zhu accompany her.

Shen Zhu naturally accompanied Su Zhi and talked to Su Zhi. After experiencing the sudden red rash, she became much calmer. Now she is more generous and more decent to talk to Su Zhi. She shouted one by one, not to mention how intimate she is. Let outsiders see how good their relationship is at ordinary times. It's like.

Su Zhijue's Shen Zhu's attitude is very strange. She instinctively doesn't want to be so close to Shen Zhu, but Shen Zhu wants to stick to it. This is in the Shen family again. She can't push her away. If she wants to follow her, just follow her.

Those chickens were put in two big bamboo baskets, each of which was squeezed into a ball, like a small fur ball, most of which were yellow, some were black, and some were white. The most interesting thing was that there were two or three flowers, all of which were squeezed together and shouted, and some were squeezed and fell. Head, roll up, black bean eyes, tender little pointed mouth, not to mention how cute it is. RQ