Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 234 Hobbing Knife Sun's Family

"Fourth aunt, you choose, these chickens are very happy!"

Chunyue said to Su Zhi that she squeezed Chuncao and Chunyun next to her. She looked at the chicken and stretched out her hand to touch it, but she was stopped by Chunyue. She was afraid that the little doll's hand was not heavy, so she scratched the chicken again.

The children at home, except for Sanlang, were all around watching. Silang grabbed one quickly, and the scared chicken screamed and his little feet fluttered.

"Put it down! I'm going to kill the chicken!"

Erlang scolded and went to grab the chicken in his hand. Silang grabbed the chicken and ran away, and was grabbed by the collar by Dalang. Erlang squeezed his hand and grabbed the chicken.

The chicken was not dead, but there was something wrong with one foot. It fell to the ground and seemed to have been pinched.

All the children in the big room and the second room are staring at Silang, and Chunyun is holding the chicken with red eyes. She is a very soft-hearted little girl and likes these little animals the most.

"Go, go! Don't stay here anymore. Stay here for a while, and the chickens are all dead!"

Erlang waved his hand to bombard Silang, and even Goro beside him rushed aside. In this house, the children of the big room and the second room are on one side, and the third room is a nuisance in their eyes.

Chunyue stared at Silang and said unhappily, "Look at you, scratched this chicken. This chicken will grow up and become lame. Maybe it won't grow up!" What a prodigal!"

Chuncao shouted: "The prodigal, prodigal!"

Chunyun held the chicken and said with a crying voice, "The chicken will be very painful. I won't let you touch the chicken again, and I won't give you eggs in the future!"

Goro was happy to see the chicken. As a result, I was not allowed to see it, and I was aggrieved. As soon as I heard that I would not even eat eggs in the future, I was immediately anxious. In his heart, eggs are delicious, which can only be eaten during the Spring Festival and good days. As soon as he heard that he was not allowed to eat, he was immediately anxious. Tears came. He sat on the ground and howled loudly.

"No! No! I want to eat eggs! I want to play with chickens! I want to eat eggs! Mother, they won't let me see chickens, and they won't let me eat eggs! Mother--"

Although Goro is often sick. But the noisy door is not small, the crying is loud, and the scream is louder. What's more, this is that the Sun family is in the house in the yard at home, and she is pretending to be sick again. I had work in the field at home a few days ago. She didn't want to go, so she pretended to be ill. This work was only finished yesterday. She couldn't get better today. She had to wait, so she was still in the room today. She didn't even come out when Su Zhi came. Now when her son cried, she ran out immediately.

"Alas! My son. What's wrong with you? Don't sit on the ground. It's cold on the ground. You're not in good health. What if you get sick!"

Sun went over and pulled Goro up, looked at him up and down, and couldn't wait to touch the soles of his feet from the head. It's as if someone had beaten him.

The people in the yard curled their lips and thought that Sun Shi was really good at acting. Who in the family dared to beat Goro? As long as he didn't do what he wanted, he would cry and howl, and he became used to it. If you don't hit him, you will say you will bully him. If you touch him, you won't say that someone will beat him.

Dalang frowned and said, "Third aunt, Goro is fine. He is sitting on the ground and can't touch it."

Erlang also curled his mouth and said with a smile, "Not only can't you touch it, but also can't be cold. It's hot on the ground in this hot weather. How can it be cold? If we say it's hot, we will believe it. If we say it's cold, no one will believe it. Third aunt, did you say that?

Chuncao said, "It's just the way. Goro always sits on the ground like this, and the third aunt always says so. I don't think it's cold on the ground. Why does Goro love to sit on the ground so much?

Su Zhi listened and laughed in her heart. She thought that there were powerful babies in the big room and the second room. Although the children in these three rooms were not stupid, they really couldn't stand the large number of people in the two rooms.

Sun's face was a little red when he was blocked by the words of several children. He said, "You guys made a brother cry, and you are still saying sarcastic words here!" I'm your aunt! Is what I said fake?! Goro is not in good health, but he can't sit on the ground! Neither of you are ignorant! If he is angry again, you will all have to give him money to treat him!"

Chunlan came out of the room and said, "Third aunt, what you said is wrong. Why did we make Goro angry? He was sick and sat on the ground, crying and shouting, which was his own reason. No one pushed him to the ground, and no one asked him to play with everyone. If you are a real baby Goro, don't let him play with the children at home. Isn't that good? Don't say that people will bully him.

"Yes, don't let him play with us. He will make trouble as soon as he comes!" Chuncao said loudly, pointed to Silang again, and said, "He just scratched a chicken, and now the chicken can't stand up!" Wu Lang also wanted to catch it just now, but when Silang grabbed the chicken and ran away, he was not good!"

Chunyun showed the chicken to the Sun family.

Sun curled his mouth disapprovingly and said, "Isn't it just a chicken? There are so many. If you hurt one, you can hurt one. Can anyone be important? Sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, fourth sister-in-law, you are too stingy to let these children bully Silang and Goro just for the sake of such a chicken? They are still young!"

Sun ignored a few children and talked to Wang Li and Su Zhi. She thought that the adults were next to her, but let her son be wronged. Anyway, she should take care of those children.

Wang said with a straight face, "Three brothers and sisters, what are you talking about? What does it mean that if there are so many chickens, one will be injured? Can the things in this house be destroyed like this? We are a family of farmers, not the kind of people with mountains of gold and silver! If you say so, you can share your meal with us when you eat in the future. Anyway, you have so much, it doesn't matter if you give us some! Don't be too stingy!"

Su Zhi laughed in her heart and thought that this sister-in-law was also awesome.

Sun said, "How can it be the same? We don't have a lot of food at home! What shall I eat for you? Besides, what does this have to do with the meal? I'm talking about this chick and my Goro. Can't my Silang hurt a chick? He's just a baby, and he didn't mean to. Did you bomb them away? He also made my family Goro cry. Seeing that he was wronged, if he cried badly, you can't make up for it even if you stew all these chickens for him!"

Li Shi frowned and said, "Third sister-in-law, a group of children are all like this. You scold me and I push you. Usually, if you don't cry a few times, why don't you give up? This time, Shiro Goro made a mistake. He just let them go aside and stop harming these chicks. Goro is going to cry. Is it someone else's fault?"

Several children in the big room and the second room were also attached to each other, saying that Silang Goro's hands were too fierce to scratch the chickens and prevent them from playing aside.

Su Zhi said, "Third sister-in-law, I heard that you are sick. I think you are fine. It's good now. Someone has done the work at home. I just heard from my second sister-in-law that you still have work in the field tomorrow."

"Who said I was cured? My head still hurts! It hurts! After being so noisy, it hurts so much again! Oh, what's so good about this?"

As soon as Sun heard Su Zhi's words, she immediately covered her head. She didn't want to work, especially on such a hot day, she was too tired to death, so she didn't do it!

When the people in the yard saw her like that, they all curled their lips at that time. No one believed that she was really ill, but she had to pretend, and there was nothing she could do. If she was really asked to work, she could really pretend to faint outside, and then the people in the village said that their family let the sick daughter-in Although the people in this village also know the problems of the Sun family, those bad-hearted people can't stand it and follow the Sun family's words.

The Sun family is a hob. Even Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang can only train her for a while, but she can always be lazy. These days, because of Shen Zhu's Yu Niang's affairs, the Shen family can no longer make other ugly things, so the Sun family can happily pretend to be sick, and the old couple indulged her.

Wang Shi hummed, "Why don't you go back to the room and lie down with a headache? And Goro, if you say he is weak, then go and lie down with you!"

Shen Zhu has been silent. At this time, she also said, "Third sister-in-law, you'd better go back to the house."

Sun was unhappy, but when she thought that she had made such a trouble when she came out, she'd better stop it. And Shen Zhu also opened her mouth. She didn't want to make Shen Zhu angry. This sister-in-law is different from her sister-in-law. The sister-in-in-law has her parents-in-law Besides, there is no advantage outside. When she came out, she just felt that her son had been bullied. She wanted to stand up and make trouble, which showed her position in this family. Now that the trouble is over, she can go back.

"Mom, mother, I'm not going back, I want chickens!"

Goro pulled Sun's clothes and shouted. Since he went to be the boy, his status in this family seemed to be higher. At least his mother's father was better to him. He was more delicate and dared to get what he wanted. Now that he can't get a chicken, he is unhappy.

Sun said, "What do you want that chicken to do? I can't eat it now, not to mention meat, not even an egg! When I grow up, I will stew meat for you!"

"I want that chicken now!"

Goro ran back to the basket and wanted to catch the chickens. As a result, he ran too fast. He fell down and overturned the basket, and all the two baskets of chickens ran out at once.

All of a sudden, everyone began to catch chickens, and the yard was in a mess for a while.

And just as it was making trouble, there was a more lively sound outside, and then the door was opened with a bang. Sanlang ran in with a smile on his face, but the smile suddenly froze on his face. RQ