Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 407 Sun's Trouble

The Shen family ushered in two happy events in one day. One was that Shen Ziju, a talented son in high school, returned home, and the other was that Li finally gave birth to a son after giving birth to three daughters.

Before Li's child was born, someone sent a letter to the old house.

When Shen Ziju heard it, he immediately rushed over. He came over, and many other people in the Shen family followed him. Even Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang followed him. Only Shen Zhu didn't come. Now although Shen Ziju came back, she was destined to be extremely beautiful in the future, but it was somewhere else, in the riverside village. She She will still face many eyes of ridicule and contempt. Although those people won't say anything to her mouth, those eyes can pierce a few holes in the heart of Yin people like a knife, so she won't go to find the suffering. In addition, Shen Ziping and Chunhua were left to greet those who came back.

Not long after Shen Zi raised them, the child was born. Hearing that it was a boy, the Shen family was very happy, and others also followed He Xi.

"Second brother, congratulations."

Shen Ziju smiled and said to Shen Zigui that his second brother was a good man and should have a son. Now God has finally opened his eyes.

Shen Zigui's smile now is a little silly, and his eyes are still a little wet. He was happy for his son. Hearing everyone's congratulations, he kept returning the salute. Seeing that Shen Ziju also came, he went over and took his hand and finally said something different from what was just now. Congratulations to Shen Ziju for winning the list. Then he excitedly said to Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang that he had a son.

Shen Zhang said yes with a smile and wiped her tears with a handkerchief. Although her favorite son is the youngest son, Shen Zigui is also her son. She is also very happy that he can have a son and will not become a desperate family.

Shen Youfu was naturally happy. He nodded, but thought to himself that it would be good if this grandson was born in the old house. It's really not beautiful to be born after the separation of the family. Don't think that he doesn't know. Many people have broken mouths and say that the second son has another son's life because of the Because of this, although he was happy, he was not particularly happy, and his face was faint.

"Ouch! I just remembered that this baby was born a little early, right? Doesn't it take a few more days to give birth? Why did you give birth so early? How is your body? Don't be too thin. As the saying goes, don't live... Pum! Look at my mouth. I didn't say anything. I just care about my little nephew and want to watch him give you a house on the roof.

Sun didn't stay at home. When she heard that Li was about to give birth, she naturally wanted to come and have a look. At the beginning, they wanted to adopt their son to the second wife. As a result, the second wife did not work, and finally separated the family. She also thought that when they had no son in the future, she would adopt She was looking forward to having another baby girl this time. As a result, her calculation failed. This time it was a boy. She was so angry that she insisted on saying some dejected words to the second wife. Thinking about this child who has no full moon, he will definitely not live long!

As soon as Sun said this, everyone who heard it didn't laugh.

Everyone thinks that the Sun family can really say disappointing words. Shen Zigui's son, who has been looking forward to it for many years, is so easy to look forward to it. Why do you have nothing to curse that the child can't live long? It's just that this is a matter of the Shen family. It's not easy for them to talk, and it's even more inconvenient for them to talk when the official Shen Ziju is here.

Shen Zigui was so angry that he pointed to Sun and said, "You don't have to worry about this. You are not welcome here. You can stay where you are cool! Let me hear another dejected word, I don't care whether you are a sister-in-law or a woman!"

Chunyue also stared at the Sun family.

Shen Youfu said with a straight face, "Third daughter-in-law, you come here to help. I don't need you now. Go home quickly!"

Sun was looked a little shameless. She also knew that what she had just said was not popular. She just saw that the second room was popular. She was also relieved and pretended to be innocent and said, "I'm not depressed. I'm telling the truth. This baby was born early. The second sister-in-law is really careless. If the baby is fine, it will be a happy event. If it is not good in the future, it will not be a good thing. Now people say that double happiness is coming, but I don't know what to say in the future.

Just now, someone said that Li's son and Shen Ziju's return home are double happiness. Sun's family is not happy to hear it. Now there are only their three rooms in the old house. Naturally, the benefits should be theirs in the future. How can these separated families get it again? So she will naturally spare no effort to say that the second room is not good.

When others hear Sun's words, they think that Sun's is really bad, but there is also some truth in her heart.

Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang naturally thought about it.

Shen Zigui was very angry. Shen Zifu, Shen Zi'an and others looked at the Sun family with a cold face.

Chunyun is still young. Just now, when she saw everyone laughing, she also laughed. Now when she saw everyone's cold face, she stood there timidly and asked Chuncao why everyone looked so terrible.

Chuncao pouted and stared at Sun and said, "There are bad guys bullying our mother and brother!"

As soon as Chunyun heard it, he grinned and cried loudly, shouting not to bully his mother and brother. This cry pulled everyone's eyes away, and everyone immediately felt that the Sun family was too much. On this happy day, Jane was a troublemaker. They all said that it was no wonder that the Shen family was fine, and later It's a separation. It turns out that there is such a woman in the family. It's strange that there is no division.

As soon as Chunyue saw her sister crying, she pushed the Sun family and let her go quickly.

Sun was pushed for a moment and said loudly, "You dead girl, how dare to push the elders? It must be your mother's teaching. She usually pretends to be honest, but in fact, she is full of eyes! She didn't give birth one day and insisted on giving birth today. I think she knows that the fifth brother is back and wants to borrow this light! My heart is so cruel that I'm not afraid that this son can't live!"

"Zi Gui, what happened to your daughter-in-law today? Why are you going to give birth?"

Shen Youfu asked Shen Zigui with a straight face. Obviously, he believed Sun's words.

Shen Zhang angrily pulled Shen Youfu aside and said, "Listen to her nonsense! It's so easy for Zigui to get a son. Who dares to use it as a practice!"

At this time, a panic sound came from the room, including Li's voice calling to come out, and Wang's advice to her not to move. Then Su Zhi came out. She stood at the door, frowned, looked at the people outside sternly, and pointed to the Sun family.

"You pull her away! The second sister-in-law just gave birth to a child. Do you want to make her angry? "Fourth sister-in-law, come in quickly! The second sister-in-law is not good!"

Wang shouted in panic, and Su Zhi quickly turned around and went in again.

Now everyone thinks that Li won't be really angry. Sun's face turned white. She didn't want to be angry with Li. Then Shen Zigui's family won't work hard with her. Shen Ziju won't treat them in the future, will she? She quietly wanted to flash out, but she was caught by Chunyue.

Chunyue looked at Sun fiercely and said, "If my mother has a good or bad, you don't want to live!"

The spring grass and the spring clouds all cried.

Shen Zigui is also in a hurry. If his son has a son, if something happens to his daughter-in-law, the family will be over!

Su Zhi's medicine was still used. She gave Li's medicine. She thought that Li's will be fine. Sure enough, after a while, Li's face turned better and the blood in his lower body stopped.

Su Zhi asked Wang to take care of Li. She went out. As soon as the door was opened, several people rushed over. Shen Zigui rushed to the front. If it hadn't been for Su Zhi's sister-in-law, he would have gone over and asked her.

"Fourth sister-in-law! How is my wife?

"Fourth aunt, is my mother all right?"

"Is the second sister-in-law all right?"

"How's your daughter-in-law? What just happened?"

"I want my mother..."

Several voices almost asked together, all of which looked at Su Zhi eagerly.

Su Zhi didn't have a smile on her face and said lightly, "The second sister-in-law is fine, but she just collapsed with anger. Although she has stopped now, she needs to be quiet. Like those annoying people, just blow them out."

As soon as the word "blood collapse" came out, everyone was scared. In this era, when a woman gave birth to a child, she stepped into the ghost gate with one foot. Postpartum bleeding is the most common danger. It's good to survive after bleeding. Two or three of the ten. Now Li has actually met it, which is really scary. Fortunately, it was saved.

As soon as Shen Zigui heard this, he angrily turned around and talked about the Sun family, regardless of the difference between men and women, and regardless of whether it was his sister-in-law, he pulled the Sun family out of the yard, and then threw it outside, loudly asking her not to come to the door again in the future, otherwise he would

No one thinks that Shen Zigui has done too much this time. Sun really did too much this time. He thought that Li had given birth to the child smoothly, but he was killed by Sun's words. This almost killed people. If there were no women in a family, there would be four children left, it would be a lot. Pity, more than half of this family has collapsed. The Li family is usually very popular, and the Sun family is very bad. Naturally, it is all towards the Li family.

Shen Ziju said to Shen Zigui, "Second brother, don't worry, the second sister-in-law is auspicious, and the fourth sister-in-law's medicine is very effective. Isn't she all right? She and her little nephew will be fine. Don't worry, don't worry about yourself. You can still watch the spring moon.

Chunyue also pulled the spring grass and spring clouds over, and all three of them cried with tears.

Shen Zigui touched his daughters' hair and calmed himself down.

At this time, Wang Huazhi and Zhao Feng helped clean up the house, and Wang took out the wrapped child.

Everyone looked at the child. Although the little boy was less than a month old, he was not thin at all. He had red skin, soft and thin hair on his head, his eyes were tightly closed, his little mouth moved, and his little nose moved from time to time. He looked ugly, but he was so likable. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to incwm to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my greatest motivation. PS: I almost couldn't get up in the background. Sun's matter today is to pave the way for the later article, because he doesn't want Sanfang to follow Shen Zi. This is a reason, or the cowhide candy has to follow.